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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 496 KB, 1200x800, baggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20070057 No.20070057 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good ideas for second breakfast food?
What would you eat for second breakfast?

>> No.20070068

poland has something between breakfast and lunch that's called second breakfast

>> No.20070081
File: 39 KB, 680x530, 1704165051813056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do they eat?

>> No.20070090


>> No.20070097

usually it's like a sandwich, fruit or yogurt i guess

>> No.20070129


>> No.20070136

That's just brunch

>> No.20070140

onion, cheese and mushroom omelette, fortified bread and butter, fresh fruit, tea and a pinch of old toby

>> No.20070155
File: 446 KB, 1600x1068, hobbit film location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this sounds quite similar to what hotels call their continental breakfast.

>> No.20070158


>> No.20070165

This is what Africa looked like before white people came

>> No.20070181

the difference is you grow every ingredient yourself and sprinkle in a few toe hairs for health. you fucking bucklanders I swear, I bet you think elevenses is just brunch

>> No.20070186
File: 984 KB, 2084x2506, 20240101_105307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fuckin damn that sounds incredible

>> No.20070237

First breakfast I have protein like egg and bacon. Second breakfast I have something sweeter like overnight oats (museli) or french toast

>> No.20070271


>> No.20070296

you know that looks like, excuse me, a damn fine fucking sandwich.

>> No.20070412
File: 221 KB, 1024x679, Fangorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks really good
Are you a hobbit?

>> No.20070439
File: 704 KB, 917x632, second dinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer second dinner

>> No.20070489

What on earth

>> No.20070583


>> No.20070645

My problem is you, jackass.

>> No.20070686

Imma wake up to tomorrow and have first break of eggs and toast with bacon. Then my second breakfast will be a ham and cheese with egg between two French toast slices.

>> No.20070690

Leftovers from first breakfast.

>> No.20070815

Yeah :(. Still looks like that but the people are sad

>> No.20070819

A coffee.
It's the perfect accompaniment to my first breakfast.
A previous coffee.

>> No.20070925
File: 92 KB, 640x640, homemade-fry-up-butchers-sausages-bacon-and-eggs-with-baked-v0-vom4r8wnv3x81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd imagine first breakfast would be something very light, like a pastry or toast with some tea or coffee, just to get the eyes open. Second breakfast would therefore be a more substantial meal an hour later including proteins, fat, and fiber to fuel up for the day. I'm imagining something like a full english brealfast. Then Elevenses would be a snack and some tea, like cheese & crackers or biscuits & jam.

>> No.20071081

We do, actually, have a second breakfast in my country. First breakfast is light shit, usually a pot of yoghurt and some fruit but second breakfast is always always always always always a baked good and milky coffee, usually a croissant or bit of brioche but even biscuits/cookies (ours aren't nearly as sugary as foreign varieties) or just some simple toast with cheese, butter and jam (or yeast extract).

>> No.20071084

You got it from us >>20071081 when Bona Sforza married King... Ludwig, I think? of Poland. She introduced the concept of second breakfast and her cooks introduced the Poles to onions, which is why despite being a Slavic language, Polish uses an italic word for them.
Her cooks also introduced them to soffritto, which is why it and mirepoix are literally called "Italian stuff" in Polish.

>> No.20071889

Sounds cozy. But how do they find the time for this?

>> No.20072067
File: 839 KB, 1440x584, mountain .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But how do they find the time for this?
The same way Mediæval people found time to pray 5 times a day. I don't recall hobbits praying. Food was their religion.

>> No.20072096

cultures that value human experience over industrial output still tend to afford a good amount of free time to the average citizen.

>> No.20072111

yeah but what's their healthcare quality like

>> No.20072182

Last I checked, West Med Euro countries were in the top 20 worldwide with France being #8, I think.

>> No.20072212

Is there a reason Bilbo and Frodo don't have wives?

>> No.20072312

It's probably difficult to trust women as a rich Hobbit. They seem like big spenders if given the chance.

>> No.20072320

no it's not. when people have brunch, it's because they intentionally combine breakfast and lunch together. a second breakfast implies having two meals in the morning.

>> No.20072534

How about a bagel with either peanut butter or cream cheese?

>> No.20072561

probably autists like me. they just want to sip their tea and eat their trout

>> No.20072610

What's 'taters,' precious?

>> No.20072621

microwaved hot dogs and wonderbread

>> No.20072633

No but I really don’t joke about it sometimes because I will eat two breakfasts and also two dinners as well (dinner/supper). I have to eat so much all the time just to keep my weight up.

>> No.20072649


>> No.20073034

Do any of those rock outcroppings fall? You'd think they would from erosion. That would be amazing to see that if you just happened to be standing there when it happened.

>> No.20073065

Tolkien was calling on the tradition of the eccentric rich uncle. Someone who might have been so deep in the closet even they don't know they are gay. Or they had PTSD from some colonial war.

