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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20024572 No.20024572 [Reply] [Original]

Do italians actually care how you modify their well known dishes?
We all know the "Nooo don't pute the pineapple on the pizza mamma mia" meme, but it always coming from fake 3rd generation english speaking trash. Do actual authentic italians even care enough to know that people put pineapple on pizza somewhere else in the world?

There was this small italian grocery store that opened here and I wanted to try traditional carbonara, got the cheese and guanciale from there. Didn't like it at all and when I went there again and told the owner that I prefer it with bacon and generic parmesan he looks at me in disbelief and starts to argue that I must have cooked it incorrectly, because it must be better, because it's tradtional.
I can tell you are greek you fuck I bet your carbonara would look like scrambled eggs if you ever actually tried to make it.

Same situation with uncle roger. Not like I didn't think it was funny the first video I saw of him, but come on how long do you want to keep up going on about it when the only authentic chinese thing about you are your eyes.

As a german I don't care at all if someone I will never meet is cooking roulades without pickles. Cooking is about what you personally enjoy and we wouldn't have pizza if italians wouldn't have tried something outlandish in the first place.

>> No.20024578
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>When an Italian sees himself in the mirror.

>> No.20024583

Yes Italians do care. This is ironic because pizza was poor people food that they put whatever onto in Italy. It wasn't till Americans (yes of Italian decent but they became Americans) made it popular that the Italians even cared.
>Same situation with uncle roger. Not like I didn't think it was funny the first video I saw of him, but come on how long do you want to keep up going on about it when the only authentic chinese thing about you are your eyes.
Yeah shaming people for changing up the dish a little is elitist. I put Italian sausages into my fried rice and it's delicious but Uncle Roger would shame me for it.

>> No.20024591

Some do. Some care a lot. The only question is how much do you care about offending them.

It also does matter to a degree of being able to understand each other. You'd probably be a bit pissed if you ordered a pizza and what came out is a quiche.

>> No.20024592
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Looked up Uncle Roger. :DD

>> No.20024601

A better question is why do Italians think anyone should care what they think? When I used to be social and post recipes there would always be Italians in the comments, nothing makes them seethe more than just ignoring them and putting shredded mexican cheese on sghetti in the next post

>> No.20024605

...how the fuck can an asian do "yellowface"?

>> No.20024612

>Kenji Lopez Alt
KEK what a fag. Telling another asian guy he can't do an asian accent. The guy was fucking born in Malaysia

>> No.20024701

We would be better off as a species if people who gave a fuck one way or another about pineapple on pizzas and also who enjoy arguing about if Die Hard is a Christmas movie were all killed.

>> No.20024707

legitimately, we'd be infinitely better off if people like you were all killed.

>> No.20024710

add people that respond to every challenge in their life with
>"n...n...no u"
to that list of people that should be killed off.

>> No.20024726

I'm aware that appeared to be a "no, u" because I didn't include any reasoning, but it wasn't. You morons who reject categorization because you simply don't understand the importance to them are quite literally destroying society, and you're really not going to like what's coming next.

>> No.20024730
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What do Italians think of Swedish pizza?

>> No.20024734

>I'm aware that appeared to be
It was. You took what I said and just reversed it because what I said annoyed you. No logic reasoning argument nothing. Just "he said something that made me annoyed so instead of challenging him I will just flip it". People like you dramatically lower our collective IQ and need to go away.

>> No.20024742

Sure thing my guy.

>> No.20024744

FWIW, me, an Italian, doesn't care what you do with Italian dishes, but please don't call them with their name if you have 'modified' them, just to keep things clear for traditionalists and newcomers that might try a variation on a dish and think it's the traditional way it's made.
And I'll meme you like donut a put a puttana ananassa onna pizza mamma mia, but that's just me being retarded.
I tried pizza with ananas or berries, and I just don't like fruit on a pizza. Mostarda instead worked pretty well, so go figure, but it still can't beat a traditional marinara by my fave pizzaiolo.
And as far as carbonara goes, enjoy whatever you like, personally I like it with zucchini and mushrooms added with the egg (but then I don't call it carbonara anymore, it's something else).

