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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20075304 No.20075304 [Reply] [Original]

realistically, in all likelihood, what would it take for you to eat the bugs?

>> No.20075310
File: 49 KB, 620x360, lobster-dorsal-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bug large enough that you can separate its meat from its organs and shell.

>> No.20075312

you got me OP, everyone can be bought
my price to eat the bugs is the complete destruction of the state of isreal and all its citizens

>> No.20075323

I would replace my protein powder with bug protein powder if it's like 30%cheaper and I would read online after about 10 minutes of research that that it's qualitatively equal or better to regular whey protein.

>> No.20075340

You'd have to steal my family land. Even a paltry 20 acres of fertile land is enough to self sustain chickens and pigs, the occasional duck or turkey, and deer to feed two families all the meat they want and then some.
You have to use the whole pig though, for a lot of suburban and urbanites that is where shit would fall apart.

>> No.20075341

I've eaten the bugs. I gave the bugs a chance. I didn't like the bugs. I will not eat the bugs again. Nothing will change this

>> No.20075349

I'm an urbanite and have been my whole life, in various cities on three different continents.
I eat pork blood, liver, kidney, tongue intestines, uterus, ears, maws etc
Only things I've not eaten are external sex organs, eyes and lungs.

>> No.20075352

>Nothing will change this
Yes, government legislation will. You may not have enjoyed straight bugs, but what about when food manufacturers are allowed to put cricket/mealworm powder into your food as a filler?

>> No.20075357

Realistically, what would it take for you to quit making stupid fucking junior high school-tier threads on /ck/?

>> No.20075360

Anyone actually tried bugs, what did they think. To me it just seems like indigestible cardboard that might be good if served in some spices or sauce.
Or do they have juicy sweet insides?

>> No.20075372

The fact you've lived on three different continents says you are way outside the average for most western city dwellers and suburbanites and you damn well know that. Don't come around here with that bullshit.

>> No.20075378

Realistically, in all likelihood, if you push people to a point where their choices are "eat roaches" or "starvation", then they will probably pick a third, secret option.

>> No.20075382

We don't buy many processed foods besides pasta, flour and the occasional loaf of bread or jar of peanut butter or jam. I doubt we'll be affected much.
When mealworm powder can be made to resemble a whole chicken or a stalk of celery, I'll change my tune. Until then, I'm good. Enjoy your Honey Bunches of Crickets, Anon.

>> No.20075390

>and you damn well know that
It's true.
Can pork lungs be prepared and eaten? I've had calf's lung and lamb's but not pork.

>> No.20075397 [DELETED] 

Thread immediately hidden. All fields.

>> No.20075438

Ground for sausage or mealed for chicken feed. I've never seen them used as a stand alone cut.

>> No.20075448

I'd eat crunchy bugs not slimey or chewy ones.

>> No.20075525

We'd have to run out of WEF kike niggerfaggots to eat first.

>> No.20075629

I would gladly buy bags of powdered insect protein if they were cheap, but they aren't

>> No.20075654

joke's on you, Isnotrael was never a legitimate state 8^)

>> No.20075675

>realistically, in all likelihood, what would it take for you to eat the bugs?
If we run out of kikes to eat

>> No.20075744

isn't chitin indigestible?

>> No.20075771

Yes, just like insoluble fiber in other foods.

>> No.20075788

Tastes good. I've eaten some bugs. Chapulines and worm salt

>> No.20075874

Nothing. I will never eat any bug. I've never even eaten lobster or crab.

>> No.20075906

can anyone tell me why I should care about eating bugs? i don't see any difference in eating a bug than a fish or a cow

>> No.20075934
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>what about when food manufacturers are allowed to put cricket/mealworm powder into your food
I don't eat "manufactured" food.
How are they gonna add cricket powder to a banana? Or a steak?
The only people eating bugs will be the bugmen who consoom supermarket boomerslop.
Us normal handsome people eating whole natural foods will be fine.
Have you ever eaten food without a label, anon?

>> No.20076074

>what would it take
not much, i'm not a fucking little girl about it

>> No.20076128
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I've always wanted to eat one of those giant grubs you see tribals making food vloggers try. Idk why they seem juicy af

From what I understand though pretty much every insect just tastes like dirt

>> No.20076395
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>pretty much every insect just tastes like dirt

Oh not at all. Grubs taste like beef bone marrow and are quite tasty. Fried agave worms taste like sunflower seeds and go great with beer. Diving beetles taste just like clams, and I do mean like 1:1. Fried grasshoppers taste like what I would imagine fried sardines taste like.

