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20059640 No.20059640 [Reply] [Original]

is keto a meme diet?

>> No.20059645
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>> No.20059647

gay camo, gay rifle, gay man
OP yeah eat more fish
And by fish I mean she's hot

>> No.20059711

What would you say if she were ugly?

>> No.20059727

I mean, sample it like sushi
You'd be surprised
If you need horseradish don't go all in

>> No.20059752

Every diet that isn't just "eat less food" is a meme

>> No.20059757

No some do different things and they can be beneficial; diets aren't just about losing weight they can alter your metabolism and change your gut biome
What diet gets me OP's chick? I want to shit money
I'll settle for an Italian or Basque

>> No.20059800
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Yes. I have two co-workers that are morbidly obese and they keep talking about doing keto and they're fatter than they've ever been.
I guess taco bell and whataburger are keto?

>> No.20059809

Ignore him and post Basque women

>> No.20059840

Not if you have epilepsy. Otherwise, it's as big a meme as a gluten-free diet.

>> No.20059863

>is keto a meme diet?
Yes. Obviously.

>> No.20059865

If you take "diet" to mean "how to lose weight" then you are correct. But a diet can have other goals - lower cholesterol or sodium, gain weight, etc

>> No.20059867

>OP's chick?
That's Saoirse Ronan and she's spoken for.

>> No.20059869

Celiac disease is an actual thing that people have.

>> No.20059876 [DELETED] 

Actual tested celiacs are probably annoyed now that every airhead Goop-enjoying karen has self-diagnosed "gluten sensitivity". On the plus side, there are a lot more advertised "gluten free" products on the shelves since it's trendy, but I suspect that a lot of manufacturers and especially restaurants take it less seriously now that every thot in yoga pants with healing crystals is trying to avoid Le Ebil Gluten.

>> No.20059878

That is true, but not all people who go gluten free have it. Not even close.

>> No.20059881


>> No.20059895

I was unclear. Unless you either have epilepsy or Celiac's disease, then both keto and gluten-free are meme diets.

>> No.20059898

I worked with a girl who had Celiacs, and more than just annoyed at the fakers, the fad was outright harmful to her. So many people were full of shit and faking it, and companies were obviously trying to capitalize on the fad, that the labeling and advertising standards would drop. For example, a package of corn tortillas will contain no gluten, just by default. But if the factory or bakery (or whatever the English word for a place that makes tortillas is) also makes flour tortillas on the same floor, then it won't do shit to the fad-chasing soccer mom, but could cause a reaction in a person with celiac disease.

>> No.20059959

In civilisation you can't claim something is gluten free if it is manufactured on a line processing gluten-containing products.

>> No.20060042
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No. The only thing that's meme is bread and rice. Grains aren't part of our natural diet. We didn't evolve to consoooom pounds upon pounds of grain everyday. It's unnatural and destroys our pancreas, and results in diabetus, heart disease, obesity, and turns all of us into Homo americus.

>> No.20060049
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That's a man. Any woman who doesn't have shame or modesty and makes a degenerate face like that, is a high-T masculine butch dyke that no real man should have anything to do with. The only thing she will do is constantly try to have power over you because she thinks she "don't need no man" and destroy your household.

>> No.20060130
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It works great. No carbs or sugar. Eat Fat, protein, leafy greens. Keep total calorie intake beneath your BMR. When you are eating fat and no carbs you aren’t fucking starving constantly like during calorie restriction alone. If you think it’s bullshit you haven’t done it.

>> No.20060142

>Grains aren't part of our natural diet.
There is evidence of hunter-gatherers using wild grains to make bread thousands of years before agriculture began.

There might be some truth to people saying grains are still unhealthy though. The modern varieties we grow are mostly higher in starch, lower in fiber, and lower in general nutrition.

