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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19951112 No.19951112 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever gotten food poisoning?

I am very scared of getting it so I make sure to always overcook and check with temperature. I cook my pork to 190F

>> No.19951122 [DELETED] 

I have never gotten food poisoning and I refuse to use a thermometer. I make the best chicken breast on this board

>> No.19951127

Have you?

>> No.19951135

When I was a child from a resturant

>> No.19951139

no but I've lied about it a lot to get out of work

>> No.19951166

back during college i ate like half a tub of almonds once. then like 6 hours later in the middle of the night i had an annoying but persistent stomachache that lasted for like 6 hours and couldn't fall asleep because of it. then a week later my idiot roommate did the exact same thing and suffered the same exact fate

>> No.19951167

>I cook my food to the specified temp
Doesn't matter sometimes. I got food poisoning once when I made deep fried pakoras from onions. I came down with food poisoning so bad I couldn't retain any liquids or solids and expelled from both ends even when I was empty. On the third day I had to have a doctor write me a prescription for antiemetics because I was becoming severely dehydrated. The day I went to go pick up the prescription the onions had been pulled from the market due to a salmonella recall.

>> No.19951168

And you know how that happened? Most likely it wasn't undercooked meat, but something that had been cross-contaminated with raw meat. Overcooking your meat and ruining it for no reason won't save you if you failed to wash your hands or cutting board and get bacteria on vegetables or other ingredients that aren't cooked to a safe temperature.
Also, you probably dont let big trays of ingredients hang out uncovered all day like restaurants. So youre already in a better position to avoid bacteria.

>> No.19951170

That's not food poisoning, that's cyanide poisoning.

>> No.19951177

No, I'm not a beta. If you can't eat raw food then your bloodline deserves to die out

>> No.19951179

yeah but it's close enough

>> No.19951211

literally if you just believe you won't get sick

>> No.19951278

At a place I worked at someone made smoked tuna tacos for the staff. I assume he did not see the date it was from because after a few hours almost the entire kitchen was puking and a few were even red. I was saved because I hate most smoked fish + a bone poked me before I even started chewing.

I do not think overcooking things will help preventing it, spoiled food remains spoiled regardless of how hard you cook it. I only eat raw fish and never gotten sick from it because I never take more than a few days to eat all. The last time I felt a bit bad was because of reheated chicken that has spent a bit more than a week in the fridge.

>> No.19951532

I had e.coli and it was awful. Thankfully it wasn’t the shiga toxin strain but it had me down for a week.

>> No.19951592

Horchata from the mall. Never again.

>> No.19951618

Undercooked meat hardly ever does this to people. Typically it's unwashed veggies or expired food. You can eat most meat raw if it's from a decent source.

>> No.19951621

Yes, I ate lukewarm chicken in a Nepalese restaurant. I assumed it had just been sitting a while and ate it anyway. Was shitting through the eye of a needle for a week, pretty sure I had salmonella. The worst thing about it wasn’t the shits though but how sore my arse was from all the wiping. It felt like taking sandpaper to my o ring after 30 shits in a day.

I would never, ever not send cold food back now.

>> No.19951624

I have but very mild cases.
>feel bad; puke; itsallgoodnow
>diarrhea; shit once; fixed
I have never in my life cared for food safety, I have even eaten moldy bread and numerous expired foods.
Protip: your nose will tell you if something is bad but I still wouldn’t play around with chicken and seafood

>> No.19951629

Lots, especially as a kid.
My friends too, but you'd be shocked at how many of them refuse to accept it because their parents brainwashed them to avoid blame. "I just threw up, it was just a couple of days, I didn't die," etc.
Anyway if you're measuring temperature then you're all good. You won't burn everything just to be safe.

>> No.19951636

Nah, my ex cooked one meal and had us both sick for a week. She really didn't know about separate cutting board and knife for raw meet (it pas pork loin and prawns).

>> No.19951699

Friendly reminder that food poisoning is almost never the result of the last thing you ate due to incubation periods

>> No.19951730

In 1990 from a subway sandwich I left out too long. I felt lethargic, and shitted and barfed.

about 15-20 years ago from chicken enchiladas my wife made, and they got left out too long. they were divided up and frozen and I kept getting it, took 3 times before I figured out what caused it. lots of shitting no barfing

2 years ago from an unknown source, I had it for about 7 days and developed anal fissures from shitting so often. no puke

never got food poisoning from any restaurant. I once ate kentucky fried chicken that had been left out for 4 hours with no issues.

