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File: 521 KB, 828x956, C1F6897A-BA77-4198-9A17-7F676AC2FC00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20026535 No.20026535 [Reply] [Original]

Bacon was the soy of the 2010s. Every neckbeard would go around saying shit like “Bacon. Nuff said.” Now we live in a time where Keto is soy and then you see images like this one.

>bacon soyboys -> ketotards

>> No.20026540

This new learning amazes me. I would like to sign up for your newsletter.

>> No.20026545

Nah, it's a boomer thing. "Bacon makes everthing better!!!" is something your grandpa would post on Facebook.

>> No.20026567

No it’s not. It was a retarded thing that man children did in the 2010s. They were also obsessed with waffles and pancakes. And BLTs. You know how many 20 year old men used to walk around in shirts that said shit like “ITS BACON TIME” “IT NEEDS MORE BACON” and let’s not forget Epic Meal Time who were Proto soyboys putting enough bacon in everything to feed a small ketotard.

>> No.20026575

I miss the days when I could do to a McDonald's at any hour of the day and get an Egg McMuffin.
I feel so old, Broheims and Sisheims.
I can't imagine what it must be like for zoomers born after 2019, to have only known crippling, suicidal depression and batshit crazy inflation.

>> No.20026579

It was a reddit meme that blew up because of Epic Meal Time

>> No.20026580

People don't say things like "Soy. Nuff said." or wear shirts that say "IT'S SOY TIME" though

>> No.20026585

>People don't say things like "Soy. Nuff said." or wear shirts that say "IT'S SOY TIME" though
Someone doesn't spend their free time hanging out at Walmart.

>> No.20026587

You may be right but what's your point?

>> No.20026590

Bacon. Nuff said.

>> No.20026597
File: 86 KB, 1170x1305, 1674321048541479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we supposed to?

>> No.20026604

>Are we supposed to?
What else do zoomers do? Shit all over 4chan?

>> No.20026606
File: 538 KB, 2073x2764, bacon dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely saw a lot of FB baconposting from people 40 and up.

>> No.20026608

*take a nasty dump in ur threead*

>> No.20026616

I'd crush that pussy, if I had a few drinks beforehand. Not 100% sure about those teeth, but the rest seems okay.

>> No.20026625

millennials were the ones being bacon spergs

>> No.20026629

>you thought tacos couldn't get any better
I could easily come up with some ways to improve this silly mexislop

>> No.20026673

needs moar narwhals & SCIENCE XD

>> No.20026685

I was going to say that Epic Meal Time was Gen X, but Morenstein born in 85.

>> No.20027028

still in my epic meal time phase where bacon goes on everything, but i get free bacon, so it's okay.

>> No.20027046

Dude bacon makes everything better!
Not everything
Name one thing
Strawberry jello

>> No.20027049

That boomers 10 years ago weren't driving food trends on social media

>> No.20027250

Now tell me how you feel about Nickelback

>> No.20027294
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Except bacon actually does taste good. Yes, it was overhyped, but it's good so who cares.
Soy meanwhile tastes like shit no matter how you try to dress it up. Even if you try to turn soy into bacon, it's still shit.

>> No.20027343

>I can't imagine what it must be like for zoomers born after 2019, to have only known crippling, suicidal depression and batshit crazy inflation.
Four-year-olds aren't exactly known for their economic acumen, Anon.

The lockdown-and-facemask bullshit definitely did a lot of damage to kids, though. We've got a three-year cohort of kids who are going to be barely capable of understanding facial expressions and whose language skills are going to be poor (even compared to Devaeon and LaShonda).

>> No.20027612

>People don't say things like "Soy. Nuff said." or wear shirts that say "IT'S SOY TIME" though
I do.

>> No.20027641
File: 129 KB, 1063x817, millennial soyboy faggots 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was millennials. The most cringe generation to ever exist.