>> No.20060149
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Yeah, it’s a meme.
Yeah, it works.
You just have to actually eat no fucking carbs and it absolutely sucks because that’s what the human body is designed to run off of.
I did it by eating only smoked chicken and breakfast casserole (just sosig, cheese, and kale covered with scrambled egg in a casserole dish) and pork rinds if I was about to snap and needed something to snack on.
It’s an absolutely brutal way to diet and it feels like your body is shutting down on you, but if you’re trying to sprint your way to weight loss it is more effective than operating at a deficit alone.
The problem is, you have to go absolutely no fucking around no carbs, and fatties fuck it up.
They think “oh I just have to keep it under 50g of carbs per day (which is already abysmally low) and they think that they can sneak stuff here or there.
You can’t. Those 50g of carbs are accounting for the small amount of carbs that are in almost everything, so that buffer is already accounted for.
So they eat 2500 calories of cheese and meat, and just enough carbs to throw them out of ketosis/ keep them from getting into it.
And then complain that it isn’t working.
If you don’t cheat and you spend the $12 on piss test strips, you’ll be fine.
It’s gonna suck, but you’ll be fine.
Just eat eggs and cheese or chicken and kale for literally every meal, and some vitamins.
Stay away from anything marked “keto” or “low carb” alternatives, just eat things with no carbs in the first place.
And do everyone a favor and just don’t fucking talk about it.
Can something be memed way out of proportion but also still work?
Will retards hear about something that sounds like “the easiest way to lose weight fast” and screw it up because they have no self control or intelligence?
You betcha.

>.t lost 50lbs with keto yet I constantly watch people fuck it up

I was only mildly overweight but I can imagine if you’re actually obese the shit would be a godsend.

>> No.20060164

The human liver stores sugar/carbohydrates as fat. In the past, bread was different compared to modern day GMO bread, not only that but bread has always been seen as a food fit for the poorest of the poor, something to eat when you were starving. Sugar/carbohydrates are in everything these days and contributes to the extremely high instances of obesity and cardiovascular health problems. Humans evolved as hunter gatherers which means meat and vegetables/fruits are our natural diet which our bodies can process correctly and efficiently.

>> No.20060186

Does someone with diabetes type 1 or 2 actually benefit from keto or is a low carb diet that never or doesn't consistently achieve ketosis good enough?

>> No.20060210

>> Keep total calorie intake beneath your BMR.
So Keto works by being in a caloric deficit, eh?
I think completely cutting out any carbs is dumb. Why should I avoid rolled outs, carrots, beans etc just to feel lethargic and have brain fog? I much prefer to include healthy carbs to loose weight. That way I also have enough fuel to go running and lifting which is also very beneficial in weight loss. Imo people who feel starved in a caloric restriction are people who refuse to give up junkfood which is not filling at all.

>> No.20060232

All diets are memes.

>> No.20060243

The only proper way to enter ketosis is through long fasting, keto diet itself is a meme.

>> No.20060276
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The difference is hunter-gatherers and even people until the past few decades didn't sit around on a chair 10 hours a day gawking at a glowing screen and then slept for 8 hours. They led an active life that helped them burn off all the calories. High carb diet was peasant diet and was meant to give them enough calories to work in the fields and do other manual labor all day. Our lifestyle has changed drastically, but our food hasn't. if anything it is more like a peasant diet on steroids, especially with all the added sugar you find in processed consoooomable goyslop.

>> No.20060434

I hate the concept of Keto. It leads to high cholesterol and sodium diets inevitably. That said, from a purely weight loss view, I've watched 2 friends who took it seriously drop a ton of weight very rapidly.
The guy who I was best man for at his wedding dropped 100 lbs in 6 months between keto and a more active job.
Another guy who was over 400 lbs decided to drop some weight before his child was born. In 8.5 months on keto, and adding exercise he dropped to around 275.
So yes. It works. Is it a healthy form of weight loss? No idea. Will these people regain it all after hitting their target and switching away from keto? Maybe? I'll be watching them to see.

>> No.20060467

It is a non-meme diet

>> No.20060494
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Most people who do keto don't do true keto but do low carb, and most of THOSE do low carb on paper, i. e. they're the obnoxious faggots who eat keto pizza, keto muffins, etc.

