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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20067980 No.20067980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any moids or dads have any nutritional advice? Seems like his growth and heartbeat are normal/healthy but since I didnt know I was pregnant for so long I feel like I need to overcompensate for how ive been eating for the past 6 months. I was also smoking weed every day and around 3 hand-rolled cigarettes on days Ive been at work. Im worried hes gonna be premature and/or addicted to corn syrup. Help. Thanx.

>> No.20067998

Do not consume any seed oil or artificial sweetener.

>> No.20068004

I didnt know I was pregnant because I was on birth control and my retarded GP told me I probably had "cyclical vomiting syndrome" and sent me on my way without making me take a test. I was having unusual boob pain but all my girl friends told me that that happens to them too or that happened when they switched birth control so I didnt suspect anything until I started gaining weight rapidly but my belly button was flat and I felt what seemed like a heartbeat or spasms in my stomach.

>> No.20068013

Drink lots of mugwort tea every day

>> No.20068022

Dont be rude just bc youre jealous

>> No.20068024

stop fucking smoking weed

>> No.20068028

Omg thanx! I havent thought of that!

>> No.20068034

We all know you're trying to murder the baby, you retarded dyke. Don't try to LARP as you trying to eat healthy and reverse any problems because we all know women don't do that shit, they never hold accountability, and they love killing babies. Crystal Cafe is that way, my gal. We don't want you on this board.
In all seriousness: Grow your own food, never buy any store-brought food, do not get anything with corn syrup, eat smaller portions, quit smoking. In short: Do NOT eat goyslop.
I want to know how's that rude, he's just giving you some suggestions and ain't no one jealous of your deadbeat ass and the consequences of your actions.

>> No.20068071

If you took 2 seconds to look up "pregnancy mugwort" you would find out that people drink it to induce miscarriages.

Youre making it seems like you live in goverment housing or something lol. Newsflash! Not all women are black or white trash/mudsharks!

I wasnt planning on having a child yet but that doesnt mean I didnt want one in the first place. I just wanted to be able to afford to get married to my boyfriend first.

I hope one day you can share this experience with someone because ive never been so happy and excited in my life, but you should try and be less JEALOUS first.

>> No.20068077

damn i thought she had to keep smoking as she did before find out she was pregnant, good lord you people are retards

>> No.20068086

>eat smaller portions

I suggest you seethe less and be less of a complete idiot unless you want to die childless and alone

>> No.20068105

Dumb whore

>> No.20068107

Christ how do you miss that?
My wife and I knew at 2 weeks because we were trying.
You should have been taking prenatals months ago.

>> No.20068189

Bringing a child into this world is such a selfish and horrible thing to do. We didn't ask to be born, but we have the choice to not bring that suffering to others. Things are already bad, imagine how they'll be in 18 years.
I'd recommend an abortion and to use proper birth control, or get your tubes tied.

>> No.20068231

How do you go 25 weeks without knowing you're pregnant?

>> No.20068237

>I abused narcotics and smoked cigarettes daily until my 3rd trimester because I didn't know I was pregnant LMAO whoopsie XD
You are dumb as a fucking box of shit. Please do the child a favor and give it up for adoption that way it at least has SOME chance in life.

>> No.20068262

Women are fucking retarded. Giving them eights was a mistake

>> No.20068272
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>25 weeks

>> No.20068307

It won't, it's going to be more retarded than it's mother by a long shot and society will be left paying the bills for the entirety of both of their lives.

>> No.20068311

I explained earlier in the thread.

Given the circumstances it was an honest mistake but of course I regret not taking a test. My gp is retarded and ya in hindsight i was dumb for trusting her.

Im just happy hes healthy and my gyno said that this isnt uncommon.

Thankfully I hardly ever drink alcohol and I dont eat a ton of processed

Once I found out ive been very cautious but there is just so much conflicting information online about what you should/shouldnt eat/drink during pregnancy its a bit overwhelming...

>> No.20068319

Don't touch receipt paper. It's well known to cause brain development issues.

>> No.20068320

*processed foods

I do really like coca cola though thats what im mostly worried about

>> No.20068336

How is anyone tanking this thread seriously?
Or ate they in on the toleplay and just using this as an outlet to say things they wish they could say to a real woman

>> No.20068337

This thread makes me sad.