I ate an unopened yogurt that was 14 months past it's best by date with no problems.

>> No.19951761


>> No.19951772

I've left food on the stove until it started bubbling from microbial growth and still ate it and felt fine. I leave food out for 16 hours regularly and Ive never had food poisoning.

I'm sure my time is coming. I hope it's a doozy.

>> No.19951774

If you're cooking everything it doesn't matter. It was probably something else. Also, again, decently sourced meats. Japs eat raw chicken and fish, krauts eat raw pork, we eat raw beef. All about quality and handling

>> No.19951776
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>> No.19951786

I've eaten microbial soup 3 times. One was chili i left out all night in a crock pot and then used the crock pot to heat it back up to eating temp. Twice was chicken noodle soup. The chili I said fuck it and ate the bowl. Tasted sour like sourdough. The chicken soup I got halfway through a bowl and noticed bubbles were popping on the surface even though it was room temp so I stirred the pot and watched it bubble for like a minutes straight with no cessation. It was also room.

>> No.19951852

i am an alcoholic so I dont know

>> No.19951859

I felt good after waking up but around about 5 pm my stomach started to hurt
Around about 6 pm it felt like I was being stabbed in my abdomen and I could barely stand up and cook my own dinner
At about 7 pm I did a shit and it was normal but 10 minutes later I just started squirting liquid shit everywhere and it wasn't until 8 pm that I was done
The pain instantly ended then
Is this food poisoning?
I've always figured food poisoning was something that lasted a long time

>> No.19951883

Everything didn't go in at the same time.
There was spinach which was just heated and spring onion which was basically raw.

>It was probably something else
Where does this confidence come from?
Raw meat absolutely causes food poisoning.
Take your blinders off, and make sure you only gamble with your own life.

>> No.19951902

yeah, a few times.
worst one was a few years back I bought some sausages and when I opened up the pack I got a whiff of bad, but it wasn't very strong and I figured it was probably just the flavour.. turns out it wasn't 'flavour', it was one or two of the packet being off (the others were fine since the other person who ate them didn't get sick), and I was shitting & vomiting for days.

>> No.19951913

yeah the Chinese place around the corner sold me some Mongolian beef that made it so I couldn't eat anything but porridge for 5 days. it fucking sucked and they shut down two months afterwards, presumably from the health department rolling in after some reports. I do miss that Mongolian beef though

>> No.19952031

what are you a hobo?

>> No.19952061

Last time I got it was in high school, my dad and I got it the day before fucking Thanksgiving. The rest of the family went to my grandma's for dinner as usual, but my mom, being the angel she was, made us another full Thanksgiving meal after we got better. Turns out the culprit was expired prepared horseradish, because it was the only thing my dad and I ate before that no one else in the family did.

>> No.19952090

once from taco bell, another from a pillsbury pizza crust from a can. some puking, but like 3 days of squirting from my ass. trying to stay hydrated but constant squirts. i still like taco bell

>> No.19952098

how do you know if I it’s noroviirrus or food poisoning?

>> No.19952112

I got extreme food poisining from a fucking onigiri/riceball (i have no idea what South Koreans call them) I bought at a convenience store in the Seoul, South Korea airport. I ruined my fucking whole vacation, of which a major part of was finally getting to eat the 'amazing" food in the country.... I was in he bathroom puking and shitting and delerious for like 36 hours straight and Koreans don't have fucking 1st world plumbibg so I you have to put your used toilet paper in a damn garbage bin in the bathroom, which in Korea, is literally also the shower... Obviously the shower is in the bathroom, but many places I stayed in Korea, the bathroom, is literally one single undivided/unpartitioned room and like, the toilet is there, the garbage shit paper bin is there, and then there is like the shower heard just above it so all the nice used toilet paper aromas just seep into your shower time....
Never again...

>> No.19952113

How fat were you niggas?