I had the grubs In Ecuador and everything else in Mexico. There's something wholesome in bringing a "professional female companion" with you (hookers but they stay with you for the duration of the trip, kind of like rent-a-girlfriend) and watching them giggle while you eat exotic foods...and then jokingly offer them some and when they say no you give them the "I was pretending to ask; fucking eat it" look.

I highly recommend just getting on a plane and visiting Mexico and below. It was waay funner than when I went to Europe, and you can do ANYTHING in those parts if you've got $$. I straight up paid cops to be my cab drivers and offer protection in some of the seedier parts. You run into A LOT of Americans, Brits, and Aussies too; like I was astounded by how many Englishmen I saw in Santiago Chile.

But I will say something about the bugs...it's just not something I'd eat back here in the states, and they weren't very filling at all. There's just something off...again, they left me craving the things they tasted like.

>> No.20076414
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>There's something wholesome in bringing a "professional female companion" with you

>> No.20076449

yeah crickets don’t have a label? i say this with all sincerity please think before you type

>> No.20076512
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>professional female companion

Yeah sometimes I bring them back with me too. I brought this one from El Salvador. I paid for her to get across and for a few years she cleaned my house for free and cooked while living with me. I found her a husband and solemnized their marriage via proxy (can you guess what I do for a living?) and last I checked she was living quite happily with a doctor that never knew she was a prostitute in her home country. See, it's all about working together towards a common goal so everyone's life improves. My only hobby is food and one would really be surprised the friendships and relationships that can be formed over a meal. I don't know what the fuck Bourdain was smoking because I always used to say that man had my dream job. Oh well.

>> No.20076517

I expected a coomer, but you're one of the good ones. Keep it up man

>> No.20076568
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Oh yeah I never had sex with them. I just don't like eating alone and it's easier to draw a crowd of strangers and find out where all the best food spots are when you've got some arm candy. A lot of people think that prostitutes are these disgusting evil monsters, but a lot of them are either a victim of circumstances, trying to take care of their families, or they're being forced illegally. Human traffickers are surprisingly friendly and always willing to negotiate a release deal. Going through the police is the worst thing you could do since they work together anyway. It's not a bad deal. You educate them, train them to find work, and get a matchmaker to get them good husbands and then at their leisure they pay back all of my expenses with fair and reasonable interest. And that interest can come in the form of anything, like mostly it's just cooking and cleaning which saves me money and we can just work it that way. It's cool because they cook the way that they cook inside their homes so it's not all commercialized. I never liked Peruvian food until I had the homemade version of it, pic very much related.

They eat guinea pigs in Peru too an they're delicious. How do you people feel about eating rodents?

>> No.20076606

the death of every single jew and every cowardly liar and scheming politician and also all of the indians and blacks and most of the chinese and also all muslims
then i will eat 1 spiced cricket

>> No.20076624

If I was starving to death in the middle of a jungle within a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.20076631

>what would it take for you to eat the bugs?
eating them as a very young small child, and possibly not even that.

>> No.20076636

If I could beat up the leader of the world economic forum once I would happily eat the bugs for the rest of my life but I get 15 minutes alone with him and nobody gets to stop me

>> No.20076638
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I did the same thing in Thailand actually. I enjoyed some bar girl's company down in Pattaya and decided to invite her along with me for a few days. I ended up attending her grandma's super traditional Buddhist funeral in the Sakon Nakhon villages two weeks later. I really need to get down to sudamérica though. I totally agree with your perspective too, they're no different than anyone else. Which country would you recommend for my first time? Peru's been calling out to me oddly enough. Personally I like rata but I don't expect many other Americans to share my opinion

>> No.20076760
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>Peru's been calling out to me

Machu Picchu was literally the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. They do drive like lunatics over there and where there's crime there's CRIME...you really have to be careful with that last one, so I suggest contacting a reputable travel agent (yes they still exist, and some even specialize in Latin American countries). It's really easy to make friends over there but like literally no one speaks English, so if you speak Spanish you'll be at an advantage. Columbia is gorgeous and they're very friendly to tourists, kind of like Mexico. If you love beaches and that type of environment I can't recommend Costa Rica enough. Mexico alone though is like you could spend your whole life traveling through that country and you still won't see everything; it really is the most polarizing place on earth, and their seafood is the best I've ever had....I highly recommend a place called Don Vergas in Mexico City. Like look up the instagram page for Don Vergas and just look at what they've got. It's amazing.

