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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20013687 No.20013687 [Reply] [Original]

We making cookies, anons.
This is a recipe based on ovenly’s secretly vegan chocolate chip cookies, which is a good recipe, I just find their use of oil detracts from what could be a perfect cookie, so I’ve modified it a bit to use butter instead.
These are the ingredients we’ll be using.

>> No.20013708
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Next we put 150g of butter a pan, we’re driving off water and also browning the butter. We’re looking for 100g or 1/2c+1tbsp of butter in the end.
If you’re using ghee or oil you can skip this step.

>> No.20013717
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While the butter is browning, combine 200g of sugar and 10g of molasses.
Alternatively use 100g (1/2c) of sugar and 110g (1/2c) of brown sugar.
You should always have molasses in the house though. Brown sugar is a waste of time because it gets hard and becomes useless. Make it yourself and save yourself the trouble.

>> No.20013721
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The butter is bubbling and browning. Once the bubbling stops most of the water has been driven out.

>> No.20013724
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This is the final result we’re looking for, the milk solids have browned and most of the water has been evaporated. Don’t push it too far or else the milk solids will burn and the browned butter will be bitter.

>> No.20013734
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Once the butter has browned and the water evaporated we’re going to add it to the sugar/molasses mix, we need 100g, or 1/2c+1tbsp.
We’re going to mix this until the butter has cooled and it starts creaming properly

>> No.20013740
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This is what the end result should look like about 5~10 minutes later.
You don’t need a kitchen aid, this can be done by hand, I am just incredibly lazy and impatient so I want the mixer to help cool the butter. But if you’re doing this by hand with a whisk I recommend cooling the butter to room temp before trying to mix things.

>> No.20013750
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Once the butter has cooled and has been creamed with the sugar we’re gonna add 65g of water, or 1/4c+1tbsp of water.
To be honest you could probably add the water right away when you cream the butter and sugar together, but I didn’t. I also didn’t take a picture right away when I added the water, so it looks brown in the picture because it was mixed with the brown sugar/butter.

>> No.20013752
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Eventually once those things are whipped together it should look like this. Light and fluffy butter, sugar, molasses and water mixture.

>> No.20013763
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While those ingredients are mixing together, you can combine your dry ingredients.
250g or 2c AP flour
1tsp or ~3.5g baking powder
3/4tsp or ~3.5g baking soda
1/2tsp or ~3g salt
1.25c or ~180g of chocolate chips/chunks/whatever

>> No.20013767
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Don’t forget the vanilla! Or do, I don’t really know if it’s needed or not. I saw it on my shelf and added a tsp of it. Feel free to add it too.

>> No.20013771
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Combine everything in the mixer, or by hand, and stir until just combined.

>> No.20013774
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A minute or so of mixing we should end up with pic related.

>> No.20013777
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Ovenly says you should let this sit in the fridge for 12~24 hours. I agree, but I don’t have the time to wait. As a compromise I’ll put a lid on the mixing bowl, mixer head included because we’re gonna use that after it rests, and we’re gonna put it in the fridge for 4 hours.
The longer you let it rest though it will probably be better. Make the dough one night and bake it the next. But if you don’t have the time this will still work.

>> No.20013787
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The next day, or 4 hours in the fridge, the dough comes out rock hard and sucks balls to work with.
I kept the paddle attachment in the bowl while it was chilling and once you pull it out of the fridge you want to break up the rock hard dough.
I let the mixer do the work and it turns the rock hard dough into this crumbly mess, pic related.

>> No.20013799
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There’s plenty of ways to skin a cat, and plenty of ways to shape a cookie.
The recipe says this is ~18 cookies, so I typically will weigh the entire batch of dough and divide that by 18, today I ended up with 45g cookies.
I’ll weigh out each one, but I like to keep them crumbly. You can use an ice cream scoop, or weigh them out and roll them into perfect balls, and I was going to do a test to show you anons the difference in outcome, but I forgot.
So this is what my cookies look like before they go in the oven. They look like a mess and look like they won’t hold together, and that’s what we’re aiming for. A loose mass of crumbly cookie dough in roughly a ball shape.

>> No.20013802
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Here’s the final result.

