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19969229 No.19969229 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods that are unnecessarily shat upon

>> No.19969238
File: 493 KB, 3000x3000, 0c911e7c-26cd-4725-9d1d-9436afd3b799.7d5b13a936db8d5d040ef1ffd7b36e67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't get why it exists compared to real American cheese which is often the same price

>> No.19969249

Thats because you're an idiot. You are not worth the explanation, idiot.

>> No.19969254

IT MELTS!!!!!!!

>> No.19969272

>keep refrigerated
The whole fucking point of cheese is that it's a way to process extra milk that would've gone bad into a product that DOES NOT need to be refrigerated. God I hate American cheese and I'm American

>> No.19969276
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Brown folks can’t handle heat like this.sn2sr

>> No.19969284

i have never seem a darkie eat horseradish so i believe you

>> No.19969307
File: 31 KB, 500x333, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__aht.seriouseats.com__images__20100917-cheese-sauce-14-5f941731779341c9a9ab56d8096cf5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're conflating pre-shredded cheddar that's coated in cellulose to prevent it from clumping which causes it to not melt out
Whereas the entire point of American cheese is that it melts better than regular cheese because the sodium citrate prevents it from splitting

>> No.19969312
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>> No.19969313
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I agree that American cheese gets shat on more than it deserves (if you read the ingredients label there really isn't anything that bad added to it) but I also feel some people online overstate it's meltability and make it seems like it's the only suitable cheese for burgers and grilled cheese. There are "real" cheeses that also melt quite well while having better flavor. I'm not necessarily anti American cheese I just don't see much reason to use it over other options.

>> No.19969316

kraft "cheese" products have every right to get shit on you fucking goyslop animal

>> No.19969324
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Singles are shat upon for good reason. They're inferior. If you aren't buying Kraft Deluxe American, you're doing it wrong (and they make them individually wrapped like singles, too)

>> No.19969325
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You're the type of person that's so mentally poor that you shoplift generic brand products.

>> No.19969402
File: 144 KB, 894x752, 91cSORPNGpL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam. People assume it's something way worse than it actually is for some reason. Everyone thinks it's some disgusting mystery meat but it's just finely ground cured pork shoulder and ham in a can. If you read the ingredients list it really isn't any worse than bacon or sausage.

It's weird how everyone accepts canned fish as a completely normal thing but if you put pork in a can people freak out and assume something must be wrong with it.

>> No.19969408

>takes an entire hour to think of a comeback


>> No.19969479

>Assuming everyone who responds to them is the same person

>> No.19969545

Never heard of this before. Why does it get shit on? It just seems like a generic shredded cheese blend to me.

>> No.19969560

its still bad, too much salt and preservants, enjoy cancer and aids

>> No.19969565

I'll die on this hill with you, buddy. Singles are fucking disgusting, but American cheese is great.

>> No.19969576

Not arguing that Spam is a health food but if you compare the ingredients list and nutrition labels it's not any worse than your average bacon, cured sausage, or ham. The only preservative it contains is sodium nitrate which is also used in other cured meats. Its sodium content is also comparable to bacon.

>> No.19969594

I still like the singles for burgers or anything else it'll melt just because I like the gooeyness.

>> No.19969598

I was told American cheese is bad because it contains gelatin, that's gross

>> No.19969600

Is Spam cheaper in America?
It seems way too overpriced for what it is.

Why get this when fresh ground meat is cheaper?

>> No.19969601

Only Velveeta contains gelatin. Most other brands don't.

>> No.19969619

It's not really a replacement for fresh meat. Think of it more like ham. I would only use it if I were specifically looking for a cured pork flavor. It's also convenient to have a shelf stable product that you can just always keep in your pantry. It's not something I eat often but it's nice to have on hand for those times when I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while and have an empty fridge.

Here in America it usually costs 3 to 4 dollars per 12 oz (340 grams) can.

>> No.19970298

It's not a natural cheese. They take the leftovers from producing other cheese, combine them with sodium citrate into a solid loaf then set and shred. People find the idea of processed cheese objectionable but I suspect it's because they didn't realise just how fucking mundane the process actually is. I've made similar shit myself from supermarket deli ends and can tell you that no one watching me do so would find any of it objectionable and would be more than happy to try the finished product.
That said, I personally don't care for provel on pizza because it melts /too well/ but I've no problems with the stuff in other uses. I bet a provel cheesesteak would be delicious, for example.

>> No.19970408

its nice to take camping too

>> No.19970592
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Retard, Deluxe American is the same melty processed cheese, just better quality than basic bitch singles.

