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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20019408 No.20019408 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else gonna be solitary this Christmas? What sad meal are you having?

>> No.20019414

I'll be alone, everyone else is working and I have a tooth infection so I can't chew anything. I'm thinking oatmeal, maybe some mac n cheese. Maybe a bullet.

>> No.20019415


A mouthful of buckshot for me.

>> No.20019422

>Anyone else gonna be solitary this Christmas?
I wish. My evil sister decided to invite herself over. I was just going to get some Chinese takeout but she wants to cook all of the old traditional nonsense and I have to pretend that I care.

>> No.20019423

>she wants to cook all of the old traditional nonsense
mmm I bet she does, wink wink

>> No.20019424

Kind of. I plan on fake being sick so I don't have to see family.

>> No.20019432

How are you living with an abscess? Wouldn't even an Aspen Dental tier dentist just pull the tooth when the xrays came back?

>> No.20019443

I don't celebrate in fact I came up with an excuse why I can't visit family during christmas, family gatherings is just too much mental effort especially during occasions like christmas

>> No.20019457

>muh mental health issues
>I can’t be around people
Why are zoomers like this

>> No.20019461

To be fair, the vast majority of people on 4chan are probably mentally ill in one way or another

>> No.20019464
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>> No.20019469

I am not a zoomer and I don't have mental health issues. I don't like being around family or groups of people because we have nothing in common nothing to talk about, such social situations turn often turn awkward and weird or in case of family they just talk about things I have zero interest in and then I have to listen to long boring monologues.

>> No.20019484

It's not just zoomers. The biggest failures in families often don't like being reminded of how little they've done and how big of a disappointment they are to everyone else. Christmas gatherings tend to be some of the largest of the year for most families, so the embarrassment they feel would be magnified that much more.

>> No.20019568

"don't care if you pay me out of pocket, company policy to refer out for endo work" cue 3 fucking months of waiting to be scheduled because the closest endodontist is 3 counties away and being told to chug ibuprofen. I'm living poorly, anon.

>> No.20019644

How is dental such a fucking scam, god damn I hate that shit.
My condolences anon, maybe a little whiskey can help your toothache

>> No.20019646

Take some antibiotics, tooth infection can be fatal

>> No.20019649

when this train of thought isn't on anyone else's mind, that's something we call a Projection.

>> No.20019656

seriously regard >>20019646
even having cavities long-term can lead to heart disease.

>> No.20019669

I was alone for Thanksgiving, and will be for Christmas.
>What sad meal are you having?
Probably a microwave quesadilla. Might throw some pepperoni slices into it.

I've no issue with being alone because it enables me to have the most wonderful experience of all: peace & quiet.

>> No.20019673

I had to wait 5 months for 3 teeth to get pulled, was on codeine paracetamol and ibuprofen. Pretty fucked up, could barely watch tv.
You'll get through it, keep your mouth clean with rinsing and stuff you'll be alright. Watch out for infection like other anons are saying

>> No.20019698

Also, a 50|50 rinse with H2O|H2O2 is a good measure intermediate rinse before mouthwash.
>water, mix, water, mouthwash

>> No.20019721

you know why shes really there anon ;)

>> No.20019749


>> No.20019754

I would give every anon in this thread a Christmas blowjob if I could ;_;

>> No.20019762

>literally all incest responses
kill yourselves fucking porn addicts

>> No.20019766

>Christmas blowjob
are you near Orlando by any chance?

>> No.20019796

Breaking News

4chan is weird

>> No.20019813

Peking Duck like every Christmas

>> No.20019816

No, I live in a big house with my wife and daughter. The pride of my family....I've just seen this movie at family gatherings for over 30 years.

>> No.20019817

Don’t neglect that unless you’re serious about the bullet part, which I hope you are not. I lost a good friend to a heart attack triggered by a neglected abscess.

>> No.20019838

appreciate it anons. It did get infected and I'm on amoxicillin. took terrible care of my teeth most my life so only myself to blame, but no way I'm going through this again. til then, oatmeal christmas

>> No.20019839

Maybe they should try getting a job lol

>> No.20019881
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You won't be alone bro, we are connected spiritually. You post your christmas frozen pizza and I'll post my boxed mac and cheese and we will share a moment even if physically we never meet. Don't give up friend, it's never too late until you are 6 feet underground. I believe that one day both of us will share that special day with loved ones.