>> No.19952229

once from a tub of locally made grocery store guacamole at a superb owl party.

it was kind of funny. half the party got it and it hit everyone around the same time. I woke up in the morning feeling like if I moved wrong I was going to shit myself. I laid there for a minute then my phone buzzed with a text. then another, and another. first text was literally " ahhh guys I don't feel so good" followed by a half dozen reports of shidding and farding. at first we thought it was a 7 layer dip someone brought. so the tub of guac lived to ruin more assholes the next day.

also got it from improperly stored raw oysters. on vacation. not as funny.

>> No.19952255
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I used to get it occasionally. Since i started preparing most of my own food and not eating much takeout or packaged food a couple years ago it hasnt happened once.
The last one was the worst though. I can handle some diarrhea and puking, but there was so much constant pain in the stomach and head that i was bedridden for an entire day and night, could barely move but couldnt sleep or distract myself either.

>> No.19952264

I've never gotten it but I've used it as an excuse to call in sick probably a dozen times at least. Fuck yeah food poisoning.

>> No.19952274
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>superb owl party

>> No.19952282

I had terrible shrimp food poisoning... shivering uncontrollably and then shitting and vomiting simultaneously every 20 minutes all night.
Ran out of toilet paper
Then I was shitting, vomiting similtaneously and then SHOWERING every 20 minutes.
I wanted to die, and thought I might.

>> No.19952311

forgot to add one funny thing.
I had just started a new job that was a decent step up for me $ wise so I was not about to be the guy that didn't show up on Monday because he was " sick" the day after the superbowl. so I sat at work all day making fat sales in full clench mode to prevent my soul from escaping from my balloon knot.

>> No.19952357

>shitty sushi place in a touristy area
>didnt stink so i gave it a shot
>ate an OK meal, started walking around
>about 10 minutes later, stabbing pain in my gut and stomach
>rushed home and took a terrible shit, had bad but not the worst ive had shits for 2 days
>never ate there again, place is somehow still there

>wendys burger, theres 2 near me and one of them is awful, but i worked next to it so I ate there sometimes
>dinner break on shift, get a burger combo of some sort
>its not very good but not obviously spoiled
>work shift, by the end of my shift im not feeling so great
>wake up at 3am and sprint to bathroom with fire diarrhea that wont end
>2 full fucking weeks of acid shits and brutal gas with gut pain
>developed 2 external hemorrhoids and 2 internal ones which still fuck with me to this day
>bleeding like fuck from my raw bunghole the whole time, lost a ton of weight
>never got my money back, that wendies is still there and still shit, quit that shit job soon after

>> No.19952672

maybe I should be. maybe it's my calling.

>> No.19952751

I got e coli when I was like 2
I'll get diarrhea occasionally but it's not dehabilitating
Recently I ate some clam chowder from a restaurant that was old that I puked up a couple hours later and that was painful but otherwise I haven't gotten any

>> No.19952793

>superb owl party
sounds like a real hoot

>> No.19952814

FUck off anti semite

>> No.19952834
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If you've ever had a 'stomach flu' you've had food poisoning

And I don't know if this is considered food poisoning but whatever is in those lactase pills (could even be the reaction of lactase and lactose in my stomach) makes me vomit profusely for hours
Took 3 different brands and it is guaranteed to make me throw up

>> No.19952835

>Have you ever gotten food poisoning?
Yes, it was bad. You always hover around on the verge of vomiting until you finally vomit. Though after vomiting you get better real quick.

>> No.19952842

Forget to mention, I had to vomit around 4 times until my system was fully clear. I didn't eat any other food while sick so my vomit was like water.

>> No.19952879

Yeah and I swear it was from the circus peanuts candy that had a hole in the bag

>> No.19952889

>ate lunch at a shitty store for cheap rice and pork meal
>ex gf sent me break up message
>"fuck it im going home", got on bus
>the food poisoining hit and i puked into the bus' trashcan
>dropped off right near a public toilet, cleaned my mouth and puked a bit more
>muster whatever my strength left to walk back home under the sun
>getting back to home, seeing my sister fighting with her husband constantly
>half consciously said "just stop fighting" then puked more into the toilet (they actually stopped)

didnt remember much afterward as i went to feverish state while lying on bed
please cook your meat well

>> No.19953317

I did ass to mouth and was puking and shitting for the next few days

>> No.19953343

I had food poisoning on a nightly boat in Thailand, the bathroom (aka the hole in the deck) was covered with flying cockroaches

>> No.19953366
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im a severe alcoholic so its statistically impossible for me to get food sickness

>> No.19953367

I got it a year ago from some taquitos at 711. I try to avoid that kinda shit but I was working a hvac job.

