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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19970215 No.19970215 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Dumb shit people say about food.

>boneless wings are just chicken nuggets

No, they aren't. Chicken nuggets are made from "pink slime," which is essentially pulverized chicken. Boneless wings are almost always chicken breast chunks.

>eggs are bad for you

This one won't fucking die. Even doctors will sometimes quote it despite the fact that it's complete and utter bullshit. Eggs are very good for you. One of the best food items you can eat.

>potatoes aren't really vegetables and they're empty calories

Complete and utter bullshit. They have plenty of vitamins and fiber. They're not the most vitamin rich vegetable, but they still contain plenty.

>ketchup covers the taste of food

Only if you fucking drown the food in it. Stop putting so much of it on whatever you're eating and ketchup is just fine.

>pork has parasites and is just bad for you

This one is just muslims making shit up to try and pretend their food restriction is based on anything but superstition and obsolete food safety practices. The pork you buy at the grocery store is parasite free. It's also completely fine as meat goes. Not any better or worse than other meat.

>chicken is tasteless

Shitty chicken is tasteless. Good chicken has a clearly defined taste. PRO-TIP: Chickens which are slaughtered too young tend to have a very light taste. And since the mass produced shit you buy at fast-food comes from chickens which aren't even two months old, that's what you get. Buy meat which came from older chickens.

>> No.19970219


>> No.19970223

>Chicken nuggets are made from "pink slime," which is essentially pulverized chicken.
No, just the shitty ones. I'm sorry those are the only ones you're familiar with, poverty-kun.

>> No.19970225

>Eggs are very good for you.
Don't let the peasants know, you imbecile!

>> No.19970238

>potatoes aren't really vegetables and they're empty calories
No one says this. Dieticians don't typically count then as a vegetable in respect to your five a day due to being so starchy and that they're tightened prepared with large amounts of added salt, fat or both, just as they consider sugar-sweetened fruit smoothies to not count towards it, either. It's more meant as a guideline to get people to eat more vegetables and without additives otherwise Fatmericans would be eating whole pumpkin pies and claiming they're getting their five a day.
Personally, I see an occasional bit of sweetened fruit or starchy very as a perfectly valid entry towards your five a day (as long it's not a packet of crisps or something from the chippy lmao) but I'm not a dietician.

>> No.19970252

>an occasional bit of sweetened fruit or starchy very as a perfectly valid entry
an occasional bit of sweetened fruit or starchy VEG as a perfectly valid entry
Goddamn autocorrect.

>> No.19970260

>as long it's not a packet of crisps or something from the chippy lmao

What, you don't think a bag of chips is a proper dinner?

>> No.19970264

boneless chicken wings actually come from genetically modified boneless chickens, it's unbelievably cruel

>> No.19970273

>five a day
lol, lmao even

>> No.19970277

Brought to you by the same people who tell you that dairy is essential.

There, another dumb myth.

>dairy is an essential part of nutrition

It fucking isn't. That was forced into the food pyramids because dairy producers bribed the government. Not even kidding, it's a well recorded fact.

>> No.19970278

>Chicken nuggets are made from "pink slime,"
KYS retard

>> No.19970294

Dairy is essential if you're white.

>> No.19970326

>oh no without bones his wings are too flappy nooooo
fuck off peta

>> No.19970355

I eat well over that number. Know what I eat less of? Grain. The majority of my diet is straight up vegetables. And I don't mean any of that plant-based nonsense. I meant actual, honest to goodness vegetables.
Anyway, I was just giving the dietetic explanation for why they're not counted as vegetables.

idgaf if it's essential or not (I mean, obviously it isn't), but I can process dairy and enjoy it so I eat/drink it. I didn't think anyone believes dairy is essential.

I'm Eurasian and my dad is a lifelong lactose-intolerant. Mum's from yurp proper (her mum's from the goddamn Alps, lmao). Happy to have gotten those genes cuz I fucking love da shit out of dairy.

>> No.19970361

they can't even MOVE. they just sit there in a blob of flesh for their whole lives, it's SICK

>> No.19970484

>boneless wings are almost always chicken breast chunks
That's not even remotely true, and to the extent that it's not true 100% of the time people still call them nuggets hyperbolically as a way to call you a child. The fact that, like a child, you're unable to understand a simple rhetorical jab at your immature palate only reinforces the notion.

Basically everything else on your list ranges from shit nobody has said in 30 years to shit nobody has ever said at all.

>> No.19970522

The boneless wings info was interesting to me but you're wrong about the pigs. Pigs are the most disgusting animals. They digest food quickly which is bad, and they're willing to eat literally anything including their own dead children, which as you pointed out they probably aren't getting anything like that but it's also a spiritual thing, you are what you eat so you shouldn't eat something as disgusting as a pig, it's unclean and full of unclean spirits.