>> No.20019882

>jacks pizza

you may be alone but youve clearly got good taste

>> No.20019943
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>> No.20019948

booze on xmas eve and probably pizza and peas

>> No.20020234

No, but shit hit the fan this year and my family fucking broke, like I'm the only one who's account isn't in overdraft. I managed to scrape together 25 bucks and will be making homemade pizza and wings for everyone. Will also be illegally streaming the new Wonka movie so we can all shit talk it while we eat.

>> No.20020606

Ham and macaroni & cheese with red wine.

>> No.20020691

my sister is a cunt but the rest of my family is decent. so it more than makes up for it. I guess I'm supposed to be getting her a restaurant gift card or something, my younger brother, who is getting married next year, got a video game from me for steam, my closest brodude got games as well, and my mom and dad got books from me. and yes I'm on /lit/ too.

>> No.20020704

this is exactly what my sister does, the middle child and the GOLDEN child.

>> No.20020718

no i will not be alone. i have a family that loves me. not sure, they’re cooking but i’ll probably make a dessert of some sort.

>> No.20020821

This one so hot

>> No.20021420

It's my mom's birthday on Friday so it works out perfectly to just head straight from the off up and spend the weekend with her. She wants Applebee's, kek. Might see if dad is in town. He has a brisket we could smoke.

>> No.20021537

>my sister is a cunt
mmm I bet she is

>> No.20021622
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Frentch onion soup
cordon bleu sandwiches
Crab casserole

>> No.20021649

Stalked my exes steam and he's online at 2am. Wonder if he has a new person or not or if he's as miserable and lonely as I am. Last Christmas alone, this one even worse. If I had access to it I'd absolutely eat lead. My sad meal will be a sandwich.

>> No.20021700
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Not going to be alone, inviting bro’s over.

>> No.20021710
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haven't talked to my family in ~16 years, lost my job last month due to a change in ownership and haven't found a new one yet, and I live in a van
it's going to be a pretty depressing christmas but at least I'm still here, which has to count for something...

>> No.20021713

Why do people keep mounting tvs above fireplaces?

>> No.20021716

Get yourself some Little Caesar’s pizza, a few tall boys of 211 and count your blessings. At least you don’t live in Bumfuck Afghanistan middle of nowhere.

>> No.20021720

that's the plan, 'cept I'm probably going to grab some cheap wine instead

>> No.20021721

Don't feel bad anon. Being alone is way better than being around people that make you wish you were alone.

>> No.20021728

Whereas I, as a resident of a coastal city, can literally walk around the corner to see an endodontist. : )

>> No.20021729

It's probably not an in use fireplace but yeah it's retarded. We have a mirror over ours

>> No.20021730

can't be alone if you never moved out of your parents house

>> No.20021757

That sucks. Hope you get to a better place, anon.

>> No.20021803

>No, I (lists *ooh*s and *ahh*s)

>yeehaw Serial No. 44177629, what yippee keeyay caillou tax bracket activities have you partaken in these past 364 days?
>well golly, Serial No. 44177628_A, i reckon i done the same shit as the pair o' shoes before me in the last century!
>(scripted laughter ensues)
>that's me [genderfluid] serialized social security specimen!

Absolutely fucking exhilarating experience, I'm sure.

>> No.20021911


>> No.20022382

>heating up a pizza
>making dry pasta
>rice w/ popcorn chicken tossed with mango habanero sauce

>> No.20022398

start with one

>> No.20022556
File: 198 KB, 500x500, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and a $10 fifth of vodka

>> No.20022569

Could always just put a long plastic tube in your exhaust pipe, stick it through the cracks of your window and get piss drunk as Santa delivers your final gift.

>> No.20022591

I like to go visit an isolated spot at a park late night where I know nobody else is going to be around cause they're all celebrating somewhere warm. I would bring some snacks with me and eat in the cold, reminiscing about better times and sometimes I might just cry alone. I'm thinking of bringing something warm this year, maybe some take out soup noodles

>> No.20022744

No alcohol?

