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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20021942 No.20021942 [Reply] [Original]

I am so cheap I make my own half and half.
Heaving whipping cream by law is at least 36% milkfat
Half and half can range between 10% and 18% so just mixing your own can be better and far cheaper.

What hacks like this have you discovered?

>> No.20022074
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Maybe this can be a general questions thread as well.

Is there a better place to buy butchers twine (also called meat rope I just found out) than amazon?
I try not to buy too much stuff from them but in a small town its hard

>> No.20022088

Make your own 'za
>flour is cheap
>a jar of yeast will make like 100 'zas
>just use spaghetti sauce
>Monterey jack cheese from costco is $5 for 2lbs
It's like $1 overall cost per 'za. I use my cast iron pan and an oven. Maybe 5 minutes of active work.

>> No.20022123

Can you freeze heavy cream?

>> No.20022136

>Maybe 5 minutes of active work.
Tell that to the yeast, buddy.

>> No.20022187

those yeast were imported from africa and are registered as kitchen appliance

>> No.20022655

doan be racciss anon

>> No.20022665

I just bought a buttermilk culture to make my own. It's pretty much the same as yogurt unless you stir it up to make it thin. Yogurt and buttermilk are like 4x the price of plain milk and all you have to do is mix the milk with the culture and let it sit for 24 hours, then reuse a cup of it for a gallon of fresh milk for the next batches. Saves so much money if you use buttermilk or yogurt regularly.

>> No.20022686
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Chinese restaurants don't want you to know this, but the ducks at the park are free, you can cook them, I have eaten 458.

>> No.20023396

those are not ducks they are gooses and they dont taste nice

>> No.20023414

the park by my house has ducks, but the homeless zombies who live there will fight you for them

>> No.20023445
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do they look like this? an

>> No.20023612

My Chinese in laws came to visit and when we went to the park they asked if we can catch the ducks and eat them.

>> No.20024279

If you load your trolley with groceries and walk out chances are the wagie will do nothing to stop you

>> No.20024357

you married a chinese man?

>> No.20024784
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That is the same as stealing anon.

You wouldnt download a cart full of groceries

>> No.20024794

I make my own half and half because I have heavy cream in the fridge and milk and I see no reason to buy a third thing that's just heavy cream and milk

>> No.20024801

Yes, you can freeze heavy cream and you can freeze milk

>> No.20024845

Do you not have both where you live? We get all sorts of water fowl on my side of the screen...

>> No.20024943
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No, not in a city park, only these angry war machine birds that strut around like they fucking own the park.
They long ago chased away any happy duck bros.
Fucking fowl replacement theory was true

>> No.20025142

I dont understand why an entire generation of women have to all be fat now.
This is the worst time in the history of humanity to be a male is his sexual prime.
What can be done?

>> No.20025855

Thanks anon, this gives me more flexibilty if I buy too much

>> No.20025871


>> No.20025886

hardware store. cotton twine

>> No.20025918

I make foaming soap from regular liquid soap. Approx 1 part liquid soap, 2 parts water. Add water slowly, mix slowly to avoid a mess.

>> No.20026383

Make your own community garden where you rent if you don't have your own land.

>> No.20026396

Use old fry oil to make solid and liquid soap
Make your own flavored simple syrups
Buy bulk wholesale dry goods

>> No.20026407

Make your own extracts
Grade b vanilla is about 35$ for 50 beans, cheap vodka and vola you have a year or more of extract.
Orange or lemon zest in cheap vodka
Mint leaves, ect

>> No.20026421

or just realize that if you're cooking whatever you're using the vanilla in it's entirely pointless to use real vanilla because all of the aromatics except for the vanillin are destroyed or evaporated off by the heat so there's no advantage to not just using the cheap as fuck extract at the store.

Only time you should be using real vanilla is if you want to flex you're wasting money or it won't be heated.

>> No.20026433

I make my own coffee at home instead of buying it.
You can buy coffee beans from the store, already ground or in bean form and grind them yourself. Pour hot water over it, let it steep for a while, and then remove the grounds. There are multiple ways of doing this. Then you add your sugar and milk and put it in a thermos.

