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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 984 KB, 1512x2016, BTVJlTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20048255 No.20048255 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Polish food?

>> No.20048267

Pierogies are good, kielbasa is good. Don't know or care about the rest of it

>> No.20048271

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.20048286

depressing, 1000s of years of development just to come up with disgusting baby food, i hope all poles perish in hell for this. the dumplings are okay-ish

>> No.20048302

V. good but i`ve never tasted new pierogie recipes
Canadians will do it btw just like calif*rnians stole sushi fot a decade

>> No.20048388

I really want to try pierogis. Sounds delicious

>> No.20048464

Pierogi are kino.

>> No.20048551
File: 347 KB, 1080x1350, Bigos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes better than it looks?

>> No.20048719

They invented bread as we know it, jackass

>> No.20048842

Looks like fried dumplings with sour cream and stuffed cabbage leaves with tomato sauce.
It's probably delicious, you animal.

>> No.20048846

polish food all looks like shit but apparently is pretty good

>> No.20048875

Looks Bland, Boring and Tasteless but it must be better than British 'food'.

Never eaten Polish food or British food but I heard British food is bad so Polish must be better.

I'm from the USA and trans.

>> No.20048878

Are you okay?

>> No.20049046

yuroslop always looks and tastes disgusting and bland

>> No.20049095

I've toured Poland several times, and eaten both home cooking and at restaurants, and it's perfectly fine. Not great, but cheap, filling, and unpretentious.

The food can be a bit on the greasy side, and they barely understand how to cook vegetables, but anything that is pickled, fermented, smoked, or otherwise preserved tends to be outstanding. That includes their jams, mustards, and even stuff like pickled fish. It is an incredibly practical cuisine, and

Bigos (Sauerkraut and chopped meat), Goulash (a stew with large meat and vegetable chunks), Zurek (sour rye soup), all of these are excellent dishes that I highly recommend, and all are excellent with Polish rye bread.

>> No.20049151
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>> No.20049187

im english with polish family from my mother's side and i've never seen them put sour cream or "smietana" on pierogi, it's usually butter, fried onions or bacon bits

>> No.20049216

Since they're kind of a PITA to make people don't make them as often as they used to and stick with a family style like a ritual comfy treat

>> No.20049241

my grandma only makes them for christmas but hers are so much better than the ones from supermarkets, i can it like 20 at once. we're already running out of the ones made this year, i will miss them

>> No.20049258

Get her recipe while you can, Anon, trying to recreate recipes...

>> No.20049389

i've tried believe me. she always tells me she doesn't have a recipe and just does it lol. next time she makes them i'll volunteer to help to get to know her secrets. i know that she makes them with pork mince, sauerkraut and wild mushrooms

>> No.20049668

Dirty kraut.

>> No.20049717

Absolutely. If you like sauerkraut bigos will become addicting.

>> No.20049761

Hell would be better than Poland under current German (EU) rule.

>> No.20049770

Give me 3 Polish meals that I should cook to get a good sense of Polish food?
I want at least one of the meals to involve Pierogi but what do I need to add to make it a meal?

>> No.20049780

Extremely delicious. Pierogies are orgasmic

>> No.20049784

Pierogi is the starter Polish dish that hooks everyone in

Zurek is the hidden gem

Bigos is the final boss and probably the absolute best polish food

>> No.20049788

Aesthetically repulsive, tastes great.

>> No.20049814

In my family we'd always reheat the leftover bigos and add sour cream and tons of paprika and call it "Hungarian bigos"

>> No.20049829
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x736, appetitwuerstl-rohpolnische.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogged by Germans in the Polish sausage department

>> No.20049951
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, pierogi Kasias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to try pierogis. Sounds delicious

>> No.20050767
File: 303 KB, 1250x1800, MK-bigos-mysliwski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely. bigos is delicious.

>> No.20050773

Polish here, living in Poland. idk where the sour cream on pierogi idea came from. when you get Pierogi in Poland, they almost always come with fried onions or bacon bits on top

>> No.20050796
File: 242 KB, 702x468, barszcz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want at least one of the meals to involve Pierogi but what do I need to add to make it a meal?
you could make barszcz z uszkami (a type of clear borscht with tiny pierogi inside)
pierogi are usually eaten on their own. I guess you could add some Polish salad on the side, like mizeria or ćwikła (the latter goes better with meats though)

anyway, I would pick from:
>żurek (sour rye soup)
>bigos (add forest mushrooms for extra based effect. preferably Porcini, the most highly-regarded mushroom in Poland)
>gołąbki (cabbage rolls)
>schabowy (Polish spin on the schnitzel)
>potato pancakes (the "placek po zbójnicku" version with spicy meat stew on top is great)
>whatever version of pierogi you want to make

>> No.20050798
File: 377 KB, 1024x683, kabanosy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh... nothin personnel, kid.

