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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1280x720, tea cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20068601 No.20068601 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20059854

>> No.20068628


>> No.20068631

cope with what William?

>> No.20068656

Cope with the fact my FL order spend 34 days in Shanghai

>> No.20068662

cope with not liking my 2023 Snoozefest that much, seathe while drinking some CSH Naka and then beat my spouse with a Birkenstock in a cha qi fueled rampage

>> No.20068683

Bo jun gets another one. Like drinking liquid black forest cake right?

>> No.20068716
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*turns your leaf into kino*

>> No.20068729

mine is still stuck in limbo... Did you order last years too, so you can compare or is this the first snoozer youve had?

>> No.20068757

It's my first boucha/kukicha, but I liked it a lot. Barley sippers may appreciate it. I would like to try a greener one someday too.
My experience with Sazen Tea is limited to a handful of items, so I can't recommend too much. I haven't had anything I didn't like, but I think the oobukucha was a bit one-note flavor wise, so not bad, but I'd personally pass in favor of another. I really liked the gabaron sencha (maybe my favorite from them I've tried), so if you are into a sweet yammy kind of taste (flash/short infusions for that one), definitely get some. Savory-sweet one with corn/seaweed notes would be the saekari sencha, which I also found to be a pleasant one. Oumi inaka bancha is pretty cheap, with a simple flavor and aroma-wise, and easy to sip on. Smooth and a touch sweet; mostly smoke, charcoal, burnt wood, etc notes. Probably good for grandpa style.

I think I have one or two more products from them I haven't tried yet (at least one is unopened), so I'll post to the thread about it eventually; not sure how soon. I want to drink through my fresher greens first.
Cute stems, would sip. Being greener, how did they taste?

>> No.20068797

>Barley sippers may appreciate it
I am indeed a barley sipper. I bet boucha has pretty low caffeine too, probably makes for a comfy evening drink. On the list it goes.

>> No.20068832

First snoozer. It's alright, but I'll wait and see if it improves.

>> No.20068946
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I decided to make today an experimental one with /tea/. I have some of Sazen Tea's Oumi Inaka Bancha, and recently had the idea to try the butter-tea concept with it instead of pu'er or heicha. Abridging from this anon's post: >>20047861 , my first test run recipe was tweaked a bit. Mine is as follows:
• 8g of bancha
• 600ml of water
• 14g/1 tbsp of salted butter
• Dash of cinnamon
• One star anise pod
• 1 splash of (zero sugar) Coffee Mate Italian Sweet Creme

>> No.20068952
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Similar instructions, except I did 7 minutes before setting off the heat, and added all my ingredients then. Excellent aroma overall both during and after the process. Result may have been impaired by too little leaf/stewing time and (accidentally) too much creamer, but it's still pleasant. Smooth and light, with a pleasant bancha roast aftertaste. Pleasant butteriness without being excessive. To test next (soon):
• Letting the anise have some time to boil
• Using less creamer
• Using more butter (1.5x?)
• Using more leaf over a much longer duration
• Possibly using almond milk in place of the water

>> No.20068970

Looks good
Thanks for posting your results, i really need to try this

>> No.20068975
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Extra shot of the drink after I strained it. I like the result, but I have plenty of the bancha left, so I'm going to keep experimenting with it until I find a result I'm satisfied with. I'll do a few more trials and eventually post the final recipe when it's done.

>> No.20069035

bros genmaicha is so tasty

>> No.20069042

These little niggers make everything better. Jassids make Indian tea in Darjeeling kino too.

>> No.20069048

It looks so heinous. Jesus.

>> No.20069165
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2014 Gold Thread Single Old Tree Dan Cong aged in Cactus Honey from Tea Habitat. Bought it out of curiosity in December. It said it's semi-medicinal and best after aging for 10 years. It's 2024 now and I feel a cold coming on, so decided to crack it open today. Heaping teaspoon in a coffee mug with boiling water.

Kind of a gimmick desu. There's some aged tea flavor, but it tastes mostly sweet from the honey and not much else.

>> No.20069235

lmao wtf. Well based for trying it I guess.

>> No.20069421


>> No.20069449

Awesome stuff, glad to see that you did it. Maybe next butter tea I'll try something else. Yours sounds really good, especially with the cinnamon and anise.

>> No.20069532

Alright I'm sold. Where can I pick up a cake?

>> No.20069543
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>> No.20069552

I really like the idea, and I think my spin on it is going somewhere, but it needs more work before I can say it's good to go. Even though I have other teas I want to go through, this idea is still in my head. I'll figure it out over a week or so and post about it again.

>> No.20069558

If you just want to try some you can get a 100g portion off of a kilo brick here.
Don't worry its a Chinese site, shipping from china he just mostly sells to Russians for whatever reason.
I think shipping is a flat $5.
He has cakes of it from 3-4 different years as well.
I know king tea mall has it as well, its probably more expensive there.
Im not sure where that poster got it but wen i had some i got it from tea-expert

>> No.20069911

I think some anon recently pointed out you could get it for cheaper on taobao.

>> No.20070200

Bo Jun anon here, I ended up getting it from Niequn oleg on ebay, it is the guy who runs teaexpert. He sells the cake (500g) for about 160 with free shipping. He sent me 3 samples as well. Took about 20 days to get to me.

>> No.20070263
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Slipped some Spring 2022 "Imperial Grade Jasmine Pearls" green into my gaiwan. Journal:

Dry leaf smells of jasmine and something like Smarties candies for some reason. Wet leaf is mostly the same as the dry leaf, maybe leaning into the Smarties aroma a bit.

Medium thickness, low bitterness, low-medium astringency. Smooth, though pretty one-note (jasmine) unless you push it. If pushed, a tangy acidity comes out, as does some very mild bitterness (of the jasmine note). Thankfully, doesn't exhibit the kind of "balling up in your mouth" effect some bad jasmine greens do.

>> No.20070269
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Dry jasmine nuggies.

>> No.20070486

Yeah you can find it for about 500 yuan or you can get smaller quantities, like 50g cans or 200g cakes.

>> No.20070937

FL storage is cardboard boxes and plastic bags for loose leafs, some shelves for cakes and samples already prepared for shipping. They have no humidity or temperature "control" for it so the weather and climate is really important (puer city) So it is really different from what we can get in eu and us.

>> No.20071035
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third session with the CSH 2022 Naka Brick. let's see if I have similar impressions to anon
sweet fruity (apricots, pineapples) and also floral. gets stronger and more distinct with further steeps and is actually the nicest in the late brews
sharp medium upfront bitterness that doesn't last too long. gives a slight impression of pine needles. sweet peach / apricot, some savory undertones, nice tingly playful mineral mouthfeel that lasts into a tingly pine needle aftertaste. leaves a nice mouth cooling effect.
a fun and tasty tea overall. definitely worth grabbing on sale. I like the sharp, sheer bitterness and mouthfeel and the aroma. I hear Naka compared to Jingmai sometimes, but I'm sure enjoying this more than the Jingmai Miyun from Farmerleaf, seems more interesting to me

>> No.20071217

Does anyone know if FL is going to have some "getting rid of old stuff" sale?
I missed the Christmas one.

>> No.20071222

I know they do spring sales when they add new teas. Not sure if they do a chinese new year sale.

>> No.20071238
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I have become comfymaxxed.

>> No.20071702

That looks cozy but what kind of tea are you drinking?

>> No.20071730

I ordered some tea from YS that some anons recommended me forever ago.
>Wu Liang Hong Mao Feng Yunnan Black Tea
>Yunnan "Black Gold Bi Luo Chun" Black Tea
>High Mountain Red Ai Lao Mountain Black Tea
>Classic Laoshan Black Tea from Shandong
I'm a bit excited due to never having any of these before. I don't have much experience with Chinese teas unless you count the supermarket loose leaf jasmine teas that come in tins. I'm very burnt out on green teas.

>> No.20071836

Are you varipos anon?

>> No.20072043

You're in for a good time mate. Save some Black Gold for cold brews in the Summer.

>> No.20072049

I've never made cold brew tea before. Is there anything special to it?

>> No.20072070

Not really. Extract with cold water overnight in your refrigerator. ~12 hours or so is the sweet spot, but there's always room for experimentation. Enjoy outdoors with a smoke.

>> No.20072110

Born to drink tea, forced to piss.

>> No.20072143

I tend to use a bit more leaf than usual for a cold brew. But yeah it's really easy.

>> No.20072241

I just realized that the dent in the middle of cakes is to contain all the twisted and folded wrapping paper on the back so that the cakes are stackable.