>> No.19970530

That sounds right considering dairy isn't a nutrient like carbs or protein or fat. Your body doesn't understand what dairy is it only knows what nutrients are.

>> No.19970531

Shouldn't you be getting bombed in Gaza right now?

>> No.19970536

Funny joke but even the Christian bible says the same thing in Leviticus. It says pigs shall be unclean to you. God is never wrong, pigs are unclean no matter how clean you try to make them.

>> No.19970539

I always thought christfagging was just a means to get into an argument with someone on here, but it's so common that I'm starting to believe that some people take it seriously.

>> No.19970563

Yeah I'm gonna trust the word of some deranged lunatics that lived thousands of years ago when it comes to food.

>> No.19970569

Yes I take what God says seriously. I only recently took the pigs are unclean thing seriously though. I ate pork for my whole life and always loved it. Bacon, sausage, everything. It tastes good. But now I just don't eat it at all. And that's okay because there's plenty of clean animals to eat like cows and chickens and deer.

>> No.19970576

What part about chickens make you think they are clean? They'll peck each other to death and eat chicks.

>> No.19970616

It's all in Leviticus 11. Again, there's not just a physical reason but also a spiritual reason. The birds which are unclean are the ones which are nocturnal like owls, and bats, or scavengers like vultures. Any animals could be found to eat anything but the general diet of a chicken is very normal, and they live in daylight rather than nocturnal. It's a spiritual thing. We want to live in the light not be spiritually nocturnal. There are tons of animal analogies in the bible like "don't cast your pearls before swine" or "don't give what is holy to the dogs" so you don't want to be a spiritual swine so you shouldn't consume a swine and let it become part of your physical body which is a temple of your spirit and the holy spirit. Eating anything makes the substance of the material part of your physical body. Pigs don't chew the cud, and the spiritual relevance of that is that "chewing the cud" represents mulling over a moral decision so that you make the right one. A spiritual pig doesn't chew the cud, they don't think about their decisions they just do whatever and don't care, they swallow anything without chewing it again.

>> No.19970620

>mom from alps
Built for LCT(LaCtose Tolerance)

>> No.19970625

Dumb food myths yet you mention a dumb food myth ("chicken nuggets are pink slime!!!!"). You DO realize you can literally make chicken nuggets at home, right? And without blending it up?

>> No.19970718

bro, christians can eat pork
you're over thinking this

>> No.19970737

7 And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you
Leviticus 11

That was so easy

>> No.19970745

read romans

>> No.19970747

You're obviously just trolling to start an argument and I don't usually care to argue with idiots but I care about god's word and making sure people know the truth about it. It's literally the one thing that matters. Talk about food instead.

>> No.19970751

Literally you are trolling and it's lame. Do something better with your time loser

>> No.19970754

If you care about God's word, why would you not capitalize His name and why are you taking the word of hebrews who wrote the bible above God's word from his own mouth?

>> No.19970761

Rom 6:14 For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

Rom. 7:4 Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.

Rom. 7:6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

Col. 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day —
Col. 2:17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

1Tim. 4:1-5 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Christians can eat pork

>> No.19970764

>marinades can penetrate the inside of meat to flavor it
>searing meat creates a seal that protects juices from coming out
>any so called trick to stop onions from making you cry when cutting
>pasta water can thicken sauces

>> No.19970771

Onion crying is just from a gas, if you just wear a mask you won't cry, not really a trick.

>> No.19970778

By that logic Christians can murder and fuck their mothers too retard. I'm not going to waste my breath on you because I will spend this whole thread speaking plain sense to you and you will deliberately find a way to say some nonsense. Whether on purpose or maybe you genuinely believe it who knows who cares but I'm not wasting my time and happiness on you.

>> No.19970785

>let do as thou wilt be the whole of the law
wow, the bible is awesome!

>> No.19970788


>I can't actually refute anything so I'll resort to insults

Truly pathetic.

>> No.19970790

you are a false Christian, Christ set us free from the law,

Galatians 5
2 Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love.

7 You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion is not from him who calls you. 9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. 10 I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view than mine; and he who is troubling you will bear his judgment, whoever he is. 11 But if I, brethren, still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? In that case the stumbling block of the cross has been removed. 12I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!

>> No.19970794

Since this is the Christian food thread: Whatever happened to the no meat on friday thing?

>> No.19970795

follow up to my post with some more Galatians

Galations 2.4
14But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?"

>> No.19970798

yet more galatians

Galatians 1.6 -1.9
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel-- 7 not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed.

>> No.19970819

>putting hot food in the fridge will cause bacteria to grow wildly and spoil the food

>> No.19970823

Everything I've ever seen from any chef, home cook, or even government all have said to put food immediately in the fridge within like 10 minutes of finishing cooking it if you don't' plan to eat it all.

