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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19989146 No.19989146 [Reply] [Original]

Rate and discuss my chesseburgers.
Cheap patties and buns from LIDL.
Pan? Nice and hot.

>> No.19989149
File: 287 KB, 1016x1061, Screenshot_20231210_175922_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap slices of cheese. Beautiful.

>> No.19989150

>no cheese

>> No.19989155
File: 81 KB, 748x451, Screenshot_20231210_175926_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buns got cruspy and oily.
Bun -> a bit o lettuce -> cheesy pattie -> bun.
Delicious homemade cheeseburgah.

>> No.19989167

Get glasses

>> No.19989174

Bump guys r8 and discuss!

>> No.19989176

>cheese not melted enough
>no tomato
>no pickle
>no sauce
>no cross section

>> No.19989178

Shit forgot no onion

>> No.19989179

How did you manage to get such a shitty crust on a cast iron pan? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.19989182

I did not have pickles, tohmatoes or sauce, I went the ron swanson way

>> No.19989190

I wanted juicy burgers not donald trump burnt burgers

>> No.19989197

>no smash
>no american cheese

>> No.19989199

>can't even talk about cooking a burger without pol living rent free in his head
2/10 you should stop every time you reply your burger looks worse in retrospective.

>> No.19989205

too much cheese
sure it tasted pretty good though m8

>> No.19989211

It takes approximately 40 seconds to get a nice crust on a burger assuming your pan is hot enough and if you have enough fat

>> No.19989212

>pol pol pol
Take meds

It was good because I was hungry, I realize it's not some Beardy McBeardy soyjack burger like some board members like

>> No.19989215

That is way too much cheese. It's not even melted. Guess it all probably tasted fine so I give it a C.

>> No.19989220

This might be it, I used oil scarcely

>> No.19989223

And we've reached peak meltdown. Congrats if you had just kept your mouth shut it would have been a decent cooking thread. Now you have debased yourself and made a mockery of your cooking. 1/10, pray I don't lower it further.

>> No.19989225

I don't give a fuck, grade me -100/10

>> No.19989230

>if you have enough fat
he does, all over his body in fact it's too much

>> No.19989232

I will try to melt it longer next time, seemed pretty melted to me when I was biting.
I finished off with the hot top so the cheese further melted after I put the top on

>> No.19989233
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>> No.19989234

Look guys, it was my first burgah and it was a poverty one, very little ingredients to load it with. But it was pretty good

>> No.19989248

He lost. He's going to jail.

>> No.19989287

finally, someone who knows what a cheeseburger is. 9/10, too much lettuce

>> No.19989300

Dan? What are you doing here?

>> No.19989310

Op here, thanks man, this is my favourite comment

>> No.19989371

Can girls get autism?

>> No.19989400


>> No.19989425

this thread is like a shitty diary entrance

>> No.19989534


Ok guys I made another burger tonight, let's see if you like it better

>> No.19989542

jack, is that you? are you doing ok?

>> No.19989543
File: 419 KB, 1080x1098, Screenshot_20231210_202416_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I caramalized some red oignon to give a bit of a zing, a bit of sweet afterbirth

>> No.19989546
File: 265 KB, 1080x931, Screenshot_20231210_202421_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red oignon on the bottom bun. Beautiful!

>> No.19989550
File: 197 KB, 1080x909, Screenshot_20231210_202425_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pattie? On.
Cheap sliced cheese? On.
Now we wait.

>> No.19989551

4 burgers in 2 hours. Does your weight start with a 4 or a 5?

>> No.19989558
File: 141 KB, 939x581, Screenshot_20231210_202438_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fresh crisp lettuce.
So fresh.
Top it off with an oily, toasted bun.

>> No.19989562

First 2 were from a few days ago.
But the mostly shitty feedback I got made me get my Lodge out of the pantry and try again

>> No.19989570
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Finally, the section shot.
I liked it, very very juicy. In enjoyed the sweetness of the oignon combined with the beefiness of the beef.

>> No.19989573

Better than the first, you're still a chud but I'll give you a 6/10 for these.

>> No.19989578

but you have a cast iron you actually use so you mind as well should just make smashburgers

>> No.19989583

0/10 would. not. eat.