>> No.20072277

also a good place to store unused chunks for later use

>> No.20072303
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Day has barely started and I'm already 63g in.

>> No.20072341

The real reason for the bing hole is that when the cake is pressed it is in a cloth bag, the knot holding the bag shut creates the bing whole. This is also true for tuochas. However iron cakes, fangcha, bricks dont have bing holes.

>also a good place to store unused chunks for later use
Probably all my cakes have some tea stashed there. I often break off a bit too much.

>Day has barely started and I'm already 63g
That's a lot of tea! Do you have someone designated to inherit your tea in case you die of caffeine induced cardiac arrest?

>> No.20072487

>That's a lot of tea! Do you have someone designated to inherit your tea in case you die of caffeine induced cardiac arrest?
If I can't handle it, then no one deserves it.

>> No.20072488

will you be buried with all your tea? will your casket become the ultimate pumidor?

>> No.20072495

Are you the same dude who was getting hypertensive

>> No.20072512

Yeah lmao. Doing some spring cleaning on all of my samples, leaving my shengs the fuck alone.

>> No.20072516

Just got my first white2tea box in today. 2019 Bulang Shou Puer and "Bulang style mega-blend of aged maocha." Anybody wanna educate me on what these words mean, and what temp to steep them at? Looked at the pastebin for info and I think I should treat them as ripe pu erh.

>> No.20072520

The first one yes, but the second one sounds like a sheng puer.

>> No.20072543
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>be me
>be over 98 years old
>live outside in a run down unheated trailer
>house overflowing with heicha
>multiple sheds full too
>just going about my daily routine
>reading news headlines on some random forum
>”missing hoarder found dead under pile of tea…”
>”…coroner noted extensive skeletal fluorosis…”
>”...mycotoxin induced liver damage...”
>“… likely cause of death is dehydration”
>look closely at the article’s pictures
>instantly recognize a piece of broken teaware
>”hey doesn't that belong to someone on /tea/?”
>frantically try to contact anons next of kin
>gotta be fast to beat the other /tea/ anons
>sweat dripping down my brow as the heir picks up
>tell them that I’m one of anons old friends
>say that I’d like to buy anons stuff
>my hands are shaking as I speak
>”you really want that trash?” they start but cut off quickly
>”actually, we were hoping to sell the property”
>it’s on the other side of the country
>also condemned
>no matter, I still need it
>”yes yes, I’ll take it all” I blurt out ecstatically
>feel a wave of relief when they agree
>get a fantastic deal on anons former estate
>”suckers” I think, they didn’t know what they had
>now proud owner of TWO derelict houses full of moldy tea
>finally get back to business
>return to browsing 4chan
>sip tea directly out of my xishi yixing pot
>be happy

>> No.20072572

First one is ripe. Second is aged raw. Bulang style means its tea that tastes like its from bulang that isn't necessarily from bulang (or he doesn't actually know where its from)
For the ripe boiling water. Long steeps
For the raw boiling water, short steeps, ideally gongfu but if not just do like a 20-30 second brew in a mug and then use the leaves fir several more brews adding time with each brew till the tea tastes bland. Bulang teas usually open bitter and finish sweet so if you brew them for too long you might find thrm too bitter.

>> No.20072576

>sip tea directly out of my xishi yixing pot
I keep forgetting to do this

>> No.20072623
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is kratom tea welcome here? just got 2 boxes of this delivered. not sure what i'm in for... maybe make some golden milk tea...

>> No.20072651

Fuck that shit.
Can't believe this shit is legal.

>> No.20072652

Kratom is an addictive drug, fun but not something you want to get in the habit of using regularly.

>> No.20072655

i've actually really disliked/been apathetic about every opioid i've tried. never had any kind of compulsion to use that stuff regularly. it's also kinda 'spensive. so yeah i dont plan on making it a habit i'm just trying it out

>> No.20072671

>2019 Bulang Shou Puer
Bulang is the area the tea comes from (and the name of the people that inahbit that area)
Shou Puer is tea that has undergone a process of rapid fermentation. it tends to be earthy, thick and very dark brewing
>"Bulang style mega-blend of aged maocha."
maocha is just loose pu-erh that hasn't been pressed into any shape
presumably it is Sheng pu-erh, so no rapid fermentation but slow ageing over many years. it will probably be more bitter and astringent

Bulang area is known for strong and bitter tea, so bit of a hardcore introduction to pu-erh. but with fermentation and some age maybe it won't be as bitter now

use boiling water and try not too make the steeps too long for the maocha, unless it's like really aged and mellowed out

>> No.20072675

no one drinks that shit for the flavor, just to get high, so probably not the right thread for this

>> No.20072682
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Who else loves 14yo's. (I'm talking about tea.)

>> No.20072727
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I used the text reading function on my phone to transcribe the letter in picrel, transcription coming in next post. Any shortcomings in the following transcription are likely due to the transcription ability of my phone rather than the company's poor writing. Also in the picture is an image of the tea I received, originally there were two balls of the smaller one but I'm drinking one now. I messed up and left the water in a while on one of the steeps, but I'm learning and getting better. I have a Yunnan sourcing gaijin coming in the mail but I'm currently using a quasi-western style teapot with no basket inside but instead small holes immediately before the spout, thus allowing water through but keeping the tea in. I'll be doing shorter steeps on it from here on out. What will happen if I do a longer steep with a greater quantity of water? Will it be the same as a series of short steeps? What follows is the transcription from the letter, god I hope this goes through the captcha and doesn't get eaten.

>> No.20072733
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2019 Bulang Shou Puer - It’s been some time since we did a "warehouse find" and plucked somebody else's production for a tea dub, but we thought it was about time. If you've been a member for a while, you know that we’ve often done special shou Puer pressings for the club around this time of year. The only issue with that is that in order to press shou Puer tea, it needs to be slightly wet and tacky. During the pressing process it is often wet down slightly, as well as steamed, in order to be pressed into a cake. Freshly pressed shou Puer has a lot of residual moisture due to this fact, which leaves the tea's liquor slightly turbid and the flavors and aromas muted for a period of time after pressing.
That's one of the reasons we are excited to send this 2019 Bulang, which was made from 2018 raw Puer material in 2018 and pressed in 2019. It's had plenty of time to rest, the soup is clear and it's ready to drink immediately! Bulang is one of the most classic locations for shou Puer, located right outside of Menghai. Their shou is notorious for being thick and rich, sometimes even with latent bitterness. In recent years, fewer and fewer people use quality Bulang material for shou due to rising prices, making it a more sought-after location. As costs have risen across the board, particularly large producers have sought cheaper and cheaper ingredients further afield. Luckily, we know the person who made this pile and the origin of the material is clear and classic. Also, if the advice was resoundingly clear above, if you're looking to purchase shou Puer to drink, we'd always aim for teas that are at least a couple years off of pressing. They're just a lot more enjoyable than a freshly pressed shou. The original shape of this tea was a half kilogram to (nest shape), but we've broken apart 100g for each of you to stay within the club budget. If we ever win the lottery, we promise to send you each an entire half kilo tuo.

>> No.20072750
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2024 Millstone - (or at least it will be 2024...these dragon balls were snuck out in late De-cember) We blended a Bulang style mega-blend of aged maocha. We are taking full advantage of the off season here and focusing on aged tea, so we took several of our aged raw Puer maocha teas from our Menghai storage and created a punchy blend for people who like a burly Puer for the everyday. This will probably be a hit amongst the factory tea loving crowd, made from majority small bush material, there's plenty of huigan and bite, even though the material in the blend is all from 201X. This tea will be released after the spring festival, as the cakes are still unpressed. Feisty Puer to help jump start your morning or hook the jumper cables up to a dreary afternoon.
Brewing instructions: All boiling water for the rinses and brewing. Gongfu style is great for both teas, but the shou will do really well in any brewing format, including complete and utter neglect in a mug while you forget you made tea.
We appreciate you plunging into the new year with us! We have so many interesting projects on deck for 2024; aged sheng/light ferment shou blends, pine smoked teas, charcoal roasted Yunnan teas and more. Next month we will include some of the former along with yancha from Fujian - don't miss it Also, thanks for bearing with us during the holiday ship-experiences! #white2tea
ping window, hopefully the speeds will be better soon! Tag us online and share your tea

this is the tea I'm currently drinking from the w2t box, about to smoke some macbaren flake with it. and study my latin.

