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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 1200x1200, Narutomaki-recipe-homemade-Japanese-kamaboko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20012416 No.20012416 [Reply] [Original]

Is Japan really presentations over substance?

>> No.20012427

No, they just somewhat lack originality

>> No.20012448

Yeah. Don't know how their families eat, but all the YouTube shit looks like eye candy bland/unoriginal. Even Koreans seem to have more soul in food

>> No.20012467

Look at sashimi. It's shit, it's just a random slice of raw fish. It's somehow a delicacy that demands a premium price.

>> No.20012510

My understanding is that most Japanese food is just the dutch enforcing standards on what they were served when they started trading with them and then building from there. Like before sushi it was just chopped fish mixed with rice.

>> No.20012631

>Don't know how their families eat,
honestly a lot of broth & veggies, soups, cabbage salads and tiny amounts of protein served with heaping bowls of rice.
>Even Koreans seem to have more soul in food
slapping pork, cheese and hot sauce onto everything isnt soul

>> No.20012642
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>slapping pork, cheese and hot sauce onto everything isnt soul
try explaining this to the soulful basketball Americans of the bible belt

>> No.20012719
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>> No.20012727
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Firefly soup
What its just rice water?

>> No.20013135

>slapping pork, cheese and hot sauce onto everything isnt soul
Yeah so imagine my view on jap quick food. At least the other one tastes decent most of the time

>> No.20013183

When you have a western palate completely blown out by sugar and artificial flavoring you can't detect the subtle tastes of real food

>> No.20013208

>slapping pork, cheese and hot sauce onto everything isnt soul
its Seoul

>> No.20013626

damn shawty, what that mouff do? Im tryna get devoured like some lil debbies

>> No.20014458
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>> No.20014462

i like the japanese because they take pride in their mayonnaise

>> No.20014468

>because they take pride in their mayonnaise
being honest they take pride in anything
even wagies there will happily do their $8/hr min wage job 60 hours a week and do the FUCK out of it.
but unfortunately it has drawbacks too, like taking pride in fancy fruit resulting in $300 strawberries and swords being folded over 1000 times for no reason

>> No.20014488

All korean meme food that's gained popularity is just straight up cargo-cult larping of western extravagance

>> No.20014493

Yes, every nation has its own embarrassing lower class. Pretty dishonest argument there.

>> No.20014501

anon, OUT

>> No.20014505

>Nip's beloved, culture-defining cuisine is nothing more than the result of subservience to the West.

>> No.20014675
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>> No.20014677

jap cuisine has more of a focus on texture (they love slimy for some reason), seasonal ingredients (if its the 1st of September no more fruit, its all pumpkins and mackerel get fucked) and "local thing folded over 1000 times from specific area".

>> No.20014697

>seasonal ingredients (if its the 1st of September no more fruit, its all pumpkins and mackerel get fucked)
why is this so funny wth
like August 30 I eat some fruits and the next day the shop owner tell me to fuck off and eat from pumpkins no more fruits for u
I can attest to the seasonal and heavy focus on local goods btw.
The reason why local goods are so heavily shilled, even in Japan, is because they themselves (the nips) also want to shill for their hometown, like, each prefecture is in this race to see who's got the best thing in X category, so, in other words, even the nip consumers are getting scammed. The more visitors come (from traveling, tourism, etc.), the more income that prefecture gets, foreigners or not.
This stemmed from the nips' culture of very high Decisiveness.
>At 95, Japan is one of the most Decisive societies in the world. However, in combination with their mild collectivism, you do not see assertive and competitive individual behaviors which we often associate with a Decisive culture. What you see is severe competition between groups. From a very young age at kindergartens, children learn to compete on sports day for their groups (traditionally red team against white team). In corporate Japan, you see that employees are most motivated when they are fighting in a winning team against their competitors.

>> No.20014716

i noticed all asians act like this in lots of little ways
>loudly screams HIYAAA to preform a karate chop to do far less damage than a simple punch
they're kind of bullshitters

>> No.20015159

>slapping pork, cheese and hot sauce onto everything isnt soul
It actually is.

>> No.20015172

Pic related has beans I believe. And thus nutrition.

>> No.20015199

Koreans are just better than the japanese. This isn't an argument. It's a fact.