>> No.20024765
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Italians did not put marianara on everything before americans started mass producing it in the 1930s because they invented factory tomato farming and they had too many. Tomato sauce existed in italy but it was not a common everyday staple
The world dont be like you think it do

>> No.20024780

Flying Jacob pizzas are great, especially if they put peanuts on there as well instead of pineapple.

>> No.20024792

Modify? No.
Modify and insist on calling it by the same name as an established dish? Yes.
As far as pizza is concerned, we couldn't give a 10 lire shit what you put on it. I could go to quite a number of places in Vomero, Fuorigrotta, i Quartieri Spagnoli, Agnano or any other part of Naples and find places that offer pineapple on pizza. Some of us will turn up our noses but the fact that it's even available at all indicates that it's profitable enough for places to carry IE someone's buying it.
>bacon and generic parmesan for carbonara
I'm from Naples and perhaps due to the American base that was/is in the area since forever, my family and I prefer it with American streaky bacon, just not any sweet varieties, and do actually use parmigiano to make it.

>shredded mexican cheese on sghetti
Despite being from Italy, I live in the US and one of my best friends here is an italomexican who I take the piss out of by cooking fucked up shit for Cinco de Mayo because his wife will want to come by since she's friends with mine and our kids are playmates.
I made mexaroni and cheese one year. "Taco seasoned" minced crumble cooked the a roux made with its tenders grease and mounted with onion and chilli. The roux was used to thicken tomato juice into a red gravy/bechamel monstrosity that I poured over parboiled elbow macaroni that had been mixed with a few bags of shredded "nacho cheese" and stir through. The lot was topped with more nacho cheese and baked then served with sour cream and homemade green salsa.
It was delicious, but it left him fuming and bitching about authenticity. ffs, his family spoke Italian at home when he was growing up and his Italian-born mother can't cook a taco to save her life but he really digs his heels in on his identity as a Mexican.

>> No.20024804

probably only in southern Italy

>> No.20024814

Member when this guy was gangstalked?

>> No.20024822

>their well known dishes
It wasn't even Italians that made pizza famous, so they should shut the fuck up. Americans made pizza famous, and ever since Italy has been gaslighting us to believe that it was their cultural pride all along.

>> No.20024857

Glad we agree my brother in christ.

>> No.20024891

i cooka da pizza

>> No.20024909

I had never even heard of that term at the time.

Amazing how different things are now

>> No.20025088

most of Italian "traditional cooking" is a lie for tourism. almost all that shit, pizza, carbonara, etc was only popularised in the 20th century and the "sacred recipe" only settled then. case and point carbonara was invented to feed US GIs in Italy and originally used bacon.

>> No.20025099
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>> No.20025104

you know gang stalking is made up schizo bullshit right? or at least 99% of the time

>> No.20025121
File: 32 KB, 450x365, 11008515_498524693632216_4392553187876929063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Italian with an actual explanation.

We Italians are not a single homogeneous group of people with ideals sculpted in the rock, also you have to fucking understand that 98% of what you read on the internet is written by normie subhumans and weigh your reaction.

What gets us mad is when foreign people take our own dishes and recipes, makes stupid variations that doesn't have to do with the original preparation (it doesn't matter if the resulting food tastes good) like cream in the carbonara, and then present that plate to the world using the ITALIAN recipe's name.

Why don't you understand that it's this the reason that makes us mad?

It would be like cloning the Gioconda paint, drawing mustaches and beard on her face and turning her into a tranny then still showing the painting in your foreign museum calling it "The Gioconda".

You CAN do that, because you can do whatever the fuck pleases you and nobody can criticize it, however if you add cream in a carbonara pasta dish then don't write "CARBONARA" on your menu, write "ENGLISH STYLE CARBONARA" or just invent a new name, because if you use the Italian name it only means that you want to profit off our recipe's fame but at the same time by altering the recipe you're giving people a false idea.

Now, print this post and stop asking the same question over and over.

>> No.20025129

I want to be reviewbrah's new dad

>> No.20025131

was he raised by a single mom? he kinda has that vibe

>> No.20025134

same way a black person can perpetuate negative black stereotypes by bowing and scrapping and saying, 'Uh, yes suh, yes suh."