>> No.19989590

how low is your confidence? why do you work so hard to get gratification from random retards? extremely autistic behaviour

>> No.19989592

Thanks man, I am a chud indeed

Thanks, I just bought some pre-made patties so I just left it at that. I have a good source of more expensive ground beef, I will probably smash it then

That was hurtful man

>> No.19989595
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>> No.19989597

Not a confidence issue but I honestly never ever made a burger before so I legit need some pointers.
I also got this Lodge pan a few days ago so I am just testing atm

>> No.19989602

Please add some burger sauce or mayo or mustard or something for the love of god.

>> No.19989604

desu if I ever have preformed frozen patties I just defrost them, ball them up and then turn them into smashburgers

>> No.19989607

I like burgers

>> No.19989611

I thought of this, but I don't really have anything in the pantry.
I compensated by making the burger kind of oily and it was just so so wet and moist anyway (in case you hint at it being dry without the sauce)

>> No.19989620

sear that bitch
don't be afraid of getting your cast iron bitching hot
use an instant read thermometer if you have to so you know exactly when your burger is cooked how you like it until you get a feel for how long it will take to cook

>> No.19989621

I know man, I was just anxious to make them because I was very very hungry for real.
On top of that I had to cook the woman a bacon burger because she doesn't eat beef so I was even hungrier

>> No.19989626

autists do NOT belong in the kitchen

>> No.19989627

Damn, good idea, I have a thermometer which I will use for steaks.
Btw I also made a t bone in that Lodge but I won's post pics as I had enough hurtful comments for today haha

>> No.19989631

even better: they can get autism AND sex! At the same time!

>> No.19989632

I had Smashburger™ at the airport a few days ago.

>> No.19989635

run your hand under the tap then flick it at your cast iron
if the water sizzles away immediately that is how you know the cast iron is hot enough
also if the oil starts to smoke
also use oil/fats that can handle the heat

>> No.19989638

never had it
all I got around me is five guys and shake shack

>> No.19989644

you sound really mad

>> No.19989651

Good pointers here, thanks.
I am still getting used to cast iron, I am still afraid of ruining it but I think she can take a bit of manhandling.
Btw is salt scrubbing it ok?

>> No.19989652

Fuck you

>> No.19989653

imagine somebody cooked you a nice juicy, seared, beefy burger. Now imagine somebody squeezed all the juice out and cooked it until it was seared on the inside, and its also a 6 inch patty that doesnt fit on a bun. That's a smashburger, and yes they are terrible unless they're made from precooked frozen patties.

>> No.19989659

I'm mad that autistic eaters aren't all b& on sight

>> No.19989669

Calm down Link, you can just pick off the tomatoes.

>> No.19989678

I wouldn't dare; tomatoes are delicious and you'd have a meltdown.

>> No.19989680
File: 12 KB, 250x200, ModernJapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic House Burger thread
>One of the best threads on /ck/

What the fuck happened to us?

>> No.19989696

don't be afraid to get it hot it can take the abuse
light salt scrubbing is fine going too hard on abrasiveness will remove the seasoning
the only thing you need to worry about cast irons is not to run cold water over it while it is still hot and not to leave any water on it when you put it away
dry it over heat until the water is gone, coat the pan in cooking oil just rubbing it down with a paper towel then buffing the oil out until a very thin layer of oil remains
that is to both preserve the seasoning and prevent rusting

I like to store mine in the oven since it blocks out moisture

>> No.19989704

no I've had smashburgers but I've never had the restaurant chain
I think smashburgers are pretty good as long as you get a nice crust, don't smash it down so hard it turns into a beef wafer, and use two patties on a burger

>> No.19989709

this can clearly be fixed with more mcchicken threads

>> No.19989724
File: 244 KB, 1080x920, Screenshot_20231210_211409_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I screencapped this

>> No.19989727

lettuce and tomatoes are over doing it on a burger desu
mustard and pickles are the burger at it's classic, most base form
you really don't need anymore than that
maybe some american cheese, burger sauce, and onion if you want to get fancy but any more than that takes away from the patty

>> No.19989736

What about a fried egg?

>> No.19989741

okay, bacon and fried egg if you want a breakfast burger but there is no need to over do it
the beauty of the burger is in the simplicity

>> No.19989744
File: 1.76 MB, 403x554, 35b84ae7486f43dabf620f6c98a00d31_th.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking sides of zionistist cock suckers. NPC talk over here.

>> No.19989749

That post was like æons ago, move on or gtfo outta my thread

>> No.19989757

This is exactly how I take care of mine, great advise anon. No need to oil bake, oil bake, like those faggot YT do.