>> No.20015206

more like seoul

>> No.20015288

Korean food is the most soulless cultureless shit I've ever seen, but that's because koreans are soulless and have no culture.

>> No.20016350

Yeah good shit anom

>> No.20017392
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What would you call this? I would say "not suitable for human consumption"

>> No.20017420

there's nothing dishonest about it, in fact i'd argue that the food cooked and consumed by the lower rungs of society is by definition more soulful than some $40 entree rich people eat. hence why southern comfort food in the US is referred to as "soul food". what is your argument as to what constitutes "soul" in food?

>> No.20017539


>> No.20017840

>when you spec 99% into aesthetics and forget about the actual practical purpose of food
Japan has this weird obsession with "miniaturizing nature", which has been translated into their Zen gardens, food presentations, etc. and not in a good way

>> No.20018062

>Like before sushi it was just chopped fish mixed with rice.
No it fucking wasn't. It was larger cuts of fish fermented in wet rice the sliced and served, not too different from similar dishes made elsewhere. In fact, it's a near certainty that sushi entered Japanese gastronomy through interactions with Mekong cultures, those of ancient Laos and Cambodia on particular. Further evidence of this is the Japanese pipe, the kiseru which entered southeast Asia from trade with India who got it from the Turks and Arabs who got it from the Spanish. The word 'kiseru' is a loanword from Khmer, itself being a loanword.

>> No.20018066

My best friend married a Chinese and at the reception, the caterer forgot to put out a knife for the couple to slice into the cake with. His mother joked that her new daughter in law should just HIYAAAA! the cake into slices.
Everytime I think of HIYAAAA! or see it hear as mention of it, I think of that moment and smile.

>> No.20018071

>Further evidence of this is the Japanese pipe, the kiseru which entered southeast Asia from trade with India who got it from the Turks and Arabs who got it from the Spanish. The word 'kiseru' is a loanword from Khmer, itself being a loanword.
further evidence that you just brought this up for no reason what the fuck does that have to do with sushi

>> No.20018096

You are not very smart.

>> No.20018142

did you really need to bring up a wood pipe from turkey to tangentially connect to a point about sushi? did you really need to use the word "gastronomy"? thats like jackie chan doing a triple flip to shoot a hand gun you're just all flash no substance and you can't even see it can you

>> No.20018148

tl;dr see >>20018096

>> No.20018156

heres your tldr
or do i need to scream HIYAA for added effect

>> No.20018158

u dum lol

>> No.20018160

did you do a triple flip before you typed that

>> No.20018163

u cope lol

>> No.20018166

cope for what you're the one who got called out for your bullshit not me

>> No.20018178

they had to fold their swords over 1000 times because they were working with shit materials

>> No.20018221

u still coping lol

>> No.20018259

no i'm not you fucking retard

>> No.20018336

See https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZWEm-FNVn1E

>> No.20018339

A huge part of Japanese cuisine is presentation.
It's rather middling otherwise and everything tastes the same and it oversalted.
I'm convinced the reason people rate Japanese cuisine so highly is because they only know about it through pictures in media online and have never actually been there.

>> No.20018362

It only takes about 17-18 hours of clean fasting to cleanse and taste real food again. But unfamiliar flavors may still be very off-putting.

>> No.20018398

Ramen is fucking dogshit. I hate it.

>> No.20018405

>what is your argument as to what constitutes "soul" in food?
What is yours? You didn't make an argument.

>> No.20018524

i feel like if i bit into any of these things i'd end up with a glass shard in my mouth, way too glossed up, looks almost like porcelaine or those cheap plastic accessories girls like to wear

>> No.20018599

>Can't even read English
This is going nowhere, lol

>> No.20018647

Have you noticed as I have that people have gotten far less intelligent in recent years? Are these dumb motherfuckers drinking lead tea or some shit?

>> No.20019006

Yeah, Japanese food can be quite basic someti-
>Even Koreans seem to have more soul in food
Kill yourself.

>> No.20019164

What is the secret to their relative fitness and long lives if their diets are so carb heavy then? Is it simply that they eat less food?

>> No.20019176

Why do people like you fetishize atavism?

>> No.20019485

hydrating well, regular exercise and eating lots of veg
they walk or cycle literally everywhere because owning a car in Japan is very expensive and a massive pain in the ass.

