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20066210 No.20066210 [Reply] [Original]

aren't typically hot (tea, coffee), don't cause intoxication (alcohol), aren't carbonated (pepsi, cola)

>> No.20066214
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V8 has a good range

>> No.20066216

Iced tea isn't hot

>> No.20066219
File: 69 KB, 600x885, chrysanthemum-tea-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iced chrysanthemum tea. As a bonus it cools your qi

>> No.20066293

forgot to mention, also those that aren't full of sugar

>> No.20066310
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water dumb fuck

>> No.20066315


>> No.20066329
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>> No.20066331 [DELETED] 

a black man's thick semen.

>> No.20066383

Bleach, perfect for a soulless, boring, teetotaling fuck like yourself with nothing worth living for.

>> No.20066613

For me it’s the Virgin Mary, the best non-alcoholic drink.

>> No.20066615

Water and juice

>> No.20066619

Milk, which is only consumable if you're white

>> No.20066621

aguas frescas. Cucumber lime is pretty good.

>> No.20066624 [DELETED] 

Niggers eat nothing but refined starches and sugars, they're the closest things to human gummi bears that exist

>> No.20066629

>my ability to drink milk is the only thing I can be proud of

>> No.20066634 [DELETED] 

whites are capable of multiple things at once, I know its a foreign concept to you

>> No.20066636 [DELETED] 

>I can do this thing

>> No.20066638 [DELETED] 

Yt pepo mad

>> No.20066642

I thought mormons could drink pepsi

>> No.20066644 [DELETED] 

Talking about "whiteness" out of nowhere is the equivalent of posting
>tea, which can also be served cold and is often consumed this way in Japan

Amerimutts aren't white. You speak American English as your only language and have below zero connection to your "original" culture. You're just immigrants several generations assimilated into an acultural country.

>> No.20066646 [DELETED] 

If man can swim and dog can swim, then man is no better than dog??

>> No.20066655 [DELETED] 

>sperging out about americans out of nowhere
The irony

>> No.20066662 [DELETED] 

Either ching chong thimble dick or good morning sir please redeem the poha, not sure which

>> No.20066666


>> No.20066693

wasted digits

>> No.20066700

My qi's always piping hot. I should really snag some chrysanthemum tea (‾◡◝)

>> No.20066705 [DELETED] 

Where else on Earth are people so obsessed with race? Maybe you're Canadian then

>> No.20066747 [DELETED] 

You can just call us black. It's really not that offensive.

>> No.20066783 [DELETED] 


>> No.20066830

I love unsweetened iced green tea. You get that good green tea and it just has such amazing flavor on its own that there's no need for sugar. If you accidentally steep it too long, there is some bitterness when it's hot but the ice mellows it out.

>> No.20066891 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 1696373797511708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHEM, the AP style guide says to capitalize Black when referring to the racial category to reflect the decades of racial oppression using that moniker. Do better.

>> No.20066902 [DELETED] 

>Where else on Earth are people so obsessed with race?
Europe. You people despise each other and consider each other subhuman based on arbitrary lines in the ground and will angrily argue about how different you are from people 20 miles away from you

>> No.20066942 [DELETED] 


>> No.20066955
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>> No.20066981 [DELETED] 

In Europe unlike the US, there's actually huge differences in culture, language, and history even crossing 20 miles. Are you telling me Kansas to Missouri to Nebraska is as different as Spain to France to Germany?

>> No.20067016 [DELETED] 

You know absolutely nothing about America, you've spent your entire life in one villa and think the entire third of a continent America comprises is one city you've heard memes about

>> No.20067034 [DELETED] 

>haw haw americans are so obsessed with differences
Do eurosharts even have functioning brains anymore? How do you have this much cognitive dissonance without spontaneously combusting?

>> No.20067039 [DELETED] 

Tell me how Nebraska and Illinois differ in their rich culture, language, history

>> No.20067049 [DELETED] 

Tell me how Spain, France, and Germany all consider each other to be the same people and all this talk about ethnic difference is purely american

>> No.20067065 [DELETED] 


>> No.20067147
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>> No.20067161

Drink milk

>> No.20067171
File: 1.31 MB, 220x391, nathan-milk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dairy Milk is the perfect beverage. It may be the single most nutritious foodstuff someone can easily incorporate into their diet. At least two glasses a day, and you'll see wonders in every facet of your health. More energy, improved mood, better brain function, metabolism stability, weight management, muscle definition, digestive health, hair and skin improvement, immune response, sleep quality, wound healing, dental health. And you're unlikely to ever have a vitamin deficiency in your life.