>> No.20026439
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Even though I'm a huge advocate of making your own pidzer dough, the truly cheap bastard hack is to brush tortillas with olive oil, mix that 35¢ can of Aldi tomato sauce in a bowl with garlic powder, italian seasoning, fresh black pepper, the lightest sprinkle of sugar *(optional, but it really does cut the acid of cheap tom. sauce.)over the surface and a tblspn. of olive oil. Mix it up good, nuke it for 1 min, stir, repeat until the edges are bubbly, then spread on the tortilla.
sprinkle the whole deal with can parm, then a light sprinkle of whatever main cheese you're using, top with toppings, more cheese as food glue, bake at 400°F for ~10 minutes.

>> No.20026458
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>that pic..
If only you knew just how bad things REALLY are.

>> No.20026508
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Good one. I was amazed when I found out more people don't do this--The majic is actually in the pump.
Another related one, dishwasher soap is easily replicated by filling the cup wit 2-3 Tbspns baking soda and adding *ONE DROP ONLY* of dish soap.
I handwash anyway, but I can't imagine spending upwards to $1 a wash to put chemicals on my dishes and glasses.
The same retards who use heavily scented fabric softener--
The chemists who make those products don't fucking use them at home...They know how bad they are.
>go over to Brother's or Parents' house to visit
>fill water glass
>Suds on top from dishwasher
It's definitely not the water either, I sold the family on R.O. water years ago.
If you do this, STAHP!! For your health.

>> No.20027836

My hubby doesn't want artificial stuff in his food. He's got a family history of cancer.

>> No.20027852

Plant native food plants in the local park here I plant
Apiose american a ( american ground but)
Native persimmon
Pawpaw trees
Pecan trees
Black walnut
American chestnut
Muscidine grapes
Opossum grapes
Innoculate logs with ( native) lions main
Elder berry
A lot of other things I have forgotten I identify a plant, save seeds sprout them and plant em in the park.

>> No.20027860

(American ground nut)*
My hubby has native american in him and this is just what his ancestors did: stewardship of the land. You can grow more than you can possibly fit in your cabinet

>> No.20027883

are you a larger white woman with a southern accent ?

>> No.20027899

In functionality if you grow a community garden, most won't harvest from it if you grow slightly off from usual store fair because the npcs will not recognize it as actually edible. For example someone who had never seen a yellow cherry tomato where I had set up a garden was quote " waiting for them to turn red

So grow fancy heirloom and multicolor things, you will get most of the harvest. Grew brown tomatoes and got all to myself, grew fancy colorfull beets, noone recognized the fact something was growing under the soil not one beet was touched.

>> No.20027904

Occasionally why?

>> No.20028526

Pig hunting: they are ferral, there is no hunting season, almost no laws on teqnique. Chase a pig down with a tire iron? Shure.

Grind pig: make sausage, brauts, anddulli (can't spell) cajun sausage

Throw the rest of it's corpse in a rut to rot and enrich your garden soil.

>> No.20028606

>gathering dry dough ingrediants
>gathering measuring devices and bowl (becuase you cant just eyeball it according to ck)
>heating up some water
>mixing ingredients in bowl or
>cleaning countertop to knead ingrediants
>"knead for 10 minutes"
>cleaning dough and stray bullshit off countertops
>washing dough off hands and drying them
>clearing space in fridge and resting dough for a few hours
>pulling dough out the fridge and rising it on the counter
>pulling toppings out of fridge and processing them.
>cleaning counter in prep for flour coating for spreading out the dough
>cleaning dough containers
>making pizza and transfering to oven
>removing pizza from oven and resting it
"FiVe MiNuTeS, bRo!"

>> No.20028613

Grow quail in your closet for meat and eggs. Quiet birds.

>> No.20028621

if you want to stewardship some land then why dont you buy some private property and do it there.
or you could even get a job stewardshipping land like a beurau of land management officer, real estate property manager, or a securtiy guard .

