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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 202 KB, 1024x766, 1448559161054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20015018 No.20015018 [Reply] [Original]

smell our latest hams please

>> No.20015028

Based ham ager

>> No.20015038

Ham is disgusting. It's a waste of perfectly good pork.

>> No.20015043

i bet it smells like BO

>> No.20015063

His smile and optimism: Hammed

>> No.20015074
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Welcome back. It's been a while. Things are... different now.

>> No.20015077
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>> No.20015078

Awe sweet the ham threads back. Bring on the specialist ham sniffer

>> No.20015087

smelling rotting meat, fat and fungus your whole life must be rough. But I love jamón serrano so F.

>> No.20015113

>if only you knew how ham things really are

>> No.20015118 [DELETED] 
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that was a fun thread

>> No.20015222
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>> No.20015230


>> No.20015245
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We cure ‘em of their Asian swine flu and then we kill and cook ‘em and all y’all eat’em

>> No.20015262
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>> No.20015300

nice to meat you, humble ager of the hams

>> No.20015328

>Ham is disgusting.
You are a zit on the ass of the human race, a pimple waiting to be squeezed into nothingness.
(Not liking fine aged ham! Pah! It's a delicacy that much of the world looks forward to. If you don't like it, kindly fuck off to your dumb thread on fast food or nut cutlets or whatever other artificial shit it is you think is good.)

>> No.20015396

he looks like the love child of Jimmy Carter and George Takei

>> No.20015402

American peasant

>> No.20015497
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>> No.20015781


>> No.20015794

Ham is literally broke ass iberian peasant food from before refridgeration existed thou, its literally raw pig ass rotted by the wind

>> No.20015832

seething hamlet

>> No.20015850
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why are hamlets like this bros?

>> No.20015851

Will he survive this Christmas?

>> No.20015860

He's already more ham than man at this point

>> No.20015864

Spanish Jámon is so good, too bad it is so expensive.
I need to start eating more pork, I've been eating nothing but chicken/beef for the past 3 months

>> No.20017089

Ham man would be no match for the golden spoon of the ice cream taster

>> No.20017129
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>yep it's ham
Some say he's still sniffing to this day.
Look at his ham hard hat.

>> No.20017130
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Thinkin' about that ham

>> No.20017150

Why won't the USDA just let him have his unpasteurized hams?
It's cruel

>> No.20018068

it sounds like you've never had a properly cured cut of ham, and just emulsified pork product from the grocery store
Legit proper ham is fantastic

>> No.20018078

You hold the fuck on nigger. That fucker doesn't speak for the rest of us. Ham is amazing. Pork is wonderful and I'll not have your euro-tranny ass besmirching the good name of ham with your ethnocentric niggatry.

>> No.20018086


>> No.20018155
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>There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Hamratio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

>> No.20018208

I love the idea of needing a hard hat in case a massive ham falls on your head.

>> No.20018232

Those gams look like a black woman's booty

>> No.20018242
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>> No.20018245

that's an Italian tho

>> No.20018248

dude looks like he could devour a single ham in one bite

>> No.20018257

Imagine what he would do to our moms :O

>> No.20018394

That looks like my old ass nuts hanging next to him. This man is taking a deep whiff of my muhfuggin NUTS ha haaaa boy how you like that?!?

>> No.20018409

When the energy grid fails because all the smart people are in parasitic industries like finance, you will be scavenging for leftover KFC while everyone else is feasting on cured pit bull.

>> No.20018418
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>> No.20018556

Doing that job puts you at an insanely high risk for ligma.

>> No.20018571

The Jamon Serrano just has a better pr.
I'm from central Italy, there are multiple kinds of local hams (since every fucking village has its own recipe) that are better than Jamon, but nobody knows about them the last guy that got the recipe from his gran-gran is the butcher in a fuckoff village lost on an hill or in a valley, or some other shit like that, and the production can't be scaled up because you need the meat from the pigs some other guy is rising like they're his pets, from the pedigree of some mighty sow or boar that lived 500 years ago and was eaten by Colombus or some such.

>> No.20018806

Damn, this must mean smaller scale jamon producers must be especially divine. Booking a trip to extremadura rn.

>> No.20018824

Jamon was Michael Jackson's favorite food you know, he mentioned it in numerous songs:


>> No.20018833

Very stupid but I laughed thanks

>> No.20018844

Reminds me of Pickle Surprise.

>> No.20018855

how does he get out?

>> No.20019014

what the fuck have you made me watch

>> No.20019028


>> No.20019030
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>> No.20019034
File: 134 KB, 740x579, HamDarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20019046
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1000, HAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm actually ham and pork are practically different meats. Ham cannot be pork.

>> No.20019076

>People from Boston think that's where the butt is located

>> No.20019093

Why are people from Massachusetts like this?

