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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.61 MB, 4288x2848, beef bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20063408 No.20063408 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese "Fast Food"
>Beef bowl is about $3.50
>generous portions, eating two could feed a fat American
>Free rice, free tea
>Spend an extra $2 and you can get Miso Soup, tofu, eggs, basically doubling your caloric intake
>Actual meat and food, not the best quality, but way better than McDonalds or other US fast-food chains
>Total meal costs is about half of the minimum wage, could keep you full all day
>Very satisfying

American Fast Food
>McDonalds staple burger, the bigmac, costs about $7
>Will keep you not hungry for 2-4 hours, depending on work, pretty shitty size given cost. Fat american could eat 4-5 easy.
>Charged extra for literally anything, lettuce, sauce, pickles, salt, etc.
>Spend an extra $5 for a meal combo which is just a drink and fries, which don't add much in terms of filling or quality
>fake thin meat that's oversalted, tricking you into ordering more soda so you spend more money.
>Total meal costs the hourly minimum wage and will keep you full for 1/4th the day, will have to go back later after work
>Not at all satisfying

American "Actual meals"
>Family restaraunt costs about $15-$20 at cheapest
>Portions are tolerable, about the same as the Japanese fast food
>Maybe get free bread and butter, like a peasant. Unsanitary since if you dont eat it, it just goes to the next table
>Spend an extra $10 for appetizers like fried cheese sticks, or chips with meat and cheese
>Actual meat, same quality as Japanese fast food, but dry as fuck and overcooked.
>Total meal is about 1.0x to 3.5x minimum wage, keeps you full for a whole work day at least
>Satisfying until you remember the cost.
>Expected to tip afterwards to kids or losers who can't get work anywhere else

How the fuck can America, a world financial super power, not mimic Japan. Japanese "quick meals" are of equal percentage to fast food, but more filling and satisfying. They cater to the working adult's needs and time crunch without conning you or killing you.

>> No.20063416

Is it retarded that I want to open up a business offering the Japanese fast food experience? Surely it can't be that hard to feed people real food that is satisfying and keeps them working.

>> No.20063425 [DELETED] 

No one will eat it. Two more nukes

>> No.20063424

>why can't america have X Japanese thing

>> No.20063427

Because Japanese CEOs are not paid based on the immediate performance of their company's stock. Japanese companies look 30-50 years in the future, not 20 minutes for Cramer to jeerk off.

>> No.20063432

what a bunch of complete bullshit

>> No.20063434

I see people like Keith Lee, they can pay for their fucking food and overwhelm a restraunt if its good food. They could make this shit work, but for some reason they need someone else to tell them to go to a local business.

>> No.20063435

Fast food prices keep going up because we keep buying it.

>> No.20063437

I *feel* it would do good if people learned I'm not jewing them out of their money by offering better food than mcdonalds for about the same price if not better

>> No.20063439

which part?

>> No.20063441
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>> No.20063445

this is literally a japanese company's american branch and their shit costs the same as any other fast food place if not slightly more

>> No.20063454

If youre a jew it should work

>> No.20063460
File: 32 KB, 348x348, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this for $12?! That's about the same as a fucking Big Mac Meal, and it actually might fill you up and not fucking be doused in salt. I'm sure American greed or corporation bullshit fucked up this system, but a full to-go plate of food for $12 seems half-way decent compared to being scammed at some McDonald's or Whataburger.

>> No.20063463

Being a Jew implies I'm jewing people out of their money. I am trying to make a meal that is actually fairly priced. Not in the cards it seems.

>> No.20063470

Underballing the Jap prices, overballing the American prices, exaggerating the poorness of the quality of McShits and overstating the quality of the pulled chinese baby meat in-a-bowl, and so forth.

I'm defending anything here, shit quality is shit quality but what you're presenting isn't nearly as night and day as the typical fuckin' wheeb would like to think.

>> No.20063472

Yeah i have to say, nutritionally thats night and day compared to any fast food slop

>> No.20063475

you have long term deflation, high japanese productivity and a weak yen recently to thank.