>> No.20028624

also forgot to add time spent removing burnt cheese crud from the cast iron (i guess it should just flick off)

>> No.20028761

My money is going to college to get a job that pays more than those jobs. And I'm doing this stuff around me for actually being a cheap bastard. I mean it's great I'm increasing local wildlife health but it's not all disney princess nature spirit when I'm swinging a bucket to collect 50 lbs of persimmon to make hooch.

>> No.20028769

It's both utilitarian and long term beneficial. My corpse will be in the ground and those plants will still be making obese raccoons so that's kinda beautiful.

>> No.20028815

go do that on your own property or move to communist india or something

>> No.20028826

Anon, all you need to do is give one a big hug, they are just lonely.

>> No.20028872 [DELETED] 

A single Canadian goose is capable of murdering 8 fully grown male mma expert fighters armed with automatic rifles

>> No.20028887

This man hole toasted over native plants being planted in a public space. Sell me on your viewpoint sir

>> No.20028892

What do you look for in a park or forrest setting in the fine american landscape?

>> No.20028893

>>I have eaten 458.

>> No.20028899

Chickasaw plum
Ramps in swampy area
Highbush blueberry in mountain area

>> No.20028906

This man has never eaten a hand full of wild berries while feeling in tune with the wilds. Either someone planted that or a animal shat it out at some point.

>> No.20028983

Based, this is why China is taking over and the west has fallen

>> No.20028986

Get on testosterone before your bloodline dies out from you being too big of a fag to appreciate a real woman. t. Architect

>> No.20028988

It's still cheaper to make it numbnuts

>> No.20029170

Hatch baby ducks, release them at the park. They won't know how to fly away for the winter. The strong survive, the people fatten them. Free duck meat, reserve the fat for classy dishes. Muscovy is nice.

>> No.20029187
File: 148 KB, 888x666, Good enough for me!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20029486

I believe that this story is true

>> No.20029590

You ever wonder why you see white domesticated ducks at the park. This is why

>> No.20029726

Well artificial comes from wood and you both love wood.

>> No.20029795

You tried. That's... something

>> No.20029814

>imported from africa
That yeast needs constant attention or it doesn't work. You need to oversee it closely.

>> No.20029934

i dont think wild pigs are edible anon

>> No.20029946

>What hacks like this have you discovered?
sardine cakes taste near enough to crab cakes and are way cheaper

>> No.20029948

I could no more date a fat woman than fly to the moon
They disgust me

>> No.20030626

those goose will fucking kill you for sure

>> No.20030710

taxation is theft I'm just collecting my dues

>> No.20030870

Jesus. What third world shithole are you in?

>> No.20031174

You are being taxed by the groceries stores?

>> No.20031203

No you absolutely can't. Milk fat molecules have membranes that get punctured by ice crystals. All the fat will glob up at the top of you thaw it.

>> No.20031217

>molecules have membranes
anon think about what you are saying

>> No.20031218

Probably Dallas TX if I had to guess. That or anywhere in California. I live near Dallas and the one time I went down town for something, there was a public park that looked like it could have been a camp ground. Everybody there looked like they could snap and kill somebody at any minute

>> No.20031222

"It is fatal to the fat globule membrane. Cold milk fat and freezing water both form large, solid, jagged crystals that pierce, crush, and rend the thin veil of phospholipids and proteins around the globule, just a few molecules thick. If you freeze milk or cream and then thaw it, much of the membrane material ends up floating free in the liquid, and many of the fat globules get stuck to each other in grains of butter. Make the mistake of heating thawed milk or cream, and the butter grains melt into puddles of oil."
-On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee

>> No.20031230

an globule dont be a molecule

>> No.20031269

If I wear underwear under my long john silvers, do I need to wash the silvers after one wearing or can I get two or three.
I ask because I only have three pair to get through the winter.

>> No.20031280

wholesale frozen whole foods are up to 4 times cheaper than your grocery store and just as nutritious as fresh stuff
people go to restaurants and fast food places to eat the same thing but prepped by Jean and Jamal respectively

>> No.20031287

You're right, I misspoke

>> No.20031295
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canned veg is even cheaper and some of it actually tastes better like
Green beans
Asparagus ( but only if you like that its so mushy, I know some of you texture fags will hate it)
Refried beans
Zucchini packed in tomato sauce is fucking awesome as well

>> No.20031299

americans pay sales tax on their groceries

>> No.20031305

unless you're sharting yourself or working out you can wear underwear for several days
Big washing machine want you to use their products more, think of the environment

>> No.20031312

Is this the famous america you sad cunts brag about?