>> No.20050816

For me it's the humble placki ziemniaczane z gulaszem. More specifically, placki po wegiersku.

>> No.20050832

the polish obsession with germans is extremely embarrassing to the point of being humiliating. germans don't ever think or talk about poles

>> No.20050840
File: 156 KB, 798x1029, placek_po_wegiersku_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, these are fucking based

>> No.20050841

Awesome, saved
Where do I fit Kabanos in?

>> No.20050849

Polacks are niggers of Europe and their food reflects that

>> No.20050852

probably as an appetizer with some mustard. or throw it into the bigos if you want to experiment

>> No.20050857

It's a crime pierogi gets all the hype for Polish food when, in my opinion, it's one of the most boring. Especially compared to stuff like that.

>> No.20051012

Kabanossi are one of the worst Polish sausage types tho

>> No.20051024

The worst Polish sausage must then be better than 60% of the sausages of the world.
That being said, the worst Polish sausage would be kielbasa biala.

>> No.20051035


>> No.20051036

Damn that looks as nasty as Weißwurst. However my point still stands, Germans make the better Polish sausages. Just as they mog every country's pickle efforts.

>> No.20051039

no way, they're one of my favorites. perfect snack food. Lisiecka is number one for sandwiches though, followed by Krakowska

>> No.20051041

amittedly you can stuff pierogi with anything you want, so they're only as boring as whoever makes them

>> No.20051064
File: 506 KB, 1920x1237, Pierogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a crime pierogi gets all the hype for Polish food when, in my opinion, it's one of the most boring. Especially compared to stuff like that.

As the other anon said, you can stuff pierogi with pretty much anything. My favorite are blueberry followed by potato and twarog (dry white farmer cheese) whereas my post-WWII Polish immigrant mom liked plum pierogi and my immigrant Polack dad was a kapusta and mushroom man.

>> No.20051072

>My favorite are blueberry followed by potato and twarog (dry white farmer cheese) whereas my post-WWII Polish immigrant mom liked plum pierogi and my immigrant Polack dad was a kapusta and mushroom man.
all quite popular pierogi fillings. here in Poland you can even get some more oddball varities. spinach and feta cheese pierogi are pretty commonly available, as well as "mexican" pierogi (usually filled with some sort of chilli con carne)
bacon and potato is a good one too

>> No.20051077

I get that point. But still, it's not as nice as having a big hearty cabbage stew, or crispy fried potato pancakes.

>> No.20051081
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if you like pierogi/dumplings you owe it to yourself to try this at least once. the problem with most eastern european dishes is that there are barely any inspiring people that push these dishes to the limit. 99 out of 100 times it's below average cooks just doing what mom used to do. whenever I see someone use ground pepper I already know that they're gonna half-ass everything. this is the standard. helen seems to be the only exception

>> No.20051119
File: 339 KB, 1280x960, kiszka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oddball varities

I wish I could cook, because I think fried kiszka pierogi would be great.

>> No.20051137

idk they're a weird middle thing between the soft stuff and the hard types, sort of crumbly/dry.

>> No.20051142
File: 675 KB, 3456x2304, Golabki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ketchup on golabki

Must be from Ohio...

>> No.20051185
File: 99 KB, 1024x1022, IMG_0281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really all there is to Polish food, pierogis, stuffed cabbage, and kielbasa?

>> No.20051251

Too heavy and fatty

>> No.20051292

we're talking about Polish cuisine, not your mom...

>> No.20051306

The problem with 'Polish food' is that unless you have access to a proper importer of Polish food, you're missing out half of it. Our delis always have 20 types of ham and sausage, and generally the grocery store is where it really shines because we have a lot of good stuff like a hundred varieties of mustard, jarred mystery meat with names like 'courtly delicacy', actually good mayonnaise, dried wild mushrooms and pretty nice sweets. I could, for example, tell you all about how much I love poppy seed cakes, but where would you people buy them or even buy the poppy seed filling to make it yourself?

However, regarding slightly more obscure dishes, you're in luck. One of my favourites, Greek fish, has an English recipe, though I bake it after assembling in a dish.

