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20031775 No.20031775 [Reply] [Original]

How do I convince my boomer mom to stop cooking with seed oils?

>> No.20031786

Just say you converted to a religion with very strict dietary guidelines or print out a fake allergy test report that says whatever you want it to say.

>> No.20031787 [DELETED] 


>> No.20032613

grow up.

>> No.20032649

Crisco makes the best pie crust

>> No.20032669

Just tell her that olive oil is healthier, and it is.
You can buy the refried olive oil for frying and the like.

>> No.20032941

Just tell your mom to her face you hate her cooking, then kill yourself for being an ungrateful bastard. Jesus fucking Christ it's the holidays and you're on this forum complaining about homecooked meals with your family because you're worried it'll affect what literal testosterone you have because only a petulant child would whine about something like this.

>> No.20032947

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.20033015

>fell for flavor of the month /pol/ meme bullshit
>takes it as a truth and tries to push it on his parents
You sound too mentally immature to be using this website.

>> No.20033019
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The same way you convinced her to start listening to dubstep.

>> No.20033352

Get some good lard and say you heard it was better than crisco or something. Ask to try it out this year. Butter is another alternative but wont have the flakiness.

>> No.20033385

Imagine cramming rancid inflammatory oils down your gullet for the sole purpose of owning the poltards

>> No.20033442

sneed oils

>> No.20033729

if you refuse to eat seed oils i’m afraid you can never eat at a single restaurant in the world ever again, you fucking retarded shaved ape. people have been using seed oils since forever, everyone on the planet would be inflamed to a balloon if seed oils did what you think they do. genuinely, kill yourself

>> No.20033735

Everyone in America IS inflamed to a balloon.

>> No.20033758

Seed oils are high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fats which absolutely 100% do contribute to inflammation when overconsumed

These results suggest that an n-6 PUFA-rich diet can cause dysbiosis and intestinal inflammation in aged mice. However, while fish oil supplementation on an n-6 PUFA diet reverses dysbiosis, the combination of n-6 and n-3 PUFA, like DHA/EPA, leads to increased oxidative stress, which could exacerbate gastrointestinal disorders in the elderly.

From the data in every study I've read, it isn't anywhere approaching the "you should never touch it again ever because it's like liquid death" tier shit you see in headlines and the minds of people who unironically have never sat and read an actual study in their lives. As is the case with almost everything, you should just eat in moderation and try not to fuck up your balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids.

>> No.20033916

olive oil is still a rancid oil and is laden in toxic PUFAs

>> No.20035176

Modern shit is because like 80% of it is fake. Maybe if satan-loving kikes stopped destroying olive trees in Palestine alongside thousands of children we would have more genuine olive oil.

>> No.20035184

"Fake" olive oil is almost always lower quality olive oil being sold as higher quality extra virgin, not a completely different oil being altered to resemble olive oil.

>> No.20035197 [DELETED] 

take out a large life insurance policy on her and then go for a long drive in the woods with a shovel and a pickaxe in the trunk

>> No.20036658

You can't convince anybody. People are lazy. Just buy better quality oils and leave it around. She would just automatically use it.

>> No.20036767

Shut up chud.

>> No.20037734

Just get some good quality one you sperg. I got some for me the other day. Just find a nice brand online that imports it from Italy.

>> No.20037755
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Based Crisco

>> No.20038067

Since you're a neet, you should just be doing the cooking so as to contribute to the household, not waste your life, and not shit up this board with your retard cooklet threads. Then you can use whatever you want and you don't have to deal with your mom's boomslop. If you don't live with your mom, who gives a fuck?

>> No.20038075

Real convincing argument, anon. As a neutral 3rd party entering this thread, I'm starting to lean towards no seed oils.

>> No.20038080

Italian oil is the most likely to be fake, chud

>> No.20038081

put elemental mercury in her food and tell her it's european

>> No.20038108
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splurge on a tub of wagyu tallow on amazon and show her the difference

>> No.20038769

Get it from small companies that aren't in mafia ridden places. It's not that hard to use Google. I get mine from a small place in Sardinia. I even went to their farm.

>> No.20038787

That wasn't their farm. That was someone else that the mafia threatened to let you tour or they'd put a horse head in their bed

>> No.20038789


>> No.20038852

I doubt it ahahah

>> No.20038885
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Oi, earplugs m8

>> No.20038921

>"Fake" olive oil is almost always lower quality olive oil being sold as higher quality extra virgin
if you're cooking with it using any kind of heat you shouldn't be wasting cash for the extra virgin anyway, heat kills all the delicate compounds that differentiate it from the cheap shit.

>> No.20038945

Just let the retards suffer and die of their own retardation so you can get their inheritance faster.

>> No.20038948

Convincing someone to change their cooking habits, especially when it comes to something as ingrained as using specific oils, can be a delicate matter. Here are some tips to approach the conversation with your mom:

Educate Yourself: Before discussing the topic, make sure you have a solid understanding of why seed oils might not be the healthiest option. Research the potential risks and benefits associated with different cooking oils, so you can present well-informed arguments.