>> No.19970827

Its still a thing in some countries but most of them caught on to the fact that the church is making this shit up on the spot like considering capybara fish and butter as meat and then going back and forth on its own laws

>> No.19970879

anon, when the bible talks of 'the Law'
it refers to the Law of the old testement ie the law of the pharisees ie jewish law

Christ set us free frrom the law and brought a new covenant

read hebrews
10: 11-12, 16-18
Under the old covenant, the priest stands before the altar day after day, offering sacrifices that can never take away sins. But our High Priest offered himself to God as one sacrifice for sins, good for all time. ‘This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts so they will understand them, and I will write them on their minds so they will obey them.’ Then he adds, ‘ I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds

>> No.19970885

>ITT: Dumb shit people say about food.
Pasta is good

>> No.19970932

I ain't circumsized, you illiterate fuck. I can eat any animal that wasn't strangled or offered to an idol, just so long as there ain't no blood in it. Even human flesh is permitted to a gentile christian.

>> No.19970940

Chrischan did fuck his mother, and after reviewing the scripture, the fbi has dropped all charges and assigned him a government issued girlfriend. Let that sink in. Even Chrischan has had sex, and you never will.

>> No.19970943

>best by

>> No.19970949

>le bacon polyester
Get better material. Better yet, actually read the Bible.
>Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25

>> No.19970963

>This one won't fucking die. Even doctors will sometimes quote it despite the fact that it's complete and utter bullshit. Eggs are very good for you. One of the best food items you can eat.
Nah, the cholesterol is too much

>> No.19970965

>Then he adds
He who? The author of this epistle is not only unknown but unlikely to have ever met Christ (and strongly suspected to be Priscilla; I'll give you time to look her up). Everything the author wrote is mere hearsay and speculation. They've no more authority on what Christ said than the man who claimed to have met Christ in a vision (spoiler: he didn't) and somehow both took over His church and corrupted His teachings. Like most so-called Christians, you are, in fact, a Paulist, as you deny Christ's actual teachings in favour of Paul's perversions of them. You follow the fallen by following his apostle's teachings and not those of Christ Himself.

>> No.19970984

>YHWH/Allah created pigs according to His will and design, AND
>YHWH/Allah made pigs delicious, AND
>YHWH/Allah made pigs unclean and full of evil spirits, BUT
>YHWH/Allah isn't a psychopath
Your desert sheepfucker religion collapses at the slightest glance

>> No.19970989

interesting how none of my other posts are questioned

>you deny Christ's actual teachings
see this anons post from the gospel of Mathew >>19970949
It is you who denies the word and teachings of Christ

Perhaps you are a Jewish Christian

also some more from Christ
Mark 7:6-8
And He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:
‘This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
‘But in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’
Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.”

Isaiah 29:13
Then the Lord said,
“Because this people draw near with their words
And honor Me with their lip service,
But they remove their hearts far from Me,
And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote

>> No.19971010

more from Christ

Mark 2:23-24
And it happened that He was passing through the grainfields on the Sabbath, and His disciples began to make their way along while picking the heads of grain. The Pharisees were saying to Him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”

Matthew 23:1-36
Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.
(This appears in Luke 6:1-2 and Mark 2:23-24 as well)

Matthew 12:8-10
For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Departing from there, He went into their synagogue. And a man was there whose hand was withered. And they questioned Jesus, asking, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—so that they might accuse Him.

>> No.19971013

Absolutely. It makes sense. The less time food spends at warm or room temperature the less bacteria will grow. I got into a mild argument with two coworkers about it once.
All you have to do is think about it logically. Bacteria growth is inhibited when food is cold or hot. The in-between area is the danger zone, so naturally you'd want to minimize the time the food spends in that middle area.

>> No.19971020

ive actually heard people say you have to wait for food to cool down to room temperature before you put it in the fridge
i didnt understand the logic behind why they said it though

>> No.19971112

>i didnt understand the logic behind why they said it though
because putting hot food in a shitty fridge (or a fuckton of hot food in a normal fridge) will raise the overall ambient temperature of the fridge substantially and endanger all the other food.
either put less food at once into your fridge or get a more efficient fridge. you're trading potential bacterial growth on your new food (by leaving it sitting out) with potential bacterial growth on your existing food (by cranking the ambient fridge temp up by putting it in hot)

>> No.19971119

potatoes are not vegetables lmao, they're a generic starch storage that can get from tons of different plants

>> No.19971253

t. Paulist
Satan can also quote Scripture to suit his aims, demon.

>> No.19971270

Matthew 23

>> No.19971374

>doesn't believe Paul is authoritative
you're either Jewish or schizophrenic or both

>> No.19971379

why not just call them breastlets or something instead of "wings", i hate marketers

>> No.19971394

How could anyone call himself a Christian and believe some man who literally contradicts Christ many many many times?
To believe Paul has any authority at all is to deny Christ. You are not a Christian.