>> No.20072761

>Yunnan sourcing gaijin
lolol im going to start calling gaiwans that
>I'm currently using a quasi-western style teapot with no basket inside but instead small holes immediately before the spout,
Pretty appropriate actually, looks like one of those single person teapots they use at restaurants or tea shops.
>What will happen if I do a longer steep with a greater quantity of water?
I honesty havent messed around with that too much.
For now you can measure the volue the teapot holds and then get an idea for how much liquid to add to keep the water to leaves ratios you are looking for.
As always brewing directions are a guideline to help you find a good result, but there are no rules and you can brew tea however you want.

>> No.20072764
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White2tea is trash, stop advertising your garbage.

>> No.20072771

>about to smoke some macbaren flake with it.
Certainly a good pairing for a rough and tuble bulang. Did the tea hit some smokey notes?

>> No.20072774

Pretty cool, I wish they'd do writeups like that for the ones on the website, I always like reading them.

>> No.20072783
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Wonder who's side the mods will pick this time, since w2t is now advertising.

But oh evil Paolo! I don't know how the mods can come in and moderate a to pic they know half a squat about.
"But, everyone who disagrees with me is trolling, and is paolo!!"

>> No.20072793

The idiots in this thread need to go find real puerh. And shut their mouths instead of spreading their grand theories on teas they know nothing about.

>> No.20072807

Lots of noise here, extremely low substance.

>> No.20072825
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Drink more puerh.

>> No.20072841
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For me its Lao Man E

>> No.20072854
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Set up a #02 test run of the butter bancha. I decided to go for extremes today instead, so changing my initial recipe >>20068946, I used 18g of bancha, swapped the water for 600ml of almond milk, doubled the butter to 28g (2 tbsp), cut the creamer (initially), boiled the bancha for 18 minutes, and for the last six of those 18 minutes, threw the anise in (instead of at the end).

My result was mixed, but pleasant. Concentration of bancha was excellent, anise now presents properly in the background (especially in the aftertaste), and butteriness is fuller. Of note is the more clearly "roasted bread"-like quality of the bancha through the whole drink, which I found very satiating. It was notably thicker and rich than the first trial (more butter), but I personally could have just gone with the original 14g portion.

Problem is that it lacked much sweetness since the leaf doesn't really add much naturally. While the aroma was full and robust, and the flavor had strength (without harshness), the lack of any defining sweetness while still being rich was odd. I added a little more creamer to balance this, and it turned out rather well. The drink seemingly had a lower volume to work with than when I made it with water, but it was still good. I'm not sure how I want to tweak my recipe going forward, but hopefully my notes will be of use to any anons wanting to try something like this for themselves. I'm open to feedback and ideas as well, if anyone has any thoughts to contribute.

>> No.20072861
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I forgot to mention, but the color was much deeper this time as well. Pic related, the drink after straining it.

>> No.20072867


>> No.20072869 [DELETED] 

t. only drinks tea bags.

>> No.20072898

Thanks again for the notes.
I suppose you could try using some honey as a sweetener. Honey adds its own flavor but maybe it will mesh well.

>> No.20072914

I just got into tea and I don't know where to get it from in a way that will help me understand what I'm drinking, so I looked into subscription boxes and the pastebin had some listed. Do you have recs for ways to learn about tea, or are you just a pseud narcissist with no real contribution beyond satisfying your ego's longing for a mother to hold you?

>> No.20072921

I was on the phone while drinking it and only really noticed it being not as bitter on this steep, because I did it for a shorter time than previous steeps (and presumably because the previous steeps used up a lot of the tea's flavor). The pairing was good though; the tea cleansed my palate well to enjoy my pipe and was generally more basic.

>> No.20072942

>Pretty cool, I wish they'd do writeups like that for the ones on the website, I always like reading them.
He used to blog in the past but stopped a few years back. If I had the money I would join the W2T tea club myself. They seem to do a good job shipping out a variety of interesting teas.

>> No.20072953 [DELETED] 

Puerh.UK has a tasting flight.
Also look at this blog https://puerh-blog.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-GB

Also this thread is filled with immature redditors who get me banned for disagreeing with their pastebin and such by calling me Paolo and a troll, because when you have no argument, eveyone who disagrees with you is conveniently a "troll"

They are the same people that say all tea is subjective, quality is subjective, but it really isn't. They just come from the reddit hivemind, and mods here without a clue on the topic pick their side and ban me.

>> No.20072956

They are either a schizo, a troll, a shill, or some combination thereof. They (or copycats) have been apparently messing with other tea communities as well. I think they would say that you can only get "real" puerh from https://puerh.uk/ The owner of that shop paolo has gotten themselves into drama with some of the tea community. I don't know the full story however.

>> No.20072960
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Vtubers? In MY /tea/ general?

>> No.20072965
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>> No.20072978

The community is just crybaby neckbeards, like has been shown many times over.

There are definetly better sources than puerh.uk , but they aren't mentioned here nor will they ever be. It's gatekept, or atleast gatekept from these forums for a clear reason. Reflect on yourself to answer the question of why it is, or you can continue whining and never learn.

>> No.20072983
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More likely than you'd think!

>> No.20073003

>every opinion other than mine is reddit
>everyone else is wrong, I'm the chosen tea drinker
Fucking hell really? Tea of all places? It's just stupid leaf water.

>> No.20073007

I don't have 100 to drop on tea right now and I won't for a while because I have to pay off my slight debts over the first couple of months of my new job. For the time being, I'm kinda restricted in what I can buy. For $50 or less, what's going to get me the best variety to start learning? Also to be frank I have a deep racism towards the english people and would prefer to avoid using any site on a .UK URL if possible.

>> No.20073011

Don't talk to the shill. The pastebin has websites.

>> No.20073027

There's really no reason why you can't use 90 degree water for raw.
Is a deranged schizophrenic troll and probably a redditor too, Just ignore

>> No.20073037

>For $50 or less, what's going to get me the best variety to start learning?
Probably something like a dragonteahouse.
Free shipping, no vat.
They have 25g samples for around $4-7.
So you can get several black, oolong, white, green etc.
Just post your cart and I'm sure anons here will help you out.
I would start with black teas then oolong then maybe white, I would skip greens, go mow a lawn for few minutes and your mouth will be full of "green tea" but that's just my opinion.

>> No.20073088

Hey, so i realized any form of communication isn't allowed here.

Since that's the case, message me over on email
I'll teach you what I know there, now you should know why I don't bother giving these losers any chance. They're just too immature.

>> No.20073094

Buy Lipton if you don't care about quality.
I'd just satisfy my tastes with herbal tisanes in the mean time if I were you.

>> No.20073103

Ah yes, you drink green tea just for the sake of the tea being green, or oolong just for resembling an oolong.

Anyone who wants anything more is a gatekeeper!

>> No.20073142


my main point is there are a lot of "armchair experts" that are so sure about what they say, and they spew all sort of crazy opinions about tea they haven't even tried (at best, they've tried it but haven't tried anything similar so they still very little idea what they're talking about)

the point is not you must go to asia or even drink that much premium puerh.
It's that if you don't, stop shouting your baseless opinions regurgitating text you've read before without really understanding the subject. Otherwise it's just an echo chamber of meaninglessness.

Ironic, that actually applies to them more than me, and it isn't just "leaf water", you're clearly ignorant, so why come to the topic to complain about people trying to discuss said topic, that you obviously see no value in? Just to be another voice?

>> No.20073146
File: 2.25 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20240105_221743865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rips yizing*
Anon may be on to something with tea currency.

Post your tea and setup with timestamp.

>> No.20073150
File: 127 KB, 1274x713, semi-aged-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, since you're so obsessed..

>> No.20073152

timestamp or fuck off faggot

>> No.20073157

>timestamp or fuck off faggot
I must, just because you demanded, or maybe youll get the mods again!

You don't sound like a baby crying, no, not in the slightest. If anyone thought that they would be one of those trolls or paolo

>> No.20073162

>replying to the obvious troll doing his same old routine
Just report for spam and ignore

>> No.20073169

Removing any form of discourse that isn't promoting w2t, well played! Maybe I should be calling everyone Paul from w2t now.

>> No.20073230 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 730x1194, ed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for being underage.

>> No.20073247
File: 19 KB, 474x343, th-2472959696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcing reports, let's see what see which side the judge will censor!

>> No.20073257

I promise it’s just this one guy whose crazy, it’s very chill when he isn’t here

>> No.20073266

Yeah hes right, tea quality doesn't exist, its all just leaves and hot water anyways.

Its very chill when no one cares about the topic of focus.

This thread is just meant to be a useless echochamber, what's with crazy people trying to talk about quality, and other irrelevant things.