>> No.19989781

additionally, apart from a salt paste nylon scrubbers or pan scrapers work to but don't use anything like steel wool which will remove the seasoning
you can use a bit of soap, the absolutely no soap thing is a myth just don't go crazy with it
if there is stuck on shit that you can't get out fill the pan with water and boil it on the stove to try to loosen it first
if you need to resort to heavy scrubbing to remove things that will end up taking off the seasoning then to reseason just coat the pan with a thin layer of oil, place it upside down in your oven, crank the oven up as high as it will go, once it reaches that temp bake the pan for an hour then turn off the oven and let the pan cool down naturally with the oven
that is one layer of seasoning, repeat to add additional layers, 3 layers is a good minimum

also some acidic foods like tomato sauce could at worst strip seasoning from cast iron and at best leech a metal flavor into the food which gives it a metallic taste
also some fish and eggs with be a sticky pain in the ass on your pan until you build up the non stick with seasoning
your pan naturally gets more seasoned as you use it with the oils baking into the pan

>> No.19989790

>cave shadows are entertainment at it's classic, most base form you really don't need anymore than that

>> No.19989791

yeah the all the oiling and baking is to reseason the pan if you fucked up something fierce and stripped off the seasoning
if it's got a good seasoning then nothing is required beyond keeping a film of oil on it to keep out the moisture
Lodge pans come preseasoned so nothing to worry about there besides keeping the seasoning maintained

>> No.19989800
File: 800 KB, 220x220, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19989902

wtf they look better than mine even though I make my own buns and patties

>> No.19989908

you left the plastic wrapper careful

>> No.19989918

Yet another victory for LIDL haha

>> No.19989933

Lodge skillets are terrible

>> No.19989977


>> No.19989993

Autistic males achieve more in life than an average female. Even retarded deformed boys end up lifting weights and competing in bodybuilding while average girls just hit the wall at age 22 and rot away till physical death.

>> No.19989996

is trump in the room with us right now?

>> No.19990001

He is living in my head and pays exactly $0.00 in rent

>> No.19990005
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Thanks again

>> No.19990048

There’s many examples of males retards physically and mentally retarded and all sorts of diseases breaking records and winning math competitions or stuff like that. Compared to the average male, a female is pretty autistic and you don’t notice it cause you interact with females in male/female environment. When it’s male vs female anything, their mental retardation really shows. Like in mixed tennis, male and female vs male and female, it looks pretty equal and this is similar to society. But when it’s male vs female, you see how pathetic a female really is.

>> No.19990475
File: 568 KB, 1080x1322, Screenshot_20231211_013110_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I clean right bros?
I am afraid not to ruin it

>> No.19990492


>lettuce and tomatoes are over doing it on a burger desu

straight up bastardry. this is what happens when your parents aren't married.

>> No.19990499

That's not caramelized dude. To caramelize them, you gotta leave them to chill in the pan until they are jammy.

>> No.19990503

I use the terms very liberally, I don't even know what that means honestly.
Sounded better than "fried them a bit in the pan lol"

>> No.19990527

google "onion maillard reaction".

>> No.19990546

You should try properly caramelizing them. Takes a while... at least 30 minutes, but more like 45 to an hour. They become a spread at that point, but a fucking delicious one.

>> No.19990556

Nta but I mentioned I was extremely hungry, 30 extra minutes was simply unacceptable

>> No.19990660

Just a double cheeseburger for dinner, put some havarti and mozz in the patties, burger sauce on the bread, tomato slices between the patties, and onions from the french onion soup my dad made on top

>> No.19990869

looks good to me
just keep her oiled

>> No.19990882

If it’s not topped with a Kraft American slide kill your self and don’t post your new age brown person liberal sand which shit here. This is a board for old stock Anglo Saxon Americans and the high class cuisine we consume

>> No.19991227

You used premade patties? 0/10

>> No.19991560

>Kraft American
cooper sharp, heathen

>> No.19991574

lettuce does NOTHING on a burger expect wilt
any crunch it can provide is already provided by pickles and onions
tomatoes are slabs of mucus that make the buns soggy unless they have been salted overnight in the fridge

>> No.19991812


>> No.19991906

its not really making a burger then is it, you kinda just heated up a burger? and put it on a bun. like, no offense, its just I saw how autistic you were in this thread and you dont need to take it that seriously man. its just a frozen patty. hard to go wrong man, if you enjoyed it then thats all that really matters. also why the fuck dont you have any sauce in your fridge, like no mayo, mustard, ketchup anything, really? what *do* you have in your fridge?