>> No.20025161

>it's ugly
It's an actual accent. How is an entire nation's speaking voice a harmful stereotype?

>> No.20025165

Just because you look down on black people who talk like that doesn't mean it's a harmful stereotype. People talk how they talk

>> No.20025186

black people, (meaning American black folks) look down on black people who talk like that. Also I don't get offended by accents like that. I'm old enough to remember when I was a kid and my friends and I would goof around by pretending to speak Chinese, Japaense, German, Russian, French etc. by just mimicking what we felt the language sounded like. If you mimic a language or accent it is more an acknowledgement of difference in the phonemes of different languages rather than some sort of racial thing. It can also highlight cultural differences as well. As usually the hyper-strict only accepts perfection Asian parent will have a FOB (fresh off the boat) accent.

>> No.20025197

I just want to say that I don't give a shit about most pizza toppings but ranch doesn't belong on fucking pizza. Fuck your chicken, bacon & ranch. I ordered a slice of what I thought was buffalo chicken on a slice of white. It turned out to be a chicken/bacon/ranch slice. They replaced the fucking cheese with ranch. Kill yourself if you order this shit.

>> No.20025205

I agree anon, but I will say dipping cheesy-bread in ranch can be pretty good. Also I don't mind if people want to dip an average slice of dominos or whatever in ranch, but using ranch as a sauce or cheese replacement for pizza is right out!

>> No.20025227

>black people, (meaning American black folks) look down on black people who talk like that.
I prefer black people talking like that. It's not harmful, it's helpful compared to the alternative.

>> No.20025346

*make variation of [dish]*
>noooo that's not the real thing you can't call it that!
*call it something else*
>noooo that's just your dumb version of [dish] it's not your recipe!
blow me

>> No.20025530

The worst example of this was a few years back when a bunch of Italian YouTubers sperged out over Pasta Carbonara. Now some of what they were talking about was fine. There were a bunch of recipes that changed it to a cream sauce and added some other junk. Keeping it real about the sauce being egg and cheese based is fine. But a lot of them freaked out because instead of using Pecarino Romano they would use Parmesan, or they might add a bit of garlic to it. Or instead of Guanciale, because hardly any normal butcher stocks this shit, they would use proscuito or extra thick non-smoked bacon.

>> No.20025614

I mean, if it's not the dish it's not the dish. Just because some ingredients are hard to find you can make substitutions, but those substitutions make it not the thing. It's like the thing, but it's not the thing--referring here to specifically defined dishes. An important thing to realize is that this is not a value judgement. It's just a matter of accuracy. I really don't like guanciale, so I'm not going to get carbonara, ever because that name tells me its using guanciale.

>> No.20025623

couldn't care less as long as you don't demand I like it too or serve it as an authentic italian recipe tbqhfamalam

>> No.20025627

Asians aren't discriminated against. They do well in school and get good jobs. Asian neighborhoods are low crime. They're privileged and don't even count as a real minority.

>> No.20025635

Chicken. Burger.

>> No.20025648

>Asian neighborhoods are low crime.
You actually believe this, don't you? lmao
Try going into a Cambodian, Lao or Kazakh area. Not only are they not remotely "low crime" but they're also absolutely fucking filthy. Even Vietnamese areas are a bit in the sketchy side.
inb4 some dumbfuckery about how they don't count or something lol

>> No.20025665

I'm just a combative person who will fight tooth and nail with anyone about anything, so I do both of those things. In fact that's the whole reason I post on this web site in the first place and if that's not you, idk why you're even here.

>> No.20025668

>my guy
I don't care and didn't read anything else you two queers posted but if you use this phrase it's certifiable that you're wrong and it's you who should be killed

>> No.20025674

>do what you want but maintain naming consistency
Too reasonable, zero (You)s received. Here in America we will call anything by any name until words don't mean anything, and you'll be happy.