In a nutshell,

>True keto
>Mostly fat

>Low carb (good)
>Cruciferous vegetables, meat, animal fats

>Low carb (KYS)

Now here's the thing, if you strictly follow ANY diet, even if it's nothing but donuts, you're going to lose weight, because you're watching your intake and therefore your calories. Inversely, if you eat 5000 fucking calories worth of fat and meat daily, you're going to get fat as well. Of course, while you can lose weight eating garbage, you will end up feeling and looking like garbage, i.e. a CICOtard. I would say that low carb is the best and most sustainable choice, because you're eating a larger variety of foods, and get plenty of nutrients, proteins, collagen, etc. Ideally the low carb diet should be supplemented with a fast every now and then and daily resistance exercise. Also rapid weight loss, as easy and at first look desirable it is, is actually not recommended, because your skin won't keep up and you'll end up with loose skin that is very hard if not impossible to get rid of at a certain point (that's a pretty complex matter though).

>> No.20060519

Avoiding insulin spikes has a few uses. It's known to be an effective treatment for epileptics, and also reverses T2 diabetes. There's also ongoing research into "keto" as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease which some doctors are now calling T3 diabetes, aka insulin resistance of the brain. If your brain resists insulin it can't take in glucose as energy, leading to Alzheimers. But on keto you're not using glucose as energy, you're using fat, which the brain has no problems burning.

When some 400lb lardo uses it as an excuse to knock back bacon and butter, yes, it's just a meme.

>> No.20060523

Gluten can't be broken down by the gut which leads to inflammation in literally everyone, some people just have it worse than others.

>> No.20060559 [DELETED] 
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why wasnt this deleted? literally every time I post an off topic image I get a 3 day ban


>> No.20060700

It functionally reversed my diabetes in about 7 months.

If you're not diabetic or epileptic, there's not really a need to adopt it, but lowering your carb intake will help to prevent you from turning into a diabetic.

>> No.20060704

How many carbs are in those armpits girl

>> No.20060709

>Homo americus.
based Mencken enjoyer

>> No.20060732

Short answer is "yes" but Type 1 and Type 2 are very different.

Type 1: your islet cells have been destroyed and you no longer produce any insulin whatsoever. Keto will reduce your overall insulin use but you will have to be very careful not to push your blood glucose down to coma levels. Blood glucose that is too low can kill you just as quickly as high-glucose ketoacidosis.

Type 2: your body has been bombarded with so much insulin for so long that your cells have become resistant to it, and your body is no longer able to overcome that resistance with its own insulin production. Keto will reduce the bombardment, and if you have caught your diabetes early enough your cells may partially recover. However, you will always be at higher risk and cannot simply resume your old ways without pushing yourself back into high insulin resistance. You can at least reduce your insulin use, and you are less likely to end up with the "progressive disease" that the ADA insists is inevitable and which results in losing your feet, your legs, your eyesight, your kidney function, and eventually your life.

I was diagnosed in February 2017, with an A1C of 10.1 and blood glucose levels of ~400, and was told I would be insulin-dependent for the rest of my life. The endocrinologist sighed and said I could "try" to just use the three different pills she shoved at me. I started on metformin only, ignoring glimepiride and the SGLT2 inhibitor, and went on strict keto. Almost immediately, I found that the SGLT2 drug wasn't needed or useful because my blood glucose stayed under 180, which is where she said that med became useful. My blood glucose levels kept dropping and by July I was able to stop taking metformin. In September I went back to the endocrinologist and she found that my A1C was only 5.7 and my fasting and post-meal glucose levels were both under 100, which is considered normal. It's been six years now and I still haven't needed insulin or other medications.

>> No.20060748

So, at this point, my insulin resistance is low enough that I can eat some carbohydrates, but can't go face-down into a pile of chocolate chip cookies. I doubt that that would have been achieved if I'd just reduced my carbs a bit; eliminating them as much as possible is what I believe helped to lower my insulin resistance.

Additionally, it made it much easier not to eat -- by not spiking and crashing my blood glucose levels after every single meal, I found that I wasn't hungry very often. Eating almost ANY carbohydrates will cause a spike and crash. Back when I used to eat a big bowl of breakfast cereal before going to work (because hey, that's what we're told is a great way to start your day), I'd be fucking starving by 11am and ready to kill people, and then would be out the door to a lunch place the moment the clock hit 12. Then by 5:30pm I'd be ready to run out to a restaurant to eat. With an almost-no-carbohydrates diet, I find myself only needing one meal per day, and maybe something moderate in the evening. I just don't feel particularly hungry any more.