>> No.20076828

Not the guy you responded to, but I stayed in Peru for about a month for a short study abroad program when I was 17, right before starting college. Lived in Cusco, didn’t do much at the time besides hike Machu Picchu + eat a lot of foods + learn Spanish. The roasted guinea pig (cuy, I believe in Spanish, or maybe that’s the Quechua name) is really good and juicy. Would recommend. Don’t visit Lima though, I’ve had Peruvians and non Peruvians tell me you’ll get scammed and robbed easily. I’d also recommend trying their cacao tea, it’s pretty good, and I’ve heard tale that it has benefits (though I’m not sure how true that is). There may also be some weird Asian/Peruvian fusion foods, as I believe there is a pretty significant Asian population there; though I can’t remember.

>> No.20076836

Sidenote, if you go to Machu Picchu, go with a group and do a 5 day hike there. It’s genuinely amazing and beautiful watching the terrain change throughout the hike + seeing the stars at night. You might throw up from the altitude though (my teacher, me, and 2 others were the only ones who didn’t throw up in our group of 15 people).

>> No.20076845
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So that thing is a larva right? The FUCK crawls out of there when it's done???

>> No.20076882
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A Hercules Beetle! Despite their scary appearance they're actually quite friendly and don't bite or sting you with their horns. If you have sensitive skin their feet pinch really hard when you pick them up, but that's just because they like to maintain their balance. Some people keep them as pets or even build small "bug circuses" where they have them ride carousels and the like. Like a flea circus but with actual bugs. And yes some people eat the beetle itself.

>> No.20076889

beetles are cool

>> No.20076897

The way hair comes out underneath the hard parts makes it look like a furry animal wearing armor.

>> No.20076932
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This what they look like cooked. I've never had one but I looked it up and supposedly they taste like crab.

>> No.20076951

Yeah I hear they make good pets too; like they're just chill and eat fruit.

>> No.20076964

>cacao tea
>it has benefits

Hmm, what benefits? Health or recreational?

>> No.20076990
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If dogs won't eat it neither will I

>> No.20077109
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Yeah me neither, as an everyday food, but I've always had an inkling for exotic foods. I wouldn't eat rattlesnake stew every single day, but when I had it I liked it.

Yes I would be very pissed if one day I go to the grocery store and all they have to eat are bugs, but then again if the other option is starvation, then maybe I wouldn't have as much a problem with it...more like a dissatisfaction.

>> No.20077280

Are prawns bugs? If so, just barbecue them.
Then GTFO of my way as I'll eat an enormous number of them.

>> No.20077288

But what about Underground Israel?

>> No.20077306

Eh, release it with the next xbox, charge the kids a subscription, slap Classic Food on the box, maybe with a picture of a hamburger and fries on the front, remove a couple of the legs to sell later as dlc, slap bethesda on the front, and you've got a deal, sister.

>> No.20077361
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I like you.

>> No.20077362

I recall locals mentioning it’s good for ur heart/energy + curing altitude sickness. No clue how true it is though.

>> No.20077423

I'd try that unironically.

>> No.20077438

animal abuse

>> No.20077449



>> No.20077459
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>Chang subtitles
That dog is lucky he's not in the frying pan.

>> No.20077536

I will not eat the bugs

>> No.20077699

>Are prawns bugs?

>> No.20077849

(the image got me until an anon highlight it)
You know, humans can't process most bugs proteins?
So basically, you eat nothing when you eat bugs.
Also, bugfarms's bugs are really unhealthy.

So, yeah, I would "eat" bugs only if there is litteraly nothing else.
I would really prefer to feed the bugs to a hen and eat eggs.

If you mean as a novelty, I already ate bugs, and it's not good.
Crickets taste like nails basically.
Worms more or less taste like some kind of strange flour.

>> No.20078082

As soon as I see the multi-billionaire "we're going to exterminate you to save the planet" WEF psychos, being served a plate of cockroaches at one of their Dr. Evil-style gatherings.

>> No.20078088

This, if its cheap nutritious and doesnt taste like dogshit idgaf what it is bugs arent any grosser than any other animal when you really think about it

>> No.20078322

>what would it take for you to eat the bugs?
For all intensive purposes, about $3.50.

>> No.20078359
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Tell that to Cambodia

>> No.20078364

But you're the one pushing society to that point by using cell phones and gas powered vehicles.