>> No.20063476

I'm basing it with my general first hand experience. Japanese food is like... $10 to feed a fat American. Compared to the Japanese minimum wage of $8 to feed their smaller better proportioned stomachs, that's huge.

Every little rinky dink place I've been to Japan blew it out of the water. I was expecting something shitty in quality, but somehow it's all at least half-decent? Like beef bowls aren't dry as fuck and are juicy and aren't so salty that I feel I need to chug a soda?

Sure, might be skewed, been dealing with american bullshit for 20+ years and only being in Japan for maybe 3ish months means I have less time to compare and see the dirty underbelly, but sometimes you just see shit and need to wonder what the fuck is happening.

>> No.20063482

Anon, the bowl in the OP is literally a bowl of Steak-Umm.

>> No.20063483

Right?! Like... bang for your buck nutrition wise and filling you up, it's the superior meal. And its coming out to the same price as typical fast food combos in the states. We could literally fix US obesity with this shit, or at least curve it

>> No.20063487

Weak Yen I feel doesn't apply when I'm comparing it to the Japanese minimum wage. The other two, yeah makes more sense.

>> No.20063512
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and japan is a net food importer I believe.. but I don't think you can really compare different countries in some ways.

it's a weird angle but I can get away with 1 meal a day if I eat this. there's more beef underneath the patacon. plus it came with a large bowl of fish soup.

the cost... $4.13

>> No.20063514

The real issue here, along with a dumber lazier workforce, is that Japan has very relaxed zoning laws, so real estate is cheap and plentiful. You can afford to sell food cheap in Japan because you can use half your apartment as a small eatery at little real estate cost. The American housing market is killing us

>> No.20063529

>the Japanese company magically became more greedy when it opened a US branch, but only in the US
this is how leftist retards actually think about economics

>> No.20063531

Japanese man so small have verrrrry small penis. American man is big, require more food, bigger penis.

>> No.20063534

Thats it too! They import most of their food, how the fuck is it a lesser percentile of net-income then the US, which has enough to export its food?! It's actually fucking crazy.

>> No.20063538

kek is this ribera? it's always funny to get just the signature spoonful of corn

>> No.20063541

Every single weeb should be brutally murdered. Torn apart in front of their family and friends assuming they actually have any. Left alive after being torn apart just to be burned alive and have their ashes thrown into a pool of acid.

>> No.20063543

Pretending like there can be no corporate bullshit or foreign influence when moving a company over to a different civilization is actually retarded. You think they show the LGBT flags in in the middle east in their mcdonalds?

Even still, still under the 100%+ hourly income that other fast food places do, and somehow gives you more food and nutritional value, so even with the potential corruption it STILL is better

>> No.20063545

Alpha male influencers like Andrew Tate would say otherwise.

>> No.20063552

Your trip forcing you to eat only fast food and 7-11 will make you realize that I am right on how our food industry is failing Americans with a real mission.

>> No.20063570

Factors include
Japan has a stable economy that isn't experiencing massive unchecked inflation
Restaurants in Japan have smaller menus serving specific items
Automation of the work force and ordering process keeps costs down
A matsuya location with a full dining room can be operated by one employee in the kitchen because the customer orders at a kiosk, picks up their own food at the window, self serves their drinks, and cleans up their own table

No blacks

>> No.20063599

It's these.

>> No.20063685

I was gonna post about how soupnoodle sucks, but the point you make is more than fair.

>> No.20063699

when you only serve egg+flour noodles in chicken broth out of a restaurant the size of a tv box it's pretty easy to save money and lower your prices.
just look at the "grilled cheese sandwich for $1" food truck

>> No.20063711

>"grilled cheese sandwich for $1"
who wants to make that many grilled cheese sandwiches every day what a nightmare

>> No.20063754

>Beef bowl is about $3.50
>generous portions, eating two could feed a fat American
Because it's the shitty part of beef meat. It's dog food and taste like shit. Beef isn't cheap, a $3.50, generous portions meal is guaranty bad quality.