>> No.20019494
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>in fact i'd argue that
>W-w-where's your argument, big guy?
now try making one of your own

>> No.20019526

>We wuz samurai n shieet
K cletus

>> No.20019552

Genetics. Their bodies are adapted to eating a lot of carbs because they have eaten rice forever and presumably the fat were not allowed to reproduce in the past.

>> No.20019589

>you're coping
>no you're coping lol
you can't even explain what the cope is you fucking gimmicky retard

>> No.20019891

Huge societal bullying for being overweight.

>> No.20019991

Aren't you coping with being told that you're coping? And, I might add, considering how bothered you are, I would that you're not coping very well. More like seething, really. But that's enough from me. I'll leave you to cope with your ineffectual rage now.

>> No.20021022

>explain how i'm coping
and since you keep trying to save face like an annoying faggot
>it's a near certainty that sushi entered Japanese gastronomy through interactions with Mekong cultures
japan didn't get it by interacting with "mekong cultures" they got it from the chinese
>The earliest form of sushi, a dish today known as narezushi, originated in Southeast Asia
>Narezushi in ancient China is first documented around the 4th century, when the Han Chinese migrated south to adopt this food from the Baiyue (the original non-Han inhabitants of southern China in the Neolithic, related to modern Southeast Asians)
the chinese, not the japanese, got it from them so your whole point about that is incorrect. that kind of sushi isnt even edible because the rice is so salty it needs to be thrown away. it was just a way to preserve fish in a humid environment which makes it even more puzzling why you brought it up since it doesn't disprove that guy's point whatsoever if the fish and the rice have to be eaten separately .
>wood pipe from turkey
then you start talking about a wood pipe from turkey to substantiate your point which is wrong because your whole point in the first place is wrong. you literally brought that up for no reason you gimmicky bullshitter. i guess the whole entire point of the thread being about asians being a bunch of gimmicky bullshitters must have went over your head as well

>> No.20021256

Dutch meals were worker meals, one giant meal of whatever you needed. Nothing in Japan is based on that.
What they used to do is ferment the fish with salt so they could preserve it better and back then they wouldn't eat ti with rice at all. Only when they started using ricewine vinegar did sushi start becoming what it is today, but back then it was all salty and fermented fish only that over time vanished altogether. It is rare to find this form of sushi these days.

>> No.20021271

You're not coping very well. I dare say... you're outright seething at this point.
You should learn to cope with stress. Take this as an opportunity to grow. : )

>> No.20021282

>all Asians
What a retareded generalization. Even in your madeup example you still are talking about a Japanese martial art. Japanese =/= Chinese =/= Thais =/= Koreans =/= Indians =/= Vietnamese

>> No.20021289

Don't forget that Kazakhs don't say hiyaaaa. They just punch the shit out of you

>> No.20021319

>you're coping
>you're seething
you're not making sense. next time you try to sound smart try to make sure you actually know what you're talking about first and just hope no one will fact check you. fucking idiot.

>> No.20021323

>jackie chan doing a triple flip to shoot a hand gun
all the asian martial arts are just a bunch of gimmick bullshit that dont actually work. seems like a pattern. all presentation no substance.

>> No.20021333

I wish there was an easy distinction between continental asian and cultural asian. One of those in your list is not like the others.
Stand up in MMA is basically just muay thai, your argument is invalid.

>> No.20021336

sushi isn't even japanese. It was carry over to them from south east asia.

>> No.20021340

>Shitting on japanese stuff thread
>saying that korean stuff is better within 5 first posts
Like clockwork.Why is it so hard for gook to just accept that japan is superior?

>> No.20021341

what dominates mma is a mix of boxing and wrestling, both western.

>> No.20021348

>boxing and wrestling
It's muay thai and BJJ, stop trolling.

>> No.20021356

i hope you're not trying to claim brazilian jui jitsu as asian you little faggot

>> No.20021360

Where the fuck did I imply that, even a little? You absolute retard.

>> No.20021368
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Sub £100 smartphones have permanently ruined the internet even worse than social media did. You're probably arguing with an 80 iq mexican or a literal child

>> No.20021378

good because lets let it be concluded that out the hundreds of fighting styles invented by asian people only (1) would actually work in a real fight the rest is just a bunch of fake bullshit. remember that track record. its a recurring pattern.

