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19974295 No.19974295 [Reply] [Original]

The family of a 46-year-old Florida man has filed a wrongful death and negligence lawsuit against one of the biggest fast-casual restaurant chains in the U.S., claiming Panera Bread Company's caffeine-filled lemonade drink led to his death.

David Brown had high blood pressure and didn't drink energy drinks, but the lawsuit said he believed the Panera Charged Lemonade was safe since it was not advertised as an energy drink. It was offered in the same place as the restaurant chain’s non-caffeinated or less-caffeinated drinks, according to the lawsuit filed Monday in Superior Court in Delaware, where Panera Bread Company is registered.

The lawsuit states that on Oct. 9, Brown had the drink three times during a visit to the Panera Bread Company location in Fleming Island, Florida. On his walk home, he suffered cardiac arrest and died a short time later. He had ordered a Panera Charged Lemonade at least seven times over the course of two weeks in September and October, according to the lawsuit.

“Defendants knew or should have known that the Panera Charged Lemonade, as designed and formulated, once consumed, could injure children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people sensitive to caffeine by causing catastrophic injuries and/or death,” the lawsuit said.

He had worked for 17 years at Publix Super Markets and would regularly go to the Panera restaurant after work for meals, as many as three times a week, because the lawsuit said he felt the chain advertised as being a healthy alternative to other restaurants.

Another wrongful death lawsuit was filed in October by the family of 21-year-old Sarah Katz, a University of Pennsylvania student with a heart condition who died in September 2022 after consuming the drink, according to media reports.


>> No.19974364

>He had ordered a Panera Charged Lemonade at least seven times over the course of two weeks in September and October, according to the lawsuit.

>> No.19974477

Are you over 60?

>> No.19974719

I'm sure his heart attack had nothing to do with constantly eating fast food and not exercising

>> No.19974724
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>> No.19974752
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people are responsible for their own well being and safety NOT some company.

>> No.19974758

I can't wait to pick up some McFentanyl and Xanax nuggies next time I go out
Free market baby!

>> No.19974762

heart attacks are not caused by drinking caffeine drinks, they are caused by blocked arteries in the heart. the guy was going to die from a heart attack at any moment.

family are just greedy scumbags.

>> No.19974767
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>> No.19974776

If I was on the jury, I'd vote not guilty no matter what. frivolous lawsuit.


>> No.19974780

Imagine how much of a bitch you have to be to be killed by Panera

>> No.19974794

imagine how much of a bitch you have to be to start 2 threads in /ck/ about it.

>> No.19974819

You're deranged. That hasn't been the case for decades. Pretending otherwise doesn't change reality.

>> No.19974826

My statement is true, the fact that people don't take responsibility is not the point.

>> No.19974830

...anon, that isn't a strawman. All he did is take his idiotic opinion to it's extremely obvious conclusion. You can't say "I think all crime should be legal" and have someone respond "Yeah I'm sure you'll love it when you get murdered" and go "Nuh uh! That wasn't what I said! Strawman! Strawman!"

>> No.19974838
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it's a textbook strawman, narcotics are a controlled substance, caffeine is not. no one is arguing about narcotics in lemonade.


>> No.19974841

yes I'm sure it was the lemonade and not the copious amounts of meth in his system

>> No.19975103

>whole country has an energy drink addiction
>spiked lemonade is the problem
is this a conspiracy?

>> No.19975843

I for one think it's good when a company is regulated to do things that make for a safer and healthier society.

>> No.19975855

Panera Bread are going to try and make the guy that died look like an idiot to try and make this lawsuit seem less plausible like Mcdonalds did when that lady got third degree burns from their coffee
If there's a drink being sold that's caused multiple deaths after drinking the recommended amount, it shouldn't still be on the market

>> No.19975903

Your statement is philosophically true, but you are aware that laws exist to protect retards from themselves by regulating what and how companies can sell. You know that "individuals are responsible for themselves" is not a defense in court, and if tried would have Panera shelling out millions. Quit being a lolbertarian turbofaggot and acknowledge the world as it is.

