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20007095 No.20007095 [Reply] [Original]

Why does anyone still drink full-sugar soda in 2023? Is it just ingrained habit?

>> No.20007105

It’s a longstanding american tradition

>> No.20007111
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, vimto_fizzy_original_cans_330ml_94469_T1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the fizzy vimto

>> No.20007118

It's like getting a shitty dessert with your shitty fast food meal
I don't eat junk food that much but when I do I'm gonna fucking make it count

>> No.20007204

The fries and burger without drink costs 50 cents less than just getting the meal, and McDonald's workers are literally too retarded to understand you don't want the drink

>> No.20007217

i tried diet soda once and never went back. except mountain dew, i prefer regular dew (or pitch black) but sprite/7-up/sierra mist/root beer/dr pepper/coke, diet versions are better.

>> No.20007228

it's natural to want sugar it's found in copious amounts in fruits

>> No.20007243

Ideally, soda should be something enjoyed once in a while as a treat, not as something to quench your thirst. I love root beer, but I don't drink it every day, nor do I drink it in large quantities. If you "need" a diet alternative to something that should be an occasional indulgence, you're consuming way too much of it.

>> No.20007399

>full-sugar soda
fat retard detected. this is fat ass speak

>> No.20007661

Taste obviously. Real sugar just tastes better, and you can taste the difference between it and substitutes. Even the type of sugar source matters, like cane sugar tastes better than fructose corn syrup.

>> No.20007892

so eat fruit, faggot.

>> No.20007903

american love their goygar

>> No.20007986
File: 232 KB, 652x953, coke-lifeguard-1963-01-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cultural cachet of fizzy drinks has been ruined. Irreparably. And justifiably too. Because of how bad they are. But, they invoked that beautifully mid-century Americana image. For a while. Like, you can just imagine how good one of those little glass bottles of Coca-Cola tasted as you sipped while driving a big '50s car. Open-top, pink with tailfins. And your best gal is in the passenger seat. And your going to a drive-in movie theatre. That's what fizzy drinks used to MEAN. But now, the only image it invokes is a very fat person drinking from a 2lt like its tap water.

>> No.20007988

OK but they have more drinks than soda

>> No.20007995

I like a nice diet coke or coke zero every now and then. Tastes good and I enjoy the fizziness of the effluent.

>> No.20008020

From the new york post, the mouthpiece of the billionaires fighting to keep our wages low while inflation rises.

>> No.20008023

>Never too sweet
It has so much sugar it would make you vomit if it didn't had acid put into it

This is like a cigarette ad but for coke

>> No.20008047

you need to learn the difference between >commas and periods
>your and you're
>its and it's

>> No.20008051

i will enjoy a soda with pizza or fast food, basically pig-out meals where it feels appropriate. soda has been on a decline for years though

>> No.20008054

boomers fucking LOVE high fructose corn syrup

>> No.20008087
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Please, you have to believe me. I just misspelled by accident. I know what those words mean. I just quickly mistyped and didn't proofread. But, there is literally nothing wrong with how I use full stops and commas. Stop marking my homework you little nerd.

>> No.20008105


>> No.20008175

Still havent encountered a non sugar sweetener that I actually like

>> No.20008184

I just drink water.

>> No.20008265
File: 102 KB, 910x860, 1644959818854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2x sausage mcmuffins were $2.50 in 2009
>Now $6

>> No.20008270

I'd rather drink full sugar coke once or twice a week than drink the diet shite every day

>> No.20008279

I was looking at old menus from the 1950s and even though fast food was blowing up then, the reason obesity wasn't blowing up to was because there were quality standards but also because you were encouraged just to buy a burger alone and not fries and a soda. Those were seen as side things.

>> No.20008340

>McDonald's workers are literally too retarded to understand you don't want the drink
I'm sorry you have autism. The words you want are "I would like an (x), just the sandwich, and a medium fries"

>> No.20008343

portion sizes used to be a lot smaller. iirc the two hamburgers combo was invented because somebody surveyed told them they were still hungry but didn't want the stigma of going back for seconds.
you compare asian countries and our small cup is their LARGE

>> No.20008350
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People were also less than a generation removed from people whose diets weren't invented by literally the military industrial complex back then so a little "junk food" (which 1950s burgers weren't really anyway) wasn't a big deal

See it turns out humans actually can for the most part figure out a good and healthy pattern of eating left to their own devices but the united snakes of ameriKKKa made sure to fix that and nowadays eating a vegetable makes you a commie faggot and commie faggots get the rope. If you disagree with me you are a seething jealous foreign gommunist brownoid and you have never even set foot in a free country

>> No.20008372

Does corn syrup count as sugar?

>> No.20008390

It counts as HFCS, which is carbohydrate and a product of corn, but it is not counted as "sugar"

>> No.20008692

Nta, if you think a simple instruction is sufficient then the autism is yours. These people are gutterfuck retards, just as I suspect you are for needing me to explain this.

>> No.20008767

I dont eat fast food, but there's NO WAY that the meal in that picture is 16 dollars. There's no way.