>> No.20051578

my grandma makes them with meat, wild mushrooms and sauerkraut and they're my absolutely favourite

>> No.20051580

i couldnt even tell that was golabki lmao

>> No.20051604
File: 36 KB, 474x473, szczecinski-paprikash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish delis in America have some tasty treats like picrel. And Polish butcher shops? The smell is all the advertising they need, amazing.
But sometimes you do need to be careful even if you speak the language. My friend's Polish cousin (as in, actually from Poland) was visiting USA and bought some sausage from a local deli that came in a literally inedible plastic casing (what the fuck is even the point), and he didn't realize it until we were all spitting out pieces of plastic at dinner. I cringe at the memory because we ate a little more to be polite but it had been cooked in the plastic too. (Fuck you "sous vide" fags, that is not normal or OK.)

>> No.20051879
File: 661 KB, 600x744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have nice icecream, I get a bunch of these from the polack store. Very mild vanilla flavor, basically milk flavored.

>> No.20052047

It doesn't even look like it was cooked in any kind of sauce. It's possibly the worst golabki I've seen in my life.

>> No.20052078

I'm Slovenian and I can testify that bigos is better than the stews of our cuisine. Not a big fan of borscht though, but I am interested in trying Polish white borscht in the bread bowl with the boiled eggs.

>> No.20052144

>step 1: take german food
>step 2: claim it's polish

>> No.20052267

>potato pancakes
literally not a single dish posted in this thread is German, anon...

>> No.20052278
File: 2.93 MB, 1460x973, 1702496027430668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first thing I googled

>> No.20052299
File: 548 KB, 1383x701, Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 23-08-53 Potato pancake - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English wikipedia has a whole sub-section for the Polish version and barely mentions the German one
not helping your case much. should have cherrypicked schabowy or golonka, as these are actual German influences. unluckily, no one has posted these ITT

>> No.20052301
File: 5 KB, 250x100, 1679495325826882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english version lists germany first actually

>> No.20052432

Poles have very good pork products.

>> No.20052474

I don't know what that is but it looks delicious

>> No.20052484
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>> No.20053202

>Unraveled dim sims with tomato sauce
>Wet sausage rolls topped with cream
I'm Australian, we can buy that at the shops anyway

>> No.20053378

I should kill myself

>> No.20053408

ale kurwa, co pierdolisz

>> No.20053727 [DELETED] 

I don't see the word Germany in that list. I do see a hyperlink to the article on "Central Europe" which includes Poland.

>> No.20054002

Looks hearty and utilitarian for the Polish frozen climate.
I want to tried Pierogi and Bigos btw.

>> No.20054125

My smoking hot Polish wife makes this. 10/10

>> No.20054238

i like the sossij's

>> No.20054394

I had some one time and the spices were all funky tasting and weird

>> No.20054456
File: 293 KB, 1709x1226, Zurek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zurek sour rye soup is top tier especially during colder months.
Also their ice cream is delicious.

>> No.20054457

i can see why the polish didn't resist the german takeover

>> No.20055573
File: 2.32 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20231231_171629523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick of it now

>> No.20055579

I made pierogis once. They turned out delicious but took hours, don't think I'll make them again.

>> No.20057395

Bump, talk more about Polish food.

>> No.20057474

>kielbasa biala.
That's a soup sausage. It's absolutely fantastic in Zurek/White Borscht.

>> No.20057808

"Krokiety", "barsz z uszkami" and "pierogi"on christmas eve is pure kino

>> No.20058117
File: 663 KB, 1006x1200, Wigilia-dania-catering-swieta-stalowa-wola-karczma-biesiada-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish Christmas Eve is great in general. A feast with 12 dishes, some of which you only really get to eat at Christmas.
Definitely the most /CK/ holiday in Poland.

>> No.20058131

No, is this some Polish cope. Bread was invented in the middle east.

>> No.20058167

When you think of bread, do you think tortilla? No, you think of a nice loaf of bread

>> No.20058199

It looks unpolished

>> No.20058212

I like fucking polish women,

>> No.20058312

My mom, gradma and I used to do 12 dishes, but over the years it became a bit to much work for us and there was so much food that some of it was going to waste. especially after Grandpa passed away and now sister moved away. We still have quite a bit of it with some variety like two different kinds of "krokiety" and "pierogi", some "makówki", home made deli, etc. In short quite a bit of work to in days leading to christmas but fuck me is it worth it.

>> No.20058690

A nice loaf of bread, the kind they invented in the Greece.

>> No.20058711

It's gay.

>> No.20058743

The hell are you on about. Germoids think about polshits all day why else would they divert so much EU money to give them gibs?

>> No.20058759

>Germoids think about polshits all day
Is this English? What does this mean?

>> No.20059270

oh yeah everyone knows how well known the greek are for their bread

>> No.20059272

>he isn't Terminally Online

>> No.20059339

Too many consonants

>> No.20059359

Bruh, some of their consonants are actually vowels, get with it

>> No.20060271

Which ones?

