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20053817 No.20053817 [Reply] [Original]

is gin and tonic girly? i went on a date with a girl and ordered one and she said its a chick drink. the fuck?

>> No.20053818

I was shocked to learn the same, Anon. Bartenders call it 'panty remover.'

>> No.20053822

if I believed drinks could be girly a gin and tonic would be completely androgynous

>> No.20053825

It's a shit test, and you clearly failed.
Sorry anon.

>> No.20053827

>she said its a chick drink
I do hope you don't go on a 2nd date with someone so glaringly stupid.

>> No.20053830

i literally said "that's retarded" and laughed and then she told me you cant say that word anymore. definitely not getting a second date lol

>> No.20053838

>cant say that word anymore
dodged a bullet there, anon. Good for you.
Because she really was retarded, jesus fuck.

>> No.20053863

She sounds like a dumb cunt.
Find yourself someone better.

>> No.20054087

G+T are neutral drinks for both men and women.
Really I'd say that any collins type drink consisting of liquor, lemon, club soda, and ice is about as neutral as you can get.
Any woman that expects you to drink nothing but Old Fashions like you're trying to be Don Draper or something is probably a shit head.

>> No.20054091

>drink invented for colonising brits lording over a billion pajeets and forcing them to play cricket, and executing anyone who resists by tying them to the front of a fucking cannon and exploding them into a million pieces
she's a fuckwit

>> No.20054094

Thank fuck you learned there instead of when she took half your shit in 6 years.

>> No.20054098

Tell her you pre-gamed and ask her back to your place for a real drink and a fuck, and then ignore her until she calls you. Any girl who calls a G&T a chick drink is going to be easy, but probably not worth dating (unless the sex is really good).

>> No.20054108

>shit test
This. Most likely she was just testing to see how you react to emasculation and getting put on the spot. The proper response to the emasculation shit test is to "agree and amplify", coming up with a joke to laugh at the absurdity of the implication.

>Ew, isn't that kind of a girly drink???

>> No.20054109

Huh I would consider an old fashion more of a girly drink than GnT. Gin isn't at base girly. It is at least moderately masculine. Most women dislike the strong herbal taste. Same with tonic water. Quinine fights malaria but at the cost of being 'icky'. Girls like sweeter lighter stuff usually. Whereas an old fashioned starts with a brown liquor which I will say is more masculine than gin but you also muddle some maraschino cherries and orange slices to give it a sweet fruity base. It is still fine for a guy to drink but I'd say a straight Manhattan is a more masculine cocktail.

>> No.20054112

Only if you serve it in a stemmed glass and garnish it with berries.

>> No.20054188

my boyfriend loves gin and tonics, desu i thought it was a drink for guys when theyre in an elegant mood

>> No.20054209

Did you then tell her that SHE'S retarded, and you're glad you found out now, rather than when the po-po rolled you for diddling a half-wit?

>> No.20054225

That’s pretty based
What other drinks or snacks are good for when I’m getting in that conquering mindset?

>> No.20054229
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double vodka tonic is a man's drink

>> No.20054235
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Gin and Dubonnet lad

Liz's favourite cocktail

>> No.20054237

absolutely not, it's like a default drink for everyone, as sterile as it can get

>> No.20054246

cucumber sandwiches, strawberries and cream, tea

>> No.20054269

once in awhile i think i want to try to get a gf but then i remember they are retarded and i give up

>> No.20054281

I personally dont care. You shouldve said something like..
>yeah im in touch with my female side, thats why I can understand women so well.
Boom..she wouldve marry you right there.

>> No.20054302

I agree but your example fucking sucks

>> No.20054312

I drink daiquiris (normal, not frozen/flavored), so I think you’re good bro.

>> No.20054320

It's a shittest. You beat the shittest by ignoring it, or doubling down and ordering an even girlier drink, or getting three traditionally masculine drinks and downing them in her face, then asking for a gin and tonic - in short, by doing anything other than rationally engaging with it.

>> No.20054334

Gin and tonic was invented by british sailors in the East-India Company. They used to drink tonic as a medicin against malaria. They mixed it with gin, which all bristish sailors were one cup a day as part of their rations.

>> No.20054347
File: 2.04 MB, 2560x1527, Beer-street-and-Gin-lane (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, G&T is the drink of retards.

>> No.20054353

Looks like the people on the top of the roof in Beer Street are playing weeaboo

>> No.20054358

Redpills are abusive in nature and you might end up giving her the ick.
Redpills only work on emotionally stunted women, who had a shitty childhood with shitty parents.
As a man, I would not want that type of woman in my life, thus I never have that approach towards women or life in general.
Even if the woman if emotionally dumb, and exubes narcisistic traits, I dont engage that way in a relationship because that a recipe for disaster. Having my children expose to that will only destroy, making them incapable to form healthy, loving relationships.