>> No.20078367

They are, there's no actual difference between crustacea and insecta. In fact insects' wings are highly divergent gills.

>> No.20078412
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The giant shipping freighters crisscrossing the ocean that make globohomo possible cause more pollution than ICE cars, yet (((somehow))) getting rid of them is never proposed when it comes to addressing climate change.

>> No.20078454

Please Anon, you know that they would gladly do that for the show...
Gates already ate soymeat and such.

>> No.20078620

>Look at nutrition label
>Identify presence of maggots
>Don't buy item

>> No.20078656

>and don't bite or sting you with their horns.
thats what they said about the thing that killed steve irwin.

>> No.20078674


>> No.20078676

I'm allergic to the chitin so I will never eat them or the seabugs. Simple as.

>> No.20078679

They also utilize some of the nastiest, least-refined fuel that is the most polluting, cheapest garbage you can distill from a barrel.

>> No.20078680

well it's sure acting like one, whereas Palestine is not :P

>> No.20078688

Reminder if you eat shrimp or prawn you're already halfway there.

>> No.20078692

I will genocide the elite before I eat their bugs.

>> No.20078950

You WILL eat the bugs. You will NOT have a choice.

>> No.20080004


>> No.20080018

I would eat the bugs to pwn the libs

>> No.20080083

Realistically, in all likelihood, repeal the 19th amendment and I would consider your proposal.

>> No.20080135

What the hell do you do for a living?

>> No.20080197

loads and loads of cash money

>> No.20080239

this is the only correct response

>> No.20081191

>realistically, in all likelihood, what would it take for you to eat the bugs?
Genocide. Specifically, the (((globalists)))

>> No.20081226

Ill just get cell culture meat which would likely be cheaper by the time live animal meat sources become unsustainable, any faggot that wants you to eat bugs is just some sicko with a fetish for it. Hopefully lab grown meat can also be altered to make it higher in protein and other nutrients as well, while avoiding possible diseases

>> No.20081421
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ground it up and dilute it with ground up beef meat or vegan meat

>> No.20081488

the thing that killed Steve Irwin literally has 'sting' in its name

>> No.20081655

>buy $10 of crickets from reptile store
>use old storage bins for containers
>use egg cartons and carboard for housing
>feed vegetable and fruit scraps
>little bit of dirt for cricket eggs
>grow cricket farm
>collect crickets, stick in freezee to kill, roast in oven, then sift
wa la cricket powder
Can't imagine when cricket powder would be cheaper than whey.

>> No.20081688

a bullet in the head of everyone who keeps telling me to eat the bugs for muh green planet

>> No.20081806

Not a big, it’s a fish

>> No.20081828
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>> No.20081920

Attorney turned real estate investor. But I'm still a licensed attorney in The State of California

>> No.20081929

nobody is doing this sincerely, you are just inventing a guy to get mad at.

>> No.20081937

It's not an issue of size, bugs are full of bitter goo, and cooking them won't turn that into succulent meat.

>> No.20081975

I have tried the bugs. Fried grasshoppers were ok, crispy and a decent snack if you like salty crunchy things.
Mealworms were awful, felt like capsules full of flour. And tasted like flour too.

>> No.20081996

What's the point though? There is more nutritious food available at a lower cost both in cash and in environmental friendliness that is more widely culturally accepted.
Everyone is freaking out about bugs when everyone should be finding cool ways to create new shit in a very global society. We did it 500 years ago, not sure why we are too retarded to do it now outside of bullshit heritage reasons. I mean look what happens when you slap Mexican and Korean together

>> No.20082097

for them to eat it first - the billionaire oligarchs who push it on us.

>> No.20082212

This depends on location and race. The 3rd option is not always available or viable.

>> No.20082292

actual starvation. Ive tried mealworms and they tasted like dirt and the flavoring on them and were stuck in my teeth for hours, just awful. Id go vegetarian well before id be eating bug meals

>> No.20082307

removing the head. not touching that.

>> No.20082783

>not sure why we are too retarded to do it now
Modern media made us dumb.

>> No.20082922

If bugs had a pound of white rich meat in it I'd eat them too. I actually spearfish for these Fucks and they aren't bugs. The intelligence difference, the meat etc. Even when you remove the head entirely and toss it back for chum it's not as gross as killing a roach 5% of its size lol.