>> No.20025687
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People who don't care can't/didn't develop a traditional cuisine worth its name
Grow some skin, either you defend yourself and explained why you did what you do or recognize you are wrong and git good you snowflakes

>> No.20025692

They don't count because I'm talking about real Asians not some jungle monkeys who happen to be in the Eastern hemisphere. Glorious nation of Kazakhstan is Asian. Russians are Asian. Indians are Asian. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.20025706

italian food is extremely bad for you, the meme that its healthy is dangerous multicultural propaganda
I got into cooking italian food and developed an assortment of health problems from it

>> No.20025723

That’s not a very accurate representation of an Italian. 95%+ of them are negros

>> No.20025729

asians technically commit the most crime in the world

>> No.20025731

>Asian people from Asian who speak Asian languages and have Asian cultural mores and look Asian and cook Asian aren't Asian because... they're just not, okay?!

>> No.20025735

Italians and Greeks are both morons, ive literally seen Italians and Greeks losers post in tandem about how everyone is stealing "their" culture
It hasnt been "their" culture for thousands of years

>> No.20025743

This is a normal reaction that anyone would have to their cultural dishes being mangled, it just gets associated with Italians because Italian cuisine is butchered far more often than other cuisines due to its popularity. We also get more tired of it because these offenses happen to us constantly. As a German, nobody ever mangles your dishes or even knows what they are, so you wouldn't have the same experience even if someone in real life actually did.

>> No.20025749

Sam Panopoulos, a Greek-born Canadian, created the first Hawaiian pizza at the Satellite Restaurant in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada, in 1962.

Hawaiian was the most popular pizza in Australia in 1999, accounting for 15% of pizza sales.[30]

>> No.20025754

No Italian had ever said this and if a Greek does, that's fucking rich since their entire culture is stolen.

>> No.20025788

i don't think the no pineapple on pizza meme comes from Italians. It comes from reddit tier people trying to be funny
Apparently it originates from Iceland of all places

>> No.20025824

You must be British or some shit. Fell for the "Asian rape gangs" meme innit bruv?

>> No.20025827

Kenji is as Asian as Dwayne Johnson.

>> No.20025830

be quiet you idiot sperg

>> No.20025847

>This is a normal reaction that anyone would have to their cultural dishes being mangled
who cares about shit like that?
i say mangle away, no one is being hurt

>> No.20025850

The only people I've seen who whine about pineapple on pizza are white non-Italian Americans
Growing up people would always complain about it non-stop as if it were a serious issue and I didn't know a single Italian

>> No.20025873

Why do you care?
Why should I care?
Fuck you and fuck eye-talians.

>> No.20025951

My gf is Italian and she doesn't give a shit when i make super non-traditional pasta. It's true Italians have some hangups but the ones who are most vocal about it are either Italian-Americans or super old crusty boomers. I'm greek and I also don't give a shit what you do with my cuisine, food is meant to be experimented upon

>> No.20025973

>I'm greek and I also don't give a shit what you do with my cuisine
why would I change up something as good as Doner-kebab anon.

>> No.20025984

Italians are insecure because their traditional recipes suck ass and the only justification there is to make them that way is because they're old

>> No.20026011

>we made a glorified sandwich with tomato sauce, cheese and whatever on it
>noooo you can't put whatever you want on it

Absolute state of shitaly

>> No.20026027

What should I care what a dog does with its food? Just let it enjoy its meager existence and roll around in its slop

>> No.20026037

Bestow your wisdom on us then all mighty chef

>> No.20026040

I love how the people who say they don't care seem to think that's a morally superior position.

>> No.20026113

Caring is gay, that's been true for a long time. Hard to believe somebody's this emotionally invested in their spaghetti-wetti, just do whatever you want lmfao it's not that hard. Who gives a shit? Only tightwad virgin nerd fags and maybe some crypt keeper boomers who have nothing else to hold on to.

>> No.20026153

The only food man needs is a small ball of mozzarella that has been wrapped in a single basil leaf which has soaked in extra virgin olive oil.

>> No.20026165

You only need to drink from a toilet bowl too

>> No.20026169

I snap my pasta in half when I do one pot oven pastas. Come at me Italians, preferably your tanned (NOT BLACK) women.

>> No.20026235

does that faggot even cook?

>> No.20026256
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get killed you piece of shit

>> No.20026267

We break pasta all the time. There's even a variety of pasta specifically made for breaking. It's not a taboo to people from Italy. It's just some dumb shit greasy wop dego Americans who LARP as Italians choose to get performatively upset over. Remember: those fucknuggets can't even pronounce their own surnames correctly never mind even speak the language so how in the shit can their opinions on Italian culture possibly matter?

