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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 750x563, km1-restaurant-hearlin-hamburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19944209 No.19944209 [Reply] [Original]

Ayy lmao still can't believe people fall for this. You get to pay triple the price and get a fraction of a normal portion.

>> No.19944215

Seethe more poorfag. It tastes good and you’ll never get to know that.

>> No.19944238

>pay more for less food
Rich people are fucking retarded

>> No.19944575

>Seethe more poorfag
A fool and his money are easily parted.

>> No.19944580

>muh portions
There's more to food than vast quantities of it. I'd rather have a small portion of exquisite ingredients that complement each other cooked to perfection than a huge portion of goyslop.

>> No.19944582

>ayy lmao
post back of neck

>> No.19944586

rich snobs prefer vases of purple dust smashed on their table
i cant remember the name of the place but its fucking retarded

>> No.19944589

>All this retarded shit
A fool and his money are easily parted. Read any Tolstoy.

>> No.19944591

so... you're poor?

>> No.19944594

I wasted the first two years of my academic life studying English Literature before realising I'd never get a lucrative job out of it and switched to something that led to a high paying job. I'm probably better read than you.

>> No.19944607
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When you're a lush you don't really want to eat food so it's really more about the taste

>> No.19944614

You formally studied literature while thinking it would get you a well paying job? Haha, holy fuck dude. First of all, why do you even want a "well paying job", and secondly, you're just stupid.

>> No.19944631

I first went to university pre-credit crunch and back then we were told that any degree at a top ten university would get you a good job. Then the financial crisis hit and that idea was turned on its head.

>why do you even want a "well paying job"
I have a well paying job and it means I don't have to worry about money and can afford pretty much anything I want. The work itself is also far more satisfying than low paying stuff as it requires problem solving and a variety of tasks. If you think money and job satisfaction don't matter you're probably still living with your parents.

>> No.19944646

>rich enough to eat lavishly at an upscale restaurant
>poorfag that probably complains mc donalds is getting too expensive

Let me guess you are about to post a thread about how you can't afford steak anymore?

>> No.19944647

I moved out the moment I got my first job. I only work 4 days a week in convenience store management but earn more than enough to cover the bills in my flat plus I have enough to build up some savings. I have about £19k in $VOO and another £13k in the bank as random cash. I enjoy working with the people I work with, and get to solve plenty of problems at work. My time management skills are legendary in the company. At this point I can tell the area manager he's bad at his job without repercussion. If it wasn't for my ever-encroaching addiction to beer I'd be even better off.

>> No.19944657

>studying literature
>english at that

Meanwhile, philosophy students have to start from Hesiod onward and study literature as a necessity to understand the thought process of the people in the period. You are no better than someone getting a degree in harry potter books.

And if you weren't totally retarded to begin with you would know the only path for students of literature and surrounding fields is teaching, or going to fucking seminary to become a monk.

>> No.19944660

Yet they are rich and you're poor

>> No.19944665

The real trick in life is realising just how little you need, and how you don't need to rat race to accomplish it. I use a 15 year old laptop as a daily computer. I could afford any top of the line PC I pointed a finger at.

>> No.19944667
File: 2.56 MB, 800x450, eating at noma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19944677


>> No.19944682

the entire purpose of a restaurant is to feel like a noble. peasants ate at home, travelers and merchants at inns. fine dining and haute cuisine are perfectly representative of european noble culinary culture. non-haute restaurants are a renmant of the middle class experiment which has gone nowhere but continues to be stuffed and raised up as some sick joke of a carrot while your pockets are rifled through and the loudspeaker blares affirmation until you sing along. you will part with your money, you will want to part with your money. you will never be a noble

>> No.19944687
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And last but not least...Chocozuma's Revenge!

>> No.19944694

Literature degrees exist for rich kids to go to school and learn essentially a leisure activity to impress their friends. It's for people who will never have to worry about money. Are colleges so scummy nowadays they trick poorfags into getting these kinds of degrees?

>> No.19944697

if you've spent time around the upper class you quickly realize they are not people to admire or even care for their opinions.

