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20046948 No.20046948 [Reply] [Original]

>Aurélien Largeau
>Young, French, Michelin starred head-chef at the luxurious Hôtel du Palais in Biarritz
>filmed conducting a "hazing ritual" in his kitchen upon one of his new commis chefs
>the newstart was bound to a chair, an apple was stuffed in his mouth and a carrot rammed up his anus
>When one member of the kitchen staff tried to intervene, she was filmed being thrown out of the kitchen
>resigned his position
>his career is over
>police have opened a "preliminary investigation" into sexual assault.

Was it wrong or just the lads having a laugh?
Is hazing like this normal in the restaurant industry? i
s it just a french thing?
I've not come across anything like it during my time working in kitchens.

Can't think of any jobs I've had where it would be worth being paraded around my colleagues naked with a carrot stuffed up my ass.
anyone got the video

>> No.20046959


>> No.20046960

>s it just a french thing?
it's universal in all male areas.
Boarding schools, fraternities, army, etc. etc.
There has to be some homosexual rituals to bond everyone

>> No.20046981

Sounds normal to me, maybe kinda fun. I doubt they really rammed a carrot up his ass, like up it, deep inside, dilating his bussy. Probably just stuck it between his cheeks. The guy could have laughed it off and enjoyed the vibrancy of his youth but no, he had to get all offended, blow it out of proportion, and ruin it for everyone. He's probably a redditor.

>> No.20046983

Young + celebrated + successful = colossal asshole whose ego is the size of Jupiter and who thinks the rules don't apply. Numerous examples in the athletic world. First I've heard in the kitchen, but I'm sure stuff like this has happened before.

>> No.20046988

It's only common among fucking fags.

>> No.20047000

it really isn't.

>> No.20047010

My understanding is that the commis chef didn't snitch, other chefs just shared
the video with each other and it leaked. The commis chef took it like a champ, buried that carrot up to the hilt. Alpha as fuck.

>> No.20047026

imagine the fucking smell, though

>> No.20047105
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>Can't think of any jobs I've had where it would be worth being paraded around my colleagues naked with a carrot stuffed up my ass.
man i wish people cared about me enough to shove a carrot up my ass during hazing ritual

>> No.20047115

It really is. Boarding schools? Fags. Frats? Fags. Secret societies? Fags. The military? Fags. You know who doesn't do shit like that? Dockworkers. Factory workers. Truckers.

>> No.20047120

Heh I wonder if I apply to 10 different kitchens that I would be unlucky enough to experience this haha it would be horrible wish me luck guys

>> No.20047129

>Dockworkers. Factory workers. Truckers.
Yes they fucking do lmao.

>> No.20047134

There's hazing, but no gay hazing. You're just projecting your homosexual aristocratic traditions onto regular people.

>> No.20047137

Yes they do. You're just so unlikeable and unattractive, no one wants to sexually assault you. No one will ever want to. You're disgusting.

>> No.20047139

>You're just projecting your homosexual aristocratic traditions onto regular people.

>> No.20047147

>hello everybody i'd like introduce the new commis chef anon...
>hi guys my name is anon, do you guy have any induction processes for new employees where a carrot may or may not be inserted into the rectum of said employee?

>> No.20047149

No one likes you and you have no friends
: )

>> No.20047157

Look I think you just need to accept that having a carrot shoved up your ass is a friendly and playful gesture that everyone can enjoy and laugh about, sexuality has nothing to do with this.

>> No.20047159


>> No.20047171

Right? An asshole is not a sexual organ any more than an ear or a nose is. Just because some fags like to stick their dicks up a butt doesn't redefine the ass as an erogenous zone for the rest of us who aren't infected with gay brainworms.

>> No.20047172

>t. Gay rapist

>> No.20047196

Female brapholes are delectable

>> No.20047201

My God the feminists were right all along
All men really are rapists

>> No.20047215

Why, because of the apple in the mouth?

>> No.20047219

Man I wish these fags would stop inserting their sexuality into otherwise perfectly normal interactions between men

>> No.20047252

kill yourselves faggots

>> No.20047490

Why does hazing always involve sodomy?

>> No.20047525

>Was it wrong or just the lads having a laugh?

Ramming a carrot up someone's ass is not a "laugh"

>> No.20047544

further proof that the french are faggots

>> No.20047628

Yeah that's bullshit harassment by a chef who wants to have power over his staff. It's excellent his career is ruined because this shows he was more interested in being in control than making good food. I hope he gets some jail time.

