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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19951297 No.19951297 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate art school in 2008 with a BFA in animation (computer animation)
>spend the next 15 years working tirelessly on my skills to get to the point where I can be an entirely self sufficient animator. Art, distribution, production, marketing, writing, directing, etc. everything
>finally at that point now
>don't want to give the jew any money
>don't want to give my family any money
>don't want to contribute anything positive to society
I think I'm going to spend the next 10 years learning how to cook. I mean really learning how to cook. Not just "I grill bro"... I mean highly paid professional chef levels of cooking. Cooking is basically an art form and I already am an extremely talented visual artist. I know it won't be easy in the least bit, but it's far easier than going from an accountant to a chef.

>> No.19951305

I technically went to art school, but I taught myself the vast majority of everything I know as an artist by myself. I'm not going to take classes or find a mentor. Just good ol fashion practice+trial and error

>> No.19951307

OK, keep us appraised, Anon.

>> No.19951309

I don't want to open up a restaurant or ever cook for anyone else. I just want to be able to cook for myself to a level that it feels like a mouth orgasm.

>> No.19951319

I just really fucking hate everybody and I need something to do with my time. Learning how to cook extremely well seems like my best option, because I really fucking love eating things I like.

>> No.19951324

Ok, good luck anon.

>> No.19951334

I could never be a professional chef because although I'm probably a supertaster, there are a wide variety of foods that I refuse to eat at all.

A lot of fruits

>> No.19951336

>reeeee jews
Stopped reading famalam

>> No.19951343

there are a variety of foods that I will only eat if they are made extremely well.... soup is one of those things

I will eat soup if its extremely good, but run of the mill soup is the most disgusting shit to me on the planet

>> No.19951351

Fuck mayonnaise. I would be willing to eat mayonnaise if I made it myself from scratch, but I hate prepackaged mayonnaise.

>> No.19951356

I hate the jew but I also hate my family. I don't want to do anything that could potentially give the jew or any of my family a fucking dime.

Even them thinking there is a possibility of getting any of my money or benefiting off of my work is unacceptable to me.

>> No.19951358
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So much pointless description. Good luck you autist.

>> No.19951359

I make good soup. But I won't eat soup from a can or from a restaurant because I don't know what they put in it. I make my own broth and only use good ingredients.

>> No.19951361

I literally fucking gag when I smell certain things.

canned tuna

I had a tuna steak at a restaurant once and it was very good... whatever the fuck they put into canned tuna makes it the most disgusting substance on the planet

>> No.19951364

I also have this attitude and it's probably the reason why I'm poor.

>> No.19951368

cooking really is an art form

there are a few artistic mediums etc that you have to do extremely well or else they look like absolute shit

>> No.19951370

>no jews

>> No.19951371

It's like they're 2 different animals.

>> No.19951372

>an extremely talented visual artist
kek sure

>> No.19951373

there are steps I could take to insulate myself from them benefiting off of my work, but I'm not willing to do them yet

so I think im just going to learn how to cook, since they can't benefit from that

>> No.19951382

I never understood why my cousin went to multiple art schools. He would get offended when I told him if he was a talented artist he would have no problem making a living off his artwork. On the other hand I know a street drummer who has no college education and started working at 14. He was able to buy a four unit building for cash in New Hampshire. I guess bucket drumming pays.

>> No.19951383

>kek sure
I used the word talent and I regret it

talent is a fucking meme, no one has EVER painted like a french academic without a serious investment of time

people get so caught up in this american idol shit and think everything is catching lightning in a bottle or writing a catchy jingle.... there is some element of that if you want to create timeless art, but learning to become an extremely skilled artist is almost always just brute force

>> No.19951389
File: 142 KB, 1046x1532, La_Vierge_au_lys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drumming is not visual art.... you can come out of the womb being a good musician

no one has EVER painted like this without a serious investment of time and energy

>> No.19951400

I don't know anything about cooking but my mother watches that gordon ramsey shit and I want to fucking murder him so fucking badly.

If he was to ever have that attitude in a serious artistic environment he would end up like jimmy hoffa and I'm not kidding at all. I can't imagine any serious chefs look at him as anything but a cartoon character that appeals to dumbass boomer women.

>> No.19951402

Wasn’t Thomas Edison self taught? His art is far more beautiful than any oil stained canvas could ever aspire to be.

>> No.19951406

self taught is not what I'm talking about

you can be a good singer or musician without much practice, but to be a serious painter in the past (and now film auteur/director) you need a massive investment of time and energy

>> No.19951414

I know I'm diverging here, but people see an artist like Picasso and think he was just doodling and shit. He wasn't, he was extremely politically and socially astute. On some levels his art didn't mean anything, but in order to become a great artist you basically need to become a professional politician and social commentator. There are no great works of art that do not comment in some serious way on things outside just visual appeal.

>> No.19951422

He's not a real chef. He's an actor.

>> No.19951423

hmm no tell that to the baroque/rococo painters. shit was purely visual and aesthetic. you are wrong on so many levels. anyways OP i hope you succeed in your food auteur job or whatever

>> No.19951424

the only type of professional environment where that type of behavior is acceptable is a fucking professional sports team

>> No.19951431
File: 645 KB, 1024x1670, Ecstasy_of_St._Teresa_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no social or religious commentary here

just some shiny shit and a woman doing some stupid shit

>> No.19951440
File: 2.86 MB, 1487x1920, The_Swing_(P430).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rococo was also basically just porn

i remember one of my art history professors describing rococo and was like "sex sex sex boobs"

When I say social or political commentary, you interpret that as something intended to be heavy handed or grandiose statements. Social or political commentary can be extremely subtle and often just a description of their contemporary times. But it still has substance beyond just "pew pew pew pew"

>> No.19951455

the only art form that doesn't have any social religious or political commentary associated with it is architecture/interior design

>> No.19951467
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>> No.19951485
File: 41 KB, 800x463, NG_NG_NG6301-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people say this and use the swing as an example but in general rococo was pretty fucking bland conceptually. it was horny but shrouded in the aesthetic. when i think rococo i think proto impressionism, pastels, and jubilance but substance wise there wasn't much going on. i think it depends on how much you want to read into it and dissect. my point was that in baroque and rococo, artistic commentary took a backseat to the visual execution which painters took to the nth degree in order to impress the general public

>> No.19951490
File: 167 KB, 1269x822, Arch-of-Titus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19951496

not everything has to be some grand statement, just that purely visual great art doesn't exist

there is always some form of commentary on something, and the artist needs to be aware of what they are saying and have it be a statement worth making otherwise the art is shit

>> No.19951507

things such as ancient greek sculpture which are just depictions of the human form to the untrained eye

what they really are is a celebration of the human form, which is basically a religious statement

when you make a religious statement, you are never trying to rewrite religion, so your artistic statement is an evangelization of the religion itself which in the greeks case was a religion of the human form

>> No.19951508

What "statement" is the Mona Lisa making?

>> No.19951511

>don't want to give the jew any money
>art school

>> No.19951523

"i want to make something that is visually appealing/celebrates the human form" does not equal a religious statement in my book but i can see how people would it interpret it as such, i guess

>> No.19951534

>the artist needs to be aware of what they are saying and have it be a statement worth making otherwise the art is shit
Many of those simple statements are so repetitive that the message merely served as an excuse to create something pretty.

>> No.19952537

pregnant women are hot