>> No.20013809
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The oven is preheated to 350 and we’ll be baking these for 11~13 minutes.
Do a test cookie or two before doing a whole sheet. This gives you the chance to dial in the timing without messing up a dozen cookies.
I did these two and found 12 minutes works for my current setup.

>> No.20013819
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As soon as they come out of the oven, to make them even prettier, you’re going to want to add a few chocolate chips on top. I do 1~3 chocolate chips placed aesthetically.
After you put on the chocolate chips immediately cover the sheet with another pan to help them melt into place.

>> No.20013822
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Pan on top covering them, kek

>> No.20013829
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Those chocolate chips melted nicely into place and stand out from the baked chocolate chips.

>> No.20013835
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And finally, once you’re all done with the baking, you can pile them up and take pictures like this.
I wish I could say I created this recipe, but regardless these ovenly chocolate chip cookies are great, easy, and consistently come out as some of the best things I can bake.

I hope you anons try this out.

>> No.20013871

I will never use this recipe but I am happy you are happy

>> No.20013873

In one post
>2 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour
>1 teaspoon (~3.5g) baking powder
>3/4 teaspoon (~3.5g) baking soda
>1/2 teaspoon (~3g) fine salt
>1 1/4 cups (~180g) chocolate chips (I used dark chunks, but feel free to use what you like)
>1/2 cup (100 grams) sugar
>1/2 cup (110 grams) packed light or dark brown sugar (You can replace 10g of sugar with 10g of molasses to make brown sugar. If you want a darker brown sugar just increase the percentage of molasses and be sure to take away that amount of white sugar)
>1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon (100g) browned butter, ghee or some neutral oil if you want them to be vegan.
>1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon (65g) water
>1tsp vanilla

>Cream together sugar, water, butter (or oil) until it is a whipped consistency
>Add vanilla once mixed and butter is cooled.
>In a separate bowl combine and mix the dry ingredients, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and flour.
>Add the dry ingredients to the butter and sugar mixture and combine until flour is incorporated, don’t over mix
>Rest in the fridge for 4~48 hours
>Once rested set oven to 350, and break apart dough into a crumbly consistency
>Create loose dough balls
>bake for 11~13 minutes
>Add chocolate chips to cookies when they come out of the oven, use sheet pan to cover them to trap heat
>once slightly cooled move to a cooling rack until fully cooled

>> No.20013884

Thanks anon, I encourage you to try it though!

>> No.20014006
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Don't think I'm not on to your furry tricks OP...
(Nice thread and delicious looking cookies, I hadn't thought to cover by cookies with another sheet pan after adding extra chips on top post-bake to melt so thanks for the tip)

>> No.20014013

Based and cookie pilled. Thank you OP.

>> No.20014083

It’s something that seems like every recipe creator does, or bakeries do for those instagrammable pics but no one mentions it, super easy and makes the cookies look really nice

>> No.20014124
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>> No.20014179

Based autist making the recipe 3 different ways. Are you a woman btw?

>> No.20014182

I just wanted it to be an easy savable recipe

>> No.20014234

That looks fantastic anon. Thank you for sharing your recipe in such great detail. Enjoy your cookies my friend.

>> No.20014246

Thanks anon! I’d love to enjoy these cookies myself but I have to save most of them for my coworkers!

>> No.20015079

Based, saved, thanks op

>> No.20015086

Really well done, the move where you add chocolate chips after and put a pan on is smart. I'm going to make these. Thanks for effort poasting

>> No.20015137

Nice to see people still use /ck/ for cooking.
I'm gonna do a cookalong for my next cookie batch since it's been years since I've done one.

>> No.20015152

Turned out great, thanks for sharing! Also if you want to try it sometime I find it helpful to put the cookie dough in a ziploc bag during the resting faze (flattened out), and then when I’m ready to bake I cut the ziploc open and just cut the dough into squares (I bake them square but otherwise quickly round off).

Do eet bro, I want to see more cookies.

>> No.20015209

It's phase not faze

>> No.20015434

Hell yeah, I want to see /ck/ do more cooking like this

>> No.20016687

Imma try that ziploc trick next time

>> No.20017067

Want.. to… eat