If I do cheat and eat some carbs, WHAM, hunger is back. And it usually takes a couple of days without any more carbs to stop that.

But you can try whatever you want. Good luck to you.

>> No.20060777

>she thinks companies and factories simply don't outright lie and cut costs for profit
shiggy diggy girlie!

>> No.20060803
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Keto is fine. The problem is most people are doing Keto+, which is when you just add a bunch of Keto branded processed crap to your already crap diet. Most everyone I've seen jump on the Keto bandwagon and fail to lose significant weight have all cheated non-stop, believing their metabolic system gives a shit about social excuses.
>Oh, it's New Years, a couple of glasses of wine won't hurt
>Oh, we're cooking out with the grandkids, a bit of Stubbs sauce on the BBQ won't hurt
>Oh, it's a day ending in Y, a few stops by Starbucks won't hurt
And then they'll buy a tub of Raspberry Ketones, mix it in some drink full of carbs, and think they're in ketosis while planning on what else they're going to shove in their pie hole.

>> No.20060805

>he thinks companies don't get sued into oblivion when they lie about ingredients resulting in people becoming hospitalized
Apparently you've never watched all the personal injury lawyer ads on daytime TV.

>> No.20060808

>It leads to high cholesterol and sodium diets inevitably.
What's wrong with either of those?

>> No.20060833

Any diet based on food groups is always retarded

>> No.20060994

You need to get yourself into ketosis, so no carbs and with fat as majority of calories. Your body chemistry switches to fat as primary fuel source instead of sugar. Restricted total calories plus ketosis = body fat burning, with the added bonus of not being hungry all the time because of carb/glucose spikes. It really works.

>> No.20061001

>a few stops by Starbucks
In one day? How rich are these keto fanatics?

>> No.20061006

words this wise are rarely heard

>> No.20061011

I am aware of the fact that keto diet works. I must admit my initial answer was a bit provocative. Yet I remain in my position that I believe there are better ways to loose fat in terms of well being. I dislike the cult like approach of many keto enthusiasts and diet shills who preach that keto is the only reliable way of loosing body fat. I also heavily disagree with folks telling me they loose fat by doing keto and eating above BMR.

>> No.20061022

Ketos gay because it's people who want to be healthy or lose weight but can't commit. They still need their keto "breads" and shit.

Just go full carnivore like a man or stay fat and stfu

>> No.20061096

>>It leads to high ... sodium diets inevitably.
It doesn't even have to do that. I don't add salt to anything I make, and I mostly cook at home because it's hard to avoid carbs when eating at restaurants. I do have to use potassium "salt substitute" occasionally because you "inevitably" lose a lot of water weight on keto because of LOW electrolytes, and low potassium can cause tachycardia. I had to deal with that one night during my first two weeks of keto, and ran to the pharmacy in the morning as soon as the places opened so I could get some potassium tablets.

>hey're the obnoxious faggots who eat keto pizza, keto muffins, etc.
I dunno, I found a "keto bread" at Costco that I've been eating a lot lately. It claims 1g of carbs per slice, and since starting to use it I have had MONSTER shits ever since. I'm guessing they use like a pound of insoluble indigestible fiber per slice. Seriously, my logs take up half the toilet now, every 2-3 days. On a mostly-meat keto, I'd barely manage to squeeze out one tiny shit every four days.

Serves you right, you monster.

>go full carnivore like a man
literal meme diet

The vegetables for keto help to keep your intestines moving. Not that I particularly minded only having to wipe my ass once every four days, but it was pretty damn hard to force those rock-solid logs out.

>> No.20061151

Blood pressure issues, and vasculatory issues respectively.

I've met very few keto people who don't eat an assload of bacon. Yes, you could easily avoid the sodium if you pay attention to it. The high fats are an intended part of the diet. The long term effects of an intentionally high fat diet are not fully understood yet, but most studies I've seen indicate an increase in blockages and stroke. Seems like a risk not worth taking when simply eating at a deficit will achieve the same goals. Sure, it's not as fast as keto, but it is safer.

