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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19979174 No.19979174 [Reply] [Original]

>get a $1 Walmart bread loaf
>get bottle of olive oil
>get seasoning
>put seasoning and oil in bowl
>dip bread in seasoned oil
>eat it
Is there an easier meal than this that tastes this nice and is this cheap?

>> No.19979175

yes it's called beans and rice. wtf is wrong with you

>> No.19979177

>Zero nutrition outside of a bit of healthy olive oil fat
I'm not against some good ole dippin bread, but come on man. If you're doing this once a year it's not a big thing, but if you shouldn't consume this with any regularity. Aren't chicken breasts like $2.20/lb even from a big box near you?

>> No.19979178
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Tohru Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of rice and what kind of beans? Do you give it any seasoning or sauce?

>> No.19979180

avatarfagging is against the rules

>> No.19979182
File: 311 KB, 418x510, 1701647022343460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never tried cooking chicken breast. Is there a cheap amd easy way to make it taste nice? Does it matter if it was frozen?

>> No.19979189

It shouldn't matter if it was frozen as long as you didn't leave it long enough to get freezer burnt. One of my favorite ways (Boneless thighs are even better) is to cut it in half widthwise, marinate in whatever you like - this can be as simple soy sauce if you want it to be, pound it flat, cook in a hot cast iron or flat top. You could even add it to your bread and oil meal and just make a sandwich. I actually make something similar with some regularity with melted pepper jack, tomato, spinach, and whatever else I feel like.

>> No.19979215

so is announcing a report

>> No.19979219
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This sounds like a good idea. How flat do you have to get it? Do you cook it in butter or oil or something?

I like the idea of giving it a lot of black pepper and maybe onions?

>> No.19979402

Good thing nobody did that

>> No.19979484
File: 321 KB, 2365x2365, 6db12ebc657634f31678f2aa9fa28d1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any quick rice plus laoganma black beans edition.
Boom, all the nutrients you need in one tasty bowl, 2 ingredients, less than 20 min of work.
Bonus points if you make a big batch of rice for a whole week and just add laoganma after heating up later.

>> No.19979493 [DELETED] 

why are anime pedophile incels so fucking pathetic. A grown man is posting these pics and asking these questions, Christ.

>> No.19979503
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I have never heard of this, but I will try it. Thank you for telling me.

This is a maidposting site.

>> No.19979510
File: 404 KB, 1080x1157, ed5b56bd8230475a3db7afb33446e761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certified maidenless. Couldn't even post an easy recipe. Sadly, many such cases.
Here is an easy recipe I stole from the star wars meme cookbook to compensate for your incelity

>> No.19979539 [DELETED] 

>anime pedophile
>star wars incel
I cannot even begin to imagine how ugly and socially inept you must be

>> No.19979549

Pretty flat. I don't measure but I just smash it out until it looks about right. I usually use butter on the flat top and olive if I'm doing it in a cast iron. as long as you get it cooked through it can be any thickness you want.

>> No.19979564
File: 2.11 MB, 3458x1842, ec63e90df96a461f782449b47226f755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you are out there seething over media internet people are consuming, I'm getting all the bussy I want with my cooking. We are not even on the same plane of existence my homie.

>> No.19979593

>not using red vinegar and olive oil
>instead just some shitty seasoning mix like curry powder

fuck you, actual non white behavior get off this board

>> No.19979609
File: 472 KB, 1024x691, 1700577074200838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have to be white to cook?

>> No.19979822
File: 586 KB, 1000x811, 1701771748720323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've totally given up, straight peanut butter will give you more nutritional value, you could even smear it on dry ramen packets for texture.
Is this what you have to do to afford your maid computers?

>> No.19980031

Hi Eli

>> No.19980035

kys pedophile

>> No.19980086
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This is a good idea. I think it would be nicer to cook the Ramen and give it the seasoning packet like normal, but then add peanutbutter into it after it cooks.

Peanutbutte is good on most thing.

>> No.19980825

slice of untoasted bread with a few tbsps of peanut butter folded in half, plus 1-3 glasses of milk. the amount of peanutbutter will make it hard to eat without milk so it forces you to drink lots of it. you can get over 500 calories in a meal easily

>> No.19980879

All of the seething anti anime faggots in this thread are pretty amusing. Anime website, bitches, cry about it ^_^

>> No.19980887

Cucumber + tomato + vinegar. Either balsamic or tarragon. Salad

>> No.19980923
File: 2.16 MB, 2040x2880, 1701988465120048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why untoasted?