>> No.20068346
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My niggers in Christ you are talking to a man.

>> No.20068362
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I come to this board rarely for random food advice and now witness what is becoming a shitstorm of a thread. Is it always like this? I didn’t know cooking consisted of so much berating kek

>> No.20068369

Been this way for years now, but it's worse every day.

>> No.20068379

It's a man having a baby?

>> No.20068404

Sickie, men can have babies now you dumb Democrat?

>> No.20068425

Civvies don't get it.

>> No.20068595

eat it to gain it's youth

>> No.20068742

Congratulations! Have you thought about a name

>> No.20068750

shut your blue waffle mouth

>> No.20068764

>any nutritional advice?
to prevent neural tube defects, it is recommend that you supplement folic acid in an ordinary prenatal daily vitamin

>> No.20068831

folic acid is only really important in the first trimester when all that shit first starts developing, a prenatal vitamin is always recommended but the benefits of them now are greatly diminished. Luckily most "food" now a days is overly fortified with random vitamins so OP should be okay

>> No.20068854

im a tourist on ck, is this some pasta? like ops a landwhale cuz muh food?

>> No.20069089

rent free

>> No.20069120
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>boi preggers?!?!
>In my uwu?!!?!?!

>> No.20069133

>seed oil boogeyman
Go back

>> No.20069161

On the off chance that this isn't bait, here's some advice:
Protein is vital for placenta development. In the second and third trimesters it's recommended to get at least 71 grams a day. It's hard, but it's good to prioritize that because the placenta is what nourishes your baby.
You want either a prenatal with iron or a separate iron supplement (or just eat foods rich in iron) because your body is producing TONS of red blood cells and without extra iron you will likely experience anemia.
Eating fish is a good idea because it's a good source of protein and important vitamins, but be careful how much you consume because you don't want to consume too much mercury.
You should start taking a prenatal even if it's late in the game. And definitely stop smoking. You should not smoke while breastfeeding either. In fact you should consider giving it up permanently with a baby/young child in the house. Smoke of any kind can hamper their lung function and babies are born with weak/immature lungs.
Alcohol is also a no go. When breastfeeding, you would need to either buy test strips to test your milk for the presence of it or pump twice to get any residual alcohol out before feeding your baby. You need to stay away from caffeine as well, as it has been known to cause premature birth and low birth weight.

>> No.20069174

I had an OBGYN for my first and a midwife for my second. I can't recommend a midwife enough. My OBGYN was dangerously retarded and didn't even end up attending the birth. My midwife actually gave a shit and helped me have a healthier and all around better pregnancy + birth. OBGYNs are general women's health doctors so they don't necessarily specialize in pregnancy, whereas a midwife does. They will be able to tell you much more about the necessary nutrition for pregnancy.

>> No.20069177

turns out googling 'how not to induce a miscarriage' is a great way to find out how to induce a miscarriage.

>> No.20069206

if you willingly consume seed oils you are a literal retard

>> No.20069211
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i used to roll joints with it when i was 13yo because i couldn't buy rolling papers yet

>> No.20069427

I think im gonna call him Daniel. :) thank u.

>> No.20069677

That's my dad's name lol

>> No.20069725

Chefs are fucking divas and have been for literal centuries, you shouldn't be surprised. Think artist level of pretentious, but about fucking food.

>> No.20069735

They fuck the food????

>> No.20069743

Yes, that's why /ck/ keeps telling people to make their own stuff doncha know.

>> No.20069860

That's barbaric!

>> No.20069874

Follow this diet
It is not a meme diet
It is very traditional diet
It will make you and your baby strong
>t. nutritionist

>> No.20070067
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>> No.20070089

>it's recommended to get at least 71 grams a day. It's hard,
how is that hard? that's like one chicken breast

>> No.20070908
File: 79 KB, 779x318, Screenshot_20240105-031136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's two full chicken breasts. Do you eat 2 chicken breasts every single day?

>> No.20070934

Imagine the cream pie

>> No.20070947 [DELETED] 


Tits or gtfo dumb whore. We all know the fucking rules, stop fucking about. Show tits with timestamp and state your business, stupid cunt