>> No.20026288

Death to infidels.

>> No.20026310

Are you a tanned Italian woman? No? Get away from me.

>> No.20026315

Tomatoes are fruits and tomato sauce is on pizza.

>> No.20026365
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you got something to say about die hard as a xmas movie bro

>> No.20026803

He's saying people who argue that it isn't should be killed which is accurate and sensible

>> No.20026873

>It's just some dumb shit greasy wop dego Americans who LARP as Italians choose to get performatively upset over.
came here to say this but im having trouble forming sentences tonight, thank you

>> No.20026962

You're part eggplant!

>> No.20026985

My parents came to the states from Sweden before I was born. Yes they are weird but I never had anything like that growing up

>> No.20027187

Who even cares when Americans perfected pizza.

>> No.20027377

He literally just said the second one is fine. Learn to read, you dolt.

>> No.20027390

>seething swarthy Giuseppe

>> No.20027401

People have been getting progressively dumber recently at an alarmingly fast rate. I've no clue what's happening nor why.

>> No.20027413
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kill youself

>> No.20027419

this extremely frail and slender faggy twink softboy wrist is actually dramatically worse for our respect of you than any kind of ethnicity could have been. in the future for your sake refrain from posting hand

>> No.20027420
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they bitch about pineapple then turn around and put cold lawn clippings "arugula"on a hot pizza?

>> No.20027442
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i don't know how this became so conflated, the little ranch cups were always just for dipping the crust or the cheesy bread sticks, thats why there was only like one or two containers of it for a whole pizza

>> No.20027635

I will start doing that just to piss off cocksuckers like you.

>> No.20027642

Nope, it’s still carbonara. Dishes evolve and change over time.

>> No.20027680

>As a german I don't care at all if someone I will never meet is cooking roulades without pickles. Cooking is about what you personally enjoy and we wouldn't have pizza if italians wouldn't have tried something outlandish in the first place
I have this mindset as well. To me this autism about how you cook a food or what you add to it or how you pronounce it (it's called YEE ROS) stems from trying too hard to have a patriotic identity but the people who judge how others eat or what they eat are a very special kind of controlling person who should never breed

>> No.20028019

Im not italian, but as a med neighbour i assume the same as we do, we dont care that people take inspiration or try spins on our dishes, but dont call it "traditional so and so", calling it a carbonara if you are just puting cream on spagheti is retarded

>> No.20028065

Yes actual Italians bitch and moan about that sort of stuff, but they're also literally the most dramatic people on the planet. There's a reason Opera - the art of being loud and dramatic - came from Italy. Understandably, part of the reason they get mad is stuff like seeing American restaurants boasting about their "Authentic Spaghetti Alfredo" and then seeing a garlicky béchamel with peas and bacon in it or something silly.

Also Italians surprisingly are more open to certain Americanized Italian foods, like Detroit style pizza. It's the whole "YEAH THIS IS AUTHENTIC JUST LIKE NONNA USED TO MAKE" part that seems to annoy them the most.

>> No.20028071

Dude is literally named James Alt but goes by "J. Kenji Lopez-Alt" to hide how he's mixed

>> No.20028077

But we do it in Italy, too. We just don't call it just carbonara but carbonara con panna IE with cream.
What Anglos call carbonara without eggs is actually similar to an existing Italian dish, boscaiola con panna IE mushrooms ham, peas and onion with cooking creme.

>> No.20028083

holy shit, I thought I'd btfo you greasy fuckers by calling you black, but there's not a human alive that wouldn't rather be a negro than this frail.

>> No.20028218

Well yeah thats my point, why would you call it carbonara if it isnt? Would be like calling a fabada "puchero"

>> No.20028343

Well here is a funny video just about that, is a skit of 2 guys replacing key ingredients in the Carbonara and the consequences it has on famous italian chefs.


Anyway while I dislike the idea of pineapple on a pizza, and still there are some things that I consider outright mistakes you can do in the kitchen even if I don't have the skills for making big claims, overall, I think one should try to experiment, I made a pizza with tuna and corn, and you know I think it works pretty damn well.