>> No.20054373

its the flirting stage dude its the way it is, if you beat the shittest you'll make her laugh and thats the point, to show your wit. The point isnt to put the woman down and I never said you had to abuse her or carry that attitude forward into other stages of the relationship. But if you fail the shittest, the odds of a relationship plummet. Failing the shittest is what gives women the ick.

>> No.20054374

what sort of license do you need to sell pints of beer door to door?

>> No.20054386

You said to not engage rationally, as if the woman is some kind of..dumb soulless puppet. Which you might be right, because calling a drink girly or feminine, seems like an insult. No sane woman will say that to you, maybe she was joking.
Shit tests always come from narcissistic women, who have high expetions from you, thats why she tests you in the first place.
My advice would be to fail these tests, because those type women are shit anyway. Unless you wanna fuck and leave.
Or if you have an 1000 IQ such as mine, you would make her see that theres another side to life, behind her narcissism, and that shit will destroy her, making her fall in love with you.
Takes alot of work though, and it depends on the type of woman.

>> No.20054396

>the proper response
Is to just be yourself, you little fucking poser.
Playing a role to get laid is rape, faggot.
Be yourself and get pussy that way or just stay fucking home

>> No.20054398

Liz gave up her empire though. Literallythe opposite of a conqueror

>> No.20054402

It was literally invented by soldiers.

Tell her she's a fag.

>> No.20054426

Depending on whether it is in closed or open container, it would either be the same license as a liquor store or a bar, I guess.

>> No.20054678

>is gin and tonic girly?
you are allowed to drink them in the summer, but that's it

>> No.20054704

anon I...

>> No.20056201

>I'd say a straight Manhattan is a more masculine cocktail
Nothing to do with NY is straight

>> No.20056365

Cheap Gin and Tonic is what it is, a decent cocktail. Good quality gin with a proper tonic is an outstanding drink, a lot of gin doesn't need lime to shine either.

Anyone who attributes a drink and sex is a faggot, I mean, if you go up and order something loaded in sugar designed to hide the booze, just go do shots and you'll get where you want faster and cheaper. Good drinks should be enjoyed. Sugary shit is fine if you admit why you like it.

>> No.20056390
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>> No.20056392

I'd say Rohypnol + any drink is the real panty remover if you catch my drift.

>> No.20056448

she didn't like you. She would have tried to make fun of you no matter what you ordered, but was probably kind of disappointed that you ordered a good drink. because she wasn't confident with the assertion that it's girly, she told it to your face. If you had something that most guys would actually avoid drinking at a bar (eg. anything pink), or even something considered undeniably "passe" like a light beer, she wouldn't have said anything but would have made a social media post with you drinking it instead.
so you really dodged a bullet

>> No.20056456

She was nervous and trying to break the ice with some playful teasing.

>> No.20056466

>He thinks he can cure narcissism
Anything other than a bullet won't work.

>> No.20057036

>hurr durr that's rape
The greeks called it "philosophia"

>> No.20057039

Do not do this

>> No.20057041

I drink gin on ice.

>> No.20057084

Gin and tonic goes very hard, love from Kazakhstan
I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.20057091

Considering how it was the drink of British soldiers abroad for the last 200 years, I'd say no. Unless you wanna tell me real fookin norf fc lads beating up nogs, indians, krauts, argies, ect, are girly.

>> No.20057127

Gin and tonic, imo, doesn't fall into the category of girly because it's not fruity but it does fall into the category of "alcohol by itself is to yucky for me." If I've ever seen what I'd consider a classically manly guy order a cocktail like a gin and tonic/martini in public it's been rare and a screwdriver or appletini would be even rarer. Certain girly drinks are acceptable in situations where you're around a lot of women but a group of guys drinking scorpion bowls or margaritas together would be very gay. A cocktail or white wine orderer is, to me, the same as a man who goes to jiffy lube to have his windshield wipers changed, a sort of effeminate type employed in dainty work that is usually but not always middle class or above.

>> No.20057200

Only because she was on death's door

>> No.20057208

A girly drink would be something like a Negroni Sbagliato

>> No.20057502

Does it make mustard gas?

>> No.20057520
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>Not having to face stupid little tests from women

>> No.20057625

Get a naked and famous next time to really seal it. That or some kind of ridiculous pea flower colored spritz. You're welcome.

>> No.20057767

its not. tonic water is what allowed britain to conquer africa (quinine and malaria). as a result, every commoner would get piss drunk on gin and became known as mothers ruin

>> No.20057796

I work at a bar in the UK, and I find that gin and tonic drinkers are regularly the most entitled customers. They always insist I put a slice of lemon in the glass as if I, a bartender, have no fucking idea how to properly serve the drink. They also get extremely shitty when you don't have the exact brand of tonic they want, or god forbid have run out of gin during a busy shift. It's as if drinking any other form of alcohol is unfathomable. Fuck gin drinkers

>> No.20057998

Little of this too. Dating is stupid.
And this