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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20054267 No.20054267 [Reply] [Original]

How actually good are beans? How good are green vegetables? How good are cereals? How good are seed oils? I've heard just two opposite opinions about them.

>> No.20054299

Should I go to /sci/ or whatever?

>> No.20054317

Beans give me so much gas that I could even commit mass genocide but damn they are so good when cooked right.
I freaking love beans!

>> No.20054319

Yes, I love them too but what's about nutrition? Anti-nutrients and such?

>> No.20054335

There is this guy in youtube that makes tier lists on food nutrition. He does his research and presents it in an easy to understand manner.
I don’t trust everything he says but at least it is better than my uneducated opinion and the youtube “doctors”

>> No.20054372

This is unhelpfully vague

>> No.20054523

>How actually good are beans?
Underwhelming but not terrible. Enjoy them in moderation.
>How good are green vegetables?
Generally good, with some (esp. brassica, allium) being great.
>How good are cereals?
Mostly pretty bad. Millet and sorghum are supposedly good, buckwheat and co have their place, quinoa is overrated but still solid. The rest you're better off avoiding.
>How good are seed oils?
Almost all terrible, especially for cooking and as shelf-stable filler. Olive oil isn't bad, and some others like flaxseed seem promising, but they have low smoke points and aren't generally practical. Use animal fats for most of your cooking.

When it comes to nutrition, plants lag well behind animal products; nutrients are bound up in undesirable forms, most proteins are incomplete, and rates of actual absorption are underwhelming. But lots of plants are amazing for the microbiome, and that should be the main reason to eat them. The more diverse the portfolio of plants, the better. Immune health, neurotransmitter production, and more rely heavily on a diverse and high quality microbiome. Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut are your best bet for this, especially if you made them yourself. Fruits are much worse than vegetables- most nowadays are sugar bombs without much going for them- but avocados, pomegranates, and berries are still worthwhile.

>> No.20054842

Humans are carnivores.

>> No.20054879


>> No.20054903
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Historically, humans have always needed animal products and are highly adapted to meat consumption. There has never been a recorded civilization of humans that was able to survive without animal foods. Isotopic evidence shows that the first modern humans ate lots of meat and were the only natural predator of adult mammoths. Most of their historic technology and cave paintings revolved around hunting animals. Our abilities to throw and sweat likely developed for this reason. Our stomach's acidity is in the same range as obligate carnivores and its shape has changed so much from other hominids that we can't even digest cellulose anymore. The vegan diet is born out of ideology, species-inappropriate and could negatively affect future generations.


>> No.20055007

I'm not reading your blogpost. You are objectively wrong. You are attaching yourself to a fad because you are unhappy on the inside and gaslighting yourself into thinking you have some kind of hidden truth that brings purity to your character in a world that you cannot control and adds uniqueness to an otherwise empty personality. You will grow out of this phase soon just like every other diet fad.

>> No.20055015

>Olive oil isn't bad
olive oil isn't a seed oil unless it's """olive oil" which is actually soybean or canola oil with some olive oil mixed in. non-deodorized extra virgin olive oil is perfectly fine for cooking.

>> No.20055029

Human anatomy is wrong and our natural diet is a fad?

>> No.20055524

vegan faggot

>> No.20055563

Great source of fiber, iron, and they form a complete protein when combined with rice.
Fine as long as they're whole grain. Otherwise it's empty calories with no nutritional value at all.
>seed oils
No. Use coconut or olive oils.

>> No.20055582

>eating meat is a fad

>> No.20055789

>Underwhelming but not terrible. Enjoy them in moderation.
What's exactly wrong with them?
>rest you're better off avoiding
>nutrients are bound up in undesirable forms
Can you elaborate on it? I've heard in such forms they can't be observed at all.
>non-deodorized extra virgin olive oil is perfectly fine for cooking
For cooking, you mean "for frying"? I've heard that oil should be deodorized for it.
>Great source of fiber, iron, and they form a complete protein
What about anti-nutrients in them that don't allow you to absorb all these fancy 25g of protein per 100g, are such real?

>> No.20055797

Are you retarded?

>> No.20055808

Why do you whine?

>> No.20055817

>I've heard just two opposite opinions about them.
Internet nutrition articles are a shitshow. The best thing I can tell you is that when 99.9% of experts agree that X is good, you need to give some real scrutiny to the people that say X is bad. A dissenter can't just pick a study that finds X to be bad in some context, they need to explain why all the rest of the research out there shows X to be good.

>> No.20055864

Eh, I barely have time for that. So what's about the beans?

>> No.20055886

Beans are good for you

>> No.20055899

Why? What about anti-nutrients?