>> No.19971406

>eggs are bad for you
wait what??
i have literally NEVER heard anyone say this before. i have only ever heard people say eggs are good for you.

>> No.19971436

>How could anyone call himself a Christian and believe some man who literally contradicts Christ many many many times?
no he doesn't

>> No.19971445

In his Epistle to the Romans, Paul says the end times are soon (2000 years are quite a stretch for 'soon,' eh kiddo?).
However, Jesus Himself said somewhere in Luke (let me find the exact passage in a sec) to ignore those who claim to come in His name (as Paul did) and lead His people astray (as Paul did) claiming they know when the end times are (as Paul did). Jesus literally commanded you to not follow such people. Yet... you do.
Ergo, following literally anything that Paul has to say on anything is to disavow Christ. It makes you a Paulist, not a Christian.
I've got dozens of other examples and, if you want, I can give you exact verses to support myself.
So explain how a supposed authority can contradict Christ Himself? Paul is of the fallen.

>> No.19971456

Christ cuck nerds are having a gay slap fight. That is neither food nor cooking.

>> No.19971462

Christ also said the end times were soon ("before this generation passes away"). as no man knows the hour, the end is always "soon", and anyway, 2000 years is no different from 2 minutes in the eyes of God. and Paul didn't claim to know the exact time of the end, he merely said what EVERY early Christian and every millenarian Jew had said before him. John of Patmos also said the end was imminent. is Revelations fake? you're either being intentionally wrong (which would be a profoundly evil thing to do) or you've been mislead by some kind of nonsense cult

>> No.19971467

what are you saying?

>> No.19971475

>Paul says the end times are soon
Romans 13:11-14
>Jesus Himself said somewhere in Luke to ignore those who claim to come in His name and lead His people astray claiming they know when the end times are. Jesus literally commanded you to not follow such people.
Luke 21:8

>> No.19971492

Christ commands that you not follow people making those claims so as a Christian, you must ignore John of Patmos, yes. As a Paulist, you can do as you wish because you've already disavowed Christ Jesus in favour of the fallen and his words.

>> No.19971501

ok ebionite

joking aside anon you are litterally what is called a jewish christian based on your posts
they are still around

>> No.19971505

>pork has parasites
Even infested pork will be fine to eat if cooked to a temp. of 145 F.
You know what else has parasites inside it? YOU (and me too).
I hate people who "don't eat" things. "Oh, I don't eat that" and it's usually something that's not necessarily a food, but rather an ingredient, usually a staple ingredient at that. Onions, garlic, lettuce, bell pepper, mushrooms (not really a staple, but you get it) come to mind.
I can understand not liking something, but 9/10 times these people haven't even given it a real chance, citing shit like the smell or the texture, which is usually some imaginary self psyche out along the lines of "how it feels going down my throat.. "
These are the stupidest people, in my opinion and I openly and uncaringly hate them all.

>> No.19971513

nah this guy is way worse than a Messianic Jew. those guys are just regular Nicene Christians who happen to have been born Jewish. this anon is a heterodox radical weirdo

>> No.19971517

> You know what else has parasites inside it? YOU (and me too).
Upset about feces in your food? Well, guess what bucko, you already have feces in your body! Heh heh.
This is how fucking dumb you sound.

>> No.19971520

You'd think he would have written a fucking COOKBOOK instead of the incomprehensible drivel that he couldn't even write himself, had to get some 20 IQ sheep herder who had probably never been more than 30 miles from his hometown to write it for him.
Seriously, the guy also tries to write sexual morality into law when the only sex he's had was non-consensual. Cosmopolitan magazine came out 4300 years later, you would think the guy who "invented" it would have already covered everything.
But I digress. Why not a fucking COOKBOOK? With recipes other than magical abortion potions.
Numbers 5:11–31 since you love quoted scripture so goddamn much.

>> No.19971522

>heterodox radical weirdo
They said the same of Christ. I'm in good company.

>> No.19971528
File: 169 KB, 1500x971, 1000022801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acts of the Apostles, chapter 10
>9 About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”
>14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
>15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
>16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

>> No.19971541

Jehova's Witnesses are also heterodox, does that mean that they're in the right when they deny the divinity of Christ? Christ told the truth because he was the truth, you're just a man who resists 2000 years of Christian scholarship and tradition

>> No.19971542
File: 419 KB, 498x350, hotdogs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic reminds me of this.

>> No.19971548

>Christian scholarship
Paulist. You are not Christian. Your scholarship is not Christian. Your traditions are of the fallen.

>> No.19971549

The Acts were written by Luke, not Paul, by the way.

>> No.19971556

All these animals are unclean. So just shack your family up with two of each one of them inside a 400x70 ft. floating nightmare device for 40 days and nights.
What a fucking dream cruise.