Legit thought I might die on the floor in the bathroom and my gf at the time didn't seem to care.

>> No.19953462

Maybe you're lactase intolerant

>> No.19953474

Once. I believe it was from eating the spicy mangos slices the Guatemalans in the kitchen made. This was an Afghan restaurant so it wasn't a menu item, just a snack they made. Constant shitting water and puking for 2.5 days before going to ER for fluids and anti-emetics and perfect the next day. Also strangely caused my first ever hemorrhoid, which surprised me because I wasn't passing any solids, but that also popped in 24 hours painlessly.

>> No.19953477

I don't think it counts as food poisoning if you were eating literal shit. That's not really surprising.
I tried school lunch once as a kid and got food poisoning. Immediately felt better once I threw up, though. That's the only time I can think of, I've gone to seedy buffets with friends/family and everyone but me got food poisoning, though.

>> No.19953500

I've gotten salmonella poisoning before and it was awful. Shitting blood and puking every 30 minutes for like 5 days. Lost like 20 pounds. It took like 2 months to fully recover from that.
You're being a bit obsessive by overcooking your food that much though. Most bad bacteria is killed instantly at 165F, and can be killed at lower temperatures with longer cooking times. You also need to realize you can cook away bacteria, but you can't cook away the toxins they produce on improperly stored food.

>> No.19953629

If you are ever at a gas station in the middle of the desert, spend the extra few bucks for packaged meat snacks instead of getting loose ones for 50 cents.

>> No.19953637
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>that Indian 711 dude who is always trying to load me up on his shitty food for next to nothing, sometimes even free cuz I'm a regular

He's trying to kill me isn't he?

>> No.19953931
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>mfw I eat my burgers medium and still have never had food poisoning

>> No.19953933

You might be full of parasites though

>> No.19953950

>look up parasite diseases from raw meat
>one has less than 10 cases per year in US
>other is less than 1000 per year

>> No.19953965

You have Tapeworms

>> No.19953968

Lol, keep seething about eating your overcooked trash.

>> No.19954048

>Undercooked meat hardly ever does this to people. Typically it's unwashed veggies or expired food. You can eat most meat raw if it's from a decent source.


>> No.19954056

>Friendly reminder that food poisoning is almost never the result of the last thing you ate due to incubation periods
It depends, but sometimes it could be. Once I only ate one thing in one day and got horrible vomiting and shits

>> No.19954061

>I ate an unopened yogurt that was 14 months past it's best by date with no problems.
NO.... that shit would not look or smell or taste normal after all that time.... NO WAY....

>> No.19954068

>superb owl party.
based moredecai and rigby bro

>> No.19954082
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>getting back to home, seeing my sister fighting with her husband constantly
>half consciously said "just stop fighting" then puked more into the toilet (they actually stopped)

>they actually stopped

>> No.19954140

I got it really bad once after eating a street kebab in Cambodia. Which I totally deserve, somebody warned me about it but I was drunk and didn't care.
Anyway it was one of the worst bugs I ever had, I could barely eat anything for a whole two weeks. Just the smell of food was enough to make me vomit. For the first couple days, I had really bad diarrhea, and I actually shit myself because I wasn't prepared for how fast it would come out. Literally, if I felt it coming and even slightly relaxed my asshole, it would just pour out. So for about 3-4 days I had to be in the immediate vicinity of a bathroom 24/7 so I could be on the toilet the second I felt it.

Lesson learned, don't eat questionable street meat in 3rd world countries. Not all street food is bad, just be smart about it.

>> No.19954155

Tapeworms wrote this post

>> No.19954171

the worst i've ever had is like diarhea once and then my body feels normal again right after.
i don't know how people get their shit shut down for multiple days/weeks from eating something that went bad.

>> No.19954222

It’s pretty normal for me to get diarrhea once after eating. I got it yesterday after just eating pasta and canned tomato sause

>> No.19954370

My servesafe class did say that the most common cause of fatal food poisoning is spinach. Whole cuts of beef from a trusted local butcher instead of some dingy meat factory are extremely unlikely to make healthy people sick when eaten raw.