>> No.20073330

What's everyone sipping on?

I just drank 5g of an unlabeled liu bao(?) sample from Dragon House.

>> No.20073340

Some random black biluochun from YS.

>> No.20073344

Today its been some dayi ripe, im absolutely sick of ripes im swearing them off for the time being.

>> No.20073348
File: 122 KB, 900x900, image_c57c346c-07d8-4f1d-b930-ba60efc5f01d_1024x1024@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some lumber slut just now and had one of the shulloween singles this morning. Waiting on some four gold coins and some really weird shit anon recommended.

>> No.20073357

How does it feel to give Paul free publicity?
Ive had some w2t, I'd save the money and get some Lipton next time

>> No.20073358

Good ol' Fuhai

>> No.20073362

Finishing some sticky rice scent ripe from YS. It's pleasantly thick with a mellow sweetness, made for a nice session.

>> No.20073370
File: 1.07 MB, 3024x4032, Stealth_20240103_183026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2005 green mark mengku chawang

>> No.20073375

Semi-aged raw from Viet Sun. Enjoyable.

>> No.20073377

Bamboo tube roasted liubao is definitely an interesting combo.
Also maybe the first time ive seen a tea listing revised to say the tea was actually older then they thought it was. Originally said 2005 and then they updated it to 2002.

>> No.20073400

Shid, I must've bought the last of it and I only got 150g. I should have never gone down the heicha rabbit hole. One day I'm going to have to explain how much of my paycheck goes to 30 year old mulch with fungus growing in it.

>> No.20073419

Buy more, I will be waiting to take if off your heirs when you pass.

>> No.20073433

Looks like the neckbeards' diapers have popped.

>> No.20073456


>> No.20073475

The 2016 one? I've been eyeing them up for a sampler but my budget is tapped. They all sounded pretty interesting.

>> No.20073530
File: 3.25 MB, 1900x1250, 1691343761502377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a couple of calabash gourds for mate. I'm seasoning them and after one round of doing so, one of my gourds inside is a sickly dark green color on the inside. It looks like dye. It doesn't smell funky. What could that be? It's all around the inside of it. The other looks just fine.

>> No.20073542

It appears that the whitetrash2pee neckbeards have soiled their diapers over simple things such as criticism. They need to get out of the gaming chair for once and step out to reality.

>> No.20073553

Sounds like it could be your diarrhea. Since you spew it constantly when met with criticism. You clearly have not had high quality tea.

>> No.20073579

Could be some extra leftover gourd flesh or something, it doesn't really look like mold.
Maybe email the vendor
I would probably scrape the inside with a spoon and see what happens, maybe let it dry out.

>> No.20073585

I'm pretty sure it's not mold. I did scrape out a bit of the flesh inside. Much of it came out dark green. I might send an email, though.

>> No.20073594

Yeah that one. I've been trying their raws in the past few days and I prefer this one. I'll make a single review post sometime with my thoughts on all of them.

>> No.20074185

On second thought, it's mold. I hucked it.

>> No.20074212

You're too autistic to make a real mate, could have spent 10 seconds on google to find your answer, but since you are too autistic you tried to get others to do it for you, now you payed for it idiot.

>> No.20074216

fuck off paolo

>> No.20074323
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x2331, PXL_20240106_044118522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I'm thinking it's sippin time

>> No.20074333

I'll reply just once, you spam and samefag like an obnoxious faggot and it ruins the thread and that's why nobody wants to talk to you and you get banned.
Talk about puerh.uk all you like, I'm actually interested to hear about it, because I don't know much about their offerings. But ironically you won't talk about them either, you just talk about how nobody will say anything about them and bitch about other vendors/styles of tea. Tell me about the tea you have!!!
Stop being a retard when you express yourself and maybe you'll get along better with others and don't need to argue.

>> No.20074349

dont feed the trolls

>> No.20074358

Sorry, I vented.

>> No.20074477

Define "quality" if it's not just taste preference thing.

>> No.20074483
File: 144 KB, 1030x773, addiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second taobao order while i'm still waiting for the first one to get out of customs: some ripe puer from Tulin and Fuhai + a sample pack of Taiwanese teas.
This time i'm trying out another agent: Superbuy.

>> No.20074491

Stop. He's not posting in good faith. He doesn't care about quality.

>> No.20074532

Sorry I tried, mods warned me for doing it. Its not a problem with you or me, its a problem with these super soft people who instantly spray period blood over the slightest things.

>> No.20074555

I could use honey; good idea. I think it'd be an excellent compliment to the roasted grain quality of the bancha, though I personally want to avoid adding too much sugar to my diet. If you end up giving that a go at some point, do consider posting about it! It'd be neat to see more anons experimenting with tea in food/drinks.

>> No.20074567

Well do you want tea sprayed in pesticides, watered with unclean water, cheaply produced?
Do you want a mediocre product?

Its just lukewarm, if you're going to treat yourself with tea, get something special, and if you drink tea everyday and can't afford it, just go to McDonald's. If being just another normie is your thing.

Don't come online acting like an expert, spewing your meaningless opinions.

Simple answer is, try real tea for once, you'll come back with a changed mind.

>> No.20074570

Stop spraying diarrhea, if you need honey, you know nothing about tea and shouldn't be drinking it in the first place.

>> No.20074628

Sus sus among us

>> No.20074674

In this case you had no argument against me, so conveniently that makes me a troll according to you.

But i guess i shouldnt feed the neckbeards. Let them drown in pesticides and fluoride. Not that they matter to anyone if theyre glued to their gaming chair in diarrhea all day

>> No.20074689

I'd guess theres a nonstick coating on that pan in the picture because of how dumb these idiots really are.

How much diarrhea will they produce after being presented logic and criticism.

>> No.20074995
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20240106_091248740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get that yunomi? It's nice
I'm having some Fa Zhan He myself

>> No.20075013

which Fuhai are you having? the 12$ cake I got from Awazon is bretty gud

>> No.20075037

Whered you get that diarrhea? Its nice seeing you splatter it constantly.

>> No.20075101

I'd say it has less strength and complexity than yesterday's Naka, but this green bean, herbs, lemon and floral profile is just so pleasant to me. has a nice bit of texture too. and it's distinct from most other raws, especially at this pricepoint

>> No.20075224

Nice, the year of taobao has begun

>> No.20075264
File: 2.62 MB, 4666x4898, ShouDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shilled for the MengKu Bo Jun (2020, 38cents/gram from KTM) ripe a while back, saying it was the best shou I’d ever had. I thought it would be interesting to taste it side by side with a couple other similarly priced/“higher end” shous, namely Yunnan Sourcing’s 2020 “Bronze Label Peerless” (31c/g) and W2T’s “Loon-Call in the Dark” (41c/g).
I did this tasting blind, breaking off 3.5g each into a cha he with the name of the tea on the bottom, and I mixed the dishes up and forgot which tea was in each. In fairness, I’d drank each tea 10+ times before this and I was pretty sure I’d be able to tell them apart.
Brewed in 45mL gaiwans at 100°C. I did 2 flash steep rinses that were discarded, then 15s, 20s, 30s, 35s, and 3 minutes.

>> No.20075273
File: 3.87 MB, 5411x6211, ShouDown2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasting notes aren’t the full profiles, just in comparison to the other 2. From left to right:
Tea 1 had a nose like fresh baked pastries, a bit of candied fruit and a bit of toasty pie crust. Taste was fresh baked dark chocolate chip cookies and dark cherries, like Luxardos. I found this to be the most balanced of the three, and it was definitely my favorite.
Tea 2 didn’t have much of a nose- gaiwan lid, soup, or wet leaves. The taste was kind of flat, and comparatively boring. A little bit of bitterness maybe like dark chocolate, and it had more damp wood/ mushroom. Least favorite of the three.
Tea 3 nose was the same as the taste, a very prominent medicinal/ artificially sweet cherry. The cherry dominated the palate, it tasted overly sweet compared to the others and reminded me of a cough drop. Not a bad flavor per se, but compared to 1 especially it seemed to lack a low note to balance it out.
After the second steep I had finished my tasting notes, and after the third I was 90% sure which tea was which, and I was right. I didn’t notice any big differences between the body/ thickness of the teas. The Bo Jun is the best by a pretty large margin IMO. Well balanced, layered, sweet but not cloying. Peerless is not bad at all, I’ve enjoyed it the times I drank it before this. I was actually surprised by how sweet it seemed today. It doesn’t blow me away, but it certainly isn’t bad. Is it worth the premium vs. cheap ripe? Eh… I don’t really think so. I’m just as satisfied with 7572. The Loon Call frankly disappointed me. It’s not bad, but I have to emphatically disagree with the “layered flavor” claim in W2T’s description. I’d say it’s pretty one note. I don’t think it’s worth 41c/g at all. I’d much rather have four times as much 7572.