>> No.19975909
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Me too.

>> No.19976175

>"individuals are responsible for themselves" is not a defense in court
it should be. otherwise you get a nanny state. which way worse.

they should receive NOTHING.

way back when cigarette companies were being sued they were winning every lawsuit until lawyers started convincing people that they weren't responsible for their own decisions or actions. regardless of whether cigarette companies lied.

everyone know breathing smoke will kill you.

>> No.19976186

That's a good example. They lost all their lawsuits and now nobody smokes and everybody in society is healthier.

>> No.19976192
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Of course, that's why they had several ads tailored specifically with health professionals demonstrating their preferred cigarette and why its less irritable or has smoother flavor. I can not believe anyone who acts as an apologist for the tobacco industry is arguing genuinely when faced with massive evidence of the contrary.

>> No.19976267

>A caffeinated version of a non-caffeinated beverage
>A single serving is 97.5% of the daily safe caffeine intake for a healthy, physically active adult male without heart or blood pressure issues (i.e. nobody stupid enough to drink energy drinks)
>Served out of a self-service station when having even one (1) refill puts the average fatass, artery-clogged American into heart-attack territory
Panera is at fault.
Not even in viewing distance of being idiot-proofed to the level every other product or service in the entire country is expected to be at.

>> No.19976273

I think if it were bottled and clearly labeled the family wouldn't have a case. But then again, the man wouldn't have died if it had been. They had that stuff out for unlimited refills. I think the family can actually win here over negligence. Like how a bar can be held liable if they over serve a customer and they wind up wrapping their car around a light post.

>> No.19976286

heart attacks aren't always caused by blockage

>> No.19976300

>it should be
Of course it *should* be, but that's not reality. This is why no one takes you lolberts seriously at all. You're still children.

>> No.19976328

>Said the man in the house whose walls are painted in lead-free paint, whose attic isn't insulated with asbestos, whose car is designed to crumple safely, automatically deploy an anti-sternum-crushing balloon, and securely keep him from flying out the window in case of a collision, sipping mountain dew out of a can specially designed not to cut his feet open

Muh personal responsibility is the rallying cry of people too stupid to realize just how meticulously every single mundane aspect of their life is babyproofed.

>> No.19976368


>> No.19976748

having dinner at panera today anon, thanks.

>> No.19976749

A myocardial infarction (MI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow decreases or stops in one of the coronary arteries of the heart, causing infarction (tissue death) to the heart muscle.

>> No.19976757
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>> No.19977104

Dumb ass can't handle the charged SIPS. Deserved to die desu

>> No.19977124
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Still seems like quite the excessive drink if only 3 units of them can kill you.

>> No.19977126

Vaxx status?

>> No.19977162

I suffer the same condition, and my guess is either
> suicide, knowingly
> gluttony
There's no way you have the heart attack drink oftenly and you haven't already figured out that it can kill you, unless you're completely retarded

Once that said, yes, caffeine can kill you, but only if you have a weak heart, like I do, this is cause I eat sweet out the ass

>> No.19977228

So this man with a heart condition that STRICTLY never drinks caffine because of his known heart condition. Dranks this shit over the course of week. Did not notice the massive burst of energy he had each time he drank it?

They should get absolutely nothing. Frivolous as fuck.

>> No.19977294

a retarded man drank a shitload of caffeine. I don't see how this is the restaurants problem. A literal fucking retard, retardedly died. Could this family sue Anheuser-Busch if he drank a shitload of beer at home and stopped his heart? We cannot be sueing everyone at the drop of a hat because a fucking retard died. We cannot function as a society if the laws are bent to cater to ACTUAL FUCKING RETARDS.

>> No.19977334

>Did not notice the massive burst of energy he had
and his heart giving him warnings

>> No.19977430

as promised I had dinner there, all the bad juice is now behind the counter, thanks retarded panera customers.

>> No.19977449

panera is still in business?