>> No.20022772

anon, if it matters, I need you to not do it for me. I've been doing nothing for the past three years or more other than take Ls, so please give me this one

>> No.20022789


>> No.20022805


>> No.20022915

My whole life I've wished my family would have Chinese food for Christmas

>> No.20022929
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I have spent every Christmas alone since I was 19. I have 0 friends, and I haven't spoken to, let alone seen anyone in my family in years. And not just Christmas; I have spent every day of my life alone since then. I'm 31 now. One day soon, I'll have spent over half my life alone. You'd be surprised what you can get used to if it's all you've ever known. Turns out the world doesn't stop spinning just because you're lonely; life goes on, and you'll pass the time being as invisible as you ever were.

>> No.20022938

Goddamn you loser fuck. Just give up already and spare us the sad sack story. Jesus Christ.

>> No.20022941

Surely you can find love. Highly doubt you’re the modern day Quasimodo, banished from society.

>> No.20022953

>Surely you can find love. Highly doubt you’re the modern day Quasimodo, banished from society.

Lel. Surely you have no idea who you're talking to or what you're talking about. I assure you that life, especially mine, is not a Disney movie where everyone gets a happy ending, or any happiness at all. You aren't assured anything in this life, and love is surely one of those things. Surely you can understand that, right? Surely you just aren't using your own life and your own experiences and your own happiness and projecting it onto some shitstain on 4chan you know nothing about, surely you know everything right?

>> No.20022974

NTA but Merry Christmas bro. It isn't about what you have, it's about the lens you view the world through. I'm don't know you and you don't know me, but I know that there are people out there who have suffered more and still keep fighting. I agree that love from another in this world isn't guaranteed, I'm alone too, but loving yourself is always something you can do. It can be hard, I was addicted to drugs a few years ago for example and did things I never thought I would. Even despite that, life moves forward. Having hope and love for yourself is what drives us to take care of ourselves, and that's what opens up opportunities in life. You can't see the road ahead by looking at the ground, just like you can't drive down the road by looking in the rearview the whole time. God bless you man, I'll keep you and everybody else in here in my thoughts and prayers

>> No.20022981

Wish I could be. Goddamn senpai hijacking my flat event though it makes no sense for any gathering to be held here.
Stay strong brother, I wish you peacefull sleeps.

>> No.20022989

me and my trans wife will be gooning all christmas day

>> No.20022994

good post, hard won wisdom. nta but as another sufferer of great traumas (as we all are, comparing suffering is a endlessly drawn game at best), god bless and keep both of you. you are never alone, and if you feel alone on christmas, come post here saying so and I'll chat with you

>> No.20023863

Damn, take this advice>>20022569 and stop being a downer on everyone in your life you miserable fuck.

>> No.20023884

>I don't have mental health issues
Just because you don't acknowledge they are there doesn't mean they aren't
Going to dad's and his gf's this year but they are moving away next year so maybe I crash my brother's then or just make the long drive.

>> No.20023918

Cool landscape

>> No.20023926
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Yep. Some years past I would go to a Chinese place and overeat, but lately I roast at home.

This year I have a nice halm I'm going to roast with plum glaze and some nice sides. I also have a brisket so tossing up the possibility of roasting that instead and saving the ham. I'm tired of slow cucker brisket so if I roast I'll rub it and do it in the oven.

Pic is a previous chrissy ham

>> No.20024134

My back hurts and you made me laugh ow

>> No.20024142
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woops forgot pic

>> No.20024146

wont lie, that looks and sounds amazing.

>> No.20024308
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You’re supposed to put cloves in it

>> No.20024718
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I live in NYC. Chinatown places are always open on Christmas, so I'm gonna get some dim sum.