>> No.20061181

>keto bread
I don't trust this crap with all the leeway for nutrition labeling. +/-20% variation, rounding down because of serving size (e.g. like Tic Tac, which is 0 carbs.. despite being like 99% sugar), serving size being actually misrepresentative (i.e. serving size being smaller than one slice), carb alternatives that allow for a lower net carb count but still raise blood sugar, etc, etc. Of course companies will combine all these to get away with as many carbs as possible, while reporting the best minimum they're legally allowed to. I guess it's alright to treat them as lower carb bread, but not really keto-friendly.

>> No.20061476

they lost weight because they cut out high caloric foods. ketofags assume its the diet when in reality they just consumed less calories

>> No.20061492

>most studies

There are no studies on the keto diet, or really any diet because the conditions you'd need to conduct a proper study to establish a cause and effect relationship are pretty much impossible

The "studies" are self-reporting, or comparing population samples, which is even more ridiculous as populations of people, even in the same region don't eat the same diet.

>> No.20061493

Sounds hot desu

>> No.20061500

The unsaid secret is that almost anything that gets you to PAY ATTENTION to what you are eating is likely to help, especially if done in a generally "healthy state of mind" which probably means you are also paying attention to exercise. But honestly, whatever works.

>> No.20061516



Just a couple from a quick search. Both reliable sources. Both with the same findings. A keto diet helps the morbidly obese, as the risks of cardiovascular disease are greater at higher BMIs. However, in people at normal BMIs we see the risk of cardiovascular disease is doubled for people on a long-term ketogenic diet.

>> No.20061619

same calories it will do better than a low fat diet for a variety of metrics

>> No.20061625

>reliable source
give me millions of dollars from plant based food companies and I too will say whatever you want me to

>> No.20061684

Those are not good studies. The first one is a tabloid article that theorizes about potential issues and correlates problems people may have. It's not even a study itself, it's like those

The second link says that the keto diet is safe long term, I don't even see any negative notes on the keto diet there.

Once again, in order to actually test a diet to see the health implications, you'd need to put people into a laboratory setting for an extended period of time, controlling for all other variables, having them being observed eating the administered diet. There are no studies like that, so we can't say whether or not the diet really does anything. Self-reporting is not good enough.

>> No.20061691

Like those tabloid health article sites that contradict every other article they put out

>> No.20061742

When did I advocate a low fat diet? I know low fat was a trend diet for a while. You are right in pointing out its flaws but low fat is not what I am proclaiming. I think all macros are important and a balanced diet should include them all in addition to fibre.

>> No.20061771

Yes it is a meme diet. I am going to make a thread about the Westin A. Price Foundation and the diet they promote because I am so sick of ketofags and carnivores trying to tell everyone that their mental illness is healthy.

>> No.20061780

Are you obese? Do you practice sports regularly? And by sports I don't mean walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes at 3 miles per hour but actually intense activities like lifting heavy weights, running, playing hockey etc. If you do sports how do you fuel yourself with a single no carb meal. I'm a type 1 diabetic myself since my childhood and I regularly lift and if I don't have carbs I can not perform at all in the gym.

>> No.20061802

>balanced die
that means low fat

>> No.20061834

is this the consensus in America or /ck/? I'm currently eating 30% carbs, 45% protein and 25% fat. By % i mean percentage of BRM calories. I'd call it balanced and or maybe high protein but not low fat.

>> No.20061983

I did keto and it had benefits to my health
Lost a lot of weight
I had skin issues that went away during it, joint issues as well.
The combination of losing weight + no pain encouraged me begin a habit of exercising.

I can't go to the doctor and give me a diagnosis of any specific illness because I live in a degrading welfare state where they'll tell me to use moisturizing cream to fix my skin issues but I clearly suffer from something thats related to food I eat normally that I dont during keto.

>> No.20062066

Dude just shut the fuck up. Bread is a delicious food as are many other grains. We have eaten them for thousands of years and will continue to. Stop being autistic about food.

>> No.20063210

yeah it's totally a meme, just like atkins. don't do it. continue eating grains or veggies or whatever the fuck you enjoy. leave the meats, cheeses and fats to us dumbasses. we got memed on, you are smart and superior.

>> No.20063705

Ketoschizo is frothing at the mouth.

>> No.20063757

Wasn’t keto originally designed as a medical diet for epilepsy patients?

>> No.20063821
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Then I guess you don't know what "meme" means.