>> No.20075305

thanks for the tasting, this is very useful. this general could use more of this type of content
I've always avoided premium ripe because I like the cheap factory stuff just fine and I'm a cheapskate. I'm definitely going to sample this Bo Jun though if I get the chance, it's been so highly recommended in this general after all

>> No.20075331

Good stuff, i loved the bo jun, i really need to pick up a cake.
Dissapointing the loon call isint up to snuff, the material certainly looks nice in their product photos, but we aren't buying tea to look at it (at least most of us aren't)

>> No.20075337
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, liu bao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having some of dat cheapo 2006 CNNP Liu Bao from KTM. this time in a teapot and not boiled on the stove
earth, old wood, nutty, some beetroot and basement vibes, some vanilla, not unlike the smell of old books
fair enough for the price, though I prefer the rich sweetness and body of a ripe, like in the 2002 tuo from Awazon, which also has some basement vibes

maybe it's finally time to make an order at Yeeon... has Anon tried the bricks and Best Taste Ripe already?

>> No.20075414

Glad you think so, I plan on posting more like this in the future. I hope you like it once you get a sample, make sure to tell us what you think.
It is disappointing, I've tried grandpa brewing it as well but that just seems to bring out more bitterness unfortunately. I have most of a cake left though, so maybe it'll grow on me.

>> No.20075449

How do you pour multiple cups?
The first cup gets the top layer of the water of the gaiwain, so the first cup is the weakest while the last the strongest.
How do you make it more uniform?
Pour into temporary vessel and then use that to pour?
Will it help with the mixing?

>> No.20075463
File: 71 KB, 1000x800, chuimu-hammered-glass-gong-dao-bei-fair-cup-933072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you make it more uniform?
that's what the gong dao bei aka chahai aka fairness pitcher is used for
any glass pitcher will do

>> No.20075464

You are supposed to pour all the liquid out of the gaiwan at once. Use some small glass to hold the liquid if you cup isint big enough

>> No.20075467
File: 2.50 MB, 3072x4080, 1704553960217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how liquids work.

>> No.20075474

Yeah I'm stupid, I guess the increased bitterness of later cups is due to additional time.
Makes sense. Dump it quickly into something and then take your time diving it.

>> No.20075475

I mean it kinda works that way. Like if you brampa brew without stirring at all the top half of the liquid will be less concentrated then the bottom half as you drink it. Then when you add more boiled water it gets mixed more evenly.

>> No.20075602

The very same cake, got a bit under 1/4 left now. It seems like there's not that many fuhai cakes around really, which is a shame I wanna try some others.

>> No.20075610

the 2005 Fuhai tuo they also have sounds like it could be good

>> No.20075692

Yeah looks worth a try. I see anon got a couple fuhais in his taobao order which is interesting.
I don't remember seeing this cheap ass xiaguan before, would grab one if I wasn't stocked up on factory ripe already. In a few months maybe

>> No.20075741

Fair warning, older xiguan ripe often has a distict house flavor that leans toward pile funk.

>> No.20075785

made a big mug of it with milk and sugar and it was actually pretty nice to sip over the course of a few hours

>> No.20075980
File: 256 KB, 1280x1280, 1676983477110582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to try out the Haiwan 9988 brick I got a while back.
Wet leaf smells like a comfy dayi dough/cocoa thing. Taste like it too. There's nothing particularly notable here but it's very clean and zero pile. Nice budget alternative to the similar Dayi bricks that are a bit pricier.

Cheers, I'm not all that familiar with their ripes.

>> No.20075983
File: 299 KB, 1280x1280, 1676627591744974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came with some nice chinglish.
I use about triple the leaf they call for.

>> No.20075998

That picture is not entirely accurate either unless you have layers of immiscible liquids. In tea the small dissolved molecules (e.g caffeine) will try to distribute themselves mostly evenly through the vessel. The large suspended particles (e.g. tea dust) will slowly sink the the bottom.

>> No.20076009

What do you anons store your tea in? I found out the plastic food storage bags I use don't seem to work.

>> No.20076014

All my cakes are in zip lock bags, lose tea is in the packaging it came in, sealed with some basic clips.

>> No.20076034
File: 2.48 MB, 2056x1542, 1704565657668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a totally new take on the chingrish insert. About half of it is loosely based on the standard classic ones but they changed the end to say its great for gifting and friends instead of the old text that said something about it being good for hangovers.
That's a reasonably recent production right? Im surprised it still has the chingrish.
Pic related is a reasonably accurate translation of the classic text. The english text is usually different every single time from brand to brand since its copied by people who don't speak english.

>> No.20076043

Ball jars / canning jars, mylar bags.

>> No.20076048

Cambro food storage tub.

>> No.20076049

In what way do the food storage bags not work? I just leave the tea in whatever bag it came in, but if you've gotten rid of those you use glass jars with airtight lids. Just keep them out of direct sunlight.

>> No.20076060

I'll have to try something else since it doesn't appear to be working well here.
>canning jars
Do you think metal tea tins would work? I don't mind buying some stuff.
Some of my teas now have no smell or in the case of one bag, smell like other things in the cabinet. One of them doesn't have much of a taste or smell anymore which is really messed up. I have some Chinese tea coming in the mail soonish >>20071730
so I want to figure out other storage methods since bags don't appear to be working.

>> No.20076073

>Do you think metal tea tins would work? I don't mind buying some stuff.
If they actually seal, gotta get the double lid ones, the typical square ones arent airtight at all.

>> No.20076106

>In what way do the food storage bags not work?
Regular old ziploc bags are not airtight at all

>> No.20076112

buy some mylar bags. normal ziplocks are generally not as good. and non-ziplock bags are just trash

>> No.20076114

I chuck it all in an old mini fridge, except the mylar bags.

>> No.20076123

Pretty interesting. Time to start a chingrish insert collection.
It's a 2021 brick yeah.

>> No.20076134

my only issue with 9978 was that it's noticably weaker than most other factory ripes I've had. is it the same for this brick?

>> No.20076139

two coolers and wine cooler

>> No.20076159

Didn't quite finish yet but it seems pretty typical for ripe in strength. It lacks the interesting character of the 9978 though, so pick your poison I guess.

>> No.20076160

Some people use the fairness pitcher. I give the old gaiwan/teapot a couple of swirls with the wrist and find that effective

>> No.20076163

>the bricks and Best Taste Ripe already?
I'm not sure if you're referring to me, but I purchased all of those, and have yet to try them. I can taste them over a few days if you want to hear about them.

>> No.20076167

>Time to start a chingrish insert collection.
Way ahead of you, i have at least a couple dozen in the box that i keep my cake wrappers in. Sometimes they are pretty okay like the one i posted, sometimes they are unintelligible. I must be getting old to thing chingrish tea inserts are funny

>> No.20076255

How do you keep track of what characteristics a tea had you tried, dosage used and whether you liked it or not?
Post spreadsheets

>> No.20076300
File: 3.10 MB, 4000x3000, 20231221_190713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cvault for my puerh. Have another big one where I put my cakes in. For the other teas I just leave them in their respective mylar bags.

>> No.20076331

Journal. No spreadsheets, just a dated journal entry for each with the name of the tea, vendor, values I used for the initial infusion, picture of the session, and all notable qualities. More detail than a brief spreadsheet, and more useful if I need to refer back about one.

>> No.20076357

I scroll through the archives and read my posts on here.

>> No.20076383

I mostly keep track of inventory/collection via spreadsheet. Where, when, how much I purchased. Notes have a column, so do my write ups for /tea/, but that's about it.

>> No.20076410

>I can taste them over a few days if you want to hear about them.
that would be great!
just a notepad with basic flavor notes

>> No.20076439

>What do you anons store your tea in?
Canning jars or original packaging for loose leaf
Mylar bags plus boveda packs in a cooler for heicha
Mylar bags without boveda packs for other non-heicha compressed teas.
>Do you think metal tea tins would work? I don't mind buying some stuff.
Cheap ones do not seal 100%. I expect some of nice Japanese ones do but they are more expensive and harder to find than canning jars.
>Pretty interesting. Time to start a chingrish insert collection.
I keep most of my tea packaging. I may put it in a scrapbook sometime.
>How do you keep track of what characteristics a tea had you tried, dosage used and whether you liked it or not?
I started out with a spreadsheet but decided it was too much work for me. Now I mostly go by memory and rereading my old posts here.

