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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.96 MB, 640x360, insectsushi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19993514 No.19993514 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, should bugs and insects be a staple in modern cuisines?

>> No.19993520

because theyre yucky

>> No.19993521

Yes. Not because of any sustainability or culture shit reasons, but because I know most people are extremely squeamish about eating them while I don't give a shit, and watching the people around me struggle to eat insects will make me kek most heartily.

>> No.19993522

replying to bait with an honest opinion
anyone trying to make me eat a bug exoskeleton can gonfuck themselves
if theres like a worm thing with a meaty texture Id try it

>> No.19993526

>i like [thing] because it makes people seethe!

how many different things do you enjoy exclusively because of this?

>> No.19993529
File: 422 KB, 828x777, Troll skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I think you misunderstood me, I already don't mind eating bugs myself. I just think the image of people struggling to eat them around me is very funny. I'm a classic troll, not a contrarian.

>> No.19993553

Nah thats fucking gross
>heh but youll eat le seabugs???
If i ordered some crab sushi and they gave me a piece of rice with a whole dried crayfish on it i wouldnt eat it either

>> No.19993554

>bug eater thinks he’s above anyone

>> No.19994412

I don't want to force anyone to eat anything. I just think that I should have the option to buy and eat whatever I want. Bug powder? Sure.

>> No.19994544


>> No.19994562
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>> No.19994569

Been living in Japan 5 years and have never seen insects for sale anywhere except beetles at pet shops, and maybe the Chinese "wet markets" in places like Ueno or some shit

>> No.19994570

Ate a grasshopper taco once and it was okay. I don't think I would eat them because there are much better things

>> No.19994584

No, because I don't believe anyone cares enough to actually define modern cuisine. I assume you mean modern American cuisine, which is essentially just "what sells well", with all the trendiness that implies. Cuisine just means 'style of cooking' anyway, and the modern American style of cooking is generally to not cook, or cook what is trendy. Even if you were to declare bugs (or anything) as a 'staple' of modern american cuisine, it'll become trendy to shit on it in 3 months tops

>> No.19994682

For slaves like you absolutely yes. For humans, of course not.

>> No.19996490

Chuds be seething and pissing over some unorthodox (for them) food. I bet yall are picky eaters too. Pathetic.
I mean fried bugs are just crunchy and without much flavor. If you've ever eaten sunflower seeds, it's basically the same thing.
Basically this. Nothing amazingly groundbreaking about bug based food's flavour, and in the western world can be quite expensive.
>modern American cuisine, which is essentially just "what sells well", with all the trendiness that implies.
You also forgot the economic factor. As soon as it'll become cheaper to mass produce burgers from soybeans/bugs/whatever other than meat, you can bet the American cuisine will switch to it. Maybe it's already in the process of doing so with McDonald's and BK's vegetarian burgers and alike.
Though it's also possible that meat producers will stifle any progress in that regard and murica will be primarily meat eating nation up until the end.

>> No.19996503
File: 2.89 MB, 480x360, Eat The Bugs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they're unironically tasty like the ones in Lion King; slimy but satisfying I can get behind, crunchy flaky nonsense isn't for me

>> No.19996589

This. I'll be raising beef and chickens long after the shartmarts stop selling real food products for those with inner monologues.
>X be Y
Sit your ass down, boy. Don't speak out of turn.

>> No.19996844

Insects would have the most disgusting texture.
If you've ever eaten a shrimp head before you'll know what eating a bug will be like.

>> No.19997096

If they were any good then they already would be a staple without coercion

>> No.19997102

If it comes as a powder like a protein powder, I don't see why not

>> No.19997116

Doesn't matter, they will be.

>> No.19997212

I saw a documentary about how some people in Africa make some paste with ground insects and vegetables, and the fact that it's so separate from how insects actually look makes me think I would eat it.

>> No.19997236

No. You can eat them yourself if you want them so much, Klaus.