In universe, their minds, especially Bilbo, were twisted by the Ring. Can you imagine going through what Frodo did and then settling down and changing diapers?

>> No.20073073

>Tolkien was calling on the tradition of the eccentric rich uncle. Someone who might have been so deep in the closet even they don't know they are gay. Or they had PTSD from some colonial war.
Yeah, kinda reminds me of that elf and the dwarf, except they were pretty open about it. They were probably making butt babies like Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo.

>> No.20073079

Worked for Sam.

>> No.20073109

Gimli and Legolas were hetero life mates like Jay and Silent Bob. Don't gay it up.

>> No.20073117

that ham
>everything reminds me of her

>> No.20073138
File: 318 KB, 1280x931, legimli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gimli and Legolas were hetero life mates like Jay and Silent Bob. Don't gay it up.
...because there's nothing gay about two dudes living together and never having sex with girls.

>> No.20073635

>What would you eat for second breakfast?
First breakfast, for me, is orange juice and maybe some toast. Second breakfast would be a déjeuner bucheron - the Québecois answer to the full english.

>> No.20073643

Sam carried the ring for about a day. And Sam was salt of the earth (Arda). In Tolkien's world, the closer you were to nature the higher your saving throw vs evil.

>> No.20073648

you can literally see where they have fallen in the pic you fucking queer

>> No.20073664

>You'd think they would from erosion.
Erosion of rock from water, which caused the formations in Anon's picture, is mindbogglingly slow. Erosion from fracturing, basically water expanding (aka ice) and contracting in cracks in the rock, is faster and deadlier. There are valleys were rocks regularly fall, as in multiple times a day rocks tumble down and can kill you. There's the couloir de la mort on Mont Blanc and there's one in northern BC iirc (could be in Yukon) that I know of.

>> No.20073679

Bilbo was a ring-bearer, he was cursed, Frodo was too young but equally burdened
None of them were gay that was just that bitch Philippa Boyens who thought an American audience couldn't understand a master-servant relationship
Really? Americans, you say? What a bitch
Anyway we know what they ate, it was everything but then for a while lembas bread then everything again

>> No.20074412

Oh look, an American getting upset about the gays. How expected.

>> No.20074432

Cheese, nuts and bread. Home jam if you feel peckish

>> No.20074487

mf thinks hobbits are humans currently living in western europe

>> No.20074501

>None of them were gay that was just that bitch Philippa Boyens who thought an American audience couldn't understand a master-servant relationship
She seriously thought Americans wouldn't understand a master-nigger relationship? The target audience for these novels was obviously white people.

>> No.20074517

No. Anon is just butthurt

>> No.20074526


>> No.20075002

They don't need to find time. It's right there.

>> No.20075095

everyone hates gays tbf

>> No.20075172

I don't think of them at all. How can I hate something I never think of?

>> No.20075179

You're right. Short, hairy-toed Greeks aren't Western Europeans.

>> No.20076136

They weren't gay they were family because they grew up together even if there were bonds of servitude; when masters grow up with their servants they have kinship and peerdom. If you see gay in that you're probably gay or have no good friends.
If you knew anything about Tolkien you'd know that Sam batted for Frodo

>> No.20076142


>> No.20076364

Homosexuality is the state religion in the United States, it's impossible not to think about them.

>> No.20077544

>everyone hates gays tbf
This is not even remotely true.

>> No.20077553

>Sam batted for Frodo
Wait, are we talking about Sam and Frodo or Merry and Pepin and Bilbo?

>> No.20077555

even gays hate gays

>> No.20077588

>Everyone hates somebody
Go be 16 years old somewhere else.

>> No.20077600
File: 2 KB, 125x69, morebeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post. fuck knows what they call it in bag end

>> No.20077602

Sam was Frodo's servant, in the Great War, it wasn't unheard of for an officer to have his personal servant enlist with him when he went off to war if he didn't want a soldier-servant assigned to him
This was back in the day when they had local units from a single town and they'd all die in a single battle, which, not that great for morale...

>> No.20077613

Yes. Thrilling. I was fully aware of this. I was discussing Bilbo. The only "extra gay" emphasis that was added to LotR movies was between Merry and Pepin. And now you bring up Sam and Frodo.

Whatever. Fuck you.

>> No.20077620

Insane how you can't take a joke. Are you gay or something? Though gays do hate other gays, verifiable fact just ask them.

>> No.20077626
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 54f63a82c6ce8_-_jacques-pepin-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always thought it was weird they cast him as a hobbit

>> No.20077648

Eh, I felt like they made them all gay, and Boyens said as much back in the day

>> No.20077691

I just watched all three movies and no one seemed particularly gay to me
think you're all a bit obsessed and hyper vigilant in regards to homosexuality perhaps

>> No.20077705

You don't understand, one of the main producers of the movie said she wanted them to have gay affectations
But the real crime is how they portrayed Boromir and Faramir
Beyond that it's a fantastic trilogy that could absolutely never be made presently
Rings of Power case in point

>> No.20077718

well it didn't come across

>> No.20077758

It's Poland. Probably rock soup and unseasoned potatoes.