>> No.19971559

OP wanted a thread about food myths
What he got was a crazy man claiming to be a christian arguing with actual christians

>> No.19971560

just obstinately espousing nonsense like that won't make it true

>> No.19971561

Thought it was John but yeah, Luke seems most likely.

>> No.19971563

So you get it! Yes, exactly! That is why I don't follow Paul. And also because Christ commands you not to.

>> No.19971567

do you have an actual church that you go to where they tell you this stuff or did you get it all online?

>> No.19971576

From Christ Himself and His gospel and not the letters of some machiavellian deceiver and follower of the fallen.

>> No.19971588

anon 99.99999999% of Christians believe Paul's writings as authoritative
Proto-Orthodox Christians and the Gnostics believed that back in the 1st centuary
Paul is biblical cannon

anon please can you tell me what you call your denomination?

what is you opinion on the incident of antioch?

how does it feel knowing that almost all other denominations that agree with you
Ebionites, Elcesaites, Cerdonians, etc are long long extinct and rembered as heretics?

will you consider joining a jewish christian sect where you can speak to like minded people?

>> No.19971598

would you consider yourself a judaizer?

>> No.19971604

this thread is like talking to a modern day Cathar

>> No.19971613

Christ appointed shepherds for us for the express purpose of providing theological and moral guidance. you've clearly chosen to ignore ALL of these spiritual leaders and choose to rely on your own intellect instead, which is surely a very dangerous choice

>> No.19971622


>> No.19971731
File: 550 KB, 652x854, Creamed Kotz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your body doesn't understand what dairy is it only knows what nutrients are.
Found the formula fed retard!!
ALL fucking mammals know what milk is on a biological process level.
Here's one that's easily researched:
Due to massive overfarming and use of soil microbiota killing Ag Chemsm our foods aren't nearly as nutritious as they were 60 years ago when the IOS started dictating the RDAs for different foods.
In other words, VITAMIN and mineral supplements ARE necessary now.

>> No.19971769
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Marie’s Homemade Italian tomato sauce part 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pasta water can thicken sauces
WHat? Do people really think this?
I thought everyone knew pasta water was only for LOOSENING a sauce that's too tight?
Has anyone posted the bullshit Oil in the pasta water bullshit yet?
NOPE! that one too. Just fucking watch your stovetop when it's running people, It's all of 14 minutes MAXIMUM, and your sauce and anything baking are RIGHT THERE.

>> No.19971779

>anon 99.99999999% of Christians
Paulists, not Christians.
>anon please can you tell me what you call your denomination?
>how does it feel
I've no feeling about that one way or the other.
>will you consider joining a jewish christian sect
>choose to rely on your own intellect
I choose to rely on Christ Jesus. You choose to rely on the intellect of men and the fallen.

>> No.19971780

it's from the sulfur, and the main way it gets in your eyes is micro droplets of water that erupt when you cut the onion.
so goggles would probably work better than a mask

>> No.19971802

I thought you were referring to users of this site until I got to "that lived thousands of years ago."

>> No.19971811

Can confirm. I have worn goggles while cutting onions and did not have any reaction to them.

>> No.19971816

>yt pipo dont be seasoning they food

>> No.19971882

Chicken bites are not chicken nuggets.

>> No.19971890

When it comes to chicken at least, if you put it in a sealed container while it's still hot, it'll essentially steam itself and taste terrible afterwards. You don't necessarily need to wait for it to be room temperature, but let it cool a bit.

>> No.19971910

Poorfags cry when they cut onions because their knives are sharp

>> No.19971920

>small pieces of chicken fried in batter.

>a small piece of deboned chicken meat that is breaded or battered, then deep-fried

>> No.19971940

>ITT: Dumb shit people say about food.
Vegetarians/Vegans are not getting enough nutrients

>> No.19971974

27 vegan babies died for this post.

>> No.19971986


>> No.19971988
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>Dieticians don't typically count then as a vegetable in respect to your five a day due to being so starchy
my retarded elementary school teacher marked my answer of potato to "name a vegetable" wrong, citing it was a starch. she hated me and also had her suckup bitch lying about me for no reason other than to be a cunt. called my parents in when I wouldn't let the point go since it was NOT WRONG. fucking cunts holy shit

>> No.19972002

Case in point

>> No.19972029

Meanwhile, as a teacher myself, I got an email at the beginning of the year from a parent saying her daughter won't be doing any assignments at home. No homework. No projects. Nothing. "School ends when she's out that door," I remember the email saying. Can't wait to see what sort of absolute dreg of society this little shitheel will grow up to be.
>ps, while I agree with the teacher to some degree, you were technically correct so while she explained that a potato doesn't count because it's "a starch," she didn't explain why a starch doesn't count and instead picked a fight with a literal child, one who likely hasn't even reached 10 years old yet; she's an idiot

>> No.19972046
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it's either a vegetable or it's not. there is no fuzzy logic here. if not, is it a grain??nothingyearold me knew that much. I appreciate the kind words but there is nothing valid about that teacher's take.