>> No.19970595


>> No.19971027

I agree. I don't mind American cheese if that's what a restaurant chooses to serve their burger with but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it myself. The whole "um actually, American cheese is the best cheese" thing is so weird to me. It doesn't melt that much better than real cheese but it tastes so much worse. Give me colby jack, young cheddar, swiss, or muenster any day.

>> No.19971484
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it melts substantially better than cheddar. The biggest mistake people make with American cheese is they assume they're all the same and equally "cheap" and they're not. There is good American cheese and bad American cheese.

Just make sure you get a premium quality. I like Boar's Head, Land O Lakes are good. Kraft Deluxe is basically the standard you do not want to sink beneath. Avoid anything that says "singles"

>> No.19971498
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an american cheese thread without a single mention of cooper. what a goddamn shame

>> No.19971545

LoL american is pretty good.

>> No.19971609

Why is it called sharp cheddar when you can't cut anything with it?

>> No.19971614

I remember school spam fritters from my youth. Horrible things.

>> No.19971616


>> No.19971619

It's just teh current influencer cooking fad. Burgers go through a new fad every couple years. Remember Smash burgers? Then thick burgers, brioche buns, arugala, tomatoes ruin it, etc etc. It's just for people with no personality to grab on to something and make it their whole identity. I get if you like or don't like anything on that list, but to get rabid about it like people do for the new fad du jour (like american cheese) is silly

>> No.19972405

Nothing wrong with these if you know where to use them. It's just sad americans consider it cheese

>> No.19972411

Put off trying this for so long, always imagined the can would smell gross when opened and it would put me off. Turns out it smells delicious which is weird.

>> No.19972413

American cheese sucks and so do singles but singles have a distinctive taste that I yearn for in nostalgia. American is just bad.

>> No.19973162

American cheese is solely for a hamburger and nobody seems to care

>> No.19973165

this guy knows what's up, won't buy anything else, but that's because land o' lakes from the deli is way more expensive

>> No.19973177

American cheese is just there to add moisture to dry burgers intentionally without adding too much flavor to overpower. You can barely taste it and that's the whole point. I wouldn't use it in a lot of scenarios but idk sometimes you want to mostly just taste the meat.

>> No.19973302

idk were you came up with that idea

>> No.19973636

Love spam but it’s so goddamn unhealthy. The low sodium/lite version is better in that sense and does scratch the itch. I like frying it up with eggs for breakfast, with a little real maple syrup on top.

>> No.19973667

eurofags and cityfags are still religiously convinced it is made out of plastic because muh evil corporations because some 80iq stoner or other read some "leaked document" describing its plasticity (the quality of matter which makes it suitable for laying on burgers without much heating and it will still deform), and thus decided slightly different milk product #20 was a corporate plot to feed waste to consumers.

Hippies are so goddamn fucking stupid it makes me WISH for their envisioned corporate dystopia just so they will suffer more.

>> No.19973671

What makes it "better quality" retard-kun?

>> No.19973676

It's way too salty anon, that's the real issue

>> No.19973688

because people associate these pieces of shit with american cheese, which it is not.

>> No.19973719

Seriously, this stuff is so stupid. People act as if processed food is some toxic mystery slime where no ones what's in it when the ingredients are literally printed on the label. A diet of processed foods is unhealthy because it's calorie dense and micronutrient poor, not because of scary chemicals of death.

>> No.19973727

try not eating straight out of the can, cook it and put on some white bread then the saltiness is balanced out

>> No.19973732

It says right there on that package, "American". If I asked for American cheese and it wasn't a kraft single I'd flip the picnic table at the BBQ in a fit of rage.

>> No.19973741
File: 442 KB, 612x612, Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 13-55-26 kraft swiss - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope kraft is "American" flavored, they also sell "Swiss" flavored and "cheddar" flavored imitation cheese slice

>> No.19973745

Sorry, no. Kraft Singles is the default American cheese. Hope this helps.

>> No.19973759
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I know its goyslop crap that's far from real cheese but it tastes so fucking good when its a juicy cheeseburger. Almost like it was made by jewish scientists designing addictive bullshit to weaken the strong aryan males...

>> No.19973760
File: 599 KB, 600x600, Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 14-05-22 kraft cheddar - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope deli American is what actual Americans grew up eating for the last 100 years then somewhere in the 90s poor mid-westerns thought the cheese they grew up eating was the standard and now you're a adult spouting nonsense on 4chan

>> No.19973769

No, sorry.

>> No.19973930
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the fuck outta here

>> No.19974007
File: 160 KB, 339x500, Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 15-38-46 sharp american cheese - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're on the same team but you getta get the sharp American

>> No.19974049

Never seen that in my store. I could use a sharp American on my sammiches.

>> No.19975122

The swarthy ape CANNOT stand THE CHUTZPAH