>> No.20028392


>> No.20028528

All Amerifats have ever perfected is how to give all their money to Israel lol

>> No.20028530

And somehow after giving all of my money to the jew I own nicer things and a better home than you can even fathom.

>> No.20028537


> We 'murricans wuz factory tomato farmers n sheet

Meanwhile, tomatoes in cans were invented in France during XVIII century and used by industry in Italy for mass production and export in century IXX.

I know, I know, anything older than a century is not a thing for murricans and they invented pizza and jesus.

>> No.20028559

I put pineapple on my pizza specifically to piss of the pizza maker

>> No.20028569

This post is hilarious because tomatoes are an american plant and took Thomas Jefferson to convince euros that they weren't poison.

>> No.20028608

we fucking have a pizza with boiled eggs and mayo on top called "Rossini", if we eat that you can eat whatever

>> No.20028615 [DELETED] 

how the fuck "rucola" became "aurugula" is beyond me...

>> No.20029748

pear and prosciutto were common toppings on pizza. not a stretch to get to pineapple and ham

>> No.20029788

Wrong on two counts.

>> No.20030311

Lol that' a small little village in center Italy you amerilard larper

>> No.20030317

>Yes Italians do care. This is ironic because pizza was poor people food that they put whatever onto in Italy.
So you now considered pizza a "rich people food? What 3rd world country you come form lol

>> No.20030570


Not luxury but any non-italian country will sell you a Margherita for not less than 10€ now because it's a fancy food for them.

>> No.20030583

Except they get free universal healthcare and real sugar and you get corn syrup and shot at by incels lolololol

>> No.20030587

You just need to be a zogbot for 3 years and then you get free healthcare and education and tax free money from disability because you can say your knees and feet hurt and have ptsd so I get 4000 dollars a month tax free when I'm in college now.

>> No.20030602

>laptop homo

>> No.20030609

opinion discarded

>> No.20030611

I’m Italian.
Couldn’t give a fuck what other people do.

>> No.20030614


>> No.20030623

pizza isnt italian tho

>> No.20030632

Technically it’s Umbrian as Italy didn’t exist as a state until 1861.
I’m sure you knew this though.

>> No.20030681
File: 31 KB, 681x387, Screenshot 2023-12-23 at 05-45-33 _ck_ - Do italians actually care how you modify their wel - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no just everything is webp fucking newfag

>> No.20031545

>Do italians actually care how you modify their well known dishes?
No, I don't care. I just think it's incorrect.
>meme, but it always coming from fake 3rd generation english speaking trash
Am from Italy but my English is complete trash kek
>Do actual authentic italians even care enough to know that people put pineapple on pizza somewhere else in the world?
Why would I care how someone who is 1000 kilometres away from me eat pizza?
I am probably more pale than you :P
>Yes Italians do care.
We don't.
I wouldn't eat it, looks disgusting, but you do you.
We don't care really
Am glad we make good tourist traps so they give us more money kek
Where did you get that? From your ass?

>> No.20031559

He doesn't talk like this out of character retard

>> No.20031773

He's referring to the fact that the ancient Greeks brought their recipe to Napoli. Long before the Colombian exchange though, so no pomodori.

>> No.20031792

I fucking hate webp, since is from google I know is shit.

>> No.20032265

no your wrong on both counst and your mom is an whooooer

>> No.20032313

Wrong on another two counts.

>> No.20033141

post house and body. Fake white.

>> No.20034698

Who said I was white, silly sharter mutt

>> No.20034714

Italians should save their outrage for their government's deliberate and obvious plan to replace them with Africans instead of caring what Chef Boyardee does.

>> No.20034751

I'm racist now because of you.

>> No.20035136

This thread turned you racist?

>> No.20035147

It feels good to make Italians seethe.

>> No.20035227
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they're already africans

>> No.20035240

you're a cantaloupe

>> No.20035268


>Some $40 """Gourmet""" Fire coaled 8 inch gimmicky bullshit that takes forever to cook
>An XL $8.50 Walk in special from that local hotline place that you can immediately drown in ranch or Frank's or a combination of both while drinking a coke.

