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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.58 MB, 1607x1722, 1661117374526414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20019202 No.20019202 [Reply] [Original]

Let's pretend the conspiracies are true, and you. [have to] eat the bugs. no other option.
which one would you chose? what's your method of prepping?

>> No.20019204


>> No.20019207
File: 1.53 MB, 720x480, Authority.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[have to] eat the bugs.
I don't

>> No.20019208

in this scenario, you have to or you die

>> No.20019210

>have to
there is always a choice op, and I choose to starve.

>> No.20019217
File: 141 KB, 583x554, 86434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are no fun

>> No.20019239

Probably look up how the people who've been eating bugs for years do it

Then improve upon their methods in 15 minutes alone in my kitchen

>> No.20019253

i am from a snail and crawfish eating people, which both taste like the muck they live in, so eating bugs doesnt offend me too badly. the solution tends to be fry them until they are crispy, and season the fuck out of them. those sea bug vids with tarantulas and sago grubs look pretty good honestly. there's some caterpillars i'd try. i would avoid refined bug protien like roach milk or silken bug curd or whatever.

>> No.20019257

fuck off strawman.

>> No.20019261
File: 174 KB, 1080x1626, FB_IMG_1703015710439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roach milk
what the fuck. how is this a real thing

>> No.20019266

I don't think you know what that means

>> No.20019268
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I unironically already like eating bugs though.

>> No.20019275

what kind of bugs you eating and why

>> No.20019280

no I don't and I won't, and If it comes to it I will take as many with me as I can.

but since it won't happen I don't have to abide by your rules.

>> No.20019285

I will not ever eat the bugs, nor will i die if I do not. I will continue to eat what I want.

>> No.20019287

I'm not too picky. Fried mealworms are nice and crunchy with a mild flavor that takes well to just about any kind of seasoning. Cicadas are also nice and crispy with a rich flavor. I think a lot of the people who refuse to eat bugs think they're going to be gross and gooey on the inside, but they're not unless you eat them raw. Of course the vast majority are just petulant children who just won't eat them on principle because they think it's a political thing for some fucking reason.

>> No.20019292

This image was too well made
doesn't follow the template at all
OP is a shill

>> No.20019293
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>> No.20019306


mental illness

>> No.20019312

>no u
Nice deflection, shill

>> No.20019314

You're the same as a bratty child refusing to eat their brocolli lol.

>> No.20019317

nice false equivalence

>> No.20019321

How so? I'm very interested in hearing about how illogical my argument was from someone who just told me to die in a fire because I eat insects.

>> No.20019325

i am tipsy guy who asked a hypothetical question, like when you ask which superpower would you choose, and half of the comments are by autists who cannot not think in extremely literal sense and there is you who think this is some. kind of ploy. which part of this is deflection?

>> No.20019326

There's no food scarcity issue it's a distribution issue. This is just faggots trying to get in on a startup and make bank

>> No.20019330

if people truly had no option but to eat the bugs then the first thing to do, obviously, is to develop some kind of condiment that complements cockroach kiev or earthworm frappe or whatever

>> No.20019333

People have turned the "eating bugs" thing into a political issue anon. You summoned the rightoid autists.

>> No.20019341
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The texture of bugs is disgusting, I'd only eat it if it's in powder form to mix with other stuff.

>> No.20019351

most people don't enjoy debate on narrow terms, and you're on 4chan. besides, a well constructed thought experiment affords a multitude of answers and can contend with their merits, presenting a binary is too limiting and only really serves data collection or verifying one or the other binary, always assuming they are the only truths in the situation. in this case you basically say "bugs or starve" which is a vacuous argument because we all have to eat.

make better arguments and get better (You)s

>> No.20019360 [DELETED] 
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NTA you talk like a bratty bottom that nitpicks his man until he beats you and leaves. You deserve it too.

>> No.20019371

if you don't want to participate just leave you autistic faggot

>> No.20019383

>uhhh...buh dduhh yurra faggodd *shits herself*
fuck you brainlet, there's no participation to be had here. bugs or starve? and I'm the autist?

