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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20033848 No.20033848 [Reply] [Original]

adulthood is realizing you can just buy the Costco Tuxedo cake YOURSELF and it's only $13.99

>> No.20033853

Adulthood is knowing that and rarely ever doing it because you manage your weight.

>> No.20033858

>rarely ever doing it
I didn't say I do it every week now did I?

>> No.20033885

We call this the marble cake in my country, shit's good but it's way cheaper over here

>> No.20033896

>I didn't say I do it every week now did I?
>adulthood is realizing you can just buy the Costco Tuxedo cake YOURSELF every single day and it's only $13.99

>> No.20033900
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>> No.20033939

I intend to get fat and out of shape and let your taxes cover my life extending procedures while your loved ones die in the waiting room.

>> No.20033942

>I intend to get fat and out of shape and let your taxes cover my life extending procedures while your loved ones die in the waiting room.
I think I'll do the same thing. For the lulz. We should start a new thread where we discuss methods of increasing our personal body weights quickly in the most delicious ways possible.

>> No.20033961

I'm American. Have fun with decades of soul-crushing health issues though.

>> No.20033968
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>I'm American. Have fun with decades of soul-crushing health issues though.
I hope you have a Happy Xmas in your American politically-correct and Orwellian hellscape.

>> No.20033972

You really only need to get ~30 minutes from a big city before people stop being afraid to say faggot and start open carrying.

>> No.20033977
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holy BASED

>> No.20033981

Costco has everything and at a really good value/quality. on the rare occasion that something is bad, they have a generous return policy. it's basically a no-brainer and a big time saver to just go to costco for everything.

>> No.20033989

I have like 20 steaks in my freezer because every Costco trip I make I swing by the meat section and always come out with like 5 New York strips because they had amazing marbling and looked so good I couldn't possibly pass them up

>> No.20033995
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he won't understand because ~30 away from a big city to him is just another big city in a different country. It is impossible for the euro to comprehend Americas vastness

>> No.20034001

It looks like the USA needs to do some countryscaping. Those pubes just don't look right.

>> No.20034075

well op never mentioned actually doing it. just the fact that adults have the freedom to do this specific thing. which I have given thought to exactly once.

>> No.20034080
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I DID actually do it though
not pictured were also some miniature frozen cheesecakes that looked fucking fantastic. I couldn't pass them up for $10

>> No.20034083
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said mini cheesecake bites in question

>> No.20034147

ey dont put the cake right on top of the meat i dont care gow great costco is

>> No.20034151

it's plastic wrapped
It's better the cake was on top of the meat rather than the meat on top of the cake...

>> No.20034270

meat wrapper leak onto each other then you set that cake on them
then you pick the cake up with your hands thinking oh no need to wash my hand
BAM pink eye!!!

>> No.20034281
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adopt me for this christmas

>> No.20034294

We in the medical profession decide who to prioritise. Protip: self-inflicted issues are not high up our list.

>> No.20034296

very true but this pack was top of the stack and wasn't wet
but yes I agree it was a big grocer no-no I wouldn't have ordinarily done and specifically why I didn't stack any of the cardboard boxes on top of the meat

>> No.20034307
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why? are you from one of those countries that won't sell food stuff to underage people?

>> No.20034403

It's ok

>> No.20035823

Do bongs really?

>> No.20035900

>It is impossible for the euro to comprehend Americas vastness
nah we understand it just fine, it's why we laugh every time some /pol/tard starts reeeeeeing about how you're 'full'

>> No.20035902


>> No.20035903

it's Wales lad, they're all fucked in the head from a lifetime of seething and sodomising sheep

>> No.20035905

just because it's vast and open doesn't mean there's a place for some savage to squat in there

>> No.20035908

Adulthood is spending all day today making my own cheesecake, three pumpkin rolls, and enough pumpkin pies to feed 43 people.

>> No.20035911

it wasn't because they wanted to bake a few cream buns, it was because feral kids were buying them to sling at people's houses and cars. I realise that in burgerland they'd be too busy selling fentanyl and shooting people.

>> No.20035932

we dont have costco here because existing chains use aggressive tactics to prevent costco from buying land or getting business licenses

>> No.20036073

I almost got the assorted cookies last time I was at costco but I didn't because they are too delicious. The assorted oatmeal ones looked really good too. Same with the giant pumpkin pie thats really cheap. All their bakery items are good.