>> No.19972058

What do people expect really? Teachers get paid shit all, get no respect, its a shit job. Only crazed lefty cultists take it because they get the chance to mindrape children and turn them into trannies which is much more important to them than money.

>> No.19972085

>it's either a vegetable or it's not
Yeah, which is why I said you were technically correct. The teacher expected a different sort of answer and explained why the answer you gave wasn't what she was looking for. However, rather than take the opportunity to explain why a starchy vegetable wasn't what she wanted being saying "it just isn't, lol," she picked a fight with someone a third her age or younger, thereby proving she's not only a shit teacher but likely stuck in some sort of arrested development. Even if you were an annoying little shit who picked them argument with her, as the literal adult in the room, it was her duty to set that shit straight, which she failed to do.
idk what her lesson plan was, if it explicitly stated that potato counted under a different category (starches, for example) or what so I can't completely fault her for saying it was wrong, just for missing a teachable moment and starting shit with a kid. She's a cunt and were you my kid, I'd have not only said this same thing to her but also made sure she understood that she'd wasted my time and hers and instruct her to not do so again.

>> No.19972090

>teachers get no respect
As evidence by the rest of your post, you fucking idiot.

>> No.19972123

No shit, moron, are you going to repeat this post back to me too like a retarded parrot?

>> No.19972125

Nigger even ignoring that guys rant there's a reason why pig meat is so fucked and has to be cured or heated more specifically than chicken and segmented the same way too
Also as retarded islam is their explanation for saying no to pork is because they are just dirty animals that were practically impossible to grow safely and healthily in their origin point of the arab peninsula. The way the original word written for pigs should mean pigs are actually ok to eat now, and a lot of cuts that aren't classified as halal are still halal but both of these are practically political garbo and not about the sanctity of their religion so who cares

>> No.19972129

Chicken are extremely retarded and can be very dirty, BUT it's all about how you keep them. It's much easier to keep them than pigs because pigs WILL eat literal shit from a sick animal and be happy about it.

>> No.19972132

grocery tips you can't afford

>> No.19972143

Not him but every single dictionary definition I look up lists the potato as a vegetable. This isn't debatable, it's a vegetable.

>> No.19972157


>> No.19972192

Doesn't change the fact that her lesson plan might have put it elsewhere. If she did so, then yes, her lesson plan is wrong, but it also shows why it wasn't the answer she was looking for.
If this is the case, anon either willfully ignored the lesson or simply missed that part of it. The point of tests is to see how well kids retain what they're taught from the lesson plan so she was right to mark the answer wrong /if that's how she taught it/.
I wasn't in Anon's class. I don't know what the teacher taught. I don't know what her lesson plan included. Of course, the above is all speculative, so if she never explicitly stated "potato doesn't count" before the test, she'd be in the wrong to mark it as an incorrect.

>> No.19972197
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"boneless wings" = chicken tendies
Eat your manbaby food

>> No.19972200

Leviticus is the Old Testament, written and followed by Jews

>> No.19972220

You're just proving that school is an indoctrination facility rather than a learning one.

>> No.19972330

Read Acts 10:9-16 and 1 Timothy 4:3-5 faggot
The clean/unclean animal laws aren’t relevant to Christians

>> No.19972370

>>any so called trick to stop onions from making you cry when cutting
Lighting a candle definitely works

>> No.19972398

I have a triple threat expert on onions coworker, as in she's a black mom, who swears up and down it's beneficial to soak them in cold water for a while before doing anything.
i do the thing i read online, and don't cut into the root part. it's effective in most cases, probably not where i fuck up. but her onions tear our us up sometimes so i'm pretty sure the cold water doesn't do anything

>> No.19972414

>They're not the most vitamin rich vegetable, but they still contain plenty.
That's the issue though. There are so many better options.

>> No.19972421

Kinda reminds me of the time I was listening to a guy talking to his daughter at a resturant.
She was asking if avacados were fruits and vegetables and he said "Uh... well, dear, they're a super food".
He heard me laughing and I kinda feel bad about it.

>> No.19972425

>of course they are, what else would they be?
dumb bitch daughter: 0
me: 1

>> No.19972647

youre an utter retard
i know people said religion attracts idiots but i didnt believe it until know

also let me guess you are american

>> No.19972691

>food thread turns into a bunch of gay schizods arguing which magic set of words you need to live by according to the great gandalf that lives in the sky
The christlarp phase of this website is really cringe

>> No.19972866
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>Shitty chicken is tasteless.

>> No.19972871

t. Paulist

>> No.19972872

You didn't know what indoctrination means.

>> No.19972892

The parent was right. Fuck homeworks.

