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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20065433 No.20065433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is America obsessed with eating all this greasy, high calorie mush that only tastes like salt and sugar? Why do they load up every meal with syrup? They no longer even eat real meat, only mush processed into pink sludge and formed into funny shapes to make sure they do not think of where real food comes from? They eat as "bread" things that are not by law even allowed to be called bread elsewhere. And buy fake mayonnaise in 10 gallon tubs to slather over that sugar cake they call bread. Aren't they supposed to have all the money in the world? Why not buy some real food?

I know their education system sucks, but it can not be the only reason why a rich country has gone downhill so badly.

>> No.20065438

why do you care so much about countries other than your own?

>> No.20065439
File: 149 KB, 1500x1000, donald-trump-6-ae4e240682f94188ac8d6d5675cf17b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they like to blame minorities, but their beloved leader is known to drink ketchup and only eat mcdonalds cakes, so I refuse to believe any of those claims.

>> No.20065449
File: 1.76 MB, 3024x4032, line-at-local-chick-fil-a-at-grand-opening-v0-tnzi8u5fg8db1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is only minorities eating slop!
Meanwhile at any chick-fil-a
>Aaaahhh YESS non-homo chikin, only processed by non-homo machines in non-homo factory, only touched by white machines!

>> No.20065454

This might come as a shock, but Donald Trump is not our president. Joe Biden is the president of the USA.
Prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.20065466

This food is very cheap!
So it must be good!
This seems to be a thing.

>> No.20065470

this is preferable to mutts than a walkable city lmfao

>> No.20065471

Why are you so obsessed with America?
>use their websites
>buy their products
>speak their language
Do something yourself, god damn.

>> No.20065477

Man, the shit you get filtered through media isn't the actual America. If that was truth you'd be some toothless sister fucker

>> No.20065479
File: 2.72 MB, 540x288, 16cbd95802520b5eb79f34167c32bf45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak their language

>> No.20065483

Trump will be president again next year, and then in 28 they'll roll out bidens corpse to run against Trump's corpse and that's just the way it'll be for the rest of the 21st century

>> No.20065485

I lived and worked in the US for 3 years and literally everything is way too sweet. Even the bread is sweet.

>> No.20065494

another day of obsession, another thread made about Americans. give it a break bro

>> No.20065496

Imagine being invited to the White House for dinner, but when you turn up you're greeted by that prick and buckets of goyslop.

>> No.20065501

Didn't he promise free food to some campaign event and at the end the guests had to pay for their food?

>> No.20065504
File: 236 KB, 1200x800, Colonial-America-Timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is America obsessed with eating all this greasy, high calorie mush that only tastes like salt and sugar?
well, you see, its from the olden days when the brave immigrants from europe endured physically demanding conditions during the exploitation of the land and native peoples so they required high calorific food to give them energy.

>> No.20065524
File: 181 KB, 1600x900, 200715142345-trump-goya-instagram-full-169-2-3010223623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what was more trashy. Trump dishing out cold mcdonalds to elite athletes under the portrait of Lincoln, or trump shilling goyslop from the actual Oval Office.

tacky tacky tacky

>> No.20065528

yet they all tell the same tale of being an opressed minority enslaved by the evil english from across the wide ocean... professional victimhood founded that 'nation'...

>> No.20065533

He just likes McDonalds when he travels, something to do with mistrust of cleanliness in most fast food, but that which mcdonals has their standards if I recall. I am not sure why he wouldn't trust the kitchen in the WH, though.

The Goya support pic is because the owner that week was threatened with being cancelled, such is stupid politics.

>> No.20065547
File: 228 KB, 1810x1022, FdSj7c_WAAAhFjV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it already proven he is incontinent and has been shitting himself constantly for at least the past 30 years?

>> No.20065548

>am not sure why he wouldn't trust the kitchen in the WH, though.
There was no kitchen, because Trump had allowed the government to shut down.

>> No.20065553

when he first went into the whitehouse he'd have his own security detail go out and buy him mcdonalds because he thought he was going t o get poisoned by the white house staff. He's a legit retard who eats like a child

>> No.20065566

This is my town. I’ve never been, but every retarded fat fuck (98% of the population) in this shithole loves this place. Traffic got even worse in this specific area of town since. Fuck goyslop chains, and fuck the mindless ZOGbots who enable them.

>> No.20065580
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x3000, gg9b05dh6cf91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not suitable for gay pallet

>> No.20065632
File: 284 KB, 1024x1024, cil3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the land of cilantro

>> No.20065668

Wow, actual obsession. Hate us cause you ain't us. Don't worry, I, The Great American® White™ Man©, will forgive your pathetic brown soul for it's crimes of being non White and non American. Now leave me be, I have important White Man©®™ things to do. There are some minorities acting the fool around the corner, I need to ensure that they are adequately supplied with guns and ammunition for my entertainment. Ah how wonderful it is to be White and American. I get to laugh at all the precocious browns running around with thier marijuanas, getting into all kinds of adorable high-jinks. Ah what shall I feast on while I enjoy this marvelous circus? I know just the thing! A bucket full of ribeye steaks, slathered in ketchup and french fries, all washed down with gallons of the finest Mexican lager. Delish.

>> No.20065765
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 73968af664b785e8cbe340939c5cb99b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans desire sugar.

>> No.20065835

there's multiple reasons but advertising to children is majority junk food, sugary cereal, fast food, etc. so the bombardment begins early before you know any better as kid not to overdo it on the junk food, over time too much becomes an addiction.


>> No.20065845

chick-fil-a is good but a homemade copycat recipe will taste exactly the same

>> No.20065849

>America obsessed
yeah no fuckin kidding

>> No.20065853

>Trump dishing out cold mcdonalds to elite athletes
Based. They're literal (high paid) clowns for our amusement, that's what they deserve

>> No.20065858

Can't get stabbed in my car

t. keeps a gun in my glove compartment

>> No.20065888

I don't see you spelling -ize words with -ise
I don't see you spelling -or words with -our
You don't say lift or lorry

You are speaking American

>> No.20065897
File: 1.72 MB, 666x716, who could it be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sugar is addictive and turning people into obese gluttons is profitable
>keep buying slop
>get sick
>pay for meds/surgery
>keep you just alive enough to buy more slop
>die before you can retire

>> No.20065899

Because it's yummy

>> No.20065908

americans don't do this.
browns do this.
references: mexico, dixie south

>> No.20065985

>imagine being a 20 year old football player and instead of an extremely uptight formal dinner you and your bros get to slam hamburgers and tell dirty jokes with the President

sounds fun to me

>> No.20065986
File: 40 KB, 500x521, 17037208355071608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be carried appendix dingus, they're not going to carjack you with a knife and give you time to get to your glove compartment.

>> No.20066245

>Why is America obsessed with eating all this greasy, high calorie mush that only tastes like salt and sugar?
you are either:
a. foreigner with no concept of actual america.
b. an idiot.

>> No.20066605

Rent free euroshitter

>> No.20066635

jesus fucking christ LOOK HOW MANY PARKING SPACES THERE ARE!!!!!!! there is some drive-thru only restriction going on and i refuse to believe otherwise

>> No.20066714
File: 181 KB, 1320x988, eea1fe3d-7f76-4758-8e87-67df6d29405b-GOP2016Trump_Ota14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans don't do this.

>> No.20067263

Your Still wrong

>> No.20067271

They make fun of black people for loving fried chicken, but then turn around and do this.

>> No.20067344 [DELETED] 

i got a donut and hamburger for free after getting my covid vaccine pretty sweet deal if you ask me

>> No.20067357

whats your diet looking like?