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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19936222 No.19936222 [Reply] [Original]

And it's always hyperprocessed slop like doritos, chicken nuggets, fast food fries etc.
Nobody has said "oh I have a disorder, my safe foods are ragu and grilled mullet"

>> No.19936224

because americans are mentally ill and push their insane ramblings upon the rest of the world

>> No.19936225 [DELETED] 

Never heard anyone say that. Turn off your computer once in a while, incel

>> No.19936226


>> No.19936227

That Brian guy must be a pedo. I don't know anyone who eats like that.

>> No.19936230

I had sex with my long term girlfriend approximately one hour before making this thread

>> No.19936245

Why do mentally ill obsessed people fight phantom battles in their brains and post threads about it like this?

>> No.19936251

Terminally online incel live a nightmare reality based on screenshots from social media

>> No.19936253

its because they're picky eaters who never grew up

>> No.19936255
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No different from someone in this modern era thinking anything involving a screen or video game is better than any other source of entertainment.

Tablets, smartphones, video games = the chicken nuggets and macaroni & cheese + brownie(s) of this world for many. Oh look, you're guilty as fvck of this very thing as well.

>> No.19936257

Actual fucking brain damage lmao

>> No.19936259

>restrictive food disorder
brown anon here, what is that supposed to mean? is this like anorexia but reversed? sounds like made up shit to excuse fatass behavior

>> No.19936262

Hey, I watch youtube videos and IP2 livestreamers as well as following a bunch of lolcows. It isn’t all screenshots and image boards.

>> No.19936274

It's being picky but acting like it's a disease as an excuse to eat nothing but junk food and become more lard than human

>> No.19936305

It’s this. This weird picky way of eating is also way more acceptable than it was in the past. Even just fifteen years ago people who ate like this were freaks and outcasts but now it’s even okay for pretty women with active social lives to go muh mentalz and eat nothing but super processed shades of beige food dipped in various sauces, with not a fruit or vegetable in sight.

>> No.19936316

retard, back to tiktok

>> No.19936317
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It truly does take one to know one, doesn't it.

>> No.19936320

They never ventured out of the kids menu and they never experienced enough poverty to expand their horizons. What's worse is that these people have reproduced. Unfortunately for their families, they tend to age like shit and die of cardiovascular problems.

>> No.19936324

>and they hated him for telling the truth
Anon is right. Go sit in a park with a book and eat some mixed berries. Take a walk. Watch the sunset.

>> No.19936329

that snout tho

>> No.19936362

>Nobody has said "oh I have a disorder, my safe foods are ragu and grilled mullet"
Probably because it started when he was a child, so he never grew out of eating kids' food.

>> No.19936367

These. This guy has been eating the same shit since he was 8 years old.

>> No.19936369

>white(?) guy
>using the word homie

>> No.19936407

More like 5. They just eat bigger portions of the same kids meal offerings.

>> No.19936429

yeah, this includes browsing 4chan.

thank you for reminding me I'm gonna leave now.

>> No.19936575

I have a special ed cousin who would only eat crepes for his entire childhood and teenage years. Not sure if he got over it in adulthood but I am sure his diet lacking in nutrition contributed to him being in slow people class. You are the retard, retard. People eating like this is more common than you would think. Of course the food is not always chicken nuggets, like this X formerly Twitter loser posted.

>> No.19936647

If you're a grown adult eat whatever the fuck you want. If all you want are chicken nuggets eat them until you fucking die an early death due to malnutrition or whatever. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.19936730

I think it's the comfort in homogeneity and always getting what you expect

Basically autism

>> No.19936736

Surely if you're the one who cooks your own food you always get what you expect though.

>> No.19936752

>haha he's autistic because he takes comfort in things being the same, that's so different from normal people!

>> No.19936773

It should be treated like an addiction really
We should be having a more widspread form of rehab to wean people off addictive junkfoods. Helps solve numerous widespread diet-caused health problems, and helps to overcome the stigma against recovering addicts too. Win-win

>> No.19936884

Zoomers are like "omg technology and social media has ruined the world!" The reality is you've just ruined your life with it because you were losers to begin with. The rest of the population is getting along just fine with smartphones and video games.

>> No.19936897

I don't know anyone who eats like that. if I did, they certainly wouldn't be a homie. meme fail.

>> No.19936898

Boom headshot.

>> No.19936903

Agreed. I live in America, and I've never heard of this "disease", but it would apply to lots of different people I've met. My wife was like this when I met her, absolutely atrocious McDonalds and Mac n Cheese diet, believing it was cheaper to eat out... but I've been gradually retraining her. For these people, they need rehabilitation, a whole rearrangement of their taste, mindset, etc.

>> No.19936911

Nigga if you just eat nuggies and cosmic brownies you are autistic. The whole thread is dumb anyways. This >>19936251 hit the nail on the head.

>> No.19937061
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>> No.19937063

literally autism. my brother is autistic can cannot eat anything else

>> No.19937873

it's overgrown manchild syndrome. insidious, pervasive, and over 90% of 4chan suffers from it. did the fact that the cooking board is dominated by fast food threads somehow elude you?

>> No.19937876

hope you don't think you are the 10%

>> No.19937884

if I'm not, at least I don't signal it to the rest of the world with the diet of a ten year old whose parents left for the weekend.