>> No.19972911

>he willingly calls himself a gentile
The proper term is shabbos goy

>> No.19972915

If you think the kid will automatically be a failure in life for not doing homework the joke's on you.
But it was on you anyways since you chose teaching as a career. lmao

>> No.19972944

>Can't wait to see what sort of absolute dreg of society this little shitheel will grow up to be.
I don't know man. I went through high school only doing homework I could get done during class. I averaged around 85 because I didn't do papers for English and Social Studies classes, but got 100s in Math and Science classes. Now I do security and safety analysis for the governments.
Homework is probably necessary during primary school, though. There's so much rote memorization that it really needs to be spaced out between school and home.

>> No.19972948

>I don't know man.
tim pool?

>> No.19972949

>any so called trick to stop onions from making you cry when cutting
The only times I tear up when cutting onions anymore is when I was too lazy to sharpen the knife.
With a sharp knife, knowing how to cut an onion quickly, and maybe also the coldness, it's pretty easy not get owned by onion vapors.

>> No.19973030

It's to save money as far as I knew. You're making the fridge work to cool it off if you immediately put it away.

>> No.19973079
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>> No.19973095
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>so if she never explicitly stated "potato doesn't count" before the test, she'd be in the wrong to mark it as an incorrect
so exactly what I said happened. idk why you keep assuming the teacher was honest and pretending like it's impossible for a person to hate a kid and act on that in petty ways. there was no lesson plan, it was a retarded food groups test based on simple classroom discussion. it was also pre internet so you couldn't just spot check her. you can twist this all you want, but it's a shitty person on a power trip, simple as. happens all the time.

>> No.19973115

>so exactly what I said happened. idk why you
Ma'am, you never said whether or not she explicitly stated "potato doesn't count" before the test.
>keep assuming the teacher was honest
Where did anyone imply such an assumption?
>pretending like it's impossible for a person to hate a kid and act on that in petty ways
Where did anyone pretend that?
>you can twist this all you want
What was twisted and where?
>it's a shitty person on a power trip, simple as. happens all the time.
You don't say...

>> No.19973186

It's a myth thread, anon. It's the perfect spot to discuss things that aren't real or never happened.

>> No.19973188
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>y-you didn't explicitly state every detail
>how was I to know??!!
you should attend some critical thinking sessions. I can definitely see why you're a teacher.

>> No.19973189

t. circumsiced jewish christian

>> No.19973237

Ma'am, you're making assumptions again (and wrong on all counts) and growing quite pissy, catty and bitchy. That time of the month?

>> No.19973271

what do they eat?

>> No.19973279
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>potatoes are starchy so I've decided they're not a vegetable
lmao nobody should ever listen to you about anything. those who can't do... teach.

>> No.19973287

Do you need a Motrin, ma'am?

>> No.19973301

>No, they aren't. Chicken nuggets are made from "pink slime," which is essentially pulverized chicken. Boneless wings are almost always chicken breast chunks.

Isnt this fake advertising? If you call it boneless wings I would assume its wing but deboned

>> No.19973330

There is a whole lawsuit over that

>> No.19973544

Hot food in a sealed container can create a steam bath that is extremely good for bacteria growth.

>> No.19973550

Why would you think that Paul is authoritative?
Justify it.

>> No.19973876

>tim pool
>works as governments shabbos goy
checks our

>> No.19973945

>Can't wait to see what sort of absolute dreg of society this little shitheel will grow up to be.
homework is necessary for the bottom 50% of your class to learn subject-matter via spaced repetition, annoying but probably helpful for the 30% above them, and entirely unhelpful learning-alienating grueling torture for the 20% at the top. a "one size fits all" approach to the classroom either fucks the kids at the bottom or the kids at the top, and it's usually the kids at the top because everyone feels bad for the stupid ones. way to teach the naturally intelligent kids in your class to fucking revile education. every worthless repetitive assignment is another stake in the heart of them choosing to go into higher education to fulfill their dreams.
is this kid one of those 20%? probably not. but your attitude is disgusting. can't wait to see what sort of barely-educated fact-avoidant depressed shit-tier adults your classroom will produce. good work, "teacher".

>> No.19974085

>nor about your body, what you will put on
i thought tattoos and piercings are evil shit and deny you heaven access

>> No.19974455

>Shitty chicken is tasteless. Good chicken has a clearly defined taste. PRO-TIP: Chickens which are slaughtered too young tend to have a very light taste. And since the mass produced shit you buy at fast-food comes from chickens which aren't even two months old, that's what you get. Buy meat which came from older chickens.

Okay, were do I buy this non shitty chicken?

>> No.19974585

You misunderstand. It's not about the girl growing up to be shit for not doing homework. It's about the girl growing up to be shit because she has a mother who will instill in her a sense of exceptionalism. She will think she's special when, it's pretty clear to me already, she's very much not. Those sorts always turn out to be the absolute worst people
I honestly couldn't give a fuck about the homework if the girl were inquisitive and curious. She seems to be learning okay, not fantastically, but she lacks ask the hallmarks of a bright kid. Potato-kun was clearly a bright kid (not so much as an adult, it seems, but the fact that he stood his ground, questioned the teacher, made a logical conclusion etc etc shows that he ain't no dummy) but this girl just isn't.

