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19936795 No.19936795 [Reply] [Original]

why SHOULDN'T people be allowed to eat slop, grow fat, and die early if they so choose to?
whatever happened to freedom?

>> No.19936800

because fat people are objectively and literally repulsive

>> No.19936834

fat people are a burden on society

>> No.19936864

Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for the life saving measures provided to disgusting fat slobs with rotting flesh folds, most fats are poor fucks with bad money skills so you know they ain’t paying for the rags on sticks they wash themselves with.
But if you’re like Marlon Brando and have more money than god to pay for your rascal scooter and just want to die fat and happy and disgusting then more power to you.

>> No.19936901

I'm against unrestricted freedom. people should be forced into a healthy and virtuous life.

>> No.19936905

>privatize healthcare
>problem solves itself
Get on our level yuropoors.

>> No.19936909

If everyone was fit, then no one would be fit. I like the diversity. If you like uniform bs, you might as well pray to be reincarnated as an ant.

>> No.19936914

If people are truly choosing that then that's okay I guess. In reality, everyone is fat stupid goyslop consuming slobs because of rigorous intentional social engineering, misinformation about the availability of foods and the ease of cooking, degradation of our home and family structures, and a deliberate profit driven effort to saddle people with as many addictions as possible.

What's happening is that people are being minutely coerced into denigrating themselves and then being tricked into thinking they chose this of their own free will.

>> No.19936967

Is it really virtuous, if it is forced and not chosen?

>> No.19936993

We still have socialized healthcare, retard. It just isn't available to anyone who actually works. It's a backwards system that benefits no one except brown fatasses who spit out more brown fatasses.

>> No.19936996

>rigorous intentional social engineering
>deliberate profit driven effort to saddle people with as many addictions as possible.
You mean advertisements, or something else?

>misinformation about the availability of foods and the ease of cooking
I have no idea what do you mean. Who's telling you that cooking and getting fresh food is difficult or impossible?

>degradation of our home and family structures
Sure, but what are the alternatives?

>> No.19937002

Not a food thread
Demoralize thread
Have a happy holiday weekend yall

>> No.19937007

>muh brown ppl aaaaaaaa
West virginia is the fattest state in the union and its a top three money sink for federal programs

>> No.19937020

they can but they shouldn't expect other people to accommodate for their lifestyle. especially when it comes to healthcare, these ham planets want to kill themselves while pushing universal healthcare so everyone else has to pay for it.
also this >>19936800

>> No.19937042

Honestly they're just gross to look at

>> No.19937045

So uhh wat do you do on holiday weekend?

>> No.19937053

Go back, spic.

>> No.19937073

Because I don't want 80% of the restaurants around me to serve slop.


>> No.19937084

yeah. the virtue is in the action, not what happens behind the curtain.

>> No.19937149

>the virtue is in the action
Interesting, I would always attribute the virtue to a person, and not action, which may be done for selfish reasons.

>> No.19937360


>> No.19937368


>> No.19937393

we currently still have FREEDOM and people are 100% allowed to eat slop. as a result, we have these same people constantly BITCHING about needing more expensive healthcare. you fucking retard OP.

>> No.19937396

If they can afford to do it without costing anyone else anything, then I suppose that's fine. But in how many cases is that true? Especially since the ACA in the US, fat people cost way more than they contribute.
Gravity is an attractive force.
Wrong. The ACA mandates healthy young people to buy health insurance. This is so insurance companies can offset the cost of fatties, olds, and AIDS ridden faggots. Without that mandate, we would be better, because young people weren't buying insurance and the system was on the verge of collapse. Too bad the insurance companies knew Obama was married to a tranny, and threatened to expose him.

>> No.19937445

why isn't there a fat tax?

>> No.19937509

The individual mandate went away in 2019 ($0 penalty at the federal level) and biden admin has not seriously attempted to reinstate it afaik though it was a campaign promise. I think its gone

>> No.19937517

I would say virtue is in the intent but who gives a fuck about virtue here, you just want better outcomes

>> No.19937544

Your health industry is literally the worst in the world if we ignore places still in the stone age.