>> No.20047636

hazing shouldn't involve any sort of sexualized activities. If that was my kid I would be murderous.

>> No.20047638

Bring me a can of steam from dry storage.

>> No.20047737

Doesn't surprise me. They're kind of the Florida men of France.

>> No.20047821

dads are so cringe

>> No.20047971

Found the seething GED-let. "MAGA," bro.

>> No.20047973

t. Lonely McNofriends

>> No.20047981


>> No.20047994

I heard cooking jobs were a pain in the ass, but this is ridiculous?

>> No.20047995

Hello, Reddit!

>> No.20047996


>> No.20047999

See >>20047026

>> No.20048021
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>> No.20048169

truckers absolutely don't shove carrots up each others asses you complete retard

>> No.20048175

Lol this faggot lets other men molest him so he can have friends and be part of a group

>> No.20048187

>redefine the ass as an erogenous zone
But...it is.

>> No.20048196

Agreed. The fact that there's film of this means that this man and possibly his accomplices will 100% be convicted of rape unless there's an out of court settlement (I don't know how that works in france), and that's absolutely what should happen. Do any of you frogs know if french prison has the same history of anal abuse as the U.S. federal system does? It would be pretty funny to see the creative things the inmates devise to put up this guys asshole before he kills himself.

>> No.20048222

bet you're dressed as a dog right now posting this

>> No.20048226

>she thinks pine martens are dogs!
lmaoing @ u

>> No.20048229

>But...it is.
Butt... it is... a butt.

>> No.20048234

>eating anywhere where the chef stuck up food up an asshole
this is indefensible no matter what you think about hazing

>> No.20048238

Yes we do, lol.
It's not molestation. And sauce is a terrible weird. We prefer the word CRAM

>> No.20048244

>she's never had carottes à la derriere
That's le thing less fancie zat j'e have heard all jour.

>> No.20048245

You don't have a job. You never have.

>> No.20048248

You let other men put things in your ass. Try to rationalize it however you want, you're a fag and so are your pals.

>> No.20048260

Been working since I was 14, kiddo.
>You let other men put things in your ass
Why would you assume that?

>> No.20048282

>carrot up the ass

All hazings of this sort are just closet case faggots using the small bit of authority they have in their little kingdom of shit to live out their faggot fantasies and get off of power and control.

Every single one of these queers who do this shit, be it in the workplace, sports teams, or schools should have their faggotry bashed out of them with a baseball bat to the dome.

We need a return to normalcy where faggots fear repercussions from normal men who have no tolerance for sexual deviants. There was a time in this country when assault charges wouldn’t even be filed if a faggot made a sexual advance and you bitch slapped them for it.

>> No.20048287

>Been working since I was 14, kiddo.
Yeah, working up the courage to come out of the closet!

>> No.20048291
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the ol truffle butter routine... classic.

>> No.20048292

nobody knows what you're talking about freak

>> No.20048379

Did we ever find out just how many Michelin stars this restaurant has? Three? Might be worth it. One? Convict.

>> No.20048385

>she doesn't know what a pine marten is
lmaoing @ u

>> No.20048389

Yep correct you're the only faggot on this website that knows what you're talking about that's probably why you're on SSRIs

>> No.20048390

You'd be surprised. Back in high school, some kids got expelled for pinning some kid down and shoving a cell phone up his ass and then calling it to make it vibrate. Repressed homosexuality is a wicked beast.

>> No.20048508

Furfags are barely one rung above pedophiles on the social ladder, I wouldn't be so smug about it if I were you.

>> No.20048561


>> No.20048568

>t proud of their ignorance

>> No.20048579

Who said stuffing things up someone's butt has to be sexual all the time?

>> No.20048617

>proud of being a consumerist faggot
checks out

>> No.20048757

Nigga, I'm a motherfucking pine marten. idgaf what you think.
Like I said, bitch: I'm a pine marten. idk wtf that is. Is it a sparrow? Can I eat it?

>> No.20048799

I don’t know. It used to be understood that shoving things in a man’s ass in a hazing type setting was about dominating and emasculating the victim, not about sexual gratification for either party. Now all these zoomers raised in the age of normalized assplay think everyone involved in ass hazing is secretly a fag.

