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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20001256 No.20001256 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fast food so expensive?

>> No.20001269
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Oh hey another Macdonaldsons thread. How fucking cool is that

>> No.20001304

Prices rose due inflation resulting from someone thinking it was a good idea to pay people to stay home for years at a time.

>> No.20001310
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stupid and/or lazy tax

>> No.20001316

Retard line below

>> No.20001325


>> No.20001358

Because they'll buy it anyways

>> No.20001369

Its the dumb goy price. The smart goy uses app where they offer big discounts

>> No.20001383


>> No.20001470
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>live in a third world country
>rarely eat out or order food because I prefer making it at home even though there's lots of good restaurants
>travel to a first world country for work and exclusively eat out because there's no kitchen where I'm staying
>all the top rated fast food restaurants have meh food and are expensive as fuck ($11 small pizza, $6 small fries, $8 burgers)
>realize the restaurants in my country are cheap as fuck ($2.5 regular pizza, $0.5 large fries, $1 burgers) and the food is much better (and lines/delivery times much faster)
>now ordering food 2-3 times a week because I realize how good I have it

>> No.20001486

Inflation is way faster than minimum wage raises.

>> No.20001494

because the majority proved themselves to be bran dead cattle and now they are going to be milked, hard.

>> No.20001521

Because you're paying for the convenience. If it were slow food, it'd be cheaper.

>> No.20001562
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>> No.20001664
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retards like you will pay for it at any price.

>> No.20001683 [DELETED] 

greed, japanese consumers wouldn't pay for the price increase after markets stabilized, we live in a cattl endustry, you are a cattle and will always love your judeo nigger loving gods

>> No.20002123

I wish they would sell soy chicken nuggets

>> No.20002127

because fat, lazy people are fat and lazy and willing to sacrifice price for convenience and continuing being fat

>> No.20002730
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>Its the dumb goy price. The smart goy uses app where they offer big discounts
Step 1: post thread about high prices in-store
Step 2: post reply about how you can save money using the app
Step 3: insinuate only non-smart people are not using the app
Step 4: (optional) introduce race and class anxieties
Step 5: repeat daily on all boards

Yep, you see... only poors and lower ethnicities pay the in-store prices.
Become an elite, high Teutonic viking genius alpha male warrior with a full head of hair and a large penis...
Just install and use the app.

>> No.20002737

Joe Biden has ordered fast food restaurants to dramatically increase their prices because he knows Trump voters eat more fast food than dems do
It's a NWO plan to kill off Republicans

>> No.20002895

Because youre poor. Stop being poor and it'll be cheap.

>> No.20002900

Employees started getting paid $15 an hour.

>> No.20003010

cutie pa tootie, you need some apple pie from Donald's? I go get it for you

>> No.20003307


>> No.20003328
File: 524 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_5968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro, just installed the app and im gonna get 2 big macs for $3.28 every day

>> No.20003348

>900 calories
How fat are you

>> No.20003355

That's not even half the suggested calorie intake

>> No.20003372
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im average at 5'6 270lbs

>> No.20003378

because they know you addicted drunk retards will pay it anyway
its the current corporate philosophy in every industry at the moment; just jack up the prices cuz companies know you retards will pay it

>> No.20003395

the jews

>> No.20003422

Labor cost. Ever notice how there’s like 5 people minimum in there at all times?

>> No.20003428

It’s kind of a good thing for me, its made me stop buying fast food because it’s so expensive. The only cheap thing left is the Taco Bell app box (if they still have it) but Taco Bell is the sloppiest of soy slop so I never want it, and Little Caesar’s is still pretty cheap although it’s gone up 50% too

>> No.20003433

cute face, she'd be attractive if she lost about 100 pounds

>> No.20003721

Enjoy your $8 plastic burger Mr GoGetter

>> No.20004263

Perfect everything

>> No.20004655

>Because youre poor. Stop being poor and it'll be cheap.
Nah, bruh. I'm not poor and fast food has become ridonkulously expensive.

It's something like $8.50 for a double Baconator at Wendy's now. That's without fries or a drink. Used to be $8.71 for the combo meal.

>> No.20004656


NO. Don't ruin those perfect tits you mongoloid.

>> No.20004838

>its the current corporate philosophy in every industry at the moment
every industry is like this since covid
want a repairman to come fix something?
that'll be $90/hr
want a plastic capsule bed in a pod hostel?
that'll be $70/night
want a few beers and some wings at your local?
hope you're ready to spend $60 tonight

then you get poorfag retards from /v/ cry that $12 for a game on Steam that'll give you literally 700 hours of entertainment is TOO MUCH

>> No.20004950

>450 kcal
Nigga only the buns are 400 kcals. Its so obvious, they should be sued.

>> No.20004952
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You're both retards who don't know how any banking history.

>> No.20004957

Fatties are addicted so they'll keep paying

>> No.20004992

How much of a twink are you?

>> No.20004998


>> No.20005003

just like why women are allowed to behave badly
how tripfags aren't ignored and stop getting replies so they have to post normally
we enable it. and there is never going to be a mass consensus to stop _________ because every anon or human thinks "my contribution won't matter" but it does. we've all lost these battles because we're hungry or horny or have money we think will make us happy

>> No.20005016

I said as soon as Biden was elected that big business would immediately, massively hike up prices to generate support for Trump (and in other countries, their right wing leaders) in the next election.
I was right.

>> No.20005027

And people said about Obama in 2012 the world would end.
Where are these people now?
receiving our tax dollars.

>> No.20005109

thirdies do NOT suffer

>> No.20005713

Same reason everything else is so expensive right now. Finite amount of resources + multiple wars + the inevitability of WW3 starting in a few years. Food is essential in such hard times, which is why fast food is becoming even more expensive than slow food. And Russia now controls 45% of the world's grain production, up from 25% by 2022, and, as a monopolist, sets ever-higher prices for all "unfriendly" countries.

>> No.20006368

It was 600 a week retard and that was on top of whatever your state was paying you as well so it was closer to $800 a week or $3200 a month to do nothing.

>> No.20006381

This plus restricting drilling leases (price of diesel effects everything) plus advocating for bio fuel (price of corn effects everything. Look up corn futures since 2000.

>> No.20007030

Can't believe trump did that!

>> No.20007059

>lockdown everything including factories and logistics because think of grandma and fat people
>supply goes down as demand accumulates
>prices go up and never return to base even after spending a kajillion monopoly dollars trying to unfuck shit
who could've foreseen turning off the world economy for 2 years would have long term consequences

>> No.20007645

top ramen is still 49 cents

>> No.20007729