>> No.19991924

Some pickled jalapenos, cabbage, oh shit I had ketchup in my fridge

>> No.19992088
File: 72 KB, 1242x1239, 1702005091249120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is there so little color? it looks like you didn't heat up the pan long enough, not even close. I would just heat it up until the pan is extremely hot and then add clarified butter to brown the patties first. that should take like 30 seconds tops. wipe the pan a little with a paper towel if necessary after and add the patties. once the first side is done you flip, season with salt and pepper and immediately put cheese on it to prevent this>>19989155

don't try to do patties and buns at the same time because most of the heat will be concentrated in the center. you can only get away with that if you have a massive 5 or 7-ply stainless steel pan. cast iron has terrible heat distribution

>> No.19992434

lmao frozen?

>> No.19992539

No, just chilled. From LIDL

>> No.19992580

>Ruining it
Almost impossible
Salt scrubbing won't hurt it but it's not necessary. Heat the pan, deglaze with water, pour down the sink.
Do NOT read too much online about cast iron, its just a bunch of retards trying to one-up eachother's stupid advice blog. I can tell you have because you think you can ruin the pan. Your great grandma used one and she never needed to read a tip online about it.

>> No.19992604
File: 2.04 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20231205_163357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat my burgs

>> No.19992704

Thanks, that's reassuring. Yes, I have read about it online, a bit too much maybe

Nuce looking burgs you have there, sharesies or nah?

>> No.19992710

I have a place nearby that literally makes and sells those home-made style burgers.
shit's cash, no faggy ultra soft bun, just regular, toasted

>> No.19992969

Nothing special, bought cheap brioche buns at lidl, some lettuce, tomato, sweet onions and gouda.
For the patty I used meat, garlic, paprika, egg, little bit flower, salt and pepper and also floured them

>> No.19992972

*flour, I'm tired

>> No.19993017

Sounds good, yet another LIDL chad.
I have a good source of Angus ground beef and will be making my own patties too, but for now I just bought the pre-made LIDL patties

>> No.19993020

Is that ketchup or BBQ sauce?

>> No.19993112

that looks fucking disgusting anon.

>> No.19993129


>> No.19993189

you can caramelize onions in about ~10 minutes with a pinch of baking soda
you can also add sugar to your liking if you like them to be more caramelized

>> No.19993214

This is going to change my life if it works as good as they say.

>> No.19993221

the premade ones from LIDL are pretty bad. just buy ground beef and made 100g-150g balls to smash

>> No.19993323

this is why smash burgers are superior. a steak is meant to be rare--medium-rare, but ground beef is not. ground beef is full of bacteria from the grinding process and should be well cooked thru, like in a smash burger. steak is not tho because the meat is exposed to less bacteria because of less cutting and the surfaces exposed to air and tools is what is directly cooked. the smashburger solves this by reducing cooking time and increasing flavor, especially when compared to a regular burger patty that takes much longer too cook and takes on the texture and flavor of a hockey puck when cooked well done

>> No.19993391
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1702326645098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is why smash burgers are superior. a steak is meant to be rare--medium-rare, but ground beef is not. ground beef is full of bacteria from the grinding process and should be well cooked thru, like in a smash burger. steak is not tho because the meat is exposed to less bacteria because of less cutting and the surfaces exposed to air and tools is what is directly cooked. the smashburger solves this by reducing cooking time and increasing flavor, especially when compared to a regular burger patty that takes much longer too cook and takes on the texture and flavor of a hockey puck when cooked well done

>> No.19993466

>well done meat
I could make a comment about a certain politician/businessman/showman/clown but I will not.

>> No.19993471

i always felt like fast food burgers always tasted better than my burgers no matter what i did until i started to make smash burgers. now my burgers actually taste better than fast food burgers. i no longer even crave fast food burgers since i can just clone them exactly if i want at home. my whopper clone has surpassed the original as have my quarter pounder clones. i also realized the giant burger patties really screw with the ratio of flavors where instead of tasting everything evenly and equally all at once as intended you just taste a giant piece of beef with little other flavors barely registering. a well made smash burger never has this problem every bite is like a symphony of flavors better each than your average orgasm.