>> No.20082930

I don't consider bugs to be on a karmic scale. I pray for every meal I eat (not really but I try to remember) I will do anything in my power to relocate a lizard in my beach apartment but a bug I will kill with no remorse on sight.
It's why bugs are analogous to being the lowest of the low

>> No.20083003

>The intelligence difference
compare this guy to a honeybee or jumping spider

>> No.20083027

Thanks for admitting jews always poison food

>> No.20083498

Coincidentally I got the first part down.
How did you "turn real estate investor"?

>> No.20083939

Probably as a last resort in a survival situation. I don't see myself eating bugs out of curiosity

>> No.20083941

It's always available. You might not survive it, but it's available. Just depends on how much indignity you're willing to suffer in exchange for survival.

The idea that the majority of humanity will have to subsist on insects, algae, and s-o-y to save the planet (and save the more desirable foods for the elite) is a new idea. Even in pre-Revolutionary France or Civil War era USSR people didn't contemplate eating bugs to save the elites, they just killed the elites or died trying.

>> No.20083966
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The EU has began putting bugs in various products, look for the ingredient called carmine

>> No.20083983

Carmine has been used as a red dye/food colouring for centuries, retard.

>> No.20084038

you buy a multiplex when the economy is in downturn and then you just keep going lol. all you need is sufficient starting capital!
im surprised, the internet has taught me that low education prostitutes are not exactly great wife material.

>> No.20084046

christ brother you're everything I aspire to be

>> No.20084069

>pulled pork flavoured tempeh stick from slim jim, with 700 essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals!

>> No.20084096

Literally this video

>> No.20084128

Well, it's not food.
Not in the sense "primary source of nutriments".
It's an additive.

>> No.20084148

What a disgusting video...
First, he just sprinkles insects here and there, or eat it like this (so it's not cooking).
Second, what an insufferable fag.

>> No.20084171

I will NEVER

>> No.20085743

uma delicia

>> No.20086044

That's insane. So that's forming inside of the larva creature? Bur before it's done, IS it the larva?? Who's steering the larva?? When does its consciousness, if any, gets detached from the larva??

>> No.20086054

Half of you fags who are all "i'd NEVER eat the bugs fuck da joos" will happily eat sea bugs if they're served with enough butter. not me though. No bugs, land nor sea.

>> No.20086087

i'd eat bugs if they were delicious

problem is land bugs are rarely tasty and even from environmental standpoint, chicken and poultry in general basically pollutes and costs the same to raise

plastic-eating mealworms on the other hand are a great way to create biodegradable matter that my vegetable will eat and organic matter that chickens will eat.

>> No.20086118

The complete and actual extermination of all chikes.

>> No.20086140

I'd happily eat sea bugs even without butter, since sea bugs are tasty and have good texture.
which is exactly where regular bugs fail, both taste and texture.

>> No.20086302

There's something that is oddly satisfying when you feel a small creature crawling in your mouth before you ground it up to a lifeless juicy pulp.

>> No.20086405

It's very strange, but basically, the larva builds a hard shell (chrysalis or cocoon) and then almost liquefies.
It then reorders itself in this strange soup and builds back as the final bug.
If I recall correctly, only the nervous system stays intact.
You probably want to check out what I said tho, better safe than sorry...

I would have no problems eating (lang) bugs if they were actually food.
But their proteins are not processable by human bodies.
Crustaceans on the other hand ("sea" bugs, which are not bugs, and may not came from sea (like crayfish)) offers real food, aka usable proteins for the human body.
They only share the same clade (Pancrustacea) or even phylum (Arthropod) if take scorpions in account when speaking of "land" bugs.
Simply put, they are not the same.

And the political agenda and false arguments makes me even more angry about forcing people to eat bugs.

>> No.20088014

Taste like the thing it's trying to imitate, the entire mass consumption market could easily be swapped with cheaper, more efficient forms of protein.

>> No.20088039

Like cock you mean?

>> No.20088046

Jokes on you there's good chance there's cock in your big Mac

>> No.20088054

What do you mean

>> No.20088055

that thing looks good af ngl

>> No.20088056

I mean the quality of fast food meat is terrible

>> No.20088069

I meant chicken cock

>> No.20088380

I would resort to cannibalism before eating the bugs, I'm not kidding if you think I am fuck around and find out.

>> No.20088799
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>low education prostitutes are not exactly great wife material.