>> No.19944705

Ah yes, and the poor dregs living in sardine boxes in the hustle and bustle of the city are paragons of enlightenment and virtue!

People are shit no matter what class, at least the rich ones have some power.

>> No.19944713

Way back in the magical realm of the 80s, fewer people had degrees period, degrees themselves were dramatically more affordable, and labour was much less specialized outside of some particular avenues like engineering or medicine. It wasn't uncommon for a bright upper middle class high-school grad to go off to college to learn about the world and expand their horizons, get a degree in bullshit, then go on to get hired at a job simply because having any degree at all indicated a bare minimum level of intellectual competence. They would then get trained for that job at that job, because companies weren't playing a game of chicken trying to avoid being the one to hire greenhorns and instead poach those trained by others fresh out of training, where "entry level" positions have a minimum 3 years of experience necessary.

Tl:Dr people keep getting bullshit do nothing degrees because they used to mean that you got a job anyway.

>> No.19944726

Enlightenment can't be achieved in wealth. Whether you care is up to you, just don't be a cunt about it. Not that the enlightened care lmao

>> No.19944727

you get more courses and it requires lots of effort because they are autistically moving things with tweezers and making foams and stuff.

so that seems fine to me. What makes me seethe is the culture around dressing up and sitting in uncomfy chairs. I want to be fat and retarded in public and just enjoy good food. but in society, it is foids who get free meals and cucks who buy them the food to impress them and so the environment is all about that

>> No.19944734

Why do you care about others getting a free meal when meals are so cheap?

>> No.19944752

>Ah yes, and the poor dregs living in sardine boxes in the hustle and bustle of the city are paragons of enlightenment and virtue!
not necessarily, but rejection of the material world is literally the first step of enlightenment.
Those of abundant material wealth have obviously rejected any higher purpose to life and are happy being squirrels collecting a pile of nuts. And, as I said, this type of shallow existentiality is clearly evident in their behavior and opinions.

>> No.19944759

the topic of the thread is not cheap food

>> No.19944761

Lmao you fucking baby

>> No.19944767

ok you are very rich mr anonymous

>> No.19944768

Western civilization was built by the aristocracy of Greece and Rome. Not by the poor peasants, slaves, and farmers. And if you are somewhat well-read, remember citizen 2000, or even a few hundred years ago does not mean every man and woman over the age of 18.

You are just on a giant cope right now. Lower class is synonymous with substance abuse, mental illness, and the like. Look around you today.

>> No.19944770

I don't consider myself rich despite being perfectly well off. If I won the lottery tomorrow it wouldn't change a shred of who I am or what I do.

>> No.19944774

Lower class isn't synonymous with substance abuse the substance abuse is foisted on them as subterfuge during the Reagan administration

>> No.19944775

lot of angry incels in this thread lmao

have sex, people. You are pathetic

>> No.19944776

>Western civilization was built by the aristocracy of Greece and Rome. Not by the poor peasants, slaves, and farmers


How well off were the French people that dragged faggots off to the guillotine?

You can't be forced to take drugs. Poor isn't a bank balance, it's a mentality.

>> No.19944777

yeah this thread has just derailed into sperging

>> No.19944779

People wouldn't need to be high 24/7 if modern society wasn't a living nightmare.

>> No.19944782

it's only a living nightmare for poorfag neet incels

>> No.19944784
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Oh noes they can afford fancy food. How will you recover.

>> No.19944794

kek @ the boom mike

>> No.19944797

whos mike?
do you mean mic?

>> No.19944804

thread proving again how anti-comfy fine restaurants are

like that movie The Menu. Only the foodie character was genuinely enjoying the food. other characters
>literal prostitute, thinks food is gay
>rich boomers who don't even know what they eat
>business dudebros showing off how much they can spend
>critics, making money by complaining

restaurants should have a singles-only section with more comfortable seating for people who care about food itself

not true. even richfags get tortured to death sometimes. Like anderson cooper's brother jumped off a balcony

>> No.19944816

>substance abuse
greed is another form of substance abuse, you simple little person.

>> No.19944819

I don't care about this dumb bait thread but that plate looks disgusting. It looks like some old paint can lid that sat outside for a year or two. Wouldn't buy one for me, that's for damn sure.