>> No.20009091

It's literally sugar. Fat retards use it as a scapegoat because they can't stop stuffing their gullets with junk and it's easier to blame corn syrup than consume fewer calories.

>> No.20009198

Fucking hilarious, a big mac meal is about £6 here. Bongs just can't stop winning.

>> No.20009206

>big mac costs $3 when minimum wage is $8
>nearly 40% of an hour wage
>this is fine

>big mac now costs $6 while minimum wage is $15/hr
>still 40% of an hourly wage
>wtf i cant afford this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

youre paying the same but the perception of your worthless fiat money hasnt caught up

>> No.20009222

It's all that they offer besides bottled water and diet poison.
I don't want sucralose or aspartame shit. If I forgot to bring my own drink I will either order bottle water or just have a few sips of the hfcs soda.
At home I have root beer or coke maybe twice a year and cut it with sparkling water by at least 50%.

>> No.20009224

Maybe in an airport or Alaska it is but in a state with over $15 minimum wage it's $9.49.

>> No.20009241

>eating pure sugar would make you puke
Are there people out there that are really this fragile?

>> No.20009242

HFCS is sugar but worse.
No, corn syrup is not HFCS. Corn syrup is just a starchy carbohydrate in liquid form, High-fructose corn syrup is like sugar but with more fructose which is what makes sugar sweet but also the bad part. Normal table sugar is 50:50 sucrose and fructose but hfcs is like 70:30 or something like that.

>> No.20009259

hi fructose schizo, have you met PUFA schizo yet?

>> No.20009286

I just drink water, tea, milk and Gatorade

>> No.20009289

Guess they no longer have that excuse to eat McSlop every day instead of learning how to cook a stew at home.
You can't go wrong with a nice stew.

>> No.20009324

>Why does anyone still drink full-sugar soda in 2023? Is it just ingrained habit?
I wish I could get caffeine-free coke at McDonald's. That stuff is GREAT after hitting the gym in the morning. So refreshing.
Diet coke is disgusting.

>> No.20009691

Welcome to America!!!
Are you proud to be American?!?!?!?
greedy corrupt America forever!

>> No.20009719
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can retards make their own options by going out in the world and experiencing things first hand anymore? or does every fucking opinion have to be third hand opinion rooted in, "some shit i saw on the Internet" i never want to see another twitter post in my life and i hate you all.

>> No.20009730

"OPINIONS" GODDAMNIT fucking spelling..

>> No.20009938

>minimum wage is $15
Try like $7.50 retard

>> No.20009964

Fructose doesn't make sugar sweet, glucose is sweet in itself. Try eat some dextrose (other name for glucose) if you don't believe me

>> No.20010010

Irish poison

>> No.20010033

diet soda tastes different and is more watery and gross

>> No.20010086

Legal minimum wage and effective minimum wage are not the same thing. I live in a small city on the east coast and I see fast food chains advertising starting wages of $13-15 all the time. Nobody is going to work for $7.50 when bottom of the barrel, entry level shit like working the register at taco bell is paying $15.

>> No.20011249

HFCS is the most delicious type of sugar because it is the same type found in fruit and honey. Your taste buds are evolved to trigger most sensitively on fructose, that's why they use it in junk food.

>> No.20011257

Nothing to do with the corn industry being heavily subsidised then?

>> No.20011272

Chicken and the egg. But the most reasonable explanation is they figured out people buy more often when things have HFCS in it, then lobbied the government for farm subsidies.

>> No.20011273

I stopped eating mcdonalds when they stopped selling McDoubles for 1 dollar and I feel more and more vindicated as time goes on.

>> No.20011282

> Americans fuming about their cheap shit food is too expensive.......

Ha Ha Ha Ha

My heart bleeds.

>> No.20011292

> boomers fucking LOVE high fructose corn syrup

Just like zoomers like you love aspartame.

>> No.20011298

People who consume artificial sweeteners need to kill themselves. Drinking soda once in a while isn't a problem. But guzzling down your artificial sweetener 1L drink every single day because it's "0" calories is disgusting.

>> No.20011313

>Why does anyone still drink full-sugar soda in 2023? Is it just ingrained habit?
It's called "freedom"? Don't tell me what to fucking do.

>> No.20011335

Good Goy.

>> No.20011873

You can make corn into any type of sugar, corn being subsidized doesn't really have to do with this conversation. You can't actually taste the difference between different sugar sources unless they're unrefined.

>> No.20011874

Why is it bad exactly?

>> No.20011876

every sugar replacement tastes like asshole, except xylitol which will make you projectile diarrhea so it's still ass.

>> No.20011879

>I'm free because I have been programmed to fill my body with garbage to own the libtards
it's kind of crazy to see how brainwashed rightoids have gotten, I never thought it would get this bad

>> No.20011882

fatty fatty boom boom

>> No.20011908

is this a girl or a boy?

>> No.20011925

probably erroneously assigned male at birth but was in fact a girl all along. many such cases!