>> No.20031316

Only in a few states, and even then its does not go to the groceries store, its the government that benefits

>> No.20031344
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The C word is disgusting to us and we never use so casually
You should know that americans are deeply offended every time you drop a c bomb

>> No.20031509

No, those are the shitty lib parts of America. If you notice, any bastions of blue voting in the US are dangerous shit holes where you're likely to get ganked by someone who is (regardless of race) so addicted to drugs that they'll fucking ape out and either beg or kill you for money so they can get their next fix. But ya know, rural Americans are racist or something so that's clearly worse.

>> No.20031553

It's all so tiresome

>> No.20031568


The food networks says its mostly ik

>> No.20031600

>long john silvers
Anon Long John Silver's is a fast food restuarant that is fish oriented.
I think you mean Long Johns.

>> No.20031658

oh well that's alright then :^)

>> No.20031785

Fuck off you third world cunt.

>> No.20031798

>America do be great and rich
>just not X part
>or X part
>or X part
>or X part
Fucking losers almost ODing on copium. The world laughs at you and spits on you.

>> No.20031924

How is that different from where you live?
Is your country all the same?

>> No.20032010

Every other country on earth is the same way dipshit. I agree that the US government has turned the country into a laughing stock but acting like every country isn't like that is retarded.

>> No.20032083

You might not believe me and that's your prerogative but it's honestly nowhere near as dangerous or poverty stricken here.

>> No.20032093

if you poop your pants you got more time to make money not sitting on the tolet

>> No.20032332

Where are you talking about?
Unless your from Luxemburg you are making things up

>> No.20032419


>> No.20032514

Not San Marino.

>> No.20032531

skinny people get cancer.

>> No.20032538

>pouring each ingredient in by eye then throwing it back where it lives
>mixing it all together for 1-2 minutes then leaving (kneading is optional anon, I hope you knew that
>2 hours later spread the dough it on a pan, throw some shit on top and throw it in the oven
>only a dirty bowl and pan.
simple as that

>> No.20032584

How on earth is kneading optional in any way with only 2hr proofing times

>> No.20032607

I've replaced nearly all the food I buy with heavily discounted Hello Fresh boxes.
Every week I make a new account, apply a 75% off new user coupon code, and get enough ingredients for a week's worth of food for $30.
I've never before had such a tasty and healthy diet for so cheap, plus the satisfaction of knowing I'm scamming the everliving shit out of a scummy startup.

>> No.20032831


>> No.20032860

dont they catch on that its the same address every time?

>> No.20032883

You'd think, but they haven't yet for me and I'm on account #45. When I first started doing this I changed my address slightly each time (using different abbreviations, etc), but at some point I stopped doing that and the only thing I change is a random phone number each time. Same name, delivery address, and credit card number. They did actually just block my first credit card from being eligible for discounts a couple accounts ago, but I just generated a new virtual card and its been working fine.

>> No.20032889

>but I just generated a new virtual card and its been working fine.

>> No.20032896

I use privacy.com, but there's plenty of services for it.
They're great in general for dealing with scummy or untrustworthy companies, because you have tight control over how much or how often they're allowed to charge the card. But they're also decent for abusing new-customer promotions that are based on unique CCs, even though they'll eventually stop you from repeatedly generating cards for the same merchant if you do it too much.

>> No.20032931

So at 75% off is it now cheaper than just buying th groceries ?

>> No.20032950

That DPRK chick got turnt out fast! Adam from PBD Podcast, Joe “Faithful Husband” Rogan, and many others have torn it out the frame! That’s why she’s divorced now. After that man helped her get a stable life and provided her children.

>> No.20032956

I think so, yeah. I certainly can't buy all the ingredients for a week's worth of food at the grocery store for less than $30 unless I eat exclusively poorfag shit like rice and beans with a little frozen chicken and frozen veggies. For the spread and quality, the 75% off boxes are a steal, even if you don't care at all about the convenience of the box being delivered straight to you.