>> No.19944849

I'll never be tired of watching the arguments between the slobs and the snobs. You're both just horrid.

>> No.19944872

And so is the envy palpable in this thread.

If every billionare donated everything they had everyone would be a few dollars richer. You do not gain wealth by eating the rich, but rather a massive cull of the population as like when half the male population dies in a war, or how much life got better for the average peasant after the black plague. Things were still just as shitty as they ever were in post-revolution France.

>> No.19944873

>the slobs and the snobs
you've obviously never been around rich people if you think they are immune to being filthy pigs.
It's so obvious when people get their perspective on life from the television, rather than real life experience.

>> No.19944882

if all you live for is your animal desires, why not just neck yourself? You are practically already dead anyway.

>> No.19944890

>wake up
>take drugs
>commute to work
>work 8 hours
>commute home
>exhausted/tired more drugs
>a few hours of free time

This is what poor people do, there's simply no time in their life for pursuing anything other than fleeting pleasure. They can never be great thinkers or philosophers.

A neet that sits in his room all day playing videos games and jacking off is more noble than you.

>> No.19944921

the problem with dining is how social it is
many of the customers are dating or meeting with business partners, or trying to show off for social media
so it is more performative and pretentious than other forms of entertainment

>> No.19944929

I'm going to say this as respectfully as I can:
You're a fuckwit that allows your ego to dictate your perspective and has never bothered to genuinely self-critique your opinions.
A dog chasing a rabbit, if you will.

>> No.19944957

as a neet this is wrong lol

>> No.19944982

>wake up
>take drugs
>commute to work
>work 8 hours
>commute home
>exhausted/tired more drugs
>a few hours of free time

To be honest I do this. But I have to stop soon because after a month of doing kratom every day I feel like that time I was an alcoholic for 4 months and I felt like I was dying.

>> No.19945751

I've done the haute cuisine thing a few times, it novel once or twice but to be honest most of the time the food just gets quirky or weird, not better. I'm not a picky eater, but I also don't want my fish converted into moose or a mushroom plated on a tree stump.

>> No.19945753


>> No.19945832

Portions are small but you get a shit tons of those in a high-end restaurant.
I also thought it was a scam until I got invited to one. You’ll end up full as fuck at the end of the menu.

>> No.19945870

>haute cuisine good because....b-because....y-YOU'RE POOR!

>> No.19945885
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>a fraction of a normal portion
you this is all you get? there are like 10 courses of that which is why the portions are small so you get a ton of variety

>> No.19945894

you *think* this is all you get?

>> No.19945927

How about a huge portion of exquisite ingredients that complement each other cooked? Given how much you pay, that's what you should be getting.

>> No.19945935
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, 1664475674330117.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19945938

If you go to a good French bistro or Italian trattoria that’s what you’ll get. If you want fine dining though you dont want fuck off huge portions unless you’re a ham planet.

>> No.19947390

I pay $10 at Dollar Tree & eat better than this you piece of shit, you corpulent, mucosal fuck

>> No.19947404

If you defeat all the sub bosses they bring out a 30" deep fried pizza steak with cola gravy. If you can finish it all in an hour you get a high five from a fire fighter and some positive affirmation from your dad. That's what we're hiding from you poorfags.

>> No.19947973

Artificial invention to syphon the money out of richfags pockets. Also its a futile attempt at filling the void in your mind when you feel that your money can't make you better than the peasants, so you're coping with detaching from normalness of human behaviour. It reminds me of this one James Bond villain that wanted to never sleep. It's just insanity because when you're rich and powerful you fear death infinitely more and it leads to huge distress. Anyway trying haute cuisine once is fun, doing it often is a sign you're a psychopath.

>> No.19948068

A teensy-weensy pitiful excuse at food for dribbling baby!?

>> No.19948122

And that's what you do get. Retards don't realise these are multicourse meals

>> No.19948144

I don't want to sit at a table for three hours while ethnic people clap and congratulate me for correctly identifying the edible portions of a plate of sticks and glittery slime. Just give me the damn meal please.

>> No.19948168

This is one of the retards that got scammed.