I don't know what tarragon is, but I know what the other things are. I can try this, but I might change the tomato to something else?

>> No.19980941

>Maid Meal
what the FUCK is a "Maid" meal? explain RIGHT NOW

>> No.19980960

>why untoasted.
the bread folds easier when its untoasted, and the softness complements the peanut butter, works better if you get bread with no nuts or seeds in it

>> No.19980983
File: 1.31 MB, 498x284, 1681889332215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something a maid can make quickly, with little or no preparation time.

This sounds nice. I like all the things in this meal. I will try it.

>> No.19980990
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Also, bonus points if it can be maid moe by drawing a heart on it somehow.

>> No.19981056

Yeah like an omlette and chips (omlette and fries)

>> No.19981075

>Something a maid can make quickly, with little or no preparation time.
Why are you asking specifically a maid? Are you asking a maid to do it? Are you THE maid?

>> No.19981078

>shouldn't consume this with any regularity.
bread and olive oil?

>> No.19981123
File: 93 KB, 500x500, FUCKYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you. First /g/, then /sci/, and now here. GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD YOU SCHIZO MAID FETISHIST FUCK

>> No.19981133

anon fresh bread and peanut butter is tasty. provides decent proteins and takes less than a minute or 2 to put together. some more adventurous will add mayonaise for extra flavor and kick. Also if you want to be a good maid google around for quick simple 2-4 ingrediant recipes that take less than 5 minutes to prepare. it'll help make your maid tasks easier if you can provide quick tasty foods.

>> No.19981317

Invest in a probe thermometer, it's the best cooking tool you'll ever own. Preheat the oven to 425, then Put the chicken breasts in a pan, then stick the probe in the breast. Make sure the end of the probe is in the exact middle of the thickest part of the thickest breast. Then pull it out when the probe hits 165, not a minute more.
Chicken cooked to the right temperature is so moisty and delicious it doesn't even need seasoning or sauce, besides salt. You can really just eat it plain and it'll be so good.

>> No.19981322

Nah pull it out when it hits like 155-160. It will finish cooking on resting on the counter top. Otherwise you will get dry as fuck chicken breast

>> No.19981323

I just did it how I said and it was gushing moist.

>> No.19981347


>> No.19981384

Reminder not to engage with these faggots, just report avatar spam threads

>> No.19981599
File: 1.75 MB, 576x1024, twink cooks slop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest, anon. are you somebody's live in boywife.

>> No.19981604

Is your goal to just make everything into maid?

>> No.19981898 [DELETED] 
File: 2.80 MB, 1414x2000, Maid boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for telling me. I will get one and try this.

Reddit mentality.

If something doesn't have maids, and you give it maids, you improved it.

>> No.19982040
File: 491 KB, 2400x2400, 06e3d0f8cf1d2b6f7e70399bde40dff3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You technically can draw a heart on bread with any condiment.

>> No.19982049

Man you're gonna be splattering the toilet before you even finish half that loaf

>> No.19982057

No true maid would lower themselves to eat this sort of trash. What would master think? Learn how to properly prepare rice, then branch out to simple stuff like fish and chicken. There are loads of fine recipes readily available online, you can even find specialty sites that deal in poverty fare. Have a little self respect...

>> No.19982077

A bottle olive oil costs like 7 bucks.

>> No.19982093 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 540x304, Us.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think about what if I draw a heart with beans. This is a very good idea. I could also try to get some heart shaped dishes, so any of the more liquid foods gets heart shaped when it goes in the dish.

Are there any you would recommend? Poverty-fare is my favorite kind of food.

Yes, but one bottle is good for 10+ loaves of bread, so the up front expense is worth it if you eat this meal a lot of times.

>> No.19982097


>> No.19982254

if you're looking into making food quickly/without a lot of input, buy an instant pot or crock pot. you can throw a bunch of ingredients in it, hit the button and let it do its thing, then come back whenever you want and enjoy the results. I make a lot of soup with my instant pot and it's very easy. 10 minutes to prep all the ingredients and chuck them in the thing, set it to cook for another 10 minutes, go do something else, come back at any point later in the day and I have a couple quarts of soup ready to go

>> No.19982271

I bought a bunch of small packages of breakfast sausage and hamburger meat in small packages and took them home and threw a bunch of them into my crock pot and added some taco sauce (cant remember what kind now) and a bunch of seasonings stirred in and kept it cooking on the lowest temp for days and repeatedly stirred it up. basically ate sloppy joy styled burgers and burrito wraps for days doing that. Havent done that since but it was really good. juicy af from the sauce and meats.