>> No.20024750

holy shit kek

>> No.20026368

hooters is open christmas here so I am gonna go there and hang out with the closest thing I have to family: the regular repulsive rapist boomers and the coalburner bartender and the schizo doordash hobos that come in 5 at a time for the same order

>> No.20026666

I'm gonna go for a swim in mycondos pool and jerk off into it. My building is full of parents and there's feces all over my area especially the lawn under the balcony

>> No.20026671

*Pajeets not parents

>> No.20026688
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For me, it’s the Wor Won Ton soup. Thank god the chinks are open so the kikes gmhave something to eat on Christmas.

I’m just going to profit off that because it’s soup weather.

>> No.20026720
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>> No.20026744
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You gotta do it with those numbers.

>> No.20026782

I had braums burger cus the next door lady had one. It’s the closest I have come to a relationship all year.

>> No.20026807
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I'll be with my elderly dad, eating chicken thighs, turnips, fried cabbage, potatoes, and mixed frozen veggies.
Merry Christmas to everyone in this thread.

>> No.20027025

I hope I die soon. I don't celebrate christmas. I probably won't eat much of anything like any other day. There's nothing good in life at all or if there is I've never been allowed to experience it.

>> No.20028228
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Thanks for this thread guys. I have a few things in life i’m not happy about but when I see these “Alone for the holidays sad sack” threads I am reminded that some people have it worse off than me. So thank you guys, I’m going to do things that will help me at least be happier and count my blessings.

>> No.20028427
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Bought a standing rib roast today.

>> No.20028447
File: 1.27 MB, 956x804, mask up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong.
Mostly all normies are mentally ill.
Don't forget 90%+ of the ENTIRE Western Civilisation wore masks like lobotomised gimps for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist.
All normies are so mentally ill they spend their entire existence chasing monopoly money and paying taxes to pedophiles; normies are so mentally buck broken NPCs they're all on pharmaceuticals or alcohol and masturbate to porn.
Anyone who participates in this hell world globohomo controlled by chaos God entities from another dimension sucking the Vril and soul out of mankind is mentally ill
Pic related: 99% of all people. These people aren't mentally healthy, or even sentient

>> No.20028470

when you get older you'll realize 90% of people share your opinion

>> No.20028993

Thanks for proving my point. Seek professional help.

>> No.20029007

>Don't forget 90%+ of the ENTIRE Western Civilisation wore masks like lobotomised gimps for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist.
wearing masks to go shopping is one thing. but wearing masks for 50 hours at work is another. also getting vaxxed is another. some people literally got vaxed just to keep their job or visit their family gatherings.
not really. 90% of people are just drones who are comfortable spending their best years at a job.

>> No.20029315
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>> No.20029428

Come to NYC

>> No.20029472

peanut butter on a playing card

>> No.20029487

Even when I’ve eaten Christmas or thanksgiving alone, I’ve made the full spread. If not for me, then to remember the loved ones I shared it with before they passed. If nothing else, you’ll have tons of delicious leftovers, but at its best, you keep your family traditions alive.

>> No.20029706

I guess you didn’t read the main theme of this thread, which is solitary souls left to themselves who are dining alone. You think they give two shits about “muh family traditions” ? They either don’t have family or came from a shit family.

>> No.20029722

I care, and I love my family, and I'll still be alone. nta but a full christmas feast for one is pretty fucking sad and lonely, which was the point of the thread.

>> No.20029747

A holy holiday is the perfect time for fasting, so nothing.

>> No.20029753
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I’ll be driving up to take the kids their presents. When I get back, I’m going to start drinking and cooking this bad boy. Yorkshire pudding from the fat, most likely.

>> No.20029763

>Even when I’ve eaten Christmas or thanksgiving alone, I’ve made the full spread.
That’s pretty retarded

>> No.20029774

blessed. may you break your fast with fresh bread and wine as the spirit is moved

>> No.20029786

I remember doing things like this, going empty malls or closed factories just to sit in solitude.

>> No.20030090

Not really. The staples are cheapest now. It’s prudent to take advantage of store sales, honor the elders, and stock up.

>> No.20030327
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>> No.20030416
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Nope I'll be taking my pregnant wife and two children to their Aunt's house for a family dinner. My wife is due January 2nd so might have a Christmas baby this year!