>> No.20032968

I spent almost $100 on sandwich supplies, a couple frozen pizzas, some tomatoes and lettuce and an onion. Tea, cola, eggs, maybe something else. Flyover. I went and bought self checkout and didn't steal anyting.

>> No.20033106

How could you possibly have inside info on that

>> No.20033116

I get chicken leg quarters for like 59 cents a pound
BBQ sauce
Rice and rice cooker
Canned green beans a fresh broccoli
Salad stuff and home made dressing
20 meals of this is like 40bucks at most

>> No.20033201

Already have like 200lbs of rice and beans, just wanted to get some top quality stuff to have fun with. Needed some fresh veg so added it. Everything is more expensive regardless.

>> No.20033214

Chicken quarters are based btw, cheaper than buying legs or wings. Just carve them up yourself, season, and freeze. Chicken freezes great.

>> No.20033274

They are, but you can die if you mess up.

>> No.20033300

not worth it

>> No.20033303

try it out, it will still make pizza. Kneading is a psyop.

>> No.20033457

Just cook it all the way

>> No.20033983

>Hello Fresh
does this 75% off deal work in the US? also, how good are the meals?

>> No.20033998

>does this 75% off deal work in the US?
Yes, that's where I am.
>how good are the meals?
I think they're great and I'm very rarely disappointed with a meal I've picked, but obviously ymmv. You can look through the meals that are available for each week at hellofresh.com/menus and see ingredients/instructions/nutrition facts without logging in, to check up front if there's anything you'd like.

>> No.20034297

I might try this if I can get out of it easy

>> No.20034465
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I hate these stupid crix mix decorations
Tell chinese moot to stop them

>> No.20034701

Or almost all of Europe, akshewally. Merry Christmas, you filthy mutt. Lolololololol

>> No.20034735

Yes. We allow homeless encampments to turn public spaces into depressing, dirty shitholes. It's worth it just to avoid asking why people are struggling to survive in the richest nation on Earth.

>> No.20034893


>> No.20034917

only drink water
eat mostly rice and organ / chicken meats

>> No.20035128

How about chicken livers?

>> No.20035190

So you get 100 ml of 36% fat cream, and dilute it with 100 ml of 3% fat milk to get roughly 18% fat half & half?

I’m a mathlet, how do you get to make 10% fat half and half with cream and milk?

>> No.20035428

> you have a year or more of extract

This is a potentially infinite ingredient. Here’s how I do it.

>2 flip top bottles
>1 12oz
>1 4oz
>stuff a dozen vanilla beans in 12oz bottle
>fill with vodka
>put in back of cabinet for six months
>after six months fill 4oz bottle from 12oz bottle
>refill 12oz bottle with vodka
>put 12oz bottle back in cabinet
>put 4oz bottle in spice rack
>use 4oz bottle
>repeat as necessary
I’ve been doing this for three years. I’ve heard of people doing it for 20+.

>> No.20035433

Artificial vanilla comes from beaver ass.

>> No.20035536
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I'm failing to see the problem.

>> No.20035705

Mix a quarter cup of the cream with three quarters cup of hole milk

>> No.20035763

>hole milk
I'm listening

>> No.20035812

I do this sometimes. It’s just whole milk and heavy whipping cream in equal portions. I get grass fed milk and cream it’s bomb. I drink like a quart every few days. Doctors can get fucked I’m really healthy. They say it’s too much fat but it’s not.

>> No.20035849

>to eat chicken livers the chicken must diers

>> No.20036024

I like this thread. We might have to have another and start compiling the best ideas.

>> No.20036101

We really messed up importing that yeast!

>> No.20036127

The jew fears the closet quail farmer

>> No.20036472

Then try to come up with a proper rebuttal, fuckwit. Also try not to get shot today.

>> No.20037020

But its wrong. Most of europe cant even afford a new car every few years

>> No.20037637
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agreed, lets keep them coming

>> No.20037713

Use whole milk powder and add less water for half n half, coffee powder

>> No.20037724

>Make your own flavored simple syrups
Better yet, cut alchohol out of you're life, you save so much money and empty calories, let alone brain cells.