>> No.20076453

>I purchased all of those
Same here, I will post some lazy notes on the cheap sheng brick in a little bit.

>> No.20076484

I've never seen cvault before, it looks neat. Do you think a 100 gram bag of loose leaf tea would fit in it? It's pretty humid all year round in my area so I wonder if it would keep the humidity out too.
>Cheap ones do not seal 100%. I expect some of nice Japanese ones do but they are more expensive and harder to find than canning jars.
That's disappointing.

>> No.20076566

They have ones for storing a 7g of weed and ones for sealing a kilo. This is prob what you'd want for ~100g.
> I wonder if it would keep the humidity out too
You stuff whatever humidity% boveda you need in them to regulate.

>> No.20076588
File: 79 KB, 736x1161, 71f8chtWz9L._AC_SL1350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if these types are okay?

>> No.20076634
File: 594 KB, 1466x759, Screenshot from 2024-01-06 21-02-30.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know much about this? I think I haven't heard of these Shudaizi guys before.

>> No.20076646

It's also known as Dr. Puer

>> No.20076686

Also called dr puer, they are a cheap brand that lots of western puer buyers assume will be shit because its cheap. I wouldn't expect super premium teas from them but from what ive seen for feedback they make serviceable cheap teas.
Yeah probably

>> No.20076689

Did anyone have a cake from these red leaves?
Also if anyone has a site where I could find more info about these caicheng cakes, it would be much appreciated.
DTH has jack shit info about what some od these cakes are.

>> No.20076708

You can usually look them up on https://puercn.com/
Its a database of yearly productions from the various Chinese factories that people can leave comments on and frequently they have the manufacturers description for the cake copied down. You could also try finding the manufactures website. Probably not a whole ton of info in English.
That particular tea is some kind of purple varietal. Looks like the cultivated one and not the wild one, but im just spitballing.

>> No.20076776

onyx containers makes basically the same containers without the "dude weed" branding. I think they can often be had a bit cheaper too if you shop around.

>> No.20076785


is that the website or is there a plugin that has the price in per gram? ive seen a plugin like that discussed a few times before but havent been able to find one like it

>> No.20076808

they're a fairly reputable brand at the cheaper end of the pu-erh spectrum. expect some embellished origin or age claims, but the tea should be decent

>> No.20076809

Anon wrote it. Check it out.

>> No.20076838

>Anon wrote it. Check it out.
Thanks fir reminding me, added to the pastebin
Thanks to the anon that wrote it!

>> No.20076844 [DELETED] 

You glide back and forth between the cups.

>> No.20076885
File: 2.15 MB, 720x1280, Gold Medal 100ML Fully Hand Made Chaozhou Local Zhuni Clay Zi Pan Teapot By Artist Wang Peixin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You glide back and forth between the cups.

>> No.20076975
File: 265 KB, 1500x1000, B25-9768_1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“2008 Raw Pu-erh Tea Brick, Jiang Cheng” from yeeonteaco
Appearance: dry leaves dark brown colored, buds copperish, whole mostly intact medium sized leaves with some buds and a few small stems mixed in, no foreign debris, apparent high humidity storage, shows extensive “frosting”, dry leaves smells like a damp root cellar. wet leaves are dark brown with spots approaching black, tea liquor is dark orangish brown, tea aroma is of cellar fungus and soil.
Taste: old books and leather, sweet woodsy taste, some peaty loam, a bit of minerality, a touch herbaceous, some minty cooling menthol, on the lower to moderate end of bitterness and astringency, drying mouthfeel, mustiness slightly irritating to the back of the throat.
Thoughts: It is HK wet stored puerh alright, if you know it you know it, the storage character was as prominent as the underlying tea when I first got it, a couple years in my storage has gone a long way to air out the cellar funk and let the tea stand on its own, the aggressive storage has mellowed out the tea faster than more typical storage would have but has also imparted an earthy musty character the tea would not have otherwise have had, If you like wet stored sheng there is not much to complain about and the tea seems like good value but to me personally it is a once in a while tea and not something I would want on a regular basis, I enjoy the uniqueness of its character but I don’t really want to drink such a dank tea all the time, I am sure others would consider it a great daily drinker however.

>> No.20077008

Sounds about right, i think i remember getting some fruity tastes off it as well. I didn't find the storage to be too intense but it sure was hk tea.

>> No.20077047

Oh, nice thanks! I have their ice cube trays if it's the same Onyx. https://food52.com/shop/products/1001-stainless-steel-ice-cube-tray

>> No.20077058
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it comes in a resealable bag (which is most loose leaf nowadays), I'll keep them in the bag. For ones that don't (seems to be mainly Japanese greens and rolled oolongs), I keep them in tins. The tins with the double lids are best IMO. Like other anons have said, the square tins you see tea sold in aren't airtight, though I think they'd be fine for stuff like herbal tea where airtightness isn't that important. I keep my puerh cakes in a c-vault.

>> No.20077075

It's pretty interesting seeing all the different ways or similar ways anons store tea! I'm not sure what to go with yet, maybe onxy. I'm just not sure which size to get since I'm not sure how big 100 grams of >>20071730 these bags are. I'm probably going to open the Yunnan "Black Gold Bi Luo Chun" Black Tea first.

>> No.20077098

Those teas from YS should come in resealable foil bags that are totally fine for storing the tea.

>> No.20077116

>Mylar bags without boveda packs for other non-heicha compressed teas.
What do other anons prefer for their dian hong and white tea cakes when it comes to humidity.

>> No.20077122

Cheers happy you're finding it useful!

>> No.20077145

Saw the other anon had posted about the sheng brick earlier. I'll get to it and the shou brick eventually, but I opened up the bag of Best Taste shou earlier and set aside some portions. Going to wait a bit to infuse it, and then I'll post about it once my session is done.

>> No.20077228

Linked it to a homie last night.
>i appreciate the alphabeticaltism

>> No.20077237

Thanks anons! I've never heard of this until now!

>> No.20077563

>Firefox plugin
my old nemesis

t. uses old firefox fork that doesn't support WebExtensions

>> No.20077571

Cut that out and use firefox

>> No.20077680
File: 320 KB, 2500x2500, 324543253425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any real reason NOT to use cast iron teapots (yes, the enamel coated ones) if you mostly just drink black tea? I know they kinda suck for green tea since you don't want green tea to stay too hot for too long but outside of that it seems most the issues people have with them is just stuff unrelated to the tea itself

>> No.20077694

That's a kettle for heating water.

>> No.20077712
File: 495 KB, 570x570, 23453425234532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the enamel coated ones that are specifically meant for brewing, not the bare iron kettles

>> No.20077720

Eh i guess if you don't mind preheating it with water and then dumping it out before you add the tea and brew there isn't any major issues, maybe that it stays too hot during brewing but that's more of an issue for green tea.
But yeah, heavy, needs to be preheated, needs to be enameled. I think those are the major drawbacks.

>> No.20077842

Anyone know how the customer service is for Liquid Proust? Just got an order in and everything was good except one of the teas was missing.

>> No.20077861

Nvm, he literally back to me within the next 5 minutes, seems like a cool dude. Will post some of the notes of the teas here if anyones interested. Got a 2000 HK Trad stored Iron Zhong Cha i'm looking forward to

>> No.20078110

>Anyone know how the customer service is for Liquid Proust?
The one time I had a problem (postal related so not his fault) with an order from him he was helpful. I don't know him personally but I have a hard time imagining him not at least trying to be helpful. As far as I can tell he really sees his shop as a passion project and a service of sorts to the tea community.
>Will post some of the notes of the teas here if anyones interested.
what else did you get?

>> No.20078141

>leaf water with almost no taste
>dozens superior alternatives
>somehow a major trade between great nations for hundreds of years
>a key to spiritualism across dozens of cultures
Am I stupid or is tea a psyop? There's no way some mediocre water can be anything but a placebo.

>> No.20078144
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I can understand why people wouldn't like them for the reasons you listed but it never bugged me much, so long as it's not actually messing up the tea itself I don't mind taking an extra couple of minutes to preheat it.

>> No.20078251

>leaf water with almost no taste
I guarantee you've only had shitty grocery store mass produced tea.