>> No.20063826

why leafy greens though

>> No.20063829

>loose weight

You goddamned fucking retard.

>> No.20063833

Don't post your pedo anime girls here you weeb pervert. No one takes you seriously when you out yourself as a Western fat male adult with the taste of an 11 year old Japanese girl. You're disgusting.

>> No.20063876

>if you eat 5000 fucking calories worth of fat and meat daily
if you're eating high fat it'd be impossible to overeat since fat is so satiating. in fact if you ate nutrient-dense foods, you'll naturally lose weight.

>> No.20063893

I wanna bury my face in her armpits and fucking die.

>> No.20064721
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Those who judge the message by the messenger do not deserve my wisdom

Satiety is not instantaneous and you can eat beyond satiety on calorie dense food easily as well. But in general you're right, which is why I tell fatties with no self-control to start eating meat and cheese instead of candy if they have cravings.

>> No.20064801

Keto nearly made me pass out while driving. Not doing that shit again

>> No.20064834

As others have pointed out, it has specific purposes for specific individuals. My mom ate a strictly keto diet for about a year a few years ago. She lost weight and said that she felt better overall. She did gain some of the weight back after stopping keto, but she wasn't overweight, so it doesn't really matter.
I also heard that it helps women with hormone disorders like endometriosis because the lack of carbs lowers the inflammation caused by these disorders, but that's something I've only read off some blog way back.

>> No.20064916

If you're diabetic, or lacking the discipline for more permanent diet changes (like I do), then you will probably actually find it useful. Otherwise, yes, complete meme shite. It's not supposed to be long term.

>> No.20064931

You don't have to, but most other vegetables have too many carbs. Carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, etc-- can't eat them. The cheap and easy keto is bacon and eggs for breakfast, salad for dinner, with total calories below Basal Metabolic Rate and the majority of the calories coming from fat. It works well. It gets boring, though.

>> No.20065063

>Are you obese? Do you practice sports regularly?
Yes, no. T1 is very different from T2.

>> No.20065072

I think yes, but so what? It works for weight loss and is good for at least T2 diabetes.

>Carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, etc-- can't eat them.
Potatoes are pretty much out, but the others aren't that bad.

>> No.20065203

I wouldn't call it a meme but if you're just after weight loss then it's all CICO. If you're a fat ass with no discipline I think it's a good diet to go on for a couple months to build some since it restricts you from eating really any junk food. That's what I did, started keto at 310, switched over to just calorie counting at 260 and now maintaining at 185. I do credit the fast results I was seeing with keto for giving me the initial push I needed to continue

>> No.20065209

seahorsey : )

>> No.20066369

Never looked at it, but it sounds like some kind of half-assed, retarded take on the real Atkins diet. I'd probably stick with Atkins.

>> No.20066843

Minoxidil (Rogaine) was meant to a treatment for high blood pressure. Turned out it also is good for treating male pattern baldness.

>> No.20067060

Yes, every diet that has you exclude entire food groups that your ancestors have eaten without issue for centuries is a meme diet.

>> No.20067253

Skill issue

>> No.20067935

My ancestors were not fat because they moved more and ate less. Grains were probably a good chunk of the reason why most of them lived long enough to procreate.
I do not need that calorie boost, and I have a visible store of triglycerides to keep my blood-glucose at an adequate level for quite some time. A ketogenic diet more-or-less works by providing almost enough calories with nowhere near enough mono/poly-saccharide glucose, so as to trick the body into breaking down those trigylceride stores (fat) to compensate. It's a serious oversimplification, but that's more or less the ingredients of that particular sausage.

>> No.20067941


>> No.20067947

It's Atkins without the commercialization.

>> No.20068039

My ancestors didn't eat industrially processed HFCS.

>> No.20068070

/thread please

>> No.20068087

>eat chicken and sub potatoes for a salad with a light dressing
>Wow so healthy!
>drink water or unsweetened tea instead of alcohol or soda/juice
>makes sense to me!
>skip dessert
>Yeah that's a great way to eating less calories!
>call this way of eating keto

>> No.20068100

Objectively true post.