>> No.20037730

I use my sugar water for teas and flavored sugar water.

>> No.20037762

with refried beans you can just buy canned beans and refry them yourself, its easy, saves you 4 hours, lets you season it better, but I don't know if its cheaper.

>> No.20037763

>saves you 4 hours

>> No.20037764

the way my mom makes refried beans from scratch takes four hours to cook the beans.

>> No.20037766

So why would making them from scratch somehow *save* you 4 hours over buying already refried beans?

>> No.20037774

I meant to say that buying canned beans and frying them saves 4 hours as the method I was taught takes 4 hours to get to that point normally. I also meant to say 2 hours but got confused, I get a little confused sometimes when I haven't had my medicine.

>> No.20037776

You only need to fry them once if you buy canned beans retard.

>> No.20037779

And you think that's quicker than needing to fry them 0 times?

>> No.20037783

NTA but buying them already fried doesn't taste as good as frying them at least once yourself.

>> No.20037804

Yeah but if you are going to go that far, soak the beans overnight then put them in the instant pot for an hour.
So much better than canned beans its not even close

>> No.20037962

This is like the only thread thats not full of roast beefs

>> No.20038231

This only works once: rent a u-haul and take a cow from the country side. Slaughter it in the backwoods. Cover license plate put painters tarp down and tack it. Bring apples to calm the animal. If you have them use hobbles. Shoot in the head and learn how to open the jugular, the amount of blood is improbable. Put down a second layer in the back. Dump the meat into a few big freezers. Never tell anyone. Remove tarps return u haul. Milk cows are especially docile as they are trained to be handled more than beef cows.

>> No.20038236

If you don't like beef sell it from your truck like people here do. Use the cash for other groceries

>> No.20038245

If you get a dairy cow get a skinnier looking one. The pregnant ones look a little fatter.

>> No.20038766

I think I have mine down to an actual 30 minute time or less.
I always have pizza dough ready to go because I make the next batch's dough during the current pizza cook time.
I make 12 inch pan pizzas in a cast iron and do the stove top to broiler method.
Dough is 360g AP flour for crunchy, bread flour for chewy. 9 g salt 9g sugar, 6 g yeast 1.5 cups milk mixed with a skinny wooden spoon. Salt sugar yeast can be eyeballed and this makes 2 pizzas of dough. I let it rise for 24 hours and then put it in a storage condition in the fridge.
I lightly oil the cast iron and maybe season it, then use a silicone spatula to plop out dough on the iron to warm up and rise. Then I start chopping toppings, usually onion and peppers and I get the roni ready. I gingerly spread the dough out in the pan with the spatula and then heat it on the burner about medium to create the base. While it is heating I continue topping prep or make dough again for the next pizzas.
Once the dough is pretty cooked on the bottom and no longer sticks I put it under the broiler for a minute so the top firms up. Then back out and put the toppings on and then back under the broiler until things start to burn a bit. Then out to rest and cut and eat.

This is as smooth as I've got it for a meal that is relatively quick, pleasant and on tap. I specifically tried to remove all the annoying parts like sticky dough hands and flour everywhere. Now the veg prep is the most annoying to me but I've started just dicing pep and onion in larger batches since I use it most days. It's definitely the best value meal I can make.

>> No.20039175 [DELETED] 


>> No.20039235

man I feel bad, canada was amazing back in the day and all the best people came from there
now its like in our top five worst states

>> No.20039470

You sound like a faggot. Not all fat women are hogs. Literally just go on Tinder and date BPD anorexic women if weight is your end all be all for women over their fertility and personality
>t. another architect

>> No.20039560

>Not all fat women are hogs

>> No.20039916

fat women are less fertile than thin ones not anorexic but thin are on average far more fertile

>> No.20040299

The first things you should buy when doing a grocery shop are
-1kg white flour
-1kg dried rice
-1kg dried navy beans
-1kg dried lentils
-1kg dried pasta
-2-3 tins of unseasoned tomato paste/concentrated paste
-stock cubes
-baking yeast
-onions & garlic
-2kg potatoes
-thick bacon or a similar cured meat
-fresh vegetables of your choice. But these ingredients BEFORE buying vegetables, ideally you'll get them at a cheap beaner fruit and veg shop
Should run you about 20 bucks and will feed one to two people for 2 weeks or more. Stock your pantry like a U-boat going out to sea and stop buying processed shit or snacks.