>> No.20063758
File: 487 KB, 1248x581, 1704265167597320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit just look at this abomination. this is literally worse than bacon and costs fucking cents

>> No.20063767

>this is literally worse than bacon
>Implying bacon is low quality

>> No.20063769

Nope not at all, it's bacon in terms of its fat content but unlike bacon it's dog-tier quality. It's fucking disgusting.

I'm sure it's a good meal at 3am on a sweltering summer night in a foxhole in Borneo, but it's not good food for anyone civilized.

>> No.20063781

Opinion discarded

>> No.20063788

This is completely wrong. I have no idea where you retards come up with this shit
Zoning laws and building codes exist in Japan too genius. You can't just open a yoshinoya on any residential street.
Real estate is also not cheap. Land in the boonies here is going to be just as dirt cheap as it is in the US. Building costs are also more expensive here to account for earthquake and disaster building codes that almost no where in the US needs to even consider.

>> No.20063789

apparently the food quality laws are still pretty lax >>20063758

>> No.20063791

>be japanese candy company company
>release public apology for rasing prices of candy by .07 cents after 37 years of original price
>be american chip company
>raise prices due to supply chain issues, realize they're making more of a profit with outrageous prices so keep current prices
they're simply built different

>> No.20063793

That's fat. You should be used to seeing that.

>> No.20063795
File: 97 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063927
File: 232 KB, 1000x750, 1700362130934182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go champ. Japan's largest konbini chain is also widely available in the USA, I'm sure their food and prices will meet your standards, being Japanese and all.

>> No.20063943
File: 46 KB, 739x755, Stupid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The salt is in the soda.

>> No.20063944
File: 71 KB, 850x400, quote-for-less-than-the-cost-of-a-big-mac-fries-and-a-coke-you-can-buy-a-loaf-of-fresh-bread-steve-albini-0-40-13 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albini, the thread

>> No.20063945

It's always about taxes and sourcing the right amount of food. Japan is so densely populated even London pales in comparison. Plus, biggest Western cities always have mixed ethnology but Japanese ones are mostly the same. So there's way more people with the same preference.

>> No.20063950
File: 145 KB, 1024x769, Nightmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd scream my self awake the huge pile of $$$.

>> No.20063952
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Under the pile.

>> No.20063956

japanese and american fast food are equally bad lmao
rice, tofu, miso soup and eggs doused in soy sauce is not healthy, if you want it healthy you eat fresh vegetables with little oil and salt with good quality fresh meats, no rice

>> No.20063959

Jesus I'd actually eat there if that's 12 bucks.

>> No.20063962
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Not op but keep coping. "Low" quality or not, it still looks like meat not fucking pink slime.

>> No.20063971
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>> No.20063973
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>> No.20063987

Idk wtf these 2 replies are supposed to mean or if its just more coping but i was 100% serious. Maybe to an american who is used to eating nothing but steak that might look like low quality meat, but i guarantee you to most everybody else that looks like a perfectly good meal. Whereas even a dog wouldnt go near pink slime.

>> No.20063994
File: 3.07 MB, 4000x3000, 1682650944232101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our food industry
7-11 is a japanese company you fucking retard.

>> No.20064004

American here. "pink slime" is just ground meat. A dog would chow the fuck down on it. I don't eat fast food unless I'm forced to but it's because it's too expensive not because it's anything gross. Which is where I'd prefer that Japanese place desu.

>> No.20064015
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>A dog would chow the fuck down on it
More coping

>> No.20064046

Except for some reason over here, the most basic bitch grilled cheese sandwich at an casual establishment is like... $5?! How on earth is two pieces of white bread and cheese on average $5?!

>> No.20064048

As compared to quality meat you get from Mcdonalds, whattaburger, any fast food chain really. Same quality of meat in an apple bee's goes for $15

>> No.20064051

The fact that 7-11 is the biggest and provides fresh food like rice, fried chicken, and curry bowls while the US has conveyer belts with hot dogs and taquitos in itself shows how shiity quality is allowed here in the US. Even the Japanese are doing better with our brands.