>> No.19993555

It's dark beer bulls eye

>> No.19993561

Yea I like the premade ones too, reminds me of childhood when my mom used to make them

>> No.19993659

Based ngl

>> No.19993674

>no cross section
cross sections are for attention whores only

>> No.19993718

trans btw not sure if that matters but thought I should mention it

>> No.19993755

Not OP, but I only use local tomatoes when they're in season.

>> No.19993775

>he doesn't have a summer home on both sides of the equator so he can perpetually enjoy the peak of harvest

>> No.19994489

From civil court?

>> No.19994494

Fuck yeah. I appreciate you crisping the buns. Keeps a good juicy boigah together.

>> No.19994500

It's fookin raw!

>> No.19994512

wheres your monitor

>> No.19994719

>premade patties
i hate europe

>> No.19994724


>> No.19994733

Have to agree.
>needs tomater
>needs onion
>needs some chup
>needs some pickles
>didnt plate the burgs
He was more generous than I would have been.

>> No.19995092

clean your fucking stove you disgusting pig

>> No.19995103

Clean stoves are indicating an individual who orders Ubereats and eats outside, a certain urban soy type. I actually use my stove so it's sometimes dirty

>> No.19995314

Same desu, my smash burgers taste way better than anything restaurants can make at this point.

>> No.19996725

I know making the food more basic accelerates breakdown of stuff... but I wouldn't it also alter it's flavour?

>> No.19996846
File: 60 KB, 800x600, burger king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my whopper clone has surpassed the original
you don't even have to smash your burgers to surpass franchise chain burgers because they ALWAYS use the cheapest ingredients. they will use the shittiest stuff just to save 2 cents per burger. it's really pathetic how low humans can sink just to make a little bit of extra money.

you don't have to do this at home which is why I don't eat at franchise chains anymore. it's a disappointment every time

>> No.19997186

whoppers do taste really good if you don't act like a snob. junk food is scientifically designed to taste as good as possible to the human tongue as something can be. its not well made or visually a work of art but from a pure objective stand point its impossible for junk food to taste bad, your tongue is just evolved to hyper respond to it. saying that junk food tastes bad is just a lie or someone that thinks they're just too good to eat junk food. people like them always make food that "looks" great but tastes really average. give me a whopper over that any day

>> No.19997210

if you really think that burgers with patties like that taste good I feel sorry for you. I'm not talking about how they look. doesn't matter if it's burger king or mcdonald's

>> No.19997220

>I feel sorry for you
i feel sorry for you actually. you sound like a total food snob and your food probably tastes woefully average

>> No.19998975

thank god its free!
*Eats Half of it, and leaves the rest on the plate*
yup yup GOOOOOOOOOOOD Burger anon!

>> No.19999671

How is toasting the buns in the pan with the burger grease? I've been thinking about toasting my buns at home like Mickey D's, but this way seems like it would make it soggy.

I'd toss on some diced raw onions, dill pickles, and some sort of sauce (A1, BBQ, or ketchup/mayo/mustard). Cheese sometimes give me the shits. But looks good Anon.

>> No.19999698

I left it so it became crunchy and oily, it was good. I assume a quality bread would taste even better, I used cheap LIDL pre-cut buns

>> No.19999699

Put a spray of water on the side and cover the patty to properly melt the burger lad, otherwise is OK. Needs some alcoholic drink on the side of course.

>> No.19999703

>pre-made patties
0/10. It was over before it began.

>> No.19999755

Dumbfuck GTFO out of my thread you homo

>> No.19999759

I drank Jameson (from LIDL of course)

>> No.20001055

burger grease is a fat just like butter which you would want to spread on a bun before you toast it in a pan any which way

>> No.20001061

no m8 he's right those burgers are dogshit

>> No.20001111

Looks good, my dude. I'd eat it any day of the week. The beauty of watching people try to trash this is that they self-identify as people you don't have to listen to, and you get the comfort of knowing you have better taste than 90% of this board. Win-win.

>> No.20001244


Just want to see this comment

>> No.20001668

Thanks man, nice words. I know it's not much but I am trying and also I bet 95% of people who are hungry would eat my sloppy cheeseburghas.