>> No.20019388

>do you want coke or pepsi?
> hurr hurr binary choices hur hur strawman

you are alone nit because of some sort of conspiracy to kill off white man, but because you are insufferable

>> No.20019395
File: 155 KB, 1080x835, Screenshot_20231219_214121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally pic rel and would never have the cognitive ability to recignise6it, because you are autistic. a mentally damaged person. you are thinking in extremely literal ways, and you believe that "muh logic" overrides everything. you are a lonely fat version of Neil Degrees Tyson without the education part.

>> No.20019426
File: 82 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already consider me a poi for violent tendencies if my antisemitic remarks on here are anything to go by.

>> No.20019431


>> No.20019434

I think if some products like biscuits or whatever secretly put in powdered bugs as a supplemental ingredient (no advertisement on the box whatsoever, calling the powdered bugs some fancy Latin name), people would be none the wiser. Obviously we're already eating some bugs anyway, since they eventually manage to kill themselves during one of the factory's processing stages.

>> No.20019439
File: 243 KB, 1880x1000, What-Cricket-Flour-i539258993_515815694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're doing this, Cricket Flour. I've never cooked with it, so I have no idea anything would turn out, so the first couple of weeks may suck balls, but assuming I have access to other food items and this is just some dumbass experiment, I'd imagine I could make extremely edible/good food in less than a month.

>> No.20019444


>> No.20019458

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.20019492
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oh really? well certain tribes in africa eat almost nothing but cow blood mixed with milk, when are you going to eat that? some people drink cow urine, so drink up. you're so open minded.

oh now we don't have to participate? thought we had to. make up your mind.

npc hands typed this

>> No.20019514

Why do you have so many imgs of this projector

>> No.20019627
File: 50 KB, 682x468, return to monkey and eat ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried some giant ants a while ago, they were suprisingly delicious and satisfying. I wonder if being a primate had something to do with it.

>> No.20019828

>Why do you have so many imgs of this projector
do you...
do you think images can only be used once?
your question makes no sense.

>> No.20019842
File: 83 KB, 1103x912, play times over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT morons who would happily give up their freedoms on a whim without a fight.

>> No.20019928

it's not a debate anon, it's a hypothetical scenario

>> No.20019936

Ants probably, I like the crunchy texture

>> No.20020323
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The only good bug is a dead bug!
I'm doing my part!

>> No.20020340

it's shitpost spillover from /pol/

>> No.20020345

>food scarcity
There's no food or resource scarcity on the planet Earth, even with 8 billion people. As always it's a hoarding and distribution problem. The amount of food including red meat the US willfully destroys every single day could feed starving people the world over, and we refuse to do that because destroying food is more profitable for Jews.

>> No.20021512

You never had freedoms, peasant.

>> No.20021974

Butterflies, moths don't count. Maybe a dragonfly or two for dessert.

>> No.20022097
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I'll have some fried bumblebee thanks

>> No.20022125

CIA well-poisoning.

>> No.20022605

There's no conspiracy, it's idiots misrepresenting the information that we will run out of our current meat to sustain us and insect was just given as one option of many for protein

>> No.20022638

sorry i had all my fun with your mom last night

>> No.20022734

Cant I just grind them to flour and mix it with real food?

>> No.20023493

Why is it literally impossible to actually discuss this topic
If you give any answer that isn't a kneejerk copypasted slogan you'll get included in some sped's multi-reply garbage post like >>20019842

>> No.20023610

Perhaps because it's food related, but this topic seems far more emotionally charged than your usual political bullshit.
I'm not even sure how it happened really

Generally I'd be fine with certain foods being bulked up with insect protein. I hate "bugs" but as long as no one is asking me to eat freeze-dried whole crickets out of a bag I'm ok, I don't want to have to see it.
I get most people's gut-refusal.
My main concern is that maybe the proponents are over-promising. I've been hearing a lot of doubt lately over whether insect farming is actually more efficient or green

>> No.20023622

How in the world could cultivating insects be sustainable? One person would need to eat hundreds, possibly thousands every day. How do you feed all those crickets? What happens when they escape and go eat crops that weren't meant for them to eat? It's the dumbest psyop I've ever seen, how in the world could insects be a viable alternative to meat? A viable alternative would be creating spaces in urban areas for people to garden and raise chickens on their balconies, and get most of their protein from eggs and chicken meat, maybe find some way to work goats and hogs into the equation, and all suburban homes should be required to use their yards for raising chickens and goats/hogs and growing produce.

