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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20007411 No.20007411 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20007415

Soup exists as a dip for bread

>> No.20007426
File: 8 KB, 534x304, F-Vpzg7aAAMkoaO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual child

>> No.20007446

Turn the bowl upside down and tell me again that your soup isn't a liquid.

>> No.20007513

order some water. pour a bit into your soup. stir. cram the bowl, spoon, glass of water, all bread on the table and the waiter's hand deep into your asshole. then never post again.

>> No.20007845

Two reasons for this. Soup has to be kept at a high temp in order to stay safe for consumption. This makes the soup reduce to a paste. The other reason your soup is like this is because the restaurant used a cheap thickening agent like corn starch or flour instead of expensive ingredients like cream or cheese.

>> No.20007858

when you go into a restaurant, youre going into someone elses home. when you go to someone elses home and ask to get something to eat, you get whats offered and you eat it. thats it. theres no complaining, no whining, no pretending to be pleasant to the waiter then running off to your computer to tattletale and cry on the internet

>> No.20007861

Wow, it’s you. The Nigger Faggot.

>> No.20007873

and you are the pussy who pretends to smile and laugh when strangers shit on you then run off to the safety of your bedroom where you can whine about it on the internet

>> No.20007889

I’m not faggot OP, but you are insane if you think restaurants are equivalent to a guest meal. I am paying for you to not fuck up my order. If I ask for medium rare with no onion, and you come back with a medium well steak with onions on it, it’s going back shit for brains. If you bring me a shit meal as your guest I probably just won’t talk to you anymore because you don’t respect me

>> No.20007904

why does an alt right incel think he deserves to be respected? very peculiar

>> No.20007910

>using nigger or faggot makes you an alt right incel

>> No.20007925

yes. do you realize no one around even thinks about those words? do you understand how alone you are? when this place goes down and you and all the others like you finally get carted off to jail, where you will remain for the rest of your worthless life, the entire planet will breathe a collective sigh of relief. until then, you keep crusading against the "jews" by airing your grievances out on the anime forum

>> No.20007942


>> No.20007950

warming anything liquidities it

if it's thick it just means it was frozen

>> No.20007960
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keep believing that its just a joke. its coming.

>> No.20008132

Hey teen :)

>> No.20008176
File: 156 KB, 447x447, they hated jesus because he told them the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth but nobody wants to hear it. If you go to somebody's house and you don't like what they have on offer you just don't go back there again. That's what normal people do. Make friends with people who like what you like and go to places that they tell you about. You aren't any more special than any other sad fuck on this overpopulated planet is, and you've done nothing to earn special treatment. Nobody owes you anything, but you can ask and as long as you aren't a cunt people will often give it to you.

>> No.20008777

thick soup is best soup, watery soup is garbage.

>> No.20008799

>Doesn't think there's anything wrong with this
>Thinks he'll be spared since he's a model goyim who's been giving the WEF rim jobs on the daily
Bold strategy cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.

>> No.20010591

“spared"? fucking "spared"? jesus christ lmao. do you think youre some kind of resistance fighter or something? youre a fat fucking virgin who went on stormfront too much and as a consequence cant socialize with people in real life. youre a fucking loser who needs to be separated from society and as soon as that happens the world will be a better place

>> No.20010661

Soup is NOT supposed to be a liquid. If your soup is a liquid, you have water NOT soup. Soup is supposed to have stuff suspended in it, making it thick as fuck, to include oils, stock, and whatever other flavors, PLUS ingredients that are solid tender chunks (or a puree depending on soup type). This is why when soup is cooled & refrigerated, it gels into a jello type consistency.

OP, if you want water, just drink plain fucking water. Watery soup is evil, don't fucking ask for that shit again. Now GTFO.

>> No.20010995

seek meds

>> No.20011158
File: 64 KB, 1080x1062, orang daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but
>do you think youre some kind of resistance fighter or something?
>youre a fat fucking virgin
>youre a fucking loser who needs to be separated from society and as soon as that happens the world will be a better place
No, and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.20011195

Actual wanker.
People like you should hang themselves.
I mean that.....

>> No.20011209

Are you someone that never leaves your Mom's house?
Just grow a fucking pair and get a job.

>> No.20011239

>why does an alt right incel

Why do lefty Americans ALWAYS use the "Alt - Right" term when they get triggered and throw a fucking tantrum?
They can't bring anything to the discussion, so they just flip their shit and say useless stuff like anon just did.

>> No.20011276

Still mindbroken from seeing frogs on 2015 twitter.