>> No.20040537

I agree but also needs some dairy for the regular trips. Simple farm cheese is also easy to make from scratch.
Lately my groce has had packaged peeled garlic cloves (USA grown) for cheap. I found that freezing them works well and in a way better since cell membranes rupture and I usually crush garlic. I also freeze lemons for lemon juice in recipes for the same reason.

>> No.20040636

>I found that freezing them works well and in a way better since cell membranes rupture and I usually crush garlic. I also freeze lemons for lemon juice in recipes for the same reason.
Gonna do this with all my citrus, thanks anon.

>> No.20040937

I hope that's a typo and you meant to write 10kg.

>> No.20041373

onetime i went to a resturuant and ordered an hour before closing. thenwe finished dinner like 20 min before closing and i asked if they had any food they would be throwing out and they gave me a pizza.

i almost never eat out. should i try this again at resturaunts i like or do you think this was a fluke?
resturuant was a ma/pa hole in the wall in the suburbs

>> No.20041375

seems like each iteration would be diluted as vanilla extraction rates diminish over time

>> No.20041381

put 1 part cream to two parts milk
put 1 part cream to about 2.2parts milk.
someone calculator this shit

>> No.20041386

cold pan or hot pan?

>> No.20041437

Buy stuff on sale and freeze it. I've been clearing out the freezer of the hoarded meat and frozen vegetables, mixing it with some sort of carb and it's always delicious

>> No.20041441

My dad had the same thing happen when

>> No.20041444

My dad had the same thing happen when relatives from his croatian side of the family visited. But those guys are weird by croatian standards so it's not a cultural thing.

>> No.20041469

how do homeless people eat ducks? raw?

>> No.20041497

Ya that’s what I do. Undies are less fabric so less to wash. One pair a week

>> No.20041512
File: 269 KB, 379x1182, IMG_4252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh so smug… Can you post your mathematical proofs?

>> No.20041540

And the whole of the USA population can? Keep telling yourself how rich you all are if it makes you happier sending your taxes to Israel. Also for the record (since it seems to matter so much to you) my VW is less than two months old but I use my bicycle more.

>> No.20041570

Most burgerstani post I've read in a while. Enjoy your cousin's sweaty pussy, Cletus.

>> No.20041881

the angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat

>> No.20042346

Horse may be easier to lead away but some deep county locations still have stiff penalty for this vs a cow

>> No.20042401

Invasive species meat.
Free no hunting season
Several species of bird
In texas there is a loose population of antelope

I think pigeon is invasive, is it not considered fancy food elsewhere?

>> No.20042408

>pigeon considered fancy food
Probably in usa or similar third world shithole

>> No.20043354

Thats why I prefer whores meat

>> No.20043364

>-On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee
more like Harold McGay

>> No.20043377

>Not all fat women are hogs.
SOMEONE sounds a bit toasty.

>> No.20043387

Depends if the solution is fully saturated or not.
How much vanilla can 12oz of vodka hold?

>> No.20043665

Quite toasty I would say
also I like the cut of your didge anon

>> No.20043681

Legitimately less clean a animal.
Microplastic laden.

>> No.20044540

That's your father.

>> No.20045926

>Microplastic laden.
How so ?

>> No.20047497

Yes, but use it for cooking only afterwards. When thawed it tastes okay, but the texture is fucky.

>> No.20047892

5kg rice buyer here

>> No.20048113

everyone said this about whole milk but I froze that and it was fine

>> No.20049845

in the vagootis i mean

>> No.20050090

Settle down, Beavis

>> No.20051181

implying beavis isnt pretty smart

>> No.20052060


>> No.20053048

How does one actually kill a crab?

>> No.20053138


>> No.20053252

scissors to the head>>20053138

>> No.20054439