>> No.20021488

>Nuke background
>Talk about history
what the fuck? is this a reborn person form the future?

>> No.20021519

Based zip head

>> No.20021617

There is an easy distinction, Indians are South Asian and everything else is East/Southeast Asian

>> No.20021640
File: 1.32 MB, 1400x788, making-homemade-natto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly not

>> No.20021861

How are you coping, friend? You doing okay? Need a hug?

>> No.20022381

I love Japan

>> No.20022419

You smell and I don't like you.

>> No.20022435

On average nips work less hours a week than westerners. The shit that happened in the 1980s with people being forced to sleep at their desks doesn't happen anymore.

>> No.20022457

There was a clip of some Japanese guy posted on here a few weeks ago. He came over to Manchester (see: England) and asked his Twitter followers what random ass normal places he should get food at, and what he should get. Dude went to a fucking Greggs and got a bunch of normie ass shit, but couldn't believe how good it was. A bog standard steak bake pastie blew his mind.

>> No.20022474

>up colss za blitishu ah so fatto
>ziss fuddo iju oishii desu

>> No.20022511
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Picrel blew his mind.
>Twisted sweet dough covered in sugar
Apparently there's no analogue for this in Japan. How fucking stunted does a country have to be for that to happen?

>> No.20022527

We're talking about a country that treats Twinkies like a delicacy.
And that's only barely an exaggeration.
Tokyo banana. Look it up.

>> No.20022561

japs still "work" a lot of hours
but i'd hardly call it work
sarari-man and OL easily spend 80% of their shifts literally taking naps, eating snacks or gossiping instead of actually working.
when i worked in a company in japan my 50yo fatcunt coworker next to me would literally take a nap from 1pm to 4pm every day and there was nothing they could do about it. he was locked into a contract until retirement so they couldnt fire him.
every year they'd offer him a larger and larger ""retirement"" package to try and convince him to quit until one year it was big enough that he took it and retired at 56yo.

meanwhile in the west, you cant retire until 75yo now because of cheeky retirement age increases they snuck through during covid when everyone was distracted by some black guy on the news

>> No.20022609

Folding the swords was done for a reason. Japanese deposits of iron are extremely low grade - they would be completely unusable if they were much worse. Because the ore was so low grade with chemistry all over the fucking place and equally shitty charcoal they had to fold it so the metal had even distributions of all the good stuff that makes steel useful.

>> No.20022651
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>discussion of Japanese cuisine being style over substance

>> No.20022683

These tins fucking suck, they jam all the time and you can't even get the normal design anywhere because they have to slap GOTF drawings on them.

>> No.20022853

>can't even get the normal design anywhere
skill issue. nah, just kidding. I got mine back when jlist still sold candy and wasn't just a pervert online sex shop.
>These tins fucking suck
yes, jamming is half the issue, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the sharp fucking edges on the lid.

>> No.20023030

ok then explain how i'm coping
you can't save face after embarrassing yourself by just saying the same thing over and over you sad little man. we both know you're just a weak little pretender that tries to sound smart.

>> No.20023044

See >>20019991

>> No.20023064

>Aren't you coping with being told that you're coping?
that doesn't make any fucking sense you fucking moron. that made even less sense than all that utter bullshit you wrote about the origins of sushi. holy shit you're a joke

>> No.20023071

Cope harder. That'll show'im!

>> No.20023086

>explain how i'm coping
>you're coping because you're coping
you don't seem to know what cope even means at this point

>> No.20023090
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Honey look! American are doing that thing again where they in awe of how others can consume food without putting corn syrup, chemical fertilizers and plastic in it.

>> No.20023108

Guess you'll have to cope with that, too.

>> No.20023113

no i won't. thats not how that works and thats not what cope means.

>> No.20023154

Ignoring reality is a coping mechanism. : )

>> No.20023182 [DELETED] 

>Ignoring reality
the reality is that you wrote a factually incorrect post about the origin of sushi pretending to be smart and instead admitting you were wrong you're accusing other people of coping just for calling you out on your bullshit. you're sad and you're embarrassing.

