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19949655 No.19949655 [Reply] [Original]

what is the 10 best things to eat to get good skin? i want to get rid of dryness,darkcirkles under the eyes and pores. i drink a lot ot water and avoid sugar,alcohol and fast food

>> No.19949674

a healthy balanced diet probably

>> No.19949676

>a healthy balanced diet
literal reddit tier buzzphrase

>> No.19949677

fuck joe biden and all women xD

>> No.19949683

The problem with citrus peels is organic vs pesticides. I use zest when I cook and bake, but I scrub the peels well.

Just take a "hair, skin, nails" multivitamin supplement. Pick one that also has collagen with the vitamins and megadose of biotin too.
I only take a dose, oh, every other day, and my fingernails are so damn healthy now. I tend to have peeling on some fingers otherwise. I wash my hands too often.

>> No.19949702

Vit c + collagen peptides

>> No.19949786

Eat skin. Skin contains all the nutrients your body needs to produce and maintain skin.

>> No.19949816

It’s a pretty simple concept, really. Just eat a bit of everything but focus on eating lots fruit, veggies, and greens while taking care to limit the consumption of added sugar, saturated fats, salt, and processed slop.

>> No.19949930

Saturated animal fat
Beef organs and muscle
Egg yolks and raw dairy

>> No.19950030

you what

>> No.19950221

Sleep more

>> No.19950285

>everything is reddit
sure fatty

>> No.19950776

Wow you really are from reddit, you massive faggot

>> No.19950783

just drop a double dose of LSD and I promise you won't have to "try" to eat good again

>> No.19950824

Probiotics, some healthy fats, collagen (hydrolyzed), vitamin C. Zinc, glutathione, etc. can also help. You can also eat hella betacarotene for glow but not easy task. Circles you can only fight by diet + good sleep + less stress.

>> No.19951486

In order of importance:
Low stress. Good management of any stress you can't outright eliminate.
Lots of water.
8 – 10 hours of sleep every night. Consistent sleep schedule.
Lots of cardiovascular exercise. 4 hours a week minimum.
Positive human social connections. (I'm serious)
Consistent meal schedule. 24 hour water fast once a week.
Ripe fruits. Dark green leafy vegetables. As much as you can stomach.
Protect skin from sun as much as possible.
Vitimin C serum. High quality moisturizer. Sunscreen.
Gentle exfoliation no more than once a week.

>> No.19951503

Get more sleep, moisturise, get some sun.

>> No.19951506

Oh, I almost forgot. Take cold showers only. No hot showers. Minimal use of soaps and detergents on skin.

>> No.19951515

LSD is not a drug you need to double dose to access it potential, one hit is more then adequate

>> No.19951911

what the fuck is exfoliation. I see that word everywhere in the skin care scene. What the fuck is it?

>> No.19951927

Anything that gets rid of dead skin cells. Usually it involves scrubbing with some kind of soap under warm or hot water. Shaving your face is also a form of exfoliation.

>> No.19952000

i think it sanding off the otter layer of dead skin

>> No.19952379

literally depends on the concentration of your blotter drug noob

>> No.19952460

I'm in mainline Florida our drugs aren't stepped on unless you go to brown town. i don't know who would even bother to make weak acid besides someone selling something thats not real.
Buy a test kit they cheap and legal and very worth it because there is some real bullshit out there

>> No.19952462
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Hibiscus tea

>> No.19952468

>brain implodes at the thought of not following some retarded meme diet

>> No.19952471

Even that pro-jif comic has to spell it jif because spelling it gif would lead to people reading it as gif. Really says it all.

>> No.19952475

You are retarded

>> No.19952491

How is the s in laser pronounced and what does it stand for?
How is the a in AIDS pronounced and what does it stand for?

>> No.19952497

>How is the s in laser pronounced
>what does it stand for?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
>How is the a in AIDS pronounced
>what does it stand for?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

>> No.19952500

This is like fighting over gibs/giblets.

>> No.19952521

It taste bad, though.

>> No.19952528
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>> No.19952549

dark circles under the eyes is caused by bone structure, can't fix it with diet. only real solution is to get fillers

>> No.19952628
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>test your LSD to make sure its real
>you "naw man it's good trust me"
there are a very few people still making real LSD-25, i'm talking less the 100 people in the country if that

>> No.19952640

make sure you take 20 different kinds of supplements

>> No.19952670
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kundalini yoga
lots of water
dont eat anything with preservatives or addatives(eat only organic foodstuffs)
dry brushing
exercise every day

>> No.19952717

You're right but that's not what I was talking about. Even real LSD hits vary depending on whether the chemist double dipped it etc. So when I say double dose, I'm also being retarded. Just do a Heroic dose.

>> No.19952725

rub some lemon juice on your face, nyukka. or if you a yellow belly gook, the cloudy water after you rinse your rice, save that shit in a glass container and keep it in your fridge

>> No.19952742

Or just grow your own shrooms for the low, low cost of a plastic tub, some lights, manure, a grow bag, and a spore syringe.

>> No.19952776

Okay well if what I did was a research Chem it was fucking amazing

>> No.19952791

Is collagen and biotin supplements or whatever just stealing money from middle class white women or are they worth buying? You can't research any of this shit whatsoever because everyone is trying to sell you their book or their product.

>> No.19952845

"gee aye eff"

>> No.19952855

Cope incel

>> No.19952868

I don't know about any of the magic anti aging claims but collagen is good for your bones joints and yes, skin, so you should be trying to get enough of it. A good way to get it is from soups and stews, beef stew or anything with a tough cut of meat that needs to be simmered for a long time works, homemade stock too.

>> No.19952872

seems to be linked to the lungs and oxygen absorbtion or whatever most of all
so people like soccer players or people who do lots of cardio have nice looking skin while sedentary smokers in a dingy a basement have unpleasant looking skin.

>> No.19953667
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add a little honey

>> No.19953732

>Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts
>Seeds like sunflower and pumpkin
>Dark green vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens
>Beans and lentils
>High vitamin C fruits like oranges
Also topical treatment, lotions and facial scrubs