>> No.20048801

Dominating another man is a homosexual act. Submitting to another man is a homosexual act. T

>> No.20048890

>all these zoomers raised in the age of normalized assplay think everyone involved in ass hazing is secretly a fag
Ass play has been normal for the entirety of human history. The only thing that's changed is our understanding of what is and isn't gay. This definitely isn't a zoomer thing. You're probably only hearing about it now because you're uneducated and shit like Foucault takes half a century to make it into the head of normies like you.

>> No.20048904

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that sense you seem pretty ahistorical, this kind of hazing would always have been gay from your perspective. It's quite ironic, but living with these kinds of contradictions is what gives reactionaries hemorrhoids, which in turn only furthers their seething towards people who can enjoy ass play. It's all very unhealthy, but dialectical materialism and postmodernism aren't antithetical to one another.

>> No.20048907

I already hate how chefs think they're hot shit because they know how to whisk a Hollandaise.
If one of them tried some gay "hazing" bullshit on me he'd probably find both his restaurant, home, and family burnt to the ground.

>> No.20048909

>gay pedophile communist

>> No.20048911

You really went directly from complaining about "normalized assplay" to saying "assplay is normal".
You dumb homosexual idiot.

>> No.20048912

I don't think the gay communist pedophile was replying to himself in the post you're replying, retard.

>> No.20048920

Found the brainwashed NPC who believes his """""soft""""" """""science"""""" degree gives him a license to belittle anyone, and futher seethes about the 2016 election dispite nobody else in the thread bringing it up prior to this point.
Maybe you should violenty haze your alma mater then blame Trump for it.

>> No.20048929

>if i just keep throwing in the word pedohile it will eventually lose all meaning
I'm not a big conspiracy guy, but it really seems like people on the right really, really want that word to lose all its weight for some reason...
I wasn't replying to myself, but you're actually right. I did make a seemingly illogical jump, because I reject the entire premise that fags didn't exist before people talked about it. If you're scared people are going to find out you like dudes then just don't make a big deal out of it. None of this shit really matters at the end of the day, and you're only shooting yourself in the foot by creating different categories where you're a manly man and the twink in the pride parade is a degenerate fag, despite both of you engaging in the exact same acts.

>> No.20048932

Foucault literally fucked young boys lmao

>> No.20048940

Yes, he was a fag. Do you think this is news to me? They were also Arab boys, so it's not like you even really care.

>> No.20048941

I'm not racist.

>> No.20048946

Yeah, I bet you don't even see color.

>> No.20048949

I do. I love racial stereotypes and find them amusing and sometimes useful. However, I recognize that every person is an individual capable of breaking those stereotypes, and I don't treat people differently based on their race. I also don't hate any race, and recognize that there are good and bad people from all backgrounds.

That being said, if you're into assplay with other men then you're gay, and aristocrats / nobles are all gay rapist pedophiles.

>> No.20048963

You're literally 1 step away from becoming a socialist. I truly hope one day you can see it.

>> No.20048966

There’s a big difference between the manly men in prison who broomstick rape chomos to death and the pride parade twinks who engage in consensual anal sex.

>> No.20048971

I am a socialist. But I'm also a nationalist.

>> No.20048974

Raping another man to death for any reason is gay, and it certainly isn't Christian.

>> No.20048982

>Raping another man to death for any reason is gay, and it certainly isn't Christian.
That's right. It's better to just tie a millstone around thier necks then throw them into the sea.

>> No.20048988

>not racist
That's completely incoherent. You're either lying or don't really believe anything.

>> No.20048993

Calling your dick a broomstick doesn't make you any less gay.

>> No.20048994

National syndicalism isn't racist.

>> No.20048998

Yes, you're not racist. You just hate pedophiles, and it's totally a coincidence that all Jews are pedophiles...

>> No.20049000

I never said I wasn't anit-semitic.

>> No.20049004

It isn’t gay to broomstick a man to death. I don’t know why you’re bringing up religion.

>> No.20049007

Murdering a man outside of self defense is understandable in certain circumstances. It's not something I would do, but I can understand why one might do it. However, it should be done quickly. Cruelty is not an excuse for cruelty, and a decent hearted man takes no pleasure in such things.

>> No.20049010
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Can't be racist if there none of 'em ere.
t. Clammy Clive from the local

>> No.20049015

Only the really dumb ones ever do. (That was a compliment.)

>> No.20049017

>The guy could have laughed it off and enjoyed the vibrancy of his youth
Why was he bound? Why was he gagged? just having a goof.

