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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20039878 No.20039878 [Reply] [Original]

My therapist suggested that I pick up cooking and for the first time in my life I cooked something.

It was an amazing feeling spending my time like that and the reward was relatively quick to achieve and also fulfilling. I did end up with a few cuts and a burn but I felt as if it was worth it somehow.

I spent a good 2 weeks actually procuring the equipment I'm going to need so I kept my eyes opened while I visited my local thrift shops. It's like I was combining 2 hobbies. I talked with my mom after a long time because of this recipe and that was a positive for me too.

All in all, I think I will cook again. What I spent on the ingredients is like nothing compared to what I usually spend on a meal. I think I will cook another dinner, then try to work myself up to the point where I'm making most of the meals myself. I wonder if I can cook something so that I can take it to work. I've seen people doing that in my office.

Oh, and what I made was butternut squash stuffed shells. I'm vegan. I have never tried this particular dish so it was definitely an experience. Probably not the best one to start with though. I want to try a recipe with jackfruit next time. I don't exactly have a great vegan place around me...

>> No.20039884

why do anime posters always type like that? is it a tranny thing or what

>> No.20039887

>My therapist
>I'm vegan
How's the dilation going brother?

>> No.20039891
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>anime poster
Anon, you may be genuinely retarded...

>> No.20039904

Hating vegans? 2015 called.

I stopped being into animes when I was like 15

>> No.20040039
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I'm vegetarian. I can hate on vegans all day long. Just eat your beans. Anything without protein is a waste of time. How spicy do you want your beans? Do you want them dry? Fermented? Right out of the can hobo style? Butternut squash? I don't know. Maybe with some peanut butter, the legume of the thinking man. Or cashew butter, like a savage.
Don't touch my eggs, honey, or milk. They're mine.
In this screwed up world of no meat products if you're not a bean man you're nuts.
I hope your have fun with cooking and find some nice friendly beans to take to work.

>> No.20040463

Vegererains are just the bootleg version of vegans.

>> No.20040466

Ask me how I know you're a zoomer

>> No.20040474

Because the majority of this website are born after 1996?

>> No.20040896

How did you end up with multiple cuts and burns from one recipe?

>> No.20040898

The crab grabbed ahold of the knife, covered it in oil, and lit it on fire with the gas stove(I voted for Trump). Hilarity ensues

>> No.20041154

cooking is nice for mental health
it's satisfying to be able to do something that isn't a performance
what's cool too is eventually you forget all your personal notes and just start putting meals together from memory

it's nice being in a kitchen and having it be a place where you can effectively operate. and if you can work in your kitchen, you can work in everyone's kitchen. drunken nights after you all come back from a bar, you'll find yourself frying up some finger food based on what they have left over in the fridge, and they'll love you for it.

I think cooking is the secret sauce of well roundedness.

>> No.20041234

Cuts from being inexperienced with a knife and I forgot that hot metal is hot
>I voted for Trump
That's how you know that this isn't me
>it's nice being in a kitchen and having it be a place where you can effectively operate
The coolest thing is that it felt like I was being good at something. Most people that I know of don't cook and being able to do something that most people don't that also happens to be the first step in living a well balanced life style is amazing. I really want to cook more meals at home and save more money and buy something nice for myself. I'm thinking about keeping a log about how much money I'm spending in ingredients and I want to tally the difference up and I want to buy myself something nice for my birthday.

>> No.20041255

>never cooked anything
Fucking dweeb
I bet you don't grow anything either

>> No.20041259

Yuh. I don't have the space. My family is from a farming community tho.

>> No.20042094

>My therapist
>I'm vegan
i dont want to say correlation = causation but damn

>> No.20042136

>My therapist

>> No.20042681

Based fellow bean boy. Favorite varieties and recipes?

>> No.20042748

i want to have sex with that woman

>> No.20042749

retard stance

>> No.20042752

Because if you don't type like that on rebbit, you'll get down voted and "holy formatting, batman"ed.

>> No.20043484
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>Bean boy recipes
Normally just eat my lentils and beans alternating each time Mexican and Indian spices, but i do have one recipe
>Tofu, the fermented bean
>Ramen packet
>Soy sauce
>Few drops of toasted sesame seed oil
>Squirt of ketchup
>Egg, theoretically optional
Mix broth. If you taste sesame or ketchup you added too much. Green onion if you've got it. The ketchup is a time saver, saw this Chinese recipe as sugar, vinegar, and tomato paste, and realized that's just ketchup with extra steps. It's done so fast and easy I ate it every day a while. Bring water to boil, mix broth (if it looks bloody you added too much ketchup). Add tofu and ramen, cook til ramen is done. For softboiled, add egg last as you're taking boiling mixture off.
Split pea soup is my favorite this time of year. Do you have a favorite/ best bean recipe?

>> No.20043526

me too

>> No.20043883
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>> No.20043890

It's simple, but effective bait

>> No.20043905

Happy for you anon
Keep at it. It takes time. You will have some shitty meals.
I recommend you try roasting a chicken. They're dead simple.
>He's vegan
Ah shit. You need to learn how to make Indian food, which involves a bunch of crazy spices and is hard to learn unless you immerse yourself in it. And you will reek. or, try to change yourself. Veganism is awful for your body. Ever seen an elderly vegan?

>> No.20043951

The most perfectly formulated bait post ive seen this whole year, well done.

>> No.20045134

I don't know about you guys but having grown up in a farm makes me sick to the stomach whenever I think about animal based food.

Why exactly?

I don't like spicy food that much. I've heard different things about veganism though

Not really trying to bait anybody. I'm just sharing my experiences