This... this.. is bad energy...I am trying to filter you out

>> No.20001693

>takes pride in an extremely basic dish that no continental French would ever brag about
>unwarranted sense of self-importance
>talks like a redditor
I bet $100 that OP is French-Canadian

>> No.20001724
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x1600, Hoyts-Onion-Flakes-40g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is the chéz brüger thread I wanted to ask here. I've learned recently that some fast food places (especially White Castle apparently) don't use fresh chopped onions on their burgers, but use the dried onions reconstituted in water. I think this is the key flavour I've been missing in my home chézbros.

Anyone else done this? Any tips? Am I gonna wet my pants when I eat my first burger or is this a meme? I have a bag of pickerel coming with my groceries on Saturday.

>> No.20001728

>Buys a premade patty
>Calls it homemade
Very disappointed in you anon.

>> No.20001732

The meat was so raw that it started barking back!

>> No.20001766

Very very bad energy here, bad vibes, I am doing my darndest to filter you guys out of my head

>> No.20001780

learn to cook retard

>> No.20001936

That was the plan, dumbfuck

>> No.20001953

Too bad your parents (well mom, single mom) didn't plan on getting an abortion

>> No.20001957

nta but don't you have a McRib thread to be posting in right now

>> No.20001968

This...this...is very bbad energy over here

>> No.20001970

why? I rather puke here.

>> No.20002185

Ok CUNT that's enough of you

>> No.20003329

the reason they have that taste is because the dehydration process removes that raw bite from the onion and leaves only the sweetness
you could achieve this yourself by simply soaking chopped onion in water
alternatively you could just fry the onion
it will remove some of the crispness however there will be much more flavor

>> No.20003385

i did this for my mcdonalds smash burger clones and it vastly improved the quality of the burger. you'll never get that authentic fast food taste without it. it just will never taste quite right

>> No.20003393

When I looked at the OP I thought he was frying orange slices...

>> No.20003398

This is a perfectly fine-looking cheeseburger, I don't know what you people are talking about

>> No.20003402

>Mmm I wish my burgers tasted like the absolute cheapest fast food

>> No.20003416

Yeah dried oignon definitely tastes different (I use it in soups and pot roast and stuff) but never soaked it to put on a burger. I will try this tomorrow and report back.

>> No.20003419

Can you find this in europe?

>> No.20003439

Thanks for your feedback, I really needed some encouragement

>> No.20003449

surely one can

>> No.20003455

Surely two cans

>> No.20003467
File: 186 KB, 2000x1027, dfvul1l-54acc6c5-774d-4b2e-abbc-2008f2951208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely one can toucan sam

>> No.20003475

Huh I just checked Amazon.fr and they have one and it's a little weird, they are dried onions but chonky

>> No.20003494

i would describe the flavor as just very mild. which is exactly what you want here. you're not putting together a salad. you don't want bright loud flavors. trying to apply that to a cheeseburger is just ignorant and a lack of understanding how flavors come together

>> No.20003546

if you are being honest with yourself you will admit that the burgers you make taste very very average. probably just like all your cooking.

>> No.20003554
File: 318 KB, 1079x691, Screenshot_2023-09-20-16-35-11-28_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like a cheeseburger.

>> No.20003653

Expert projectionist here

>> No.20003709 [DELETED] 

no, i know your burgers taste bad because you claim some kind of superiority complex about fast food burgers tasting bad when the whole point of burgers are that they are a fast food item. that's literally all they are and what they always were in the first place. you sound like snob who thinks pointing out how fast food is so beneath you makes you appear special to others when the reality is that your food is probably just average and flavorless which you always have to try to convince yourself isnt with that same superiority complex you waltzed in here with

>> No.20003710

no, i know your burgers taste bad because you claim some kind of superiority complex about fast food burgers tasting bad when the whole point of burgers are that they are a fast food item. that's literally all they are and what they always were in the first place. you sound like a snob who thinks pointing out how fast food is so beneath you makes you appear special to others when the reality is that your food is probably just average and flavorless which you always have to try to convince yourself actually isnt with that same superiority complex you waltzed in here with

>> No.20003800

Depression burgah.

>> No.20004003


>> No.20004038

>Meat, cheese, and lettuce on a bun is "depression"

>> No.20004216


>> No.20004228

Uncomplicated, simple, delicious looking cheese burgers. My only issue is that it's lacking a sauce, but you get points back for the lettuce being beneath the meat heat.

That meat's not cooked and those onions aren't caramelized. Jack/10