>> No.20030428

ive been at a bum camp eating beans, rice for the past 4 weeks.

i just got back home and have eaten a frozen pizza everyday since i got back. the day i first encountered an oven, i bought a pizza for my friend and one for me and then i ate them both. just picked up some lil ceasers

>> No.20031332

Are you making any of this up?

>> No.20031366
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Don't worry, bro. I'll be there with you in spirit. I'll be sure to drink a few extra beers for ya on Christmas. You'll get back on your feet soon.

>> No.20031403
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these fuckers are something I long for

>> No.20031436
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Is that ribeye? Impressive marbling

>> No.20031582

Yes. I guess I'll fast. I hope someday I can have 2 person holidays with a solitary gf. I don't care about not having family.

>> No.20031587

Yes we can. My parent leaves town.

>> No.20031936

Call what family you have anon. Make peace where you need to first. It will help you with the job transition too. Hope you find a suitable adventure this Christmas

>> No.20031996
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>ate two pizzas

Nigger, how fat are you?

>> No.20032022

That's a normal amount of pizza for a young boy, I'd say.

>> No.20032036

Making some baked mac and cheese, slow cooker ham, plus veggies. I'm too newfag at cooking to do the whole turkey thing.

>> No.20032038

I will be alone but cooking a real christmas dinner. I actually enjoy being alone so it's not a sad day for me. I will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ by myself.
On the menu there is fois gras, lobster, chocolat cake. To drink champagne and sweet white wine.

>> No.20032058

Yes i know, thats why a lot of young guys are fat shits, they eat too much.

>> No.20032066

>I actually enjoy being alone so it's not a sad day for me.

How did you get so Based bro and not fall into the sad sack mindset?

>> No.20032069

These chicken burgers i got on sale with rice and i'll prob stir in some chopped tomatoes. That paired with 6 tall cans of beer and half a bottle of jack

>> No.20032107

>How did you get so Based bro and not fall into the sad sack mindset?
I don't know dude I was blessed by it.
Although I read a lot of philosophy it probably helps me get a dispassionate perspective on life.
Oh and I used LSD and shrooms a few times when I was in my 20s.

>> No.20032122

How about you make yourself real food, stop using social media, stop interacting with any form of brainwashing (news, movies, etc.) get to the gym and try to improve yourself and your life instead of giving up?

>> No.20032449

Christmas tinner and MGS 2 for me lads im to lazy to visit my family

>> No.20032452
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Forgot the pic

>> No.20032463

Kino. Haven't had friends like this for years. Haha...

>> No.20032474

im getting pizza too! the day before, apparently dominos is closed on christmas, so im gonna order it the day before, and just have leftovers

>> No.20032507

Thats insane anon

>> No.20032611

whats insane?

>> No.20032615

Buying pizza from the worst chain in existense and eat it stale and cold on Christmas puts some images in my head anon. Some pictures that arent NICE.

>> No.20032642

That is an ideal zenza right there, hell yeah

>> No.20032646

true but its free
i also heat it up in the microwave lol

>> No.20032662

Wow! U have a microwave?

>> No.20032665

Vodka, food is pointless this time of year for me.

>> No.20032671

yeah its awesome

>> No.20032680

Dude, is that a Jack's pizza? Nothing sad about that, shit, I'd almost rather have that than some fancy Christmas smorgasbord. Haven't picked up a Jack's since they were $2.50 apiece, might have to splurge on one soon, though.

>> No.20032706

Went shopping today for Christmas foods. Sourghdough sandwiches, frozen pizzas, fries, katsu, steaks, bacon, sausage, cheeses, all kinds of great snacks and stuff to make different meals. I love not working and just cooking shit or putting together a quick snack.

>> No.20032866

That would be one buckshot served with the finest of Walmart shotguns. That and the most expensive bottle of booze I can find.

>> No.20033054

Red Baron. I can tell.

>> No.20033336

sad meal? pizza is party food, even if you're alone. a real sad meal is spam, just out of the can, with some leftover microwaved rice.

>> No.20033443

sauce NAO

>> No.20033465

I have a few pounds of frozen rib-eye. If I was eating alone I would have a pound of steak, a potato or mashed potatoes, and my own corn casserole.

