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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19946476 No.19946476 [Reply] [Original]

rate my nibbles

>> No.19946500
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>New Jersey

>> No.19946504

for the first time in my life I agree with a frogposter. I've been to your hellish state exactly once and it was like spending my time in purgatory.

I can't rate your food because I don't know what it is. I guess one is chocolate? Good for you I guess. Probably tastes good inserted orally.

>> No.19946505

Don't you have any friends, jerseyfag?
Wash your favorite jacket. It smells like weed and assplay

>> No.19946515

bruh who washes a puffer jacket? why would it even be touching your skin?

>> No.19946538
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do you really need a bag of crisp and chocolate in the morning mate?

>> No.19946541

newark, jc and hoboken have subway access to NYC via PATH so its basically like being in the city, but with much cheaper rent and half the taxes (income and sales both)

the southern half of jersey has the pine barrens, the great swamp, and sandy hook state park, which has excellent beaches

the strip mally suburb zones and the ghetto areas in between are bad, but why would you go there anyway?

>> No.19946545

ok I still don't know what the yellow shit with a foreign language on it is

>> No.19946547

ive made one friend since moving here but she has le good career and can't be fucking around every day like i do

and i DID wash my jacket at the start of cold weather this year. its an excellent ll bean midweight jacket that ive had for over a decade.

>> No.19946550

that's just portuguese...

>> No.19946559

Thats foreign. The Portuguese are scum and Brazil is the first layer of hell.

>> No.19946570
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>bragging about going to manhattan or any of those shitty borough

>> No.19946669

makes think you're a twink what wears fuzzy boots and wears a mask when you're alone in your car.

>> No.19946702

bear/dad mind, grow up homo

>> No.19946707
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>> No.19946716
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its hard candies silly

but i would get honey lime crisps too, crisps and coffee is top snak

>> No.19946721

same. a godforsaken land

>> No.19946770

disgusting nails

>> No.19946779


>> No.19946785

I guess the person who said your jacket smells like weed was correct.

>> No.19946786
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>Hard boiled candy with Honey & Lemon
So cough sweets?

>> No.19946866
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do americans really eat cough drop as part of their breakfast

>> No.19947179

i be living man, i bet you bite yours to nubs and call it clean

>> No.19947181

i smell like what i wanna, cowboy life

>> No.19947215
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these are actually god tier, a new favorite. extreme honeylemon, and a complex juicy golden lemon flavor, not the flat yellow basic kind.

>> No.19948686
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>> No.19948689

Dog, cut your nails chick's are not going to show you booba if they're that long

>> No.19949510

Nosferatu doesnt need milk, bleh.

>> No.19949514
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>so its basically like being in the city
so why is this a good thing besides the nearest "muh bodega" in a 5 minute walk past all the poopies and homeless?

>> No.19949519

grim nail situation. bordering on what a male psychopath would have their nail length at.

>> No.19950214

chinatown alone is worth it, i can eat better for five bucks than you ever have

my local neighborhood is heavily christian arabs, and they dont let homeless people muck it up. they are very burly.

>> No.19950235

btw anyone who talks up bodegas is a retarded brooklyn faggot, they are literally just average convenience stores and they are usually a ripoff

people who talk up bodegas are the kind of shit head who move straight from the suburbs to brooklyn, and they continue eating basically nothing but amerifat processed foods

so they like bodegas because they can get takis and hot pockets like they always did - they don't support the actual interesting variety of cuisines, restaurants and foodstuffs that make cities worth it. they arent even yuppies because they have no aspirations. theyre just colossal faggots who want to act 13 forever.

>> No.19951047

do u mind if i call u the Candy Nigga from now on?

>> No.19951561

i won't argue that the larger metro areas have some of the best food around. if you're not dead center in downtown in the west coast alot of restaurants can be incredibly sub-par

>> No.19952335

i would prefer candy demon, i tried dick and didnt like it

>> No.19952340

so much nitpicking when you probably look like ogres. fine i'll quit caffeine, clip my nails and have a healthy breakfast tomorrow. but you know not what you do! my vices are all that seal my terrible powers.