>> No.20036083

Kek, why is it anti-social if you're socializing with your buddies while throwing eggs and flour at old people?

>> No.20036085

Tipiak makes macarons ? Crazy.

>> No.20036542

As a person with Welsh ancestry, I have to say, this fits me perfectly.

>> No.20036545

Really? Where do you live?

I was in Taiwan for a while, and the local governments (at the behest of local businesses, i.e., criminal gangs) pulled the same shit. At one point they declared the land Costco was buying for a new location to be "wetlands" and demanded a year-long environmental review, even though the location was a packed-dirt car lot at the time of purchase.

>> No.20036564

I knew someone who did this as a means of suicide. He had a flu and was in a shit ton of pain during the last week of his life. Died while gasing up his shitty work truck.

>> No.20037053

literal slop

>> No.20037181

I'm pretty sure an adult would never buy slop willingly.

>> No.20037195

Adulthood is never touching chain store milkshakes ever again, knowing the horrors it's committing against my innards.
And I hate it. I just want to down a thing of the creamiest vanilla shake without shame and disgust.

>> No.20037972
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American cakes are way too sweet. I can never finish even half of the cake. I don't know which retarded genius in America thought frosting was better than cream for cakes, but I want to choke him

>> No.20037977

Also I'm guessing that Americans decided to use Frosting/Icing because they are cheaper and last longer before they rot. Anyone claiming "frosting was used because it tastes better than cream" is nothing but cope.

>> No.20038022

shops can restrict any item they want. if they dont want to sell X to Y, they are allowed to do this. some co-ops dont sell condoms to 16 year olds (its 16 for sex in the UK) and you can go to any health clinic and ask for condoms from around age 11 and they give you them for free, because of all the teenage pregnancies that plagued the millennial generation. or just get them sent to you via post

>> No.20038542

i dont want to sell to the you-know-whos but my lawyer says i cant do that

>> No.20038580

What’s the logic behind not selling them flour?

>> No.20038585
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>this thread

>> No.20038827

It's one of these clashes between fat and not fat, and some of us former fat.

>> No.20038843

American here in full agreeance, I hate copious amounts of frosting, it's disgusting
Best cake I ever had was red velvet my fake grandmother made with a light layer of cream cheese frosting on top with a layer of nuts above that. Absolutely immaculate. Otherwise, give me pie or breads or such, most cake is shit

>> No.20039065

"fake grandma"

>> No.20039073

Why's everybody gotta make a big deal? It's my mom's friend's mother, there's your blogpost, thanks for taking my mysterious intrigue asshole :..(

>> No.20039080
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the real adulting tip is you can skimp on bloating carbs (bread, rice, pasta, etc) for dinner and eat those calories as dessert instead. the whole reason grains were staple foods in the past was because people were poor and grains were cheap and filling. no need for that now in 1st world 21st century.

>> No.20039081

>13 dollars for cuntco sneed oil cake
if I pay over 10 dollars for a fucking cake it better be all butteroil.

>> No.20039098
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>> No.20039167

There was one at dinner dinner tonight along with their Costco Brand Costco cheesecake.

>> No.20040885

Is that Weird Al? Looks like a fattened version of him.

>> No.20040888

If you put a bag of flour on top of a small explosive charge, inside an enclosed space, the explosive disperses the flour into a finely suspended cloud in the room. Providing a secondary flame source nearby, such as a candle left burning on the floor, gives you a fucking MASSIVE explosion. Go look at Youtube videos of grain silo explosions, that's just flour dust destroying an entire concrete structure.

That or else childhood obesity is so bad that they don't want the little bastards baking any cakes, I dunno.

>> No.20040899

is this bait im sorry it’s just so retarded i can’t tell

>> No.20040910

Weird Al started his career pretty thin, but the fame got to him in the mid-80s to the point he became morbidly obese. It's a miracle he'd dropped all the weight by the 90s.

>> No.20040911

You're either 400lbs or a Twink with a hummingbird metabolism

>> No.20040914

Liar, repeat customers means more money and healthcare is a game of profit

>> No.20040929

i've been wanting to go to costco to get the grapefruit cups but i've put it off like literally all year long because i can't be bothered to deal with the fucking parking lot and the terrible crowd

>> No.20040998

>Americas vastness
We are well aware of your obesity problem

>> No.20041183

those are seasonabl anyway they only sell them during summer

>> No.20041467

>ham on
>ham on
>ham on whole wheat