>> No.20033597

Taking my pregnant wife to my mother in laws for Xmas. Due in March and her bitch of an aunt will corner the both of us and try to weasel her way into going to the baby shower in January. The worst relatives always act so "nice" when there's a baby involved.

>> No.20033635

the fuck

>> No.20033755
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Very true. Call bullshit whenever you feel it's warranted. Nobody likes a liar or a fake friend.

>> No.20033802

Probably microwave leftover soup I made last week or something and get shitfaced every day until it's time to go back to work I guess. I don't really care about Christmas anymore cuz all my family is dead, my ex wouldn't allow me to have friends and she aborted our child we planned so now I'm alone.

>> No.20033806

Watched this jodi west video the other day.

>> No.20033811

>and yes I'm on /lit/ too
haha damn I was just about to ask if you were on /lit/ as soon as you mentioned books
that's crazy bro I'll see you around probably

As for me I'll be chilling alone like most of you guys, probably make some lamb and potatoes and listen to some music
and yes I'm on /mu/ too

>> No.20033852



>> No.20034148

wincest board

>> No.20034167
File: 190 KB, 1440x1440, kartoffelsalat-mit-wuerstchen-5c7241545ee7a933ec0c8ec13ed72eb8-fjt2014120971-jpg--8630-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the traditional German depression meal

>> No.20034502
File: 710 KB, 1128x1532, 20231224_114842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my free "emergency pizza" from dominos :D
gonna be my breakfast and Christmas meal haha

>> No.20034709

Didn't spring for the pan pizza? May as well throw it in the trash.

>> No.20035647

I thought Domino’s was supposed to have improved their stuff after admitting it was shit?

>> No.20035654 [DELETED] 
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Here’s mine. One can is already eaten

>> No.20035659
File: 2.95 MB, 2971x4028, IMG_0612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s mine, already ate one can

>> No.20035672

What is it?

>> No.20035681

lmao nice sideways image retard

>> No.20035707

Yeah I know. Forgot to correct that. Apologies

>> No.20035713


>> No.20035742

Watching football, and organizing some files. Getting hungry.
Fish and chips (pollock fillets and cross cut fries)
Menchi Katsu
Beef tenderloin medallions
Sourdough Ruebin

>> No.20035792

I got two medium pans from dominoes, first Christmas dinner after mom died and it's just me.

>> No.20035793

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.20035794

I just ate a can of sardines and now I'm going through a box of blueberry cereal bars

>> No.20035874

Im going to microwave some cheap aldi brand microwave burgers.

>> No.20035888

Jesus, anon. Where do you live? If you live even reasonably close to Indianapolis, the IU School of Dentistry will do that shit for free.

>> No.20035895

Orlando AMP are legendary

>> No.20035915

i forgot to get groceries this week so i had cut up hot dog and julienned onions with garlic.

>> No.20035925

Stop making weird assumptions of people and doing this copy paste shit you picked up from some internet fuck.

>> No.20035944

I'm going to kill myself. I'm a virgin loser with no family. I don't want to live to 40 or even 30. What's the cope? To settle down with some horrible ugly jaded woman who doesn't like me purely for financial and genetic purposes since every adult relationship is a soulless transaction? Yeah I get it. I have a shit life and I'm a bad person for feeling bad. I'm so fuckijg lonely. Another christmas alone. I'm not going to eat anything again. I am so fucking far away from what a normal person is. And I'm so far away from the autistic nerds too. And I don't mean that as an insult. I'm just defective. I'm a bad apple and I only spread misery.

>> No.20035966

I've resorted to trying to make money with my free time. >>>/biz/smg
It's basically gambling if you're lazy, but at least it's something to do if you commit yourself to doing some research. I almost doubled my money this month.

>> No.20035978

I really couldn't give less of a shit about this aspect of life. These kinds of goals never made sense to me. Being a retired neet sucks ass. I don't care about owning a home for just my lonely ass. And courting a woman using money...just kill me.

>> No.20035980

Fast cars are fun. And I like cooking. Find a hobby.