>> No.20088903
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insects are our friends. why do liberals hate them

>> No.20088970

I ate grilled crickets from Laos (so probably illegally collected kek) this w-e: it's just fine. It doesn't look that gross, it's crispy, flavorless, once salty with maybe paprika etc it'd be better. Not much different than eating shrimp' shells.

>> No.20088977

dogs regularly eat poop: why would you trust these poopeaters regarding food lmaooooo

>> No.20088989

Not possible. I am not going to die and look at my ancestors and say "I consented to eating bugs". Fuck that.

>> No.20089777


>> No.20089803

your ancestors ate bugs
they are going to mock you for being a picky little bitch

>> No.20089900
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>If bugs had a pound of white rich meat in it I'd eat them too
Uhh, I've got a pound of rich white meat you can eat

>> No.20089975

So what's stopping most farms from farming fast-breeding bugs and adding them to fast-producing cornish cross or red broiler hens' diets in addition to whatever the fuck they feed them? Doesn't seem like much effort to breed bugs and let chickens convert them to tasty protein instead of feeding ze bugs to ourselves directly. Doesn't seem like many homesteaders or farms do this but I could be wrong.

>> No.20090598

they are actually more closely related to bugs than fish

>> No.20090608


>> No.20090609 [DELETED] 
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Best foods for curing or palliating common household STDs?

Include instructions if necessary.

>> No.20090617

There was a study some years back about that. I've forgotten the actual purpose of the study and got fixated on one point made that chickens fed a big heavy diet tasted exactly the same as those that weren't and had only marginally different nutritional profiles so maybe it was that raising bugs for this purpose wasn't cost effective in the long run.
iirc, there was a world of difference, however, when it came to eggs. Bug fed chickens made better tasting, more nutritious eggs, I think.

>> No.20090661
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heh yeahyeah me too! no wait a second I've got TWO pounds! hehhehheh yeah TWO pounds hmhm, boiyoiyoiyoing

>> No.20090847

Huh, seems like a good enough deal for me but I'm not too informed on the subject to make any conclusions. Still, farming bugs seems like it's literally free and the bug poop/frass is as good as manure too. Guess it must be too tedious or too much work or something.

>> No.20090864

Oops. I saw a typo in my post >>20090617
>big heavy diet
should have read BUG heavy diet, if that wasn't clear.
Farming bugs might seem free but you've got to remember: bugs need to eat and someone needs to feed them IE to raise bugs to feed chickens, you'd need to still pay for feed and labour (and additional labour to feed the bugs you raised to the chickens). That's why I guessed it wasn't worth the effort.
I'm gonna see if I can find either the study or an article mentioning it

>> No.20090909

Yes, and extremely bad for gut health, causing inflammation and gut fauna die offs. Who knows what problems long term consumption would have.

>> No.20090917
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Based. I'd eat a lobster instead though. No cricket for me.

>> No.20091071
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>> No.20091222

I've watched some discovery channel and planet earth shit about what they do to each other, poison is a gift.

>> No.20091242

someone skipped bug day and metamorphosis in elementary school

>> No.20091665
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>animals rolls around in dirt and eats shit
>insect walks in dirt and eats shit
theres a big conspiracy to make me eat this but i wont because im le based guy

carnists are the stupidest people on earth
either youre a vegan, or you eat every animal there is. anything else is morally and logically inconsistent

>> No.20092087

Lmao thats food dye. You get more random bug ppm from factory made products in the states.

>> No.20092120

Damn that is so fucking cool.

>> No.20092249
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>wow! furry fren!
>btw here's its burnt corpse

>> No.20092297

>retard vegan is too retarded to tell the difference between big meaty mammal and small insect with no real meat to them, undigestable carapaces, and no easy way to properly clean them of guts and fluids

>> No.20092351

You are not very smart.

>> No.20092454
File: 1.80 MB, 4000x3000, fried_crickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my local market sells them whole and unprocessed. I don't trust processed slop "food" and will not be eating whatever crude bug paste the WEF wants to push.

>> No.20093559

Being asleep

>> No.20093633

you're very lucky, these beauties look fresh and crispy!
where do they come from??

>> No.20093680

>even the bugs will be processed into vegetable oil garbage squared

>> No.20093996

I would have tried them when I was a kid but now that globohomo is being creepy about it I wouldn't as a matter of principle.

>> No.20094374

just normalization, and that goes for most people here it's just that you won't admit it
if you go to a country where eating da bugz is normal, then you'll eventually do it if you spend enough time there

>> No.20094801
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why did he do it???