>> No.20067206

well no, im proud to be white and not a shitskin such as yourself

>> No.20067211

phoneposting should be banned

you wouldn't even need or want to make it about race, it would solve that problem itself

>> No.20067231

Do people really put so many flowers in the pot? I put 4-5 at most. Also is this cold brew or first hot then cooled?

>> No.20067259
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>mods didn't delete this post

>> No.20067296
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>gives you a stroke

>> No.20067540

Lemonade (kind of a juice)
Milk and flavored milk
Milk derivatives, like the sour yogurt drink that muzzies like (its not bad on hot summer days actually)
I've been making milk juice mixes lately
Any drink is going to be mostly water
It will either be something steeped in hot water (teas), something fermented or distilled (alcohols, kimchi cider, etc), something from an animal (milks, organ juices), or something squeezed from a fruit or vegetable (juices)

>> No.20067551
File: 41 KB, 640x640, squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the UK we have squash - mostly-sugar-free concentrate that you dilute with water. Surely the US has something like that, but my American wife isn't aware of it. Might be called cordial or something? The scots call it diluting juice, which is hilarious

>> No.20067571
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the brew for bros

>> No.20067629

Organ juices? Never heard of that before.

>> No.20067636

In the norf we genuinely call it "dilutive juice"

>> No.20067644

Monster rehab wild berry tea

>> No.20067648

Water faggot.

>> No.20067683

>not dumb

>> No.20067686

raw eggs

>> No.20067697

Water sucks, it has no flavor.

>> No.20068491

Iced coffee and tea
You can also put milk in iced coffee although I'm not sure if that would work well with tea

>> No.20068502
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black people don't be seasoning they water

>> No.20068555

I drink V8 low sodium. It's tasty, I prefer it to the salt bomb version

>> No.20068637

Water. Milk is a good choice if you happen to like taking cock too.

>> No.20068664
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it's the juice anon

>> No.20068674

>He said using a device invented by white people

>> No.20068681

I used to make lemon water with this stuff. I put less than a teaspoon of lemon juice in there and fill up a pint glass with water.

>> No.20069061


>> No.20069064


>> No.20069129


>> No.20069220

water. Cold, specifically

>> No.20069227

sounds like jew flower when you say in chinese. jew whore cha

>> No.20069286
File: 988 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240104-041447_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20069290

Egg nog

>> No.20069313

if youre looking for a beverage to get autistic about get into fresh squeezed juice

>> No.20069366

Why does she look like she's wearing a full-on diaper?

>> No.20069413

It kinda looks like she's packing heat.

>> No.20070472

Do we fuck, it's dilute.

>> No.20070503
File: 253 KB, 640x640, Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 01-04-54 Minute Maid Original Orange Fruit Juice Frozen Concentrate 12 fl oz Can - Walmart.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the US it's formally called juice concentrate on the label. It most commonly comes frozen in these cardboard or plastic tubes so it gets called "frozen juice." You open it up and put the whole thing in a pitcher and mix it with water. I've never seen juice concentrate in a bottle like that for individual servings.

>> No.20070557


>> No.20070862

kefir, my friend.

lifeway kefir is available at most grocery stores. the peach one is fattier but tastier

>> No.20071520

Kefir is (naturally) carbonated.

>> No.20072304

you mean like juices and agua frescas?

>> No.20072665

you exist because of white people

>> No.20073631

Ive seen liquid concentrated cherry juice sold in stores
but yeah the frozen stuff is more typical
minute maid frozen orange juice is so good its better than any other brand other than the super expensive boutique organic stuff, they freeze the oranges right away so it preserves the flavor

>> No.20073669

look her up on SC...she's hot and a tease

>> No.20073695

What's SC?

>> No.20073698
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, in bruges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do you act like you also consume a lot of semen?
Christ on a rocket powered pogo stick, you're a narrow-minded faggot.

>> No.20073762


>> No.20073786

coconut water

>> No.20073796

Snapchat, newfag

>> No.20073801

Oh, it makes so much sense now. I don't use Snapchat and I don't know if I'm all that interested enough to look into it. You got any screenshots to show?