>> No.20019117

Ham is pork because pork is meat from a pig. No retard the butt is not on the shoulder just because some city slicker said so. You have the loins and the side clearly mixed up, loins are where all the reproductive bits are. And no shit thats the foot what urbanite retard needs that to be labeled.

>> No.20019119

i buy a half pig every spring, and last year I finally managed to take the leg whole to my local butcher that cures their own hams. I'd love to cure it myself someday.

>> No.20019194

a butt roast is the shoulder because a whole one has a shoulder blade in it. so shut up adults are talking.

>> No.20020592

This absolute Chad has somehow managed to convince people that,
A) someone needs to sniff not just 1, but 800 hams in a day.
B) that this person needs to be paid to do this. Presumably quite a lot.
C) that he is that someone.

>> No.20020750

he doesn't

>> No.20020894

so what do I do with one of these hams?

>> No.20020926

That shop looks really cozy, I'd like to hang out and have a coffee in there with light christmas jazz playing in the background

>> No.20020931

Too bad most people buy Chinkfield instead.

>> No.20021004
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x979, 93569FED-CEC6-48AA-AB28-9C356A367225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same man who looked at that and thought ‘hmm lemme have a bite!’ is the same type of man who thinks v-neck shirts are cool

>> No.20021235

I bet he jerks it to pics of sweaty feet

>> No.20021239

Why are there nipples on the hams?

>> No.20021241

that's the clitoris you virgin

>> No.20021322

So you're telling me that them hams are female?

>> No.20021334

it's ha'am

>> No.20021437

Danger: Falling Hams

>> No.20021450
File: 11 KB, 208x242, Ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent my Dad this, Behold!

>> No.20021451
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>> No.20021452
File: 48 KB, 570x483, Hammerziet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20021455
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>> No.20021472
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>> No.20021478
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How long did he cure it?

>> No.20021483
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>> No.20022042

Which one of these cuts does the UK call "Gammon"?
I want to make Gordon Ramsay's Christmas Ham but he calls for a gammon. My butcher has never heard of this cut.

>> No.20022046

Americans love ham you uneducated semite

>> No.20022095

it's to reduce shrapnel if he smells a ham so perfect his head explodes

>> No.20022162


>> No.20022166

I've literally seen it called boneless pork shoulder joint, boston butt. I've called several butchers and they keep trying to sell me pork butt but google says that different. None of this makes sense.

>> No.20022255

I believe it's the hind leg or leg joint.

>> No.20022293

ham=back leg
They hang pork upside-down

>> No.20022301

Yes, and you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously cured

>> No.20022310

That would be the cheese guys. Ham sniffers are probably into pits or something.

>> No.20022326

Audibly chuckled

>> No.20022338

i'm into feet but i dont like cheese :/

>> No.20022349

This thread is amazing and I needed the laughs, thank you OP.

>> No.20022531

Bah, my butchers are useless. They don't have it. What's the fucking point of being a butcher if you only have what you can get at other stores?

>> No.20022571

Just go to a Safeway or a Kroger or Whole Foods and tell them to sell you a pork butt. They all have them.

>> No.20022579

>Let me get some pork butt, hold the pork

>> No.20022939

More ham sniffer memes

>> No.20022959

Dude just go back and read the classic thread:


>> No.20022997
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>> No.20023140

>I want to make Gordon Ramsay's Christmas Ham but he calls for a gammon.
Just buy the frozen microwave version at Walmart.

>> No.20023328

Nigger I was in the classic thread.
You my man. A real one.

>> No.20023781

I smelled ham once and got chorro

>> No.20023933

sounds good

>> No.20024350

He jerks it to fat girl thighs

>> No.20025144

This guy has definitely killed people.

>> No.20025192 [DELETED] 

To be fair, Tennessee can be hot & sweaty enough as it is in the summer, even before you spend a few hours in the smoky Ham Hut, it's not exactly conducive to flattering Instagrams.

>> No.20025273

>he didnt get a wet load on his shoulder blade from his homie

>> No.20025276

Incredibly based

>> No.20025322
File: 3.24 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20231006_100513157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a place that looked just like that a couple months ago. It smelled heavenly.

>> No.20025375

reminds me of the texas chain saw massacre

>> No.20025397

I had prosciutto once, cured
It tasted alright but it was too fatty and chewy
I’ll stick to cured salami thanks

>> No.20025997

Why are white "people" like this?

>> No.20026787

>he's greek
>he's gonna fuck that ham
>hes gonna

>> No.20026791

Because we have massive balls that swing pendulously.
Now stfu and pick my cotton

>> No.20028556

which one

>> No.20028618

Cobes has moved up in the world.

>> No.20028636


>> No.20029073

you have to smell all the hams

>> No.20029081
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>> No.20029827

ham great, even