>> No.20049192

IRL you’d just take it like a bitch and pretend it didn’t happen because you don’t want to ruin your reputation.

>> No.20049272
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The same reason why the root chakra is associated with trust, safety, security, fear/courage.

>> No.20049285

imagine if they used that carrot in a meal that would be so gross.... haha

>> No.20049313
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Ass stuff is straight-up satanic shit. But I have nothing against homo sex per se. It's the unethical power games where They act like it's no big deal but at the same time you HAVE to participate or else you are excluded from socializing or earning a living. "What's the big deal? Just lemme take over your root chakra for a moment. It's not big deal, there's no such thing schizo. Be scientific and rational. Be clueless while I dominate you through your root chakra."

>> No.20049353
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That's why top chef kitchens exclude women, because they don't want to be extra humiliated doing their gay shit around them. And if you did that hazing to a woman you'd get Me-Too'ed into the Sun.

>> No.20050132

There’s no going back. Shooting yourself in the foot with Brexit should have been proof enough of that.

>> No.20050177

Yes hazing is normal. One of the more annoying stories I have was doing a working interview at April Bloomfield's now closed "spotted pig" around now in 2017. Basically they mind fucked you into thinking they were being your friend by asking stuff about you and then that would gravitate towards "so where have you worked before anon?" and after I named off all these dynasty restaurants, they'd just go "hmm, never heard of those places". That was the most annoying, but here are a couple others
>Intentionally gave me wrong recipe, lead line cook seethed when I did it right anyway
>Took my fucking sharpie out of my chest pocket, thinking I wouldn't mad dog the cunt until he gave it back
>Intentionally gave me over seasoned food
>Asked me to help out on a station that I explicitly stated in resume I wouldn't work(raw bar)

There's probably a couple more annoying things but this was RIGHT AFTER they got sued for sexual harassment/assault in the workplace. It's a shit job because this is a surface level example.

>> No.20050214

lmao, fucking chefs / cooks trying exert power over people in a slave environment, typical fucks with no actual power doing this kind of shit. instead of fucking each other and trying to play games how about these tards make my food

>> No.20050312

It really fucking pisses me off because it was THE most comfy place I've ever seen in front of house and back of house was state of the art everything. It could have easily hit 3 stars and ranked high in the top 100 if everyone wasn't such an insufferable, stupid faggot.

>> No.20050359

You would know wouldn’t ya, Garry?

>> No.20050361

If my son let this shit happen to him I would disown him

>> No.20050363

Spoken like a true orange man voter with daddy issues..

>> No.20050381

Carrot in ass.
Likely totally voluntary.

>> No.20050402

french chefs with egos out their ass and carrots in their ass? call me surprised

>> No.20050408

>I will die single with no children.

>> No.20050415

French prisons are full of Algerians. He's gonna get re-reconquisted.

>> No.20050521

Lmfao. I'm rich now so I don't work. But kitchen jobs are for losers

>> No.20051009
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>a man who believes in chakras telling me to be rational scientific while trying to tickle my prostate

>> No.20051019

I don't vote; it's pointless. If I did vote, I would vote for Hitler.

>> No.20051034

I was in the army for 4 years and we never did anything like this. They do this shit because they feel insecure about having to do manual labour but aren't considered a 'tough' trade like working in construction or being a firefighter or something like that.

>> No.20051040

We didn't do anything like this in the Australian Army either. Some units like to test new soldiers but there's no hazing or anything sexual in nature done to them.

>> No.20051063

Trucking is a common job for 45 year old crossdressers who look like utter dogshit

>> No.20051074

Sure this is fine, you can haze me if you want. But then be prepared for the consequences of hazing.
The trauma might make me unstable and I might trip carrying hot oil and spill it all over you.

>> No.20051132

>we shove something up your ass to dominate you
>now youre one of us
>we all had something shoved up our ass too
how can you respect someone who let someone else shove something up their ass?

