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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20035509 No.20035509 [Reply] [Original]

Another lonely xmas night
Ate some cold cheese & ham sandwiches
No drinks for me, I want to feel the pain

>> No.20035513

Drama queen

>> No.20035521

Do people in your country celebrate the 24th?

In my country, people stay up and eat after midnight.

Many are together now, as it's evening here.

I spent it with my mom and sister.

No longer do we get the whole family together since my dad died many years ago. I do not miss the days of everybody together, because it was too much confusion and people being false and gossiping behind your backs. I miss my grandma and my dad, but not the reunions.

I'm sorry you're alone, but many people are. Just look around you and find the things that you can be happy about, like a roof, some amenities, food, etc. At the end of the day, it's the little things that we ofter don't appreciate that make us happy.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.20035523

>Do people in your country celebrate the 24th?
I think we're seeing a TON of bots make a mistake all at the same time.

>> No.20035548

I'm not a bot.

>> No.20035592

are you at least vaguely attractive? i'll gay marry you

>> No.20035599

You are not alone anon. I am here. H

>> No.20035611
File: 185 KB, 600x600, cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here bro. i feel ya
on tuesday people are gonna ask me if i had a good christmas and i'm gonna lie and say i had the best christmas of all. dont give em the satisfaction

>> No.20035637

I'm ugly, anon. You can find a homo boyfriend that is better than me, I'm sure

>> No.20035646

I did go to the market in the morning to get paid for some job I did, and I lied to the guy, told him I was going to eat turkey and have a party
I always lie

>> No.20035710

paper bags and squats exist my guy. you gotta be white tho or at the very least pale asian

>> No.20035759

Please make peace with yourself anon. You can rise up and be the man of the moment. Say no to pills and narcotics and put your face in a book. Cook good food and fill your mind with knowledge.

>> No.20036291

I just ate some beans
And yeah, I do no drugs
I will take the pain

>> No.20036304

Made salmon and spaghetti for my parents, got some praise for it
I feel so happy right now even if I still have to clean the air frier though

>> No.20036305

Glad you could join us, Hubert