>> No.20023189

>Ignoring reality
the reality is that you wrote a factually incorrect post about the origin of sushi pretending to be smart and instead of admitting you were wrong you're accusing other people of coping just for calling you out on your bullshit. you're sad and you're embarrassing.

>> No.20023192


>> No.20023194


>> No.20023309

how're you coping with that?

>> No.20023341

you're so cringe

>> No.20023346

see >>20023309

>> No.20023355


>> No.20023357

Oh. Also, cope.

>> No.20023360

no you're such a disgusting piece of shit you literally make me cringe at you.

>> No.20023367

the fuck is going in this thread?
why does every thread about nip shit always turn out like this?
one fag will home in on something in one particular post and then it becomes endless inane sub-room temp IQ reply chain.

>> No.20023368

Fucking black people. Can't stop talking about the white man! I can't stand black people! Gahh!!!! All they talk about, 24/7, is ME!!! CURSE THOSE BLACK PEOPLE!!! WHY CAN'T THEY TALK ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN ME!!! A WHITE MAN!!!!!

this is satire jannies

>> No.20023371

>the fuck is going in this thread?
insecure asian proving the presentations over substance stereotype is actually true

>> No.20023379

weebs vs trolls vs retards
with quite a bit of admixture

>> No.20023447

Oh. And how are you coping with that?

>> No.20023458

i just told you. you're a disgusting piece of shit and you make me cringe. thats the answer.

>> No.20023462

Oh. So you're seething rather than coping. Got it. Let me ask you something: would you like some toast?

>> No.20023480

>So you're seething
no i'm cringing because you embarrassed yourself trying to sound smart. that was cringe and i'm cringing at you.

>> No.20023518

Ah, so you're a waffle man. Also, cope.

>> No.20023568

sorry but the truth is cope is accusing other people of seething and coping to try your best to draw attention away from how wrong you were. desperately drawing attention away from it won't change how wrong you were after trying to pretend like you're some kind of fucking expert. thats just desperate and sad.
>Also, cope.
sorry thats still not working. you'll always just be a retard pretending to be smart no matter what you do to desperately draw attention away from it

>> No.20023572

Would you like any toast?
>also, cope.

>> No.20023579

sorry thats not working. i still think you're an idiot.

>> No.20023592

Ever had japanese cheesecake? It looks pretty is all you can say about it. It tastes bland as shit.

>> No.20023593

A crumpet, perhaps? Also, cope.

>> No.20023598

still trying?
>sorry but the truth is cope is accusing other people of seething and coping to try your best to draw attention away from how wrong you were.

>> No.20023605

How about a croissant? Also, cope.

>> No.20023613

>japanese cheesecake
>looks pretty
>tastes bland as shit.

>martial arts
>looks fancy
>doesnt work in real fight

>insecure asian
>pretends to be smart
>is actually a complete retard

hmmm seems to be a recurring pattern with them

>> No.20023617

>How about a croissant?

>> No.20023619

the jiggly cake thing? yeah weird because they literally took the cake from Germany and simply removed calories from it and called it their specialty.. fucking hell..

>> No.20023620

How about a bap? Also, cope.

>> No.20023623

>How about a bap?
more cope

>> No.20023629
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I'm an Asian and I can attest to the fact that I'm a gigatard, and I'm studying to get my Master degree.
maybe it's true.. maybe we are all show and no go..

>> No.20023635

A bagel? Also, cope.

>> No.20023642

>maybe we are all show and no go
honestly at least you're being big enough to admit you guys do this a lot. dont even get me started on traditional chinese medicine. jesus. fucking. christ.

>> No.20023645

>A bagel?
you're still coping

>> No.20023661

Howdy Doodly Doo.
A hot, buttery crumpet, perhaps? Also, cope.

>> No.20023667

>Howdy Doodly Doo. A hot, buttery crumpet, perhaps?
more gay coping

>> No.20023671

Would your like any toast?


>> No.20023675

>Would your like any toast?
would you like to stop coping

>> No.20023681

Perchance, you'd care for a bun?

>> No.20023683

japan's problem is like england where they are a shitty island that developed a tradition of eating bland food. they just have way better pr so their abominations like natto isn't as well known as heinz beans for breakfast.