>> No.20035990

I've tried

>> No.20036002
File: 2.46 MB, 4000x3000, 1000014686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a christmas (eve) feast

>> No.20036061

As someone with a batshit insane family, nothing beats a quiet Christmas.

I roasted a turkey, stuffing and Brussel sprouts and I’m gonna eat it for the next few days.

>> No.20036071
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Forgot my pic

>> No.20036077

Gay and cringe. What a bunch of soy boys

>> No.20036095

I dunno, probably scrambled eggs cooked in ghee and a steak. I have to work 6 pm - 6 am and my family chose to do Christmas at 6 pm

>> No.20036142

I had some roast chicken, boiled potatoes like my Nan used to do for Christmas lunch (RIP) and with gravy, all just supermarket crap and it was lovely

>> No.20036147

White rice + Curry + Boiled eggs

Solitary simple lifestyle

>> No.20036162

I ate Chinese yesterday and today. I think they'll be closed tomorrow, first time in a while many businesses decided to close this year, I don't know what I'm going to do about food, all I have is pasta and jar sauce no meat and I'm out of coffee because I forgot to buy coffee today rip

>> No.20036182

>capri sun
>sleeping bags
>lava lamp
god damn, photos like these make me miss the 90s, these guys were 90s kids

>> No.20036189

I have some left over chili I was going to put on top of some basmati rice tomorrow. Maybe add some cheese or salsa verde or something. Make it festive.
Missing the black lights, but yeah, being born in the early 80s and basically growing up with the internet and seeing how life has changed since, it's wild.
>grow up with one phone per home, on a land line
>most people don't have internet
>if internet, then no phone
>faster to ride your bike to a friend five miles away to have fun than be bored by five local TV OTA channels.

>> No.20036199

it is wild, those were comfy days, I really am turning into a boomllennial

>> No.20036207

If you're over the age of 30, you're technically a baby boomer

>> No.20036210

Is this some new CNBC tech chart?

>> No.20036212

I'm entering my mid 30s rip

>> No.20036217

Start learning how to save. Buy rice and beans. Don't buy stuff on credit. Shit's fucked.

>> No.20036228

Don't they only sell 20ga and 410 now?

>> No.20036229
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I'm getting drunk and tearing thru a bunch of these mini dumplings, watching YT videos of police stops and shitposting. Can't complain, I'm single and visited my folks earlier this year for Thanksgiving.

>> No.20036279


>> No.20036534

Merry Christmas, everyone!

>> No.20036585 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1017x1024, jew canal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not inducing scurvy then pulling them out easily by hand
>i am toothless now after 3 onth of avoiding vit C
fuck tooth pain, shit is worse than death, literal hell.
i'd take eating mash potatoes for the rest of my life than that JUDENRATTE shit.

and fuck the dentist scum, those pieces of shit are the most evil parasitic predatory scum that feeds on your pain.

>> No.20036610
File: 443 KB, 1147x1200, dogstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pb&j and milk or some savory butter flavor hawaiian bread rolls since i forgot to buy corned beef hash or spam to eat and the stores are closed now

>> No.20036622

Don't do it, my dudes
Don't let a holiday get you down, treat it like a normal day

Things may seem bleak or lonely now, but you could be surprised at how things can change quickly. Perhaps a change of environment could be good for you. A new city or country, or job.
Get good sleep and eat well.

>> No.20036662

Is that Lil Jimmy Norton?

>> No.20036748
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Maybe instant noodles — the fancy Nissin Chow Mein kind because it’s Christmas and I’m splurging

>> No.20036757

I dunno homie, probably because my life got massively better after deleting all social media, not watching any modern garbage, stopped watching "news" and started making my own food and going outside and being active everyday.

>> No.20036795

4chan is social media

>> No.20036894

I'm talking about instagram, tiktok, x, linkedin, etc. where people are playing makebelieve about their life, not 4Chan where people are debating about frozen pizza and japanese cartoons

>> No.20036960

If you were ever spending your time insta, tiktok, x, linkedin, etc, you need to kill yourself back to where you came from immediately.

>> No.20036962
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The voices and the pain will finally stop.

>> No.20036999

You're on 4chan. I doubt that you do any of what you listed.