>> No.19974721

The laws regarding their consumption are no longer in effect, that does not mean that God changed his mind on the topic of whether or not they are filthy animals. You dumb fuckers don't understand your own religion.

>> No.19974742

Dunno if it's a dumb food myth but I was told that nearly all fish have parasites, I don't eat fish much anymore.

>> No.19974869

>pork has parasites and is just bad for you
>This one is just muslims making shit up to try and pretend their food restriction is based on anything but superstition and obsolete food safety practices. The pork you buy at the grocery store is parasite free. It's also completely fine as meat goes. Not any better or worse than other meat.
This thread is some evil high grade disinfo

>> No.19975261

the only reason pork had to be cooked to 160 was trichinosis, which is all but gone now and the reason safe pork temp dropped to 140. God youre retarded omar

>> No.19975278

have you ever been to a farm? every animal is dirty and nasty

>> No.19975608
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This thread is just full of butthurt camel backpacks.

>> No.19975620

>her daughter won't be doing any assignments at home. No homework. No projects. Nothing. "School ends when she's out that door,"
She has ADHD.

>> No.19975887

>That's not even remotely true
It's 1 milllion percent true

>> No.19975894

>and they're willing to eat literally anything including their own dead children
so do chickens you dumb motherfuckers
chickens will eat shit, eat their own eggs, even other chicken too and the rate at which they do it is the same as pork

basically if you don't trust pork, you shouldn't trust chickens either
so sick of the "logical" arguments when it comes to religion which is something that is faith-based
you want to be religious and not eat some meat? fine, but don't bring logic in because you will fail every time

>> No.19976067

Of course it is true that an industry will seek favour with a government but there are evolutionary advantages (maybe not advantages, these days) in being able to get sustenance from dairy. Humans in the wild would have much more nutritional choices available and, one which renewed in a different way from harvest and kill cycles.

>> No.19976137

I can confirm that eating rare pork is fine and you don't get sick

>> No.19976243
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>> No.19976289

The worms in your brain made you believe that.

>> No.19976307

its a boomer meme. when some corrupt food scientist took bribes from the sugar industry in the 70s, they published a paper that basically said: fat is bad, calories is bad and all the npcs then came to the conclusion that eggs are REALLY bad

>> No.19976310


oops, meant to type cholesterol

>> No.19976316

*arnt sharp. when a dull blade smashes the cell wall of the onion it releases the acidic juice that makes you cry.

a sharp knife goes right through the onion with minimal damage

>> No.19976331

meh, your fault reading the kike part of the bible

>> No.19977389

Pigs, assuming they have the proper amount of space and resources, tend to be comparatively clean actually. They're fussy little bastards.

>> No.19977395

I blame the immigrants and refugees from other, worse, sites.

>> No.19977405

Chips is a fine dinner. That guy must be a swede.

>> No.19977409

>Dumb shit people say about food.
mexican food
taco bell

give you diarrhea.

>> No.19977411

>Buy meat which came from older chickens.
how do you even find this out

>> No.19977412

When I was 14 I thought being a le atheist was so edgy and cool. Turns out they're all simply other 14 year olds who, without fail, erroneously apply the Old Testament to Christians.

>> No.19977435
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>Satan can also quote Scripture to suit his aims, demon.
well isn't that convenient.

>> No.19977441

>the sheet was taken back to heaven.
that's the best god can do? a sheet?

>> No.19977448
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you don know that the bible was put together sometime about 1100 years ago to suit the beliefs of the church at the time? that there are hundreds of gospels and books that were not included because they didn't line up with the doctrine of the time.

that mathew, mark, luke, and john contradict each other?

that revelations is considered apocrypha.

also I have read the bible cover to cover twice. boring is and understatement.

>> No.19977453

onions never make me cry because it only takes about 1 minute to cut them. also sharpen your knives.

>> No.19977465

>I got my incredibly incorrect interpretation of the bible from Christ Himself!!!
You sound like a New Apostolic Reformation cuck. They use that exact reasoning to lead entire megachurches astray and make millions of dollars doing it. Hit up Chuck Pierce, I'm sure he'll let you teach your shit at Glory of Zion.

>> No.19977627

They are all Paulists as are you.

>> No.19978331

Cooking? Food?

>> No.19978363

if i eat all these foods filled with preservatives, do i becomes preserved? you are what you eat.

>> No.19978527

>Chicken nuggets are made from "pink slime,"
you can literally pull apart a chicken nugget, bought frozen or from a fast food place, and see the fibers of the meat separating, just like a chicken breast. if it were formless sludge it would clearly look like that on the inside.