>> No.20064065

...which is why they were founded in Texas and have their headquarters there. Truly, the most Japanese location on the map. Retard.

>> No.20064067

yes, the "fast food" is very cheap here for US standards, but the average salary is almost half of the average US salary

>> No.20064071

Ah, so they were right, you're pretending to be retarded

>> No.20064077

This is literally the answer. The Japanese consumer market does not accept inflation and Japanese businesses avoid increasing prices whenever possible.

>> No.20064083

weeb lies

>> No.20064094

>while the US has conveyer belts with hot dogs and taquitos in itself shows how shiity quality is allowed here in the US
The heated food is actually decent if you can get it fresh. Or at least it was. Nowadays all the state-side 7-11s are run by Indians who don't give a shit.
Our daily prepared food can't compare, but that's mostly a logistics problem. Japan is small, compact, and thrives on public transit commutes. Their convenience stores are actually convenient.

>> No.20064105
File: 1.42 MB, 7910x2840, 1704292436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not gonna sit here and argue with you which one of these look fit for human or dog consumption. if you want to argue that shit then the only retarded one, real or pretended, is you.

>> No.20064148

You'd think then that major city hits in the US would get their shit together then, but when you're only two options are dog shit, there's no need to innovate I guess. Which way American man, drive-thru garbage, or heated food garbage.

Also for 7-11, you can ask them to cool the food for you fresh. You know what they do? Pop it in a Subway oven. Fried foods... oven... yeah it's over

>> No.20064154

>>McDonalds staple burger, the bigmac, costs about $7
>the bigmac, costs about $7

>> No.20064163

It's why in the og post I stated the percentage of the minimum wage a peal would take. Japan averages 50-70% of their hourly minimum wage, US is 70%-250%

>> No.20065196

I wish Japanese fast food was available to me. I wish we had their convenience stores, self heating meals, and vending machines, too. I want to get hot soup and drinks from vending machines in the winter.

>> No.20065210

>free bread: bored wojack
>free rice: excited wojack

>> No.20065242

>real estate is cheap

>> No.20065244

>No blacks

That's changing rapidly. Japan be getting blacked by the usual suspects.

>> No.20065259

Just like how Japanese KFC has high quality and requires extremely well trained certified individuals to operate their machines. It's a culture problem, if someone tried to run a restaraunt in the US like a Japanese one, they'd go broke and be sued by minority customers/employees.

>> No.20065359

That looks gross

>> No.20065450

I thought it was the weirdest thing that when I stayed there for a few months there was a laundromat down the block from my apartment, And I go walking inside and this is just clearly somebody's house. this is a home and they just have the front room of the home with a bunch of coin operated washers and dryers

>> No.20065463
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The 7-11's in Hawaii are actually pretty good.

>> No.20065510
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Japan is actually poor as fuck. They have those kotatsu tables because they sit on the floor all the time. Japan also has strong farming traditions and cooking traditions, especially using seasonal veggies. So they are more than likely to decline an over priced crappy meal and cook at home than a fat, lazy westerner who has no standards and an excess of money.
This isn't proJapan, it's antiwesterner. I hate my country.

>> No.20065601

>stale crusty bread with maybe butter if you're lucky, passed table to table if not used.

>> No.20065605

>High Asian Influence
>7/11 has to cater more to locals rather than tourists
>Immediately better

>> No.20065606

>How the fuck can America, a world financial super power, not mimic Japan.
Doesn't Japan have a licensing mechanism for chefs? I don't think it's required to be license to work as a chef, but nobody is going to want to really hire someone who isn't certified by the government. Even home cooks are encouraged to get certified.

Good luck convincing Americans to give more power to the government.

>> No.20065623

So? Hawaii is basically half jap / island nigger anyways. Arguably we should renounce it's statehood since we can just park a floating radar installation and aircraft carriers in the pacific nowadays.