>> No.20078298

It's true that tea has been at the center of significant wars and among the most valued commodities to ever exist. Humans have cherished it for thousands of years. It's appreciated for its subtle yet dynamic experience and for its ability to bring people of all walks of life together. All it requires is some tea prepared with love and some time to enjoy it.
The modern world of drive thru coffee franchises, high fructose corn syrup, constant distractions and interruptions, all poison us and make appreciating something as primal yet refined as leaf water difficult. It makes us feel like there is no love, there is no time. Tea is not magic, but it may seem that way to somebody drowning in the zeitgeist.
In this regard there are no superior alternatives. Give it a shot, anon. If you have a natural curiosity for trying new things, I promise you'll find a tea that will change your perspective.

>> No.20078373

>almost no taste
You're doing something REALLY wrong if you're not getting any taste from tea, even shitty grocery store tea bags taste like something.

>> No.20078409

War over tea was cool and all but imagine if it was over coca-cola instead.

>> No.20078477

He's only had w2t, like the rest of the idiots here.

>> No.20078795
File: 173 KB, 1125x1125, csh sheng yun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying the Sheng Yun minicake I got from Chen Sheng Hao in addition to the Naka brick
not much info about this cake, just that it's some blend of fresh and one year old Menghai material with "traditional Menghai flavor". supposedly 100+ year old trees, so I guess qiao mu or whatever the correct term is

the aroma is reserved and heavier, a bit peaty, unlike the sweet and in your face aromatics of the Naka
getting slight peat, petroleum, savory beans, some apricot, medium herbal bitterness that lasts but occasionally gives way to a bit of sweet floral huigan. some throat cooling. decent body and texture, but nothing too out there
getting a good number of infusions and a nice caffeine punch

for now my thoughts are that it's totally an easily acceptable tea and an alright value, but nothing too exciting. probably a good slug of Bulang material in there, clean modern processing. but I really find myself prefering single-origin sheng lately and flavor profiles that diverge more from the standard

>> No.20078803
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I'll say that the blend does evolve nicely with consequent brews even if it's not super complex or unique. Clearly competently composed and more fun than some of the wannabe Yiwu softies at this price range.
Some larger leaves in there and varying levels of oxidation, that's probably the one year old maocha.

>> No.20078868

Pu Erh beginner here. I once got a small cheap mushroom cake from an asian supermarket that was quite fishy and had a very dark brew. Tasted like soil but in a bad way.
On 37C3 I had some of the cake at the House of Tea. I don't know what it was but it wasn't fishy at all and had a lighter colored brew. It was closer to green tea and I quite liked it.

Can you shill me 2 pu ehrs, which
- aren't fishy
- don't break the bank
- aren't exotic/rare
- good for beginners
- not too dark

I'm more keen to western brewing but I'll give gongfu a try. I live in Europe

>> No.20078874

>doesn't break the bank

>> No.20078879

If you're in Europe I'd just take a trip to Asia.

>> No.20078883

I think puerh and heicha enjoyers are the main ones autistic enough to worry about humidity. Probably because of the whole ageing aspect.

>> No.20078887

Hey, maybe do some research you armchair quarterback

>> No.20078891

white tea cakes should age fine without worrying about the humidity, they age in a different way than puerh does because they dont go through the kill green process

>> No.20078895

>was quite fishy and had a very dark brew.
That's called ripe puer and by your description, it was a bad one. But I hate all ripes.
>it wasn't fishy at all and had a lighter colored brew. It was closer to green tea
That is raw puer.
I'm puer noob, so I won't recommend anything until I drink more. They should arrive soon I hope.

>> No.20078901

I dislike these. This type of kettle is used in Japan to heat water and it works well for that, keeps it hot for a long time like a thermos. These odd westernised versions for brewing tea work fine for western brewing black tea or something, but won't be good for green tea or oolong, they are also unwieldy and will steal all the heat from your water if you don't preheat them, which is annoying and wasteful for these big teapots.
Ceramic teapots are honestly just superior for most applications and more authentically asian if you care about that. Many of them are really pretty too.

>> No.20078908 [DELETED] 

Try puerh.uk , that's my recommendation

>> No.20078920

This thread is filled with these neckbeards who know nothing, you're not going to stop their next white2pee order you know.

>> No.20078929

How about you just order some good tea and see what all the fuss is about? I've been into coffee and beer before and both pale in comparison to the results of thousands of years of Chinese tea obaession.

>> No.20078934

The problem Is he trusts the idiots who tell him to buy a super cheap cake of puerh. From w2t,lp,ys

>> No.20078952

sounds like the pu-erh you enjoyed was a raw / sheng and the one you disliked was a bad ripe pu-erh
I've had good experiences with the raw pu-erh from Farmerleaf. they have free global shipping and seem to be good at dodging VAT. if I had to pick two reccs from them that fit your criteria, it'd be something like Bangwai small trees and 2023 Fa Zhan He

you could also try some better ripes and aged raw pu-erh, which won't really be green teaish, as raw pu-erh gets darker with age. that's probably best to do at a bigger site like kingteamall or yunnansourcing. I can give you some reccs for KTM if you want

btww ignore the guy spamming elitist statements and recommending the scammy site puerh.uk, he's just a really repetitive troll / bot

>> No.20078961

Its not a scammy site, have any proof? Or just yet another one of these hundreds of baseless claims you manage to pump out?

Farmerleaf is only a small step above w2t,lp,ys but there is still much better around, and yes there is better than puerh.uk . they are just too unknown to be mentioned around here.

>> No.20078978

>they are just too unknown to be mentioned around here.
Oh no not the secret sites. What if people bought stuff from there and the business would continue to operate.
Or worse, they would get popular.

>> No.20078986

Lol the neckbeard buys his tea based off of reddit drama, I'm surprised he could even type that out with those sausages, since he's a neckbeard who sits online all day spreading drama when he can't even take simple criticism.

Dumb neckbeards from reddit clogging up the thread.

>don't buy from puerh.uk , Buy from YS instead!!
>puerh.uk is totally evil, but ignore how bad the trash YS sells!
Provide some proof for your claims, is all I ask of you, but I know you won't since you can't take criticism. Debunk my decades of experience.

>> No.20078991

Or worse diapers like you would come squealing in, ruining all the tea in another one of your diaper floods

>> No.20078995

fuck off newfag

>> No.20078999

I'm currently drinking the 7562 and I ordered a 7572 and a lumber slut. Are these comparable in leaf size to the 7562 brick? I know the third number is supposed to be the leaf size but the leaves of the 7562 seem pretty small to me honestly, and I think I would prefer larger leaves that extract more slowly and are easier to clean.

>> No.20079001

The best option would just be to compress all that diarrhea into a cake and brew it. You won't taste a difference between that and your w2t!

>> No.20079003

Another w2t diaper dropped in. Prepare for a monsoon.

>> No.20079006

I have all three right now
lumber slut uses bigger, not as chopped up leaves and seems to be less compressed. 7572 is more similar to 7562
I like all three to a similar degree. not sure which one lasts longer, but lumber slut is the easiest to control for sure because of that low compression

>> No.20079013
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I'd skip all that jumbo and just brew a Lipton.

>> No.20079022

The only thing that's low compression is your anus. Spewing all that diarrhea in an effort to defend Paul and his cheap pesticide tea, that he sells to his loyal neckbeard reddit army.

>> No.20079026

Reddit banned him so now he is here I guess

>> No.20079030

Who, paolo?

>> No.20079040

They banned a lot of people in that sub who didnt like w2t, ironic knowing the owner is Paul..

Every other post is of w2t there, same place where this Paolo hate comes from, really shows how autistic some of the people on this thread are to believe any of these normies.

>> No.20079064

Update on Yingpan Shan 2023: It's getting better already, about 2 weeks at home in dry storage. Around 90-95c and flash brews. Getting the nice aroma and fragrance from last year and losing the fresh black taste it had. A week or two more and it will be perfect.
The fa zhan he settled too, I pushed the infusion a bit more than usual to get a more pronounced mouth feel, something i'm not really doing usually but i'm enjoying it more that way. Better overall session without losing the fragrance of it.

>> No.20079065 [DELETED] 

Update on your diaper: its starting to tear already

>> No.20079067

no wonder he's from reddit because /tea/ doesn't even like w2t, so the trolling doesn't work here. poor guy is up for hours spamming and only gets pity (you)s from some confused tourists, while everyone else filtered him out long ago

>> No.20079070

I don't know what you are trying to achieve there honestly. Everyone in the thread know you are just trolling but you are talking to everyone like we are the same person, sounds almost like a bot, I would be worried if I were you. You must be really sad might need to drink more tea.