>> No.19954388

In finland its pretty hard to get food poisoning outside of leaving shit in the fridge for a week past expiration date and still deciding to eat it because idk, senility.

Just use a thermometer in the meat and cook it until its done. Dont eat soil with the vegetables.
My parents worried about salmonella but these days all the cases come from abroad so you could eat chicken raw if you wanted to.

>> No.19954434

I got it when i ate some rotten food sitting in stagnant water

>> No.19954442

once as an adult from undercooking eggs while drunk and hungry. I couldn't eat eggs for like 3 months after.

>> No.19954444

do an elimination diet maybe and try to figure out whats up

>> No.19954451

The other week I had stomach pains all night, with some diarrhea and I eventually vomited.
I bought some spicy chicken sandwiches and had stomach pains all night. That only happened once out of the six times I ate them.

>> No.19954455

It seems like I hear more about fruit and vegetable recalls than meat.
Last week it was some apple puree packs, this week it's cantaloupe.
When it is meat like chicken patties or ground beef, it's usually something from the production like metal shards, not contaminated food.

>> No.19954463

If the farm "accidentally" waters their crops with gray or wastewater they get covered in God knows what. Or if the employees don't wash their hands at all and just get shit on the vegetables.

By comparison, if the animals are healthy they are just as self-cleaning as you are.

>> No.19954464


>> No.19954465

Ive prob eaten hundreds of raw eggs in flavored blended liquid meals

>> No.19954532

A few times. Pretty shit experience every time

>> No.19954557

With pork, I'd be less worried about food poisoning and more worried about contracting a pork tapeworm. They can migrate to your brain and eat your thoughts and gain consciousness.

>> No.19954728


>> No.19954914

>put chicken drums in fridge overnight to thaw
>take it today, still a little ice on the bottom
>set out chicken and submerge in cold water to fully thaw
>still a little firm from ice 4 hours later
>fuck it, cook at 375 for 1 hr
>check for pink, nothing
>asshole immediately starts to rumble and wants to leak
just now i guess

>> No.19955239

yes. My stomach got bloated first and I started feeling nauseated. Then I threw up a few times in massive amounts.

>> No.19955252

Your boss knows.

>> No.19955509

I got food poisoning from BK once.
>Had their cheesy tots and a whopper
>Ate it, all was well
>Driving around town, notice I still feel the food in my stomach sloshin' around
>Think nothing of it
>Hours pass, start feeling nauseated
>Eventually decide to go home
>Get home, start spewing uncontrollably
>Then start shitting uncontrollably
>Think it's all over
>Feel this gut wrenching pain in my stomach, can't keep any liquids down
>Sweating profusely, any liquid I take is either spewed up or passed through my ass within minutes, not even kidding just pure liquid out my ass
>Start getting confused, delirious, try to sleep it off
>Wake up every 30 minutes in a state of paranoia, drenched in my own sweat, to go to the bathroom to either spew or shit
>After 6 hours of going up and down the stairs, I'm so exhausted I'm literally crawling, decide to go to the ER to an IV
>End up spending 6 hours there getting 4 IVs
>Go home and sleep for over 24 hours
>Feel fine in 2 days.
The end. That BK actually got shut down earlier this year, too.

>> No.19956038

i have it right now
>local sub sandwich shop
>i love these tuna subs to death, i guess it's my fault after all for wanting food poisoning once every other year
>owner of shop either not storing sandwich contents properly, or doesn't wash his hands after shitting
>on day 1, struck me right after lunch maybe 20-30min later
>ass hole completely torn up and chapped from an entire day of shitting foul liquid
>ass so raw all that comes out is mucousy shart blood
>lower intestinal stabbing pain
>can't fucking sleep
>drinking plenty of water
my fault i know these sandwiches do it to me every time. i can't help it, taking one for the team

>> No.19956057


back during christmas 2017, I went for a job interview at an IT startup, the next few days I think I got what you called the 'norwalk' virus

inflamed lower intestine, chronic diarrhea until you were basically pissing out of your ass. Couldn't eat for twelve hours, only very tiny portions. could only drink little sips of water and tea. failure to do so would result in either projectile vomiting half eaten food portions and liquid or roiling toilet runs. walking to the store to get gatorade ie; electrolyte supplements felt like a journey up a mountain. I am just thankful it lasted less than 72 hours and I was at home and not in transit or travel and in my room near a bathroom during the worst of it.