>> No.20073802

South Carolina

>> No.20073840

fuck off you old dickhead

>> No.20073959

milk and water is all that is left

>> No.20073963
File: 1.84 MB, 1600x8236, ckbeverageconcentratenorthamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an interesting topic, the different preferences for preparing sweetened beverages between North America and Europe. Here in the United States we have flavored syrups like top pic related, but they're used mostly only for cocktails in bar culture. For still (non-sparkling) n/a beverages, we mostly use drink powders (2nd pic). These are things like Minute Maid Lemonade, Tang, Kool-Aid or Gatorade, i.e. sugary artificial flavored nonsense. For fruit juices we can buy these frozen tubes of fruit concentrate (3rd pic) but we almost invariably dilute the entire container according to package instructions immediately into a large pitcher.
I understand the appeal of liquid mixing syrups, which yes you are correct in glossing as "cordials" in our dialect (although the term may be dated/old-timey), because they can be tailored to an individual's preference and they dissolve easier than powders. Anyone who has visited an Ikea is likely familiar with these flavored cordial syrups (4th pic), but they are definitely seen as a foreign, European concept to us. We also have very concentrated artificially sweetened "squirts" like Mio (bottom pic), but again they don't resemble nor contain any natural fruit.
There's a definite gap in the American diet that "squash" could fill, but getting the average American on board with the idea would be very difficult, most would find it confusing or unnecessary given other existing options. There seems to be a strong preference for carbonated, pre-packaged soft drinks, and fruit juice is considered something to pour straight from a bottle already at standard concentration, like milk.

>> No.20073994

>fruit juice is considered something to pour straight from a bottle already at standard concentration, like milk.
Concentrated juices also get a bad rap in the US. Since at least the late 90's a popular and effective marketing label for fruit juice is "not from concentrate." It's seen as the inferior/processed/cheap/poor option while fruit juice in a carton or jug is seen as the healthy/whole/natural/superior option.

>> No.20074026

I literally only drink water.

>> No.20074088

...iced tea?

>> No.20074118
File: 60 KB, 1000x800, Apu computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking raw milk sweetened with maple syrup. So yummy!

>> No.20074124

Horchata aka rice water
Chamomile tea but cold
They are typical mexican drinks. You can find them almost anywhere

>> No.20074132

Milk is sweet enough on its own, man. Based that you drink raw milk, though.

>> No.20074133

I can drink milk just fine.

>> No.20074191

I basically only drink sweetened milk now to up the calories and when I drink normal milk it tastes bland lol

>> No.20074389
File: 38 KB, 750x750, en_hi_c_prod_orange-lavaburst_6oz_750x750_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patrician's choice.

>> No.20074511

v8 tastes like shit, just drink water

>> No.20075031


>> No.20075034

Jew pee

>> No.20075319

Kava, mate, bissap, lassi, malta, lemonade

Good stuff

>> No.20075369

That's not the same thing, what you've posted is actual fruit juice, but squash is an artificial drink, it isn't real fruit juice. I guess it's similar to kool-aid in the US, although that comes in powdered form, but still, it's an artificial drink that you add water to.

>> No.20075384

>Concentrated juices also get a bad rap in the US. Since at least the late 90's a popular and effective marketing label for fruit juice is "not from concentrate." It's seen as the inferior/processed/cheap/poor option while fruit juice in a carton or jug is seen as the healthy/whole/natural/superior option.
Brit here, we also have a difference between fruit juice that's from concentrate, and not from concentrate. The latter is a bit more expensive and it tastes fresher.

When it's from concentrate I think they juice the fruit in the country of origin, then take out some of the water so it's cheaper to ship, then they add water back in when it arrives in Britain. But "not from concentrate" doesn't go through that process.

>> No.20075562

you forgot to mention increased inflamation
dont drink the cardboard ((milk)) guys, at least get something from a goat or sheep for raw drinking

>> No.20075674
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So I actually looked it up and took a look at the ingredients. It says it's 10% fruit juice from concentrate, which makes it most similar to something like Hi-C which has 10% fruit juice as well, but not meant to be diluted. Kool-Aid has 0% juice in it, literally just a flavored sugar drink, so it's not the same. We really don't have anything like this, but the fact that pic related exists and seems to be the same product just even more concentrated makes me most likely to compare it to Mio and other "water enhancers" like that.

>> No.20075682

>Dairy Milk
You mean milk? You'll get the best benefits from raw milk, though, if you're talking about conventional store milk it's trash that will bring more harm to your gut than good. Fermented milk products like kefir and yogurt are great, too, but also best if they're made from raw milk and never pasteurized or homogenized.

Raw cow's milk is fine. I used to have tons of problems with dairy and milk until I switched to raw milk. Goat milk and sheep's milk are still great for you, but they taste weird to me so I stick with raw cow milk.

>> No.20075686

I just went and looked it up, Mio and other water enhancer products also have 0% fruit juice. This Robinson's stuff is just completely unique for what it is, we have nothing that's exactly the same.

>> No.20076661

That's boring and dumb. Stop that and drink more flavorful and healthy things

>> No.20076668

Basado compa

>> No.20076768

u dont get any calcium from milk because it has too much phosphorus for your body to absorb the calcium

>> No.20076837

No, you definitely get calcium from milk. It just doesn't have a sufficiently high Ca:P ratio to offset the P from meat