Keto only works if you actually follow it, to a t. The short of it is that it takes a while to get into ketotis and it's easy to throw yourself out of it. Ketosis works because you're forcing your body to process fat for energy. instead of carbs. However, normal rules apply. If a 200 lb, 6' tall man who doesn't work out eats 3,500 calories worth of steak a day, he will get fat. Nothing trumps cal in/cal out. The vast majority of people who do keto don't test their piss and don't actually follow the diet. The only people I've known to do keto successfully are high level athletes.

Like all things, you get out what you put into it. Most people are looking for an easy way out (same with the intermittent fasting crowd and many people who "go to the gym").

>> No.20068291

I don’t understand why some people find it difficult to a) eat a balanced diet of high quality food b) eat in moderation.

>> No.20069141

animefag is right

>> No.20069216

Yes, Anon, you are looking at this through the sane lens of CICO. That's not what KETO means.

>See a potato
Autistic screeching
>See a bagel
Run for cover and hide
>See a plate of lasagne
Kneel and say your last rites

>> No.20069232


>> No.20069274

>sub potatoes (out) for a salad with light dressing
This is why weed and keto don't mix.

>> No.20069638

if this thread had an anime girl in the op it would've been deleted hours ago.

>> No.20069799

And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle

>> No.20069805

Lacking empathy is common in sociopaths.

>> No.20070148

Bread is a distinctly human food. Yeah it isn't good for you, but life eating bread > life not eating bread

>> No.20070178

It's good for fast weight loss but it's not meant to be a permanent diet like the cultists claim.

>> No.20072472


>> No.20072559

according to recent popular findings, science says nothing anyone eats is good for anyone, even at the smallest amounts, and that's why you need to do this diet and buy my book so you'll know how to keep sucking my dick. science says that's a good thing, and you're part of big industry if you say mean things about me.

>> No.20072893
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>it's not meant to be a permanent diet
Why's that?

>> No.20072917

Constant ketosis is hard on your cardiovascular system, and not super great for your cognitive abilities. Get on it, lose your weight, and then find some happy medium where you can be a human sometimes.

>> No.20072969

Diabetes 1 and 2
Also a bunch of other disease where stabilizing the blood sugar and completely removing food allergies helps a lot short term.

But it also helps a lot to think about what "treatment" is from a medical research POV
Its not a mechanism or target, instead its throwing darts at the board so you can write some papers and practice some medicine.
By the definition of "treatment", PE works has good stats against everything that isn't horrid wasting diseases.

a) isn't hard
But eating in moderation when not counting calories means you are risking going 100-150 calories a day over your budget, which works out to half a kilo after 20 days.
Biggest reason for weight gain tend to be going from active to passive lifestyle, while maintaining a eating habit, resulting in passive overeating.

>> No.20072975

Any diet that doesn't contain carbs, protein, and fats in balanced measure and focuses on quality of ingredients and caloric deficit (if the goal is losing weight) is a meme.

Because the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn.

>> No.20073015

Can you elaborate on this? From what I gather, the brain seems perfectly capable of running on ketones and the low amount of glucose it does require is produced by the liver anyway. I've actually felt my cognitive performance improve quite a bit in a state of deep ketosis during a prolonged fast. How do you explain this? Also, what is it about ketosis that's harder on the cardiovascular system than oxidative stress and glycation from running on sugar and carbs?

>> No.20073071

Interesting - worth a Pepsi challenge for sure. I haven't done any straight clinical studies (because I work with chemicals, not people), but 9/10 fat bitches catering to my anecdotal bullshit equate it to being 2 drinks in at all times - not even really buzzed, but definitely slightly slower on the draw. Most of what I've read says that your brain adapts if you keep everything as steady-state as you can, but fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to brain fog and being "hangry".
If you chronically overdo it, or are in a constant state of ketosis for n length of time, acidosis-like symptoms can/do result: oxygen not getting where it needs to go, stress on the heart, kidneys, major blood vessels and the blood pressure issues that can come with.

It's safer than being morbidly obese, by far, but it goes past a point of diminishing returns to a place of preventative potential harm.

>> No.20073075

isnt that gun really bad?

>> No.20073077

sorry, talking while typing. *preventable potential harm.