I'm pretty sure I got it from the facility or from this questionable seafood pasta.

>> No.19956075

Never. And I've eaten things that have given everyone else food poisoning.
I'm also uncircumcised.

>> No.19956100

Oh yeah, ate curry from a shack on a thai mountain. It was fucking delicious , but I was a fountain of shit and puke for the next 5 days.

>> No.19956300

Yes. That's why I don't eat crab anymore. I bought crab sushi and vomited after two bites. Another time I had crab rice paper rolls with my younger sister and our stomach were in knots.

>> No.19956324

Bro don't eat there. Isn't making your own tuna sandwiches worth missing out on the rhea

>> No.19956349

My father got listeria, which turned into spinal meningitis, then he died. He'd been on a business trip in Milwaukee and ate a bunch of cantaloupe at a breakfast buffet. A few weeks later, was struck with listeria---shit can incubate for a few weeks---unluckily during a snowstorm, so couldn't get to the hospital until it was too late. Turns out a bunch of other people got sick from the same cantaloupe, apparently from some farm in Colorado.

>> No.19956358

Twice. Once from a Village Inn when I was younger (had Eggs Benedict, but everyone who got eggs got sick. even the guy who was smart and got a burger got the squirts) and once from a Burger King run by Samoans.
Statistically an overwhelming number of food poisoning cases are just the result of poor hygeine.

>> No.19956361

Got it really bad from a Chili's once. Undercooked or mishandled chicken led me to have explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting. I basically lived in the bathroom for two days.

>> No.19956702

Yeah, once, from Domino's. It was either the wings or the lava cake.
>felt nauseous after about an hour
>throwing up and diarrhea for the rest of the night
>sweating and cold at the same time
>felt weakened for about a week

>> No.19958239

Never from my own cooking. Meat is the last thing you should worry about if you have a thermometer and a functioning sense of smell, I only worry about raw leafy greens and veg in salads.
Restaurants got me a few times though. It's not fun.

>> No.19958297

yes, my oven broke halfway through cooking some chicken, it was still a bit raw in the middle, i cut it in half and panfried the insides but clearly not well enough
horrible stomach pain and gut issues for about a week, feverish and couldn't remember hardly anything, eventually my wife got worried and called the hospital, the doctor said i should go in because 'it's not a common sympton of covid but it might be covid' (in hindsight, what the fuck is that line of reasoning)
i got better a day or two after going there, they took some bloods and a stool sample (after a lot of difficulty producing that sample) and gave me water and paracetamol, and i discharged myself once i felt better and went home
really sucked, especially what this guy said >>19951621
however the nurses were cute so i guess that's something
they sent me a report of my tests afterwards and said i had campylobacter

>> No.19958471

Only had it really bad once from a seafood cocktail. Woke up in the night and felt like I was on mushrooms. Projectile vomit that hit the toilet bowl with such force that it went up the walls and back in my face.

>> No.19958484

it was unopened and kept in fridge the whole time. tasted perfectly fine. see cubby...

yogurt is already bad.

>> No.19958492

No, but a bunch of my family members (11 of them) did. Ate at a buffet and they got soda while I only had water. Turns out a week later that restaurant got busted for their soda machines being full of mold.

>> No.19958500

Nearly any meat is safe to eat raw with hours or even days after being killed. If handled properly and depending on the animal and weather sometimes the meat will stay fresh for weeks. Wouldn't do it with organ meat though.

>> No.19958507

Based and checked.
I eat 10 raw eggs a day in the USA. Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.19958645

Getting noravirus along with a couple dozen other people on campus was the sickest I've ever been. Like, having to get fluids at the hospital bad. It was also the worst pain I've ever been in, and I've broken my arm.

>> No.19958664

It's not the wiping that gets me, it's that after a day or so of shitting literally every 15 minutes, your gall bladder can't keep up and you start shitting basically pure stomach acid. That was actual agony for the next 5 days.

>> No.19959584

Pretty sure once from a restaurant while on a trip in Pennsylvania, the next day I had to take a disgusting shit in the corner of a cemetery and then had the diarrhea + vomit of a lifetime.

>> No.19959739

Shitty raw meat like tyson? Yeah. In general though, food poisoning is overwhelmingly caused by fruits and vegetables, or simply bad hygiene