Choose the Right Time: Find a calm and relaxed moment to talk about this. Avoid bringing it up during a meal or when she's busy or stressed.

Express Concern for Health: Frame the conversation in terms of concern for her health rather than criticizing her choices. Share your knowledge about the potential health risks associated with seed oils, such as high omega-6 fatty acid content and inflammation.

Provide Alternatives: Suggest healthier alternatives, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. Explain the benefits of these oils and how they can be used in cooking. You could even offer to cook a meal using these alternatives to demonstrate their taste and versatility.

Share Success Stories: If you know of people who have switched from seed oils to healthier options and experienced positive health changes, share these success stories. Personal anecdotes can be compelling.

Offer to Cook Together: Propose a fun and collaborative cooking session where you both explore new recipes using healthier oils. This can be an opportunity to bond and learn together.

Be Respectful: Respect her choices and acknowledge that habits can be hard to change. Avoid sounding judgmental or confrontational. Show understanding and patience.

Highlight Flavor: Emphasize the improved taste of dishes when using alternative oils. Sometimes, the flavor can be a strong motivator for making a switch.

>> No.20038954

>you should kys because you dont want to get dimensia/alzhymers/cancer at 60

>> No.20038956

no they haven't you god damn monkey

>> No.20038959

not when fresh but that is a challenge. even then the rancidity tops out at 10% because the rest is monosaturated fats

>> No.20038962

I'll save you retards some time
Olive Oil, Sesame Oil:
for light finishing or low heat only
Coconut oil, unrefined palm oil, butter, animal fats
Cook with this.
Fats to be careful with:
Fish and egg have a lot of omega 6 and 3 oils. dont overcook them too much.

>> No.20038967

I already do that but I'm not a neet I work a full time job

>> No.20038971

Short answer: You don't...I've tried with mine both about seed oils and artificial sweeteners. Dumb bint spoons on 5 tsp. of splenda on her morning cereal--Fat as a beachball and I know why.
Or, you just start introducing her to your cooking without. I *ALMOST* got my mom to stop using canola and soybean by making french fries in a 50/50 lard/coconut mixture when I visited a couple times.
But there's no changing Boomers, You will always be their kid in their eyes, and therefore, you CAN'T know better than them.
I just don't eat anything my Mom cooks when I visit, unless I SEE her prepare it. She tried to "Trick" me a couple times a few years ago, and both times I called her out on it and she admitted to using what she said she hadn't.
Old dogs-New tricks and all.
Nope...That's leaf lard, anon..

>> No.20038977
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I guess the shills got tired of constantly being BTFO with studies and real non-COI science, so now they just rely on, "HURRDURRRRR, You, just are immature...."
Get fucked you midwit poseur.
Go back to watching TeeVee and sucking down your toxic slop.
You aren't even worth the time.

>> No.20038982


>> No.20038983

You're a schizo and you fell for wingnut bullshit

>> No.20038984
File: 34 KB, 540x361, GFS GMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can never eat at a single restaurant in the world ever again
Imagine thinking this is true of restaurant this faggot can't afford...
Most restaurants AREN'T worth shit, Chains DOUBLY SO.
Go talk to any ex sous Chef of cook that made it to kitchen manager or Chef de Parte...Chances are pretty good they don't even eat at restaurants anymore because they are almost all so pozzed now.

>> No.20038987
File: 2.63 MB, 1442x5834, 1700170593950021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based real info poster.
TY for not being 'Tarded, anon.

>> No.20038991


>> No.20039024

Not only based and accurate for your health but also good cooking advice. Finally, some good fucking food

>> No.20039070

Real talk, how much sneed oils would be fine a day? Can I counteract it by having more saturated fat to balance it out? Because here's the thing, it's fucking everywhere. I thought it was just fried food I'd have to avoid which is pretty easy but nope, it's in way more things than I thought which also makes me realize that with the microplastics and man made chemicals we are fucked. I realized however, the stress of try to avoid it 100% might not be so worth it so that's why I want to know if I can get away with like fried eggs or something at a restaurant every now and then.

>> No.20039075

an ammount equal to what you could naturally get from eating walnuts/seeds/etc. avoid flax seeds though and other meme seeds

>> No.20039296

tell her to use Crisco for anal fisting instead

>> No.20039919

boomers arecheap and retarded. all you gotta do is remove the seed oils from her kitchen and replace them with non seedoils, then when she runs out of it you go with her to the grocery store and put the new stuff in her cart before she can grab the slop. Do this 2 or 3times and it will condition her boomer mind to just keep doing it until the end of her life.

>> No.20040237

>stop cooking with seed oils?
You need to stop believing internet memes.

>> No.20040339

Yeah, this is a realistic outlook. Soybean oil is in fucking EVERYTHING if you read ingredients at the store.
Do your best to eat mostly home-cooked food using whole foods and just try and keep the vegetable oil intake to a minimum. If you're at least cutting out like 75% of the vegetable oil intake compared to before you'll be doing better than almost all western eaters.

>> No.20040354

I'd say boomers only learn the hard way but that implies they're capable of actually learning from their mistakes.