>> No.20060482

o cholera

>> No.20061953

>shrinking family
Westernization 65% complete. Now open the flood gates for your demographic upgrade. Think of all the great novel food. And food delivery. :)

>> No.20062210

Donald Tusk will soon bring the light of western civilisation to the dark forests of Ostland and its ape-like inhabitants.

>> No.20062241

it's very much dishes meant to feed working men. it's good stuff, but heavy. gotta watch the portions.

>> No.20063840

Those are actually double letter pronounced as one consonant like sh or ch

>> No.20063850

spwcifically, sauerkraut pierogi with sour cream

>> No.20064442

Polish food and Eastern Euro food is trash. The exception being Hungary. I would rather eat Spanish or French food than whatever slop that is

>> No.20064541
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, Hungarian-Goulash-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hungarian goulash is god tier

>> No.20064901

Baltic Russian here, we tend to put sour cream on pelmeni, which are basically a simpler/worse kind of pierogi. So it probably came from Russians.

>> No.20064935

That’s how you can tell those creatures have no culture, clearly haven’t been surface dwellers for long.

>> No.20066975


>> No.20067389

I guess that makes sense. So maybe Americans are making pelmeni and not pierogi?
I know they stuff them with potatoes too which is also not popular in Poland, aside from the quark, fried onion and potato variant know as "pierogi ruskie"

>> No.20067605
File: 427 KB, 1600x1276, 1674859492371037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, the ultimate Polish snack

>> No.20067626

>So maybe Americans are making pelmeni and not pierogi?
Why do you think we eat them with sour cream? I don't.

>> No.20067785

I wish I had a Polish friend so I could try Polish food because it looks delicious. If anyone in this thread has a Polish friend they're willing to trade me I can offer a Greek, Serbian or El Salvadorian friend in return.

>> No.20067843

why do you say this when Spain exists?

>> No.20067949

Overall, a bit like British food. Not much in the spice department (though they do like their Marjoram), but when nicely done, very filling and tasty.

>> No.20068504

Funnily enough one of the most popular spices in Poland, allspice, is named after the English.

>> No.20068909 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1284x977, POORLACK CUISINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearty, traditional, regional, tasty, white.
Just like Europe should be.

Gołąbki and Pierogi z kapustą i grzybami master race.
If you come to this shithole (You) should definitely try gołąbki. But only with cabbage and shrooms, the meat aren't as good nor the one with cheese/potato filling.
Bigos is so fucking kurwa overrated, it's literally waste meat threw into a huge fucking bucket with sour cabbage and some basic spices and shrooms, most if not almost every polish traditional dish is better.
Especially gołąbki aka cabbage rolls with a filling of grounded meat + rice.
It's fucking delicious.
You can fry them or bake them, eat with tomato sauce or without, if you happened to be around this shithole definitely get gołąbki.
pic related my shit taste.

>> No.20068920
File: 1.12 MB, 1284x977, POORLACK CUISINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearty, traditional, regional, tasty, white.
Just like Europe should be.

Gołąbki and Pierogi z kapustą i grzybami master race.
If you come to this shithole (You) should definitely try pierogi. But only with cabbage and shrooms, the meat one aren't as good nor the one with cheese/potato filling.
Bigos is so fucking kurwa overrated, it's literally waste meat threw into a huge fucking bucket with sour cabbage and some basic spices and shrooms, most if not almost every polish traditional dish is better.
Especially gołąbki aka cabbage rolls with a filling of grounded meat + rice.
It's fucking delicious.
You can fry them or bake them, eat with tomato sauce or without, if you happened to be around this shithole definitely get gołąbki.
pic related my shit taste.

>> No.20069494

>El Salvadorian
underrated food desu, direct upgrade from mexican

>> No.20069508

they had it rough, cut them some slack
*nglo on the other hand...

>> No.20069540

>waste meat threw into a huge fucking bucket with sour cabbage and some basic spices and shrooms
none of that sounds unappealing to me, you're not some queer that hates sauerkraut are you?

>> No.20071070

sounds like you've never had good bigos bro. deluxe bigos with borowiki mushrooms, good meat, maybe some prunes and slow-cooked over days until it's all brown and caramelised is divine. if you take shortcuts or use bad ingredients, yes, you end up with slop. but good bigos is like pierogi z kapustą i grzybami but better
meat pierogi can be good too, just depends on how you make them
I'd bring grochówka and krupnik down, just typical peasant slop soups really. but definitely agree with barszcz z uszkami, placki ziemniaczane z gulaszem and devolay being top tier. Devolay is more of an eastern dish though I guess

>> No.20073314

as bland and bloated as Polish Pussy