>> No.20023685

>Aren't you coping with being told that you're coping?
>retard asian logic
such a classic example

>> No.20023694

Is that a 'no' to a nice, toasty bun?

>> No.20023701

yes to a retarded asian proving all the negative stereotypes true with no concept of shame or self awareness

>> No.20023706

>what the fuck? is this a reborn person form the future?


>> No.20023718

Baguettes are lovely when toasted. Care for one?

>> No.20023719


>> No.20023731

Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?


>> No.20023736

just cringe

>> No.20023740

>they just have way better pr
the reason they are so well known is all thanks to the US importing their goods post-war as a way to boost their economy, which led to the economic boom. In modern times, this is much less likely to happen.

>> No.20023744

How about a muffin?


>> No.20023752

>How about a muffin?
how are you this much of a faggot?

>> No.20023758

Care for a bit of pita and hummus?


>> No.20023761

ok i'll just keep calling you faggot. lets see how long you're willing to keep getting called a faggot. deal, you little faggot?

>> No.20023766

So that's a 'no' on the pita, then?


>> No.20023768


>> No.20023771

I know you are but what am toast?


>> No.20023779


>> No.20023780

Would you like any toast?

>> No.20023917
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>Slapping Pork

>> No.20023930
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>> No.20023932

Easily identifiable regardless of language spoken

>> No.20023945
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>> No.20024108

no fucking way...

>> No.20024115

it's literally raw fishes you are gobbling.
they don't even season it. it's dog shit.

>> No.20024188

>not slapping pork
That's you raise willfull chop that don't respect authority.

>> No.20024258


>> No.20024272

Would you like any toast?


>> No.20024293

They used imported iron whenever they could. The best shit came from Toledo.

>> No.20024294

I had no idea Spain had good iron.

>> No.20024297

Do I just looked it up and Toledo in particular is well-known for metallurgy, particularly in the production of bladed weaponry. I'd had no idea. Nifty.

>> No.20024301

>whenever they could
meaning they weren't able to do it all the time, right?

>> No.20024337

why are asian men so pathetic and cringe?

>> No.20024338

sorry we aren't progressive and rich enough to accept mass immigration

>> No.20024339

Not enough dietary toast. Would like some? Toast, that is.

>> No.20024343

Jackie Chan has a point. Whites have let their countries be overrun, and there's no undoing it.

>> No.20024381

I was told that's because they weren't invented to be a real martial art, they were invented as a dance sort of deal. Entirely for entertainment. But for example, there martial arts with a katana that would actually be used in war aren't like this.

>> No.20024383

Zips are Vietnam cause jeeps leave zipper like bruises.

>> No.20024387

you're retarded

>> No.20024388

Japanese people consume a high amount of seaweed, iodine and raw eggs which is some of the best things you can ever eat, (((westerners))) go out of their way to disparage Japanese cuisine because it’s the best shot you can eat.

>> No.20024395

>best shot you can eat
Anyone else notices a surge in spelling mistakes lately?

>> No.20024401

Phoneposting with shitty autocorrect.

>> No.20024608


>> No.20025060

it's actually because their heads open up like a zipper when they get head shotted.

>> No.20025595


>> No.20025711

I can't find the pictures but I swear I read an article on its etymology years ago that explained jeep tire tread would leave a bruise that looked like a zipper across the Vietnamese heads and I saw the pictures and it looked like "oh yeah, I get it". I am finding people agreeing with you though nobody seems to link actual sources. New internet sucks dick, I refuse to be an ignorant racist. This is why I also found that gook is specifically a Korean slur as their word for another Korean is something like hangook

>> No.20025746

>their word for another Korean is something like hangook
Yes, but the reason to call them gooks is because their word for Americans is migook which sounds like they are declaring themselves hooks. As the story goes, when American soldiers showed up during the war, the Koreans screamed "me gook! ME GOOK!!"

>> No.20026154

The tire tread thing is what I learned as well back in 2008, the bullet thing is bullshit because it applies to anyone shot in the head, it was in Vietnam we were regularly driving over their bodies

>> No.20027684

Interesting stuff thanks anon

>> No.20028075

half of their food is Chinese with fish instead of random animals foraged off the street
the other half is bastardized Portuguese
Dutch had basically zero influence

>> No.20028532

One race. The human race.