>> No.19977454

>but only if you have a weak heart, like I do, this is cause I eat sweet out the ass
The FDA estimates toxic effects, like seizures, can be observed with rapid consumption of around 1,200 milligrams of caffeine, or 0.15 tablespoons of pure caffeine.

>> No.19977458
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>there are Panera shill operatives in this thread at this very moment

>> No.19977473

I guess yes, overdosing is always an option, my point is if I drink 2 caffeinated coffees I'll have a very hard time, but someone healthy can have 5 coffees and not give half a fuck

>> No.19977542

a decrease in blood flow isn't always caused by a blockage

>> No.19977772

I am in favor of stupid people dying. Red flag #1 for someone being stupid is eating at Panera

>> No.19977811

yes it is.

>> No.19977871

Why wouldn't they be?

>> No.19977886

>I'm sure his heart attack had nothing to do with constantly eating fast food and not exercising
He worked at a Publix, a strenous "exercise" kind of job, so nope.

>> No.19977922
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>and would regularly go to the Panera restaurant after work for meals
>as many as three times a week
>because he thought it was healthy
This should be all you need to read.
These people deserve to die.

>> No.19978194


>> No.19979440

>believed the Panera Charged Lemonade was safe
>he felt the chain advertised as being a healthy alternative to other restaurants
believed, and felt

major red flags there.

>> No.19979455

all they have to do is display the caffeine amount in big letters on the cup, it’s not that hard

>> No.19979519

Why the fuck would they give free refills on a drink like this? At least with coffee it's hot enough to make you space out how much you drink at once.

>> No.19979601

it's the vax

>> No.19979668

There. I fixed it.
America is saved.

>> No.19979675

Most of us don't have this problem because we aren't outright feeble and/or retarded.
If you're the kind of creature that accidentally drinks a gallon of corn syrup when left to his own devices, maybe you shouldn't be left on your own to begin with.

>> No.19980464

every time i've gotten panera it was bland and disgusting while also being overpriced
only been there a couple times and it still feels like a couple times too many

>> No.19980593

>muh evidence
The health effects of tobacco use are incredibly overstated. Yes, obviously smoking two packs of gas station cigarettes a day is bad for you, but enjoying a nice cigar or pipe a couple times a day has a lot of health benefits. The tobacco industry was attacked by jewish lawyers because 1) tobacco increases testosterone and improves virility, which makes for bad goyim, and 2) the tobacco industry was 100% white

>> No.19980625

How much caffine in one a those

>> No.19980661

This. There's a reason why fast food places don't have Red Bull or Monster in self-serve soda machines

>> No.19980673

>Smoking to own the Jews
What a dumbass

>> No.19980679

Smoking cigs is very different from smoking a cigar or pipe, getting ahead of your argument doesn't make it less stupid.

>> No.19980708

>How much caffine in one a those
I am guessing it was inconsisent caffeine content, like maybe on a fountain machine, so could have been quite high at times during the day.
>enjoying a nice cigar or pipe a couple times a day has a lot of health benefits.
absolutely none. You are only supposed to inhale clean fresh air.

>> No.19980739

retards want to be contrarians so bad they end up licking corpo boots

>> No.19980771

no I am tired of idiots getting a pass because they are too stupid to make it through the day without being constantly hand held and protected from their own stupidity.

>> No.19980791
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>caffeinated lemonade

>> No.19980804

you're licking boots of literal retards
slurp it up tardfucker

>> No.19980830

>Smoking to be edgy
You can't be this stupid. Imagine thinking inhaling a carcinogenic irritant daily is good for you.

>> No.19980875

Man sometimes this place I just don't know anymore. How does someone even get to a place in life where they are defending smoking as being healthy.

>> No.19980938

Back to plebbit, roodypoo candyass.

>> No.19981726

Just blame the vax goyim. I mean yes sue and fight amongst yourselves goyim.

>> No.19981739

I would pay extra for those.

>> No.19981741

Do Americans really go to chain restaurants three times a week?