>> No.20027658

I blame Epic Meal Time for much of that, although redditors were also to blame

>> No.20027695

I think the difference in generations is millennials got the joys of the introduction to the modern internet so we just had fun with it and didn't give a shit, whereas Gen z simply bathes in the depravity and cynicism of the modern world wide web. Their humor is ironic but not as bad as alt comedy was back when bacon was a thing. It's a strange evolution to witness

>> No.20028110

early millenial alt-comedy was tumblr shit
Zoomer humor is like schizo youtube poops which inherently has more 4chan DNA in it

>> No.20028117

Those ones always have a nice, unused cooch and are latex glove tight. That's a big 10-4 for me, dawg.

>> No.20028119

The narwhal bacons at midnight.

>> No.20028120

Is the point of this thread OP, to inform us all that you've been an avid reddit-browser for entire decades?

>> No.20028141

Nah, zoomer humor sucks.

>> No.20028171

Nobody cares about your opinion reddit immigrant millenial

>> No.20028208 [DELETED] 

The bacon daddy can't hurt you

>> No.20028226

Daily reminder bacon was a cheap cut of meat no one wanted and then big bacon paid off influencers to make it a pop culture thing and jack up their prices

>> No.20028233

Explains why bacon taste like shit compared to other meat

>> No.20028239

Yeah OP is a retard people where very aware of soy and how it lowers Testosterone the term soyboy has been around for a long time this is a retarded post.

>> No.20028242

Even though you need to eat GMO Soybeans to have a healthy and well-balanced diet

>> No.20028311


>> No.20028333



>> No.20028465

I see this phenomenon as a result of the internet allowing people to realize that love of bacon is such a common thing. I think every american kid ate (and still eats) bacon regularly for breakfast. I remember being a kid in the late 90's and talking about how much we all loved bacon.

Once people became accustomed to sharing their opinions online, I think everyone was amused by the universality of the simple opinion that bacon is delicious. Then obviously it started showing up in meme videos and got played out.

>> No.20028477
File: 600 KB, 800x1200, Mapo-Tofu-1200-3952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy only tastes bad when they try to make it taste like meat and not soy.
Tofu is a good example of soy that isn't trying to taste like meat, and it's tasty. So good that even people who aren't vegetarian or vegan eat it in China.

>> No.20028486

Honestly I think the generational divide thing is probably CIA.
The truth is that every generation has its unfunny normalfaggots and every generation has its edgelords, many of whom end up coming here. There are zoomers with good taste and a good sense of humor the same way there's millennials with bad taste who are unfunny.

>> No.20029172

>where very aware of soy and how it lowers Testosterone
This is the part where I point out that this was proven false and then you respond by posting some shitty wojak edit

>> No.20029199

Except edge back then was real. the edge today is le ironic self aware edge. there is a distinction

>> No.20029233


>> No.20029243

Bacon is really good.

>> No.20029649

I can smell their breath from here

>> No.20029693

>Except edge back then was real
Back when? With the millenials?
Cunt it was calling people nigger on the internet, there was no edge. Not even gen x was all that edgy, they just reminded the boomers that every kid is saying fuck and shit when the adults aren't around.

>> No.20029881

>soy and how it lowers Testosterone
fake news, only became a big meme because the betas who ordered soy lattes at Starbucks looked low test and effeminate
likewise the meme study about iranian rats eating onions to increase testosterone is bogus

>> No.20029910
File: 563 KB, 2048x1152, 356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i been here a while...

>> No.20030617

>has more 4chan DNA in it
you're a product of millennials

>> No.20031372
File: 73 KB, 894x608, beancurd sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tofu skin/Yuba/Bean curd stick are one of my favorite ingredients for mala stir fry. They soak up the sauce really well and have a nice chew.

>> No.20031429

late 80s america (the white parts) went through a major health craze and were diet after diet after diet
This was followed by corporate lobbies doubling down in the 90s and tripling the amount of slop descending on americans, including the pork lobby pushing bacon to insane levels, which peaked around 2006

>> No.20032378

>Nah, it's a boomer thing
boomers made everything. millennials and zoomers have made nothing and don't even know how to cook, and they're all gay and black. kek, millennials and zoomers are all fucking losers who should hang themselves

>> No.20032417 [DELETED] 

>millenials are all black
>boomers are white
>boomers are all cucks and their children are products of their wives fucking the bull

lol, no wonder boomers are always seething about marriage, they thought they'd get a legacy and instead they got gay niggers from outer wedlock.