>> No.20023674

have you ever kept chickens
it's the most foul smell imaginable

>> No.20023852

Maybe a green aphid jam - unless I’m mistaken they eat the newer, healthier parts of plants and their waste is sweet. I currently have an issue with some that came with a plant I bought (and am growing inside for now) and whenever I squish them they have a nice fresh green smell.

>> No.20023879

Patrice ONeal remarked that being unable to have fun with a hypothetical question is bitch behavior, something that women do. It's also very low IQ shit. Their response is something like "why would i have to eat bugs you can't strap me down and feed me caterpillars, my 1st amendment rights forbids it"
totally missing the point

basically most of this thread is retards and bitches

>> No.20023952

To be honest, I'd sooner go vegetarian and live off of protein in stuff like beans, eggs, seitan, or tofu, but to go with the question
>Fry them like inago no tsukudani
>Grind them into a fine powder and use it like I would a whey protein in baked goods
>Cooked like a crawfish boil
I imagine any of the above wouldn't be terrible.

>> No.20023957

>O'Neal never had a relationship with his father
what an excellent person to model your world view after

>> No.20024007

Sand flys of course, just to search that tangy crunch itch.

>> No.20024009
File: 2.96 MB, 576x1024, VID_299130815_012141_098.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot webm

>> No.20024011

Crab imperial

>> No.20024261

your poor attempt at brainwashing people to eat bugs at a meat appreciation board is no fun

>> No.20024266

but I DID eat breakfast

>> No.20024382


>> No.20024396

Who even said you have to eat the bugs in the first place? Where did this shit first come from?

>> No.20024397

because we are not going to eat the bugs.

>> No.20024400

>t. good goy who will definitely eat the bugs

>> No.20024406


Thanks, but not an answer. Where did this come from? Who wants me to eat bugs?

>> No.20024626

Why even come into this thread if you have zero imagination, original thought or sense of humor?

>> No.20024629

Nice try, rabbi.

>> No.20024640

Don't bother. It's just a /pol/schizo talking point. If they ramble on long enough they will soon connect it to Hunter Biden, vaccines, drag queens, Soros, jews, cryptids or any combination of the above. Prepare to hear the term "the narrative" being peppered throughout.

>> No.20024645

Case in point.

>> No.20024649

Who are you to complain about originality when you're here just being Standard Internet Leftist?

>> No.20024650
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>> No.20024655

No, you can instead do the right thing and kill the authoritarian state actors.

It is literally that simple. Your dictator is only a dictator as long as they use violence and you don't; rebel and they're instantaneously not a leader but just a nigger on the wrong side of history.

>> No.20024665

Because leftists are known to dislike people who can't be funny? What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.20024667

Imagine trying this hard to prove >>20024649 right

>> No.20024712

What's your idea of putting up a fight? Posting on /pol/? Kek.

>> No.20024732

Then I'll die.

>> No.20024737

Proving what right? No one knows what you are talking about. You are a literal Don Quixote fighting imagined "leftists" in a light-hearted thread about bugs on 4chan.

>> No.20024745

Sure thing fatty

>> No.20024779

Dunno i think id try all the options
I know ants are pretty nice, same with crickets
Ate them as a kid and cooked in a hot metal sitting in the sun... Memories

>> No.20025279
File: 214 KB, 800x661, Pillmillipede_talakaveri (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably go for millipedes and those giant roly polys. Basically anything that's closely related to a crab or ideally a crustacean. I'm sure they are just as good as a crab or a lobby. For example, pic related looks like a straight up lobby tail without the fin. I would crack this open, fill it with garlic butter and grill it. No way that tastes bad.