>> No.20073110

been doing ketofag for about 2 weeks and the major upside is that even if you eat at like 4 in the afternoon you arent really hungry going to bed, so you dont really get cravings as much. also you lose like 3kg ish of water weight in the 1st few days which a nice fake morale boost

>> No.20073184

Ketogens are how your body process pure fat when it has nothing to eat, focusing on your stored fat. The keto diet is a roundabout way to get this to happen while still eating by tricking your body into a fat eating state .

It's easier for me to just fast. I eat one meal every other day, sometimes even longer. When I do eat it's protein, veggies, etc.

And lmao at keto diet branded food. Most has so many carbs I wouldn't touch it at this point in my diet. There must be no standards to slapping a keto label on your food. The only thing I've found that is worth it are these weird aldi egg white wraps with <1g of carbs and 6g if protein, I don't even have to pretend that hard that they are a real tortilla wrap which is great.

>> No.20073310

God I fucking love armpits

>> No.20073492

Love how many of them are now labeled "keto friendly" because they replaced some of the carbs with sugar alcohols but still end up high in net carbs.

>> No.20074564

The truth that no influencer will tell you is that a diet with proteins, carbs and fats, all balanced, while only eating whole unprocessed/minimally processed foods will get you 90% of the way to a perfect diet

>> No.20075428

Muh Diet
>Get up at 5:30-6:00 AM
>Drink 3 cups of espresso
>Drink nothing but water
>If hungry during the day, drink more water and munch giant cups of ice
>Eat at 6-7 PM
>Giant salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
>Whatever I want to eat after that
I try and steer away from bread. If I do eat it, I keep it to a minimum. The easiest way to not eat shit is to not keep shit in the house. I haven't eaten fast food sans a large McDonalds fry and sausage McMuffin in 8 years. I make everything at home, and nothing comes out of a box.

>> No.20076513

>There must be no standards to slapping a keto label on your food.
There aren't. The FDA and USDA don't regulate what "keto friendly" means.

>The only thing I've found that is worth it are these weird aldi egg white wraps with <1g of carbs and 6g if protein
Got a product name? I'd like to look for them next time I'm there.

>Love how many of them are now labeled "keto friendly" because they replaced some of the carbs with sugar alcohols but still end up high in net carbs.
Sugar alcohols aren't digestible, so yeah, if they replaced enough sugar with the alcohols, then they are in fact "keto friendly".

OTOH you'll end up farting like mad and maybe have diarrhea, because your intestinal bacteria looooove those sugar alcohols.

>> No.20076793
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Egglife (tm) wraps

>> No.20076805
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No not if you look at archeological records and use some basic logic but today it would be incredibly difficult to sustain given the abundance of carbohydrates

>> No.20076811

Why does that kitty have a cock 'n balls on its face

>> No.20076814

Why are people like this?
>Hey, Nico's making a few hundred dollars a week, and he seems really well adjusted. I'm giving my two weeks' notice!

>> No.20076918

>coworker said he's going on a carnivore diet to lose weight
>nothing but red meat

Just stick to intermittent fasting and make it a lifestyle.

>> No.20077916

I mean its gonna get boring but it'll probably work because you wont feel like overeating same thing with no sugar content

>> No.20077941
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My sister in law has it and going out to eat with them is a fucking pain in the ass because she has to ask the waiter a million fucking questions, which means I have to wait longer for food. She can't be fucked to just look up their menu ahead of time.

>> No.20077965

FYI, Egg Life isn't an Aldi brand. You can buy them at Kroger and many other stores.

>> No.20078122

Ask Jack Scalfani.

>> No.20078345

Fair enough. Granted I found them only a few days ago and it happened to be aldi

>> No.20078419


>> No.20079472

I do it because it happens to be the most practical diet that doesn't fuck my body up and make me feel like shit. Paired with intermittent fasting, of course. I suppose it's a meme when you do it as some sort of hack and not a response to medical problems.
Eliminated or heavily reduced my constant post nasal drip, digestive issues including GERD, skin allergies, persistent facial acne, fibromyalgia-like symptoms and muscle spasms, brain fog, etc.

>> No.20079482

The principal of reducing carbs/sugars and eating protein and fat is sound. We only got fat as a population when dietary fat was demonized and starchy carbs were pushed as healthy. Keto as a social media lifestyle is a meme.