>> No.20079076

AFAIK /tea/ only drinks bags with milk, they banned him from /puer/ after spamming some pesticides nonsense.
Funny how I would never order from w2t, yet all this guy did was to convince me to not try puerh.uk.

>> No.20079112

Yeah Fa Zhan He can take a bit of pushing. I also enjoy the mouthfeel on it, it's kind of fluffy. I gotta try to find some similar tea, William said it reminds him of southern Menghai but that would be much more bitter, right?
I like the subtle floral sweetness that plays hide and seek with me in the fa zhan he. And I like the lack of typical stone fruit, it's something different with that green bean herbal and lemon profile.

>> No.20079133

If you take a lao man e yes because it's what people are looking for out of it. But I'm sure you can find similar tea without paying too much, William said people would enjoy bangwai if they like fa zhan he on one of the streams I think but haven't tried it myself. I like the taste of the fa zhan he too because i'm not into high biterness yet.

>> No.20079156

Yeah I've been eyeing that lao man e, but might just sample it. I don't mind high bitterness, but it'd better have some good sweetness to compensate
The bangwai was not similar to me, it was more like a better Jingmai Miyun, a soft stonefruity floral cake without the savory greenness of FZH.

>> No.20079175

I had some jingmai miyun and huey wa earlier this year didn't enjoy them that much, the lao man e shengtai I got was decent but not my thing. Ao no me was a nice surprise to me and the nuo gu wan maocha was nice too. Maybe bangway is just not easily bitter so people would like it I don't know.

>> No.20079358

Between the Jingmai Miyun and the Huey Wa, which do you prefer?

>> No.20079361

Paolo was spamming gore and shitposting spam soo. He was shitting up the board, just as he is here now.

>> No.20079362

Hard to tell honestly, it was "only" samples maybe the miyun but not a big difference.

>> No.20079370

Might as well straight up drink a pesticide.

>> No.20079408

They are cool i totally agree

>> No.20079414

Yeah i would imagine at the point you are seeking out bulang teas you are probably after soke exciting experiences and not a totally acceptable tea for easy drinking

>> No.20079441

Between the two, I prefer the Huey Wa. They're both fine, though. I'm just collecting some data points.

>> No.20079666

Yes the urge to buy the lao man e autumn cake from fl is big. Not sure if I'd like a whole cake of bitter bulang brutality, but it's tempting

>> No.20079681

I only sampled the Miyun, I kind of want to try it again to confirm, but I preferred Huey Wa I have a cake I'm working through. It's quite basic though but that's what I like about it.

>> No.20079766

I will get my farmer leaf lao mane e and naka cakes in sometime in the next 2 weeks or so if you want to wait for feedback.
I just drank the last CSH sample pack from that deal thry did last year. It was still pretty good but i found it more astringent then i remembered. Also im a bit out of practice with brewing demanding teas so i was a bit more lax with abrew times then i probably should be.

>> No.20079780
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What if the tong is the true sample?

>> No.20079835
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Green tea is dog shit.

>> No.20079845

Depends on what green tea you are talking about. The teabags from the store are ass, a nice fresh spring harvest Japanese or Chinese green is pretty great.

>> No.20079847
File: 2.17 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20240104_024745988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been.

>> No.20079870

I just can't bring myself to buy an entire tong, even for tea that makes me think, "Yeah this is good. Could drink one or two cakes of this a year". Variety is the spice of life and the tong is inevitably beaten out of the shopping cart by a small army of other cakes

>> No.20079901

I'm glad this picture has gotten so much use.

>> No.20079937

I don't buy them because I'm terrified of outgrowing my storage.

>> No.20079948

Thanks, I'd love to hear what this year's version is like.
The CSH was the expensive bulang one that was the main feature of the box?
I enjoyed it because it did have a lot of sweetness too, first candy, then a punch in the face. Was a bitch to get it right though. I would hope for a similar experience from the lao man e autumn, but it's many times cheaper so IDK. What I want to avoid is just nasty medicinal bitterness with not much else to it, had one semiaged cake like that.

>> No.20080055

Totally valid reasoning. Get yourself some tea homies first, then you'll wish you had tongs of the good shit to trade cakes with them. Then tongs will provide even greater variety!
There's an even better solution on the other side of the coin.

>> No.20080189

You're right of course. I have one friend I'm working on converting, he enjoyed a young lao man e from FL so I'm heading down that angle.

>> No.20080220

>Bangwai small trees
>2023 Fa Zhan He
will get these, thanks

>> No.20080271

Cheers. The fa zhan he is very green teaish and got a lot of hype ITT for its value proposition. And the Bangwai is a good example of a typical soft clean modern raw pu-erh, good introduction to the genre

>> No.20080342

I second the Fa Zhan He. If you are looking for some more small purchases from FL to hit the $30 free shipping threshold I also highly recommend this cheap black tea.
Do tell us what you think of the tea when you get it.

>> No.20080415

>The CSH was the expensive bulang one that was the main feature of the box?
Yeah, it was real punchy
I had last years lao man e autumn and really liked it, opened bitter, turned sweet, not much astringency. Very nice tea, so i have high hopes for this years.

>> No.20080445

your teaware is so cool. i love seeing your pictures here.

>> No.20080461

I think a bottle brush might work at cleaning in between the teeth of the cup.

>> No.20080491
File: 786 KB, 2957x1318, 20240106_162724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon requested I post about some of the Yee On Tea pu'ers yesterday, but I fell asleep before posting about the Best Ripe I tested. Here are some notes:

Dry leaf smells of deep soil and mild syrup sweetness. Wet leaf smells of deep malt syrup, still some soil, and perhaps a mild woodsiness.

Medium thickness, low bitterness and astringency. Mild sweetness resembling the wet leaf notes, but nothing strikingly defined or potent. Aftertaste is subtly woody. Doesn't change much from pushing it or adding more material. Pretty clean despite the HK storage, and has decent endurance, but pretty simple overall.
Not bad at all, just not complex or extra sweet. I'd rather invest my money into a different product. I haven't tasted the bricks yet (I do have them), but I personally liked the Taste of HK cake a lot more for the money, and it's cheaper by the gram with probably more age on it, so I'd just buy that instead.

>> No.20080495
File: 683 KB, 1707x1708, 20240106_160539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry "Best Taste" maocha.

>> No.20080496

Thank you anon. It's a cheap and basic set up, but I enjoy using it. The testing cup pours well and is really easy to empty but yeah, I haven't bothered much with cleaning those teeth.

>> No.20080512

Thanks for the comparison. I wonder if you will like the Jinggu brick more, one anon here had this sentiment, though the guy from TeaDB preferred the best taste.
The only thing stopping me from a yeeon order for now is their shipping is damn expensive for me. 20$ for a single cake, 40$ for anything more than that.

>> No.20080551

A fair review. It's a tea to drink with food or sip when you're distracted/drunk for me, I enjoy it for this purpose. I better check out that taste of HK cake.

It is pretty gnarly shipping. Only way I know of to get hold of the basement shit though.

>> No.20080556

Is the $20-40 a bribe?

>> No.20080565

No problem. I agree that they aren't really great shipping-wise for small orders. If it was me, I'd wait for another one of their 20% sales like they just had. I checked my receipt, and the costs were as follows:
>$103.20 subtotal ($-25.80 from 20% off)
>$17 shipping, $0 tax (except a sneaky international fee from my new bank)
>Total was $120.20
Gram amount is 1.58kg. I tested it a bit, and I saw I could raise it without price increases to shipping. Maybe it increases at 2kg?
>I better check out that taste of HK cake.
Funny thing is that I recall someone warning me about it, but I ended up liking it. It reminds me a little bit of liu bao. Don't buy it if you dislike soil note/loam-forward tea, but if you do, it's pleasant.

>> No.20080583
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Dog shit opinion, truly.

>> No.20080585
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Gotta pay the vampire tax.

>> No.20080598

Nice jade-like infusion color. What are you sipping on there?

>> No.20080633

I already forgot what the specific name was because it's a part of a sampler starter pack of 22 different Japanese green teas from Nio teas, my bad. Although, it is a fukamushi sencha which is my favorite type of green tea so far along with genmaicha.

>> No.20080641

I brew it down to a strong base and then mix it with some black tea. Crushed leaf is pretty hard to get for reasonable prices anymore, for some reason retards prefer to chug the powder.

>> No.20080785

No, fuck off we're full

>> No.20080819


>> No.20081040

If you like fukamushicha I'll shill for Yamane-en's kakegawa black label from yunomi.life. That was the first real sencha I've tried and it's still one of my favorites.