>> No.20037130

today's the day, hang in there

>> No.20037144


>> No.20037150

dim sum-body say Chinese food?!

>> No.20037163

I never did that stuff to begin with and have always taken care of myself.

>> No.20037247

this past summer I discovered a below the gumline abscess that scared the hell out me. took 3 days off from work. I fucking hate dental issues.

>> No.20037259

Making a rack of baby back ribs. Merry Christmas, anons.

>> No.20037280


>> No.20037317

Leftover tits

>> No.20037321

Are you male or female?

>> No.20037326
File: 1.77 MB, 1170x1769, IMG_2661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL! Somehow I found another reason to keep living today. My sad sack Christmas meal is Garlic sausages and rice. Also have whiskey and beers.

>> No.20037330

Holy quads
Praying for a Christmas update

>> No.20037341

Checked, Super-Satan. You must do it now and post an update.


>> No.20037362

Apparently I ate some left over chili and a steak last night. Guess I blacked out after I knocked over a rum and coke on my desk. Wood is all warped now, gonna have to plane it and restain it at some point now. Watching this shit football game, not sure what I'm going to cook today. Thinking about starting drinking soon, fuck it.

>> No.20037367

Just ordered some Red Lobster because only they and Mcdonalds near me are open today. Spending it alone by choice though, so I'm not sad or anything. About to queue up Die Hard on the Plex, max comfy

>> No.20037376

Does it even matter? You either want a blowjob or you don't.

>> No.20037442

Those noodles became ass when they stopped packaging the dehydrated veggies in its own little bag.

>> No.20037447

Like this anon says, check out universities near you

>> No.20037505
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>Does it even matter?

>> No.20037554

This. I had an abscess removed and taken care of but according to the dentist if I had left it and not come, it would eventually spread and devour all the bone in my face.

>> No.20037738

Gonna make a BLT and enjoy this football game. Go Niners.

>> No.20037768

Yeah, according to the dentist... real unbiased source you got there. A sucker is born every day...

>> No.20037904

turkey, bacon, ranch. with lettuce tomato red onions on sour dough.

>> No.20037906

>Oh and I used LSD and shrooms a few times when I was in my 20s.
Oh shit. Try out some Hawaiian Baby woodrose/morning glory seeds. They make for some very insightful trips

>> No.20037969

had oatmeal, peanut butter on toast and a fresh glass of water. amoxicillin killed the pain, lost like 10lbs, and feel pretty great. we're all gonna make it bros - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

>> No.20038315

What's the best way to make garlic butter? I have some raw cloves in butter, do I just pop them in the oven for 10 minutes at 380F?

>> No.20038319

>Anonymous 12/20/23(Wed)07:34:44 No.20021700▶>>20021713 >>20032463 >>20033852 >>20036077 >>20036182
same senpai got shitcanned from up myelf

>> No.20038355

spent the last few xmas alone. just made bacon, two eggs over easy, and pancakes for dinner. It was actually not bad. but I always keep a shitty taurus .44 and a box of 240 grain on hand incase life exceeds burden.

Merry Christmas everybody and hope you hade a good meal tonight.

>> No.20038460

Made an english muffin sandwich with spicy sausage, some grilled onions, pepper cheese and a soft fried egg. Watching my Niners lose. Gonna pound some rum and get ready for the stock market open in the morning, see if I can make some money.

>> No.20038658
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, Xmas2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another thread but I'm also spending xmas alone this year and wanted to cook something nice. This was my stab at it. Merry Christmas anons.

>> No.20038678

its ogre

>> No.20038721

My wife and I reenact this.

>> No.20038727

Salud, be seeing you in about a year, most likely.

>> No.20038828
File: 9 KB, 205x213, IMG_2063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me when I see your feast and I’m over here eating unseasoned quinoa.
Nice looking spread, Merry Christmas!

>> No.20039138

Wait; is this real?

>> No.20039543

What am I looking at here?

>> No.20039721

I literally just realized this was a bird and not some strange abstract art piece.

>> No.20040632

totally blacked out after that. Not sure what I'm going to make now.

>> No.20041761

I love the holidays!

>> No.20043251

I don’t!