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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20001775 No.20001775 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he not making movie/game foods anymore?

>> No.20001779

he read what /ck/ was saying and got sad :c

>> No.20001781

He was RAPED you fucking CHUD. Show some respect

>> No.20001791

he finished all videogames related food (that he can exploit for clickbait)

>> No.20001793

he's an ugly man

>> No.20001810

for you

>> No.20001811

nah, look at him. So fucking ugly to look at

>> No.20001829

Was missing the joke part of your plan?

>> No.20001831

I don’t think it’s appropriate to post epic funny memes in a thread that is designed to make me want to vomit my guts out by having to look at that disgusting ugly fuck. Christ he’s vile to look at

>> No.20001832

>I don’t think
that much is obvious

>> No.20001838

you are ugly, bro

>> No.20001839

Because he ran out of material, the shtick wouldn't last forever and people get tired of
>MAKING THE (food) FROM (show)
>It's just a normal recipe for (food)
Selling out and just being a normal cooking channel was the sound financial move.

>> No.20001843

This is a cooking board, take it to /lgbt/ if you want to project and/or talk about men

>> No.20001860

post jawline.

>> No.20001905

I don't think so
after all, I don't care about men looks as I am not a homosexual nor a woman

>> No.20001921

the dude is disgusting to look at. makes anyone want to barf. And he's a charisma vacuum. And ugly too

>> No.20001922


This. There's only so many games that feature food prominently enough that you can make a specific recipe and have them still stand out as being specific to that game. And he ran out of games a looooooong time ago

>> No.20001926


You missed out
>It's just a normal recipe for (food) but it features bread so we're going to have 5 minutes on making a loaf of bread from scratch in order to pad out the run time.

>> No.20001927

has he done the monster hunter meals cause theres a lot of random shit he could do with that.

>> No.20001987

That's more of a weissman thing. Gotta stretch the insufferable But Better videos to the half hour mark somehow.

>> No.20002007

He's not that ugly, the show just worked better when all the videos from the shoulders down and you never saw his face

>> No.20002019


They both do it. Once you notice he has a tutorial on baking every single time bread is involved you can't not notice it.

>> No.20002384

I don't know how you can possibly not notice it, Babish's videos aren't exactly long, so it always ends up taking a significant portion of the video. I swear there are some that are almost 50% breadmaking.

>> No.20002576

Since he was raped all his content went downhill. Does he still just he that asian guy make all the videos for his channel?

>> No.20002816

He passed it off to a much less interesting host because Alvin (allegedly) knows more about video games.
Unfortunately yes. Alvin has the charisma of drying paint and sounds like he's reading off cue cards.
I would make an argument that he's part of the reason the channel's popularity is declining.

>> No.20002829

>Since he was raped
holy fuck, I didn't know that. I kinda wish I hadn't called him ugly 10 times in the replies above.
I will now start supporting his channel instead.

>> No.20002836

It was a finite gimmick to build an audience.
Him moving on to instructional was the safest bet not to end up forgotten about.
He didn't do that well either.

>> No.20002852

Why do you feel the need to look at beautiful men when watching cooking videos?

>> No.20002858

Because i'm fat and gay

>> No.20002871

Because he has one of the biggest cooking channels on Youtube and he has a team of people telling him what videos will get the most views.

>> No.20003321

That explains why he started wearing make up and painting his nails all of a sudden.

>> No.20003414

his writers ran out of ideas ages ago and now his studio are just shilling crappy merch as long as they can until he's not profitable anymore, then he'll get laid off

>> No.20003438

That was actually before. That was during his mental breakdown phase. Then he checked himself into a mental hospital and got raped by someone there. Not joking.

>> No.20003444

>checked himself into a mental hospital
He must have been incredibly naive and privileged to think was a good idea.

>> No.20003461

raped how? did a big ugly gay man fuck him in the bussy and came inside? did mr.binging babish end up so traumatized he would be sitting with the shower running, sobbing as he can still feel that rapist's fat cock in his ass?

>> No.20003462

Rumor has it that he came like a baby gorilla

>> No.20003466


>> No.20003499

That old guy Fred does it now and he'll do ANYTHING. Someone asked him to fries from a 1990s cartoon; nothing special about them in the cartoon or in real life. It's just fries.

>> No.20003622
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WTF; is this legit or is he just trolling? I mean, he ain't Bruno but I still like watching his show for shits and giggles.

Also, never EVER admit into mental hospital unless you are full schizo (not some "haven't slept for three days bullshit) and if someone attacks you, use all the lethal force you have, better to have only one story in the court.

>> No.20003625

He does. What are you talking about?

>> No.20003635

This Spiderman thing is from only 2 days ago, OP is a worthless faggot:


>> No.20003641

No one is interested in woke shit so there's no audience really. Better to move on.

>> No.20003657

not sure if trolling

>> No.20003786

>it's real
I always found him annoying but having a mental breakdown, getting raped, and your longtime woman leaving in the span of a few months would be enough to make a lot of guys rope.

>> No.20003843

He made a Harry Potter vid during the height of the Rowling Crisis, he clearly isn't that interested in being 'woke'.

>> No.20005883

maybe he can look at life in a new light now that he had a gay experience, maybe live life as a gay man.

>> No.20005946


>> No.20006091

I actually like Alvin more than Babish because he comes across more genuine. He may not have as much tone inflection but I'll take the nice autistic guy over the try hard hipster anyday.

>> No.20006142

Still waiting on the "Kendall sits on my face" episode

>> No.20006165

He was "raped" by a hot 17 yo fangirl. That's why his wife left him

>> No.20006353

lol no it was some dude in a mental institution

>> No.20006369

Kek what a raped bitch!

>> No.20006374
File: 833 KB, 725x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ran out of material.
He'd been coasting for a while, just taking the first thing he'd seen on TV that week and running with it instead of pulling from iconic examples like before. If that wasn't already obvious, the writer's strike made it blatant. Once he wasn't being drip-fed from whatever flavor of the month Netflix pushed out, he had to get his staff to submit their own ideas just so he had SOMETHING to make.

He made the mistake of giving Alvin screen time. He's a better host and a far more competent cook, and people realized they liked him better so Andrew can't simply take away his segment or cover it himself. The channel is better for it, without a doubt.
If that wasn't enough, he had to give Alvin complete control over the anime niche suggestions too. Because if the token Asian didn't handle it, Andrew would get tons of backlash.

He's self-sabotaging, but in a good way because nobody likes looking at him anyway.

>> No.20006852

he probably enjoyed it

>> No.20006861
File: 123 KB, 564x819, e95fd80cdd12a78bfeaf9efd49fc067a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never made any vanillaware food :(
all of it is like, actual food too