>> No.20025296

I currently keep chickens, and I grew up raising chickens. Maybe you can't handle the smell, city boy, but I don't even notice it even when I'm mucking out the coop.

>> No.20025303

exactly by the script

>> No.20025320
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I'll play along op. as far as insects go I've always thought most beetle larva (grubs) looked like they'd be tasty if prepared properly. i assume fried in oil and seasoned up with some garlic and chilis it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.20025339

How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast or lunch today?

>> No.20025348
File: 57 KB, 768x511, Whale-steak-768x511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we talking about eating bugs when the oceans contain an endless, sustainable, renewable supply of delicious whale steaks, just lazily floating out there for the taking?

>> No.20025353

It's not a conspiracy and I won't eat bugs.

>> No.20025360

>African spotted
We don't care about you poors. Go take more Gates' poisons.

>> No.20025369

>eating bugs
I rest my case. I'm not poor.

>> No.20025376

The UN.
And they've been pushing the idea for over a decade.

>> No.20025750

He's black, none of them have that
Well, Will Smith stuck around and look how his kids turned out, maybe it's for the best

>> No.20025945

I'm gonna eat you, then. Get over 'ere, fat boy.

>> No.20025948


>> No.20026409
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>Let's pretend the conspiracies are true, and you. [have to] eat the bugs.
I don't have to eat the bugs.

>> No.20026420

I have a great imagination. I imagined that I don't have to eat the bugs because it will never come to that in my lifetime. I also imagined that there could never be a scenario where people are forced to eat things they don't want to.

>> No.20026422

high-protein strain fungus fed glucose syrup and water on a loop
literally the future
bug eating is satanic agenda shit to maximize # of deaths per person per meal
it's just the same old ritual sacrifice whatnot

>> No.20026424
File: 336 KB, 483x407, retardcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's pretend the conspiracies are true, and you. [have to] eat the bugs. no other option.
>which one would you chose? what's your method of prepping?

>> No.20026767

For what conceivable reason would I ever "have to"? I know how to hunt. I know how to kill. I know how to fabricate weapons. Why the hell would I ever "have to" eat something so far below me on the food chain? Because you say so? Fraid not, Little Soi. I'd spear and dress your doughy ass long before I'd lower myself to eating bugs simply because someone said I "have to".

>> No.20026892
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I'd try fried insects of any type, such as the ones they eat in southeast Asia. I heard mealworms have a nutty taste, while other larger insects taste like crab. I don't think I'd enjoy cricket legs and wings getting stuck in my teeth.

I do consider the consumption of insects an interesting alternative to industrial meat industry and all their associated problems: immense ecological footprint, greenhouse emissions, water consumption, crowding and zoonotic diseases, growth hormone and antibiotic resistance, and the torture and subsequent slaughtering of intelligent mammals. We need to figure out how to live in balance with the capacity of the planet, and insects could be the answer.

>> No.20026960 [DELETED] 


>> No.20026967
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>I do consider the consumption of insects an interesting alternative to industrial meat industry and all their associated problems: immense ecological footprint, greenhouse emissions, water consumption, crowding and zoonotic diseases, growth hormone and antibiotic resistance, and the torture and subsequent slaughtering of intelligent mammals. We need to figure out how to live in balance with the capacity of the planet, and insects could be the answer.

>> No.20026975

There's a exotic insect dining establishment in Japan called ANTCIDADA, I'll probably try going next time I travel to Japan.

>> No.20027166

ok but if you had to eat the bugs

>> No.20027992

ultra mega cringe. I almost collapsed into a singularity from cringe.

>> No.20027999

I don't. now fix that beeping in the hallway.

>> No.20028013
File: 268 KB, 669x619, 1702309673924928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's pretend the conspiracies are true
Do lefties even have the brain capacity to entertain hypotheticals?