>> No.20055907

High in vitamins and minerals, high in fiber and protein, high in phytochemicals, slow-digesting. Their richness in fiber and potassium especially are important as these are two nutrients people typically have difficulty getting adequate amounts of.
>What about anti-nutrients?
The only thing that can harm you in beans are certain types of lectins, and those are destroyed by cooking

>> No.20055965

Thanks. What about the rest of categories of plants?

>> No.20056186

I cooked beans in a nice beef broth with tomato paste sauce. Diced up jalapenos really small for some heat. I could eat those for ever. I want to dry a saltier chickrn broth style next.

>> No.20056207

You're the one crying about fucking beans, retard.

>> No.20056281

Keep seething.

>> No.20056314

If it's not poisonous, it's good for you. What could anyone have said to make you seriously question if vegetables are healthy?

>> No.20056331

>What could anyone have said to make you seriously question if vegetables are healthy?
That stuff about anti-nutrients. Like, they not only block their own components from absorption but also components of other food you eat alongside them.

>> No.20056406

Not in amounts you would have to worry about or amounts that would mean anything. Often, it's beneficial when it does, such as with iron, which is dangerous to absorb too much of.

>> No.20056445

Thank you. Beans indeed look like a super-food then.

>> No.20056447

Why would anyone else seethe over you being such a frail anemic that a bean poses an actual threat?
You have far bigger problems.

>> No.20056905

Still seething huh?

>> No.20057801

>What's exactly wrong with them?
Beans generally have subpar nutrition for their calories, and lots of lectins, phytic acids or similar. Canned beans and the like tend to have way too much sugar, salt, or undesirable additives in the mix. Coffee is decent, and a few bean products like natto are excellent, but for the most part beans don't excel at anything and you're better off with meat or nuts or greens to cover those bases.
Again, mostly just that they underperform both as nutrition and as prebiotic, and in many people can spike insulin or inflammation unnecessarily. At least here in America, most are GMO as well, and the things they're selected for aren't generally healthy. Fine in moderation, subpar as staples.
>Can you elaborate on it?
I don't want to overextend here, it gets complicated and I'm just a hobbyist. A few examples, though, are heme iron (almost animal-exclusive, much more efficiently absorbed than non-heme) and omega 3 (fish offer DHA and EPA, which the body uses as they are; vegan o3 options like avocado instead have ALA, of which only a small percentage is converted to usable DHA/EPA). There's also pseudovitamin b12; we used to think certain algae were perfect vegan b12 sources but in reality the form is very poorly converted, and there are essentially no whole food vegan b12 sources that aren't explicitly fortified with it.

>> No.20057820

Change your tone or I'll get the beans.

>> No.20057865


>> No.20057955
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>> No.20058119

>in many people can spike insulin or inflammation unnecessarily
Show me any research that says beans increase inflammation or have a detrimental effect on insulin levels or sensitivity. I'll tell you ahead of time that the term "spikes insulin" means nothing.


>> No.20058728

Saaar nooo dont touch me beans these are mine saar!!!

>> No.20059098

I see you misunderstood. English not your first language?

>> No.20059442

No denomination jews aren't real jews

>> No.20059467

Counting the reformed ones are basically of no faith as well...

>> No.20059529

>How actually good are beans?
I love them. Some people love peanuts, but I love eating refried beans out of the can. It's like $3 for a nearly two pound can and almost 800 calories, with carbs, lard, and protein. You can't even buy a hamburger from McDonald's for $3.

>> No.20059553

Exactly, they appear like a literal super-food, both cheap and nutritious, so I wonder if there's a catch.

>> No.20059673

Lectins are removed with soaking the beans. Also some lectines are studies as healthy for your heart
Phytates are removed by fermentation, or if you eat them regularly, your intestine will select the appropriate gut flora to overcome the phytates

>> No.20059676

By the way, is it true that raw vegetables are healthier than cooked?

>> No.20059684

Iron in legumes is higher than in meat even considering the difference absorption rate (also, only part of iron in meat is heme)

The difference is that non-heme iron absorption is less reliable wrt to heme and other food can interfere
But it's pretty easy to avoid it
> Consume vit C in the same meal. It shouldn't be a concern unless you literally eat just beans and white rice
> Do not eat food that have a lot of tannins. Do not drink black tea or eat large amount of cocoa powders in the same meal

>> No.20059695

Legumes should not be consumed raw
Cooking carrots makes some of its nutrients available
Cooking tomatoes and broccoli destroy its vit C
Cooking spinach in water (and toss the cooking water) remove its oxalates

You should consume both raw and cooked vegetables, with a preference of raw vegetables but crudism is just retarded

>> No.20059699

The B12 study of seaweed is just bullshit.