Fuck their guinea sensibilities

>> No.20035300

I went to DeLuca’s and they refused to give me ranch for my supreme pizza

>> No.20035593
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But slingin crack and shooting other blacks and alienating yourself from the rest of American society is empowering lel fucking africa-brain I can't even

>> No.20035627

fucking burn yourself

>> No.20036269

Maybe it's because they give other people less reasons to hate them.

>> No.20036274

My issue with shredded cheese is that it has that anti clumping shit in it and once you start to notice the taste you can never not notice it.

>> No.20036278

I'd be happy to try it but I admit I'm skeptical.

>> No.20036282

I swear to God if Kenji wasn't a fantastic teacher of cooking techniques, the guy would be destitute. He must be fucking impossible to get along with in a high pressure situation.

>> No.20036285

The pizza thing is ridiculous anyways. Authentic italian pizzas to me are basically borderline flatbred with some whole fresh basil leaves tossed on haphazardly, random round half inch thick chunks of mozzarella and an airbrushing of sauce.

>> No.20036290

It really is textbook schizo shit.
>government agents with post graduate degree are spending the equivalent of a full time job every week watching me and my movements because I'm so special. Sometimes they activate my smart water meter which gives me a migraine and it's totally not the black mold growing on my ceiling or the lamps missing lampshades at eye level"

>> No.20036292

What other new world crops do think are from Europe?

>> No.20036299

Youre all fucking retarded. There is no "official" recipe for anything. All that shit changes culturally depending on what is available and substitutions are made all the time. Dont' even fucking try to tell me minestrone is made a specific way.

>> No.20036307

In my area a big regional thing at this one pizza place is the french dressing. They always served these big salads as part of the family deal with the dressing and people started dipping the thin crust pizza into and now everyone does it.

>> No.20036312

No herbs?

>> No.20036314

Only so far as I hate picky people and lose respect for people who eat like toddlers. Every time someone complains about the "texture" of something completely normal and basic I want to slap the shit out of them

>> No.20036316

Boscaiola con panna? Sounds good. I'll have to look it up.

>> No.20036321

Kenji Lopez-Alt is a pretentious faggot. Uncle Roger's shtick gets old after a while. But, he's just immigrating his actual family. It's barely performative.

>> No.20036326

*Imitating. Not immigrating

>> No.20036398

this anon knows
this anon doesnt

>> No.20036460

American fake carbonara tastes basically as good as real carbonara and deserves a name of its own.

>> No.20036466

>mods just deleted the thread about pasta water
yeah I'd say they care a lot

>> No.20036467

someone had to say it

>> No.20036504

I just jacked off

>> No.20036506

Ok, it can be Fattynara.

>> No.20036509

Only the pretentious fucks coasting off of their country’s image care about what you do with your food. Italians that have lived in poverty or actually learned the history of their country generally don’t care that much as long as it tastes good because A: most famous Italian dishes were basically poor people food comprised of whatever they could get hold of and B: it’s not their kitchen.

>> No.20036517

He's a fucking comedian

>> No.20036523

>Cambodian, Lao or Kazakh
Nobody wants to go to these shitholes. They should've been wiped out years ago.

>> No.20036526

Imagine being a stupid mother fucker who needs to dump cream and more sugar just to eat tiramisu an already perfected and simple recipe.

>> No.20036554
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fuck you american pig

>> No.20036678
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Now that's a 'za!

>> No.20036682

Oooohhh sexy, mind giving me a handjob?

>> No.20037355

> you have to fucking understand that 98% of what you read on the internet is written by normie subhumans
finally a 4channer who understands the basics of the internet
i swear most of you niggas are basement dwellers who don't encounter normalfags enough to know that most of what they say is bull

>> No.20037856


they use unripe bananas right? or do they have different flavored bananas over there.

>> No.20037878
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>> No.20038117


>> No.20038346


>> No.20038350

In english please

>> No.20038427


>> No.20038488

I'd devour that pizza.

>> No.20038722


>> No.20038731

Look mom I'm a based and redpilled nonconformist posting on a Japanese frog forum.

>> No.20039021

"Traditional italian food" was all made up in the late XXth century. Don't believe their bullshit.

>> No.20039034

Who cares?
Modern pizza is an american creation, Italians make margherita and that's it. It's ours now and they have no say.