>> No.20052309

In my experience hazing was totally normal. The restaurant I worked at in HS and some of uni would regularly haze noobies since the only entry level position was dishwasher, didn't matter if you wanted to be a chef or a waiter, everyone started in the dish pit and put up with at least 2-3 months of ritual hazing until they were accepted as part of the team and allowed to receive tip-outs and move into non-dishwasher positions.
Hazing rituals included
>on your first day all the waiters and line-cooks would line up and scream "DISH BITCH" as you walked to your new station
>every time you needed to collect something from the opposite side of the kitchen all waitstaff and line cooks would slap you on the ass as hard as possible
>if you were carrying plates, everyone in the kitchen would try and trip you. if you dropped the plates you would usually be fired on the spot
>if you ordered "free food" (which you were entitled to as a perk) it would work down the line and every single person would spit on it until they handed you your "free lunch"
>on saturdays you were expected to go to the head chefs house and watch him play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and smoke a ridiculous amount of weed. as the newcomer you were expected to never turn down a toke
if you survived about 2-4 months of that (longer if people really didn't like you, shorter if you were fun/cool about it) then you were accepted as part of the in-crowd and the abuse would stop completely. in fact, co-workers would treat you super nicely and were genuinely fun to hang out with, but not a lot of people made it through their first few months of hazing.

>> No.20052342

>didn't matter if you wanted to be a chef or a waiter, everyone started in the dish pit and put up with at least 2-3 months of ritual hazing until they were accepted as part of the team and allowed to receive tip-outs and move into non-dishwasher positions
Ritual hazing is stupid, and while I do agree with the sentiment of everyone on the crew working the lowest level positions, that's actually a terrible business model. For one, you're basically asking anyone who wants to work for you to give up a significant amount of money for a few months in order to get the job they want. I almost feel like this is illegal, or at least should be. And then for the other employees they have to put of with a new dishwasher every few months (or if they have a dedicated dishwasher that would mean the new hire isn't working a full-time shift, which makes it even more unfeasible). It would also mean they need to have consistent turn-over in order to keep filling dishwasher positions with new hires; otherwise they'd end up forcing someone to stay in the dish pit until a new guy shows up, which may not directly violate any labor laws but seems very exploitative and probably something that could be litigated in court. I've been saying for a long time that I think everyone should have to work 6 months to a year in a restaurant after high school, the same way Israel makes everyone go into military service. It would make the country a better place.

>> No.20052436

you're 100% correct, we did have insane dishwasher turnover. i think the older chefs enjoyed a getting a new person to abuse every few weeks because the whole
>i had to go through this so you do to
attitude that was present. not saying that it was healthy, or good. just the norm.

>> No.20052610

>months of being disrespected
>all for a shit wage at a shit restaurant
sounds made up

>> No.20052992

He's hitting on something real, but his story is fake.

>> No.20053058

where's the video

>> No.20053112

t. gets his kicks getting high on coke and being bummed by callboys

>> No.20053456

Cope and dilate faggot oh wait your “big bro” already did that for you HAHAHA

>> No.20053553

>was it wrong or just laddos having a laffo? :)
You are the most deranged brainless retard for asking this. Imagine the ones doing the stuffing were black and then consider your answer.


>> No.20053561

I would shoot everyone there on my first day the first time a bitch called me a bitch or spat in my food

>> No.20053617

it isn't made up. i worked at this place for 2 years of high-school, a gap year (full time) and my first year of uni. trust me when i say that you work at a place like this long enough and eventually it just started seeming normal; full on stockholm syndrome shit. both the kitchen manager and the head chef dealt coke on the side, and i've always suspected that a large part of the abuse was to keep people who wouldn't "play the game" out of the inner circle. one of the two head chefs (both were involved in dealing coke) landed in prison shortly after i left.
it wasn't a shit wage at all, we were getting something like $13/hr + tips which back in the early 00s was way above what anyone else was paying. the tip outs were really good because it was more of a "fancy" restaurant. i'd walk home with a good $300 extra a week and all i did was plate desserts. even when i was a dishwasher i was getting ~$80 extra a week.
we actually had some local hotshot gang member sperg out and start acting tough during his period of mandatory abuse. he was talking about how he rolled with meth dealers and shit and how they would make everyone who worked there "pay if they ever got caught alone". it was weird as fuck but apparently he got cornered in the bathroom by one of the line-cooks and they beat the shit out of him. broke the sink and the mirror. this was all swept under the rug and some story about him being drunk at work and breaking the shit himself was fabricated. i heard he was approached by one of the management guy's coke supplier's thugs and told that if he ever showed up again he'd wind up dead. no clue if any of that was true but we never saw him again after the drama.

>> No.20053782

ive worked at heaps of resteraunts in australia and this shit never happens. the worse that might happen is that youre expected to binge drink constantly and sometimes buy a round

>> No.20053853

French confirmed to be faggots as per usual

>> No.20053881

so anyone got the video?