>> No.20032521

>boomers are all cucks
uh, no they aren't, they are married for like 50 years and still in their marriages. millennials and zoomers don't get married because they don't know how to form relationships because they're fags and injecting hormones into their dicks KEK. you done scapegoating yet? blaming others because your whole life is a complete fuck up? boomer generation put in effort for their kids to have a good life, millennials and zoomers don't know how to put effort into anything, they're all gay and black kek

>> No.20032570

Anon if every millenial is black then every millenial has a black parent.
Thus every white boomer is a cuck.

Enjoy your gay black sondaughter.

>> No.20032580

fucking a black woman then marrying a white woman doesn't make someone a cuck, anon. are you a gay black? did i offend you? sounds like i did, i'm sorry, blackfag

>> No.20032585

Pretty fucking alright buddy

>> No.20032595

Yes and also bugs. Good food for humans

>> No.20032601

you know you can eat whatever you want right? you don't have to be afraid of people on the internet making fun of you

>> No.20032625

Are you fucking DUMB?! You filthy little goblin.

>> No.20032782
File: 107 KB, 720x888, 1674853487544861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raising a black child is the ultimate cuck. You put in all that effort only for them to try and fight a cop over a crooked 20.

>> No.20032789

Kill yourself, Moxyte

>> No.20032837

Does anyone remember sugar busters when they tried to sell so much sugar free stuff?

>> No.20033002

>Raising a black child is the ultimate cuck
who said anything about raising? you pump and dump. problem solved. no cucking involved. not my problem

>> No.20033246
File: 170 KB, 2048x2048, 1645915659707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all millenials don't have a father figure?
But I thought you said boomers spent their time trying to teach millenials work ethic and care.
But if all millenials are black and no boomer raised them then who did the boomers teach?

If boomers don't raise blacks and all millenials are blacks then ipso facto you're a fagto.

>> No.20033813

nah that was pocky. waffles bacon pancakes and teh panduh lawlz so random xD rawr means ily in dinosaur D:< toodles~

>> No.20033951

The reality is, millennials are the main characters of the internet. Gen X doesn't really exist online anymore and zoomers are stuck in the same 2-3 social media platforms. online culture will just die with millennials I think. If you go to GameFAQs boards right now, it's exactly the same as it was back in the early 2000s when we used it in high school (except now you can edit posts and swear), love it or hate it. Because they're the only people who would use those forums, so they're like the TFwiki in that they stayed the same as the internet changed around them.

>> No.20033982

I dunno about you but I think cynicism is peak retardation. Lighten the fuck up zoomie.

>> No.20033984

4chan is literally a Millenial invention or rather was popularized by millennials.

>> No.20033985

What if you’re a professional oil driller?

>> No.20034065

Soy is low T. Bacon is high T. Way to expose yourself as a faggot.

>> No.20034091
File: 140 KB, 480x400, bubbles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise pigs and call them bacon seeds.

I'd also like to invite you to not giving a fuck what people on the internet are talking about and go socialize yourself.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and soyjaks stop living in your head, rent free.

>> No.20034104

why is this image so unsettling

>> No.20034127

There was a reason for this,
>Bacon Craze Didn't Happen Organically. Pork Lobbyists Were Behind The Whole Thing.

>> No.20034514
File: 83 KB, 461x850, 1680413950961816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bacon was the soy of the 2010s.
Everyone knows that except baconfaggots.

>> No.20034683

Pigs are adorable, makes me wish they weren't so damn delicious.

>> No.20034936

I have masturbated to her videos.

>> No.20034939

>You know what's soy? Meat! Soy soy soy soy soy soy soy! SOY!

>> No.20034942

dude onions lmao

>> No.20034984

What in the name of bacon wrapped incest is that?

>> No.20035031
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>> No.20036375

guys at this point im scared to ask....why is the shredded cheese never melted? am i a freak for melting my cheese?

>> No.20036721

It's vegan cheese

>> No.20036876

There's a reason they don't show the 3rd property brother