>> No.20059719

Legumes and tomatoes are not vegetables

>> No.20059739

There's always one person that has to shitpost.

>> No.20059778

What about wheat then? What's healthier, pasta or bread (actual one, not the American)?

>> No.20059797

>What's healthier, pasta or bread (actual one, not the American)?
Actual pasta or bread meaning what, exactly?
Are we excluding American wheat or something from the equation?
I don't fucking understand the question.

>> No.20060885

no. this is true for animal products.

>> No.20061094

Here's a list of most to least healthy food groups:
Fruit (most)
Root vegetables
Leafy green vegetables
Cereals and grains
Dairy (least)

Seeds are the least healthy plant-based thing you can eat. The human body is not really intended to digest seeds, but to leave them behind or shit them out. Fruit contains seeds and relies on humans to spread those seeds. The healthiest food you can eat is fruit. Fruit is more calorie dense than other plants and is naturally designed for humans to eat it. Leafy vegetables are okay, but not the most healthy food as it's not nutritionally dense. Cereals and grains are passable filler foods, but not the most optimal food.

>> No.20061450

>The human body is not really intended to digest seeds, but to leave them behind or shit them out.
That's not the right way to look at things. Whatever we assume the "intentions" of the human body are, what matters is what the research says, and research tends to be favorable about the health effects of seeds

>> No.20061458

This is hands down the most retarded opinion I’ve ever seen on this site, and that’s saying something.

>> No.20061461

lol, no

>> No.20061462

>Fruit is more calorie dense than other plants
Nuts and seeds are more calorie dense than fruit because they're full of fat. Fat has 9 calories per gram while sugar only has 4.

>> No.20061472

They also have less water

>> No.20061816

So what?

>> No.20061937

How the fuck root vegetables are better than legumes, not say (fermented) diary?
Anons aren't root vegetables like potato literal junk-food?

>> No.20061964

Root vegetables are pretty healthy. Supposedly potatoes provide almost all the nutrition you need. Potatoes are seen as junk food because most people will think of chips and french fries which are often paired with more junk food.

>> No.20062074

>Anons aren't root vegetables like potato literal junk-food?
Not until you fry them or cover them in fatty dairy. A potato is pretty decent nutritionally, and sweet potatoes are one of the best things you can eat.

>> No.20062102

Plants must be cooked. Grains and beans must be soaked and prepped in a traditional way. This will neutralize any phytic acid or other anti-nutrients

>> No.20062244

Don't wanna make another thread, is short-time (for 8 hours between the only 2 meals per day) fasting good for health or it should be either normal diet or long-time fasting? Not for weight lose (I'm underweight) but for health overall?

>> No.20062689


>> No.20063156

>How the fuck root vegetables are better than legumes, not say (fermented) diary?
They are totally different foods and dairy is sparse in nutrients, vitamin D is added afterward.

>> No.20063159

Yes its fine. Regular fasting is healthy. Taking it too far and doing 3 day fasts isnt necessary for benefits and can be detrimental

>> No.20063161

Talon Fitness

>> No.20063163

Dont care

>> No.20063174

>dairy is sparse in nutrients
It's helpful for microbiota rather, also it's sparse only as a drink, cheese and yogurt are quite nutritious.
So these 8 hours would be kinda ideal?

>> No.20063176

Congealing milk doesn't make it more nutritious. Its just a different form of milk.

>> No.20063185

>So these 8 hours would be kinda ideal?
Not ideal per say, but its beneficial. I'm not sure there is an ideal. Dont overpressure yourself for perfection, just do what you are able to.

>> No.20063261

Yes but it becomes denser, doesn't it? Anyway cheese seem to be good.
Just I wonder, wouldn't it be better to restrict it to only 1 meal per day? Eating twice more food this one time of course.

>> No.20063268

Jesus you're fucking dumb

>> No.20063310 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20063320

Do whatever you want

>> No.20063326

Thanks for a good advice sir, it helped a lot.

>> No.20063345
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>> No.20063982

>most are GMO as well, and the things they're selected for aren't generally healthy.
that's not how gmos work

>> No.20063990

avoid, a diet of beans and rice turn people into diabetic trannies
>green vegetables
very good, just avoid eating too much spinach
doused in pesticides, avoid unless you plant them yourself
>seed oils
not meant for human consumption, use lard or olive oil

>> No.20063992

the amount of samefagging ITT is off the charts

>> No.20064297

>sparse only as a drink
idk, kefir seems pretty impressive

>breed for sweetness
>breed for shelf life
>breed for eating convenience, aesthetics and pleasure
Something's gotta give

>> No.20064646

>Something's gotta give
The fact that you can't point out that something and are relying on instilling doubt is telling