>> No.20077833

>What on earth
I dunno but fukken saved.

>> No.20077901
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, 1633999455508m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the characters from LotR are gay,. Not every close platonic bond between men involves poopy buttsex you disgusting faggot. You're a porn-addicted pervert who can't distinguish between brotherly and lustuous forms of love.

>> No.20078218

Thank you and blessed be.

>> No.20078313

r i p squiggy

>> No.20078381

in italy we eat between major meals, not full meals but some "snacks" such as a sandwich with whatever. Really helps if you're doing mentally taxing work like studying or working

>> No.20078384

How big are these sandwiches?

>> No.20078406

depends on how hungry you are but i have seen people use whole 70g loafs of bread stuffed with whatever's you want, or just 2 slices of toast bread with cheese and ham or nutella for a sweet option

>> No.20078422

I do second breakfast, unironically. I work 10-6, M-F, so I get up at 6 every day and start with some oatmeal with whatever fruit, drink some coffee, stretch and work out for an hour, by 8-8:30 I'll make some eggs or something a little more substantial than first breakfast, and then I'm out the door.
I find this is superior to just one breakfast, at least for me, because my tummy usually hurts in the morning for no discernible reason, and I have a hard time eating anything, but a little oats and a banana or an apple or blueberries, I can stomach that, and then I have some energy to exercise, and then I eat the heavier second breakfast.

>> No.20078441

Maybe I'll try this.

>> No.20078481

I can't wait to wake up tomorrow to have breakfast bros

>> No.20079807

What did you eat?

>> No.20080396

æg ond bakon.

>> No.20080405
File: 120 KB, 773x1024, 1679686636092539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More coffee and a sandwich.

>> No.20081074

You seem triggered.

>> No.20081153

Uhh, what?

>> No.20081819

How many calories a day you reckon hobbits consume?

>> No.20082057
File: 62 KB, 740x347, hobbits-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends, are we counting ale or are we not?

>> No.20082137


>> No.20082141

How can they eat unseasoned potatoes when there are perfectly good soup rocks right there?

>> No.20082147

exactly as much as he intended and less than half as much as you deserve

>> No.20082154

first breakfast is bread with ham and cheese. second breakfast is a donut or brownie.

>> No.20082197


>> No.20082226

for me it's a smoothie made of frozen blueberries banana baby spinach baby kale baby chard whole milk yogurt orange juice and chia seeds
then later if I'm hungry I have eggs and/or toast or a sandwich

>> No.20083150
File: 42 KB, 768x368, denji toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denji toast.

>> No.20083858

Denji has a fat ass.

>> No.20084930

Yeah, you bet he does..

>> No.20086006


>> No.20086141 [DELETED] 
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 20190719_154634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best burger I've ever had was in Queenstown, I'd have it for second breakfast.

>> No.20086143
File: 3.57 MB, 3024x3253, 20240109_084037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fergburger in Queenstown is worthy of Second Breakfast

>> No.20086223

Anon Legolas was a Trans woman

>> No.20086473
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, 20240109_132050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 1 of becoming a dwarf, smoked meat on the bone, a potato, and something I found growing on a log outside
What are some other foods I can eat to become stocky and powerful?

Would you say ale or stout is the better drink to have?

>> No.20086623

Damn that looks cozy

>> No.20086772

Legolas is an elf from Kirkwood.

>> No.20087007

Don't eat that fucking mushroom.
Drink imperial stout.

>> No.20087035

>Don't eat that fucking mushroom.

>> No.20087057

I ate the mushrooms, diced it up small and fried it with garlic, chicken fat, and salt
It had a good taste, the little bits became crispy and it was just a little spicy
I dont know if the mushroom was spicy or it was the chicken fat because the chicken it came from had black pepper and I didn't filter it when I collected it

>> No.20088308

Ale for hobbits. Stout for dwarves.

>> No.20088417

Dumbfuck it's called Dwarven Ale for a reason

>> No.20089310

Harsh language isn't necessary

>> No.20089611
File: 532 KB, 2500x1668, grilled everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first breakfast is just a warm-up.
It just takes the edge off the hunger that develops overnight.
Second breakfast is a proper breakfast.

>> No.20089625

Ploughman's Lunch seems pretty good. Kind of just a loose bunch of food that you can eat slowly to stay full.

>> No.20089818
File: 2.48 MB, 2672x2592, 20240110_145047_resized_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 as a dwarf I fried some meat in yesterday's fat and a warm frothy cuppa sheep milk, pickled some onions and found me a couple more of them mushrooms

>> No.20089844

Stop picking mushrooms off the ground

>> No.20089912

A little dirt never hurt nobody

>> No.20090464

You are admitting offensive odors.