>> No.19937901

>it's overgrown manchild syndrome. insidious, pervasive, and over 90% of 4chan suffers from it.
I'm retired and I sometimes enjoy eating overprocessed goyslop, even though I have eaten many a fancy dish in my time. I just like the utter simplicity of a cheap, easy to make meal sometimes. Besides, if it tastes bad I can always drown it in ketchup.

>> No.19937914


>> No.19937921

I've had several friends who eat like that and none of them claimed to have any disorder.

>> No.19937936

we're not talking about you, gramps. if you made it to retirement, you won, eat whatever you want.

>> No.19938353

Consistency and standardization.
Supermarket chicken nuggets are basically scientifically created to be palatable to as many people as is possible. And every one of them is identical to the last.
Real food has unique and interesting textures, flavors, and presentations. And it can vary. Sometimes a person's grilled fish just isn't the same as another time they made it. Sometimes a blueberry is more sour, or mushier, or sweeter than the last time. They're real, so they're imperfect.

>> No.19938372

>Real food has unique and interesting textures, flavors, and presentations. And it can vary. Sometimes a person's grilled fish just isn't the same as another time they made it. Sometimes a blueberry is more sour, or mushier, or sweeter than the last time. They're real, so they're imperfect.
If chicken nuggets weren't real, then how could anyone eat them? How would anyone know that they existed in the first place if they weren't real?

>> No.19938384

Feel free to post on [your shithole]'s version of 4chan. You wouldn't of course even if it existed

>> No.19938392
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I swear it's only a thing in Anglophone countries. Most cultures don't don't make a distinction between kid's food and food for adults. Are there autistic Japanese people out there that only eat plain rice and tempura, or something like that for other parts of the world?

>> No.19938397

Me and 1 of my friends hail from a long line of white trash, we call this "the food of our people"

>> No.19938414

The whole zoomer tradlarp thing is just right wing hipsterism. I think their heart's in the right place but they don't realize how cringe they are

>> No.19938418
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>look at me i'm being pedantic
You're not clever

>> No.19938419

This post makes me cringe desu

>> No.19938427

For attention.

>> No.19938430

Hikkimori are legendary for just eating cup ramen.

>> No.19938438

They crave attention and think they'll get (positive) attention and validation by posting their sob stories.

>> No.19938529 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Nigger. You have brown skin.

>> No.19938560

no one is saying they "can't" enjoy other forms of entertainment.
How are you so fucking dumb that you thought this argument made sense?

>> No.19938564

same with anime.

>> No.19938567
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>Terminally online incel
Talk about an oxymoron red flag combination of words, jesus

>> No.19938571

I have a lot of hobbies outside of video games or nonhobbies like looking at my phone, like running or woodworking.

>> No.19938572

you're about to get a new hobby - my cock and balls in your ass

>> No.19938592

This instantly shuts down thirdies.
The only people your premise actually applies to is Asians and some Euros who actually do have their own native language shitpost forums. Thirdies do not have that luxury so they learn english and come to this Americhad website to taste free expression.

>> No.19938634

You have no self awareness do you. Did you even read this mess of a post over and think to yourself before posting it

>> No.19938644

I mean it's less the fact that it's american and mostly that its the only place left for that. Every other American site does not have free expression and you know that well.

>> No.19938652

reading is gay bro
i bet you're reading this right now too, fucking faggot

dictated not read

>> No.19938672

triggered some of them lol
the most disgusting thing is a lot of them larp as Christians and turn around and spew racist rhetoric

>> No.19938692


>> No.19938701

I completely disagree. China has its own shitpost sites, Japan has its own, Russia has its own, many Euro nations have their own, and they all allow their own culturally accpeted forms of free expression. It's only thirdies who know the global lingua franca which is English who come to this American site and shit it up with inane ESL posts because they don't have any other choice. Many other American sites also allow free expression besides this one. Kiwifags and Xitter are two that are arguably more free than this one. Kiwi won't ban users for using racial slurs but this site certainly will.

>> No.19938733
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shallow and pedantic

>> No.19938739

3 cosmic brownies? that's insane!

>> No.19938816

its mainly americans, im the only really in my family that will try anything, i was trying to get people to try this blue cheese i bought cause it was really fucking good but everyones a fucking prude

>> No.19938818

That's just the entirety of the evangelical right, nothing zoomer specific about if

>> No.19938843

I can explain the two possibilities that are the answer to this question if anyone is actually interested in the biomechanical aspects of it but otherwise I won't waste my time

>> No.19938850

>"erm i know why but wont explain it"

go back to redd*t faggot, holy fuck just explain it retard

>> No.19938858

I'd explain it if there were genuine interest instead of your cringe type of comment. But you reaction just shows nobody actually cares and this is just a slide thread for arguing

>> No.19938904

>guys I have a joke
>wanna hear my joke?
Just tell it. You’re like an 8 year old.

>> No.19938915


>> No.19938924

I for one don't give a shit.

>> No.19938952

>I had sex with my long term girlfriend approximately one hour before making this thread
Your Marco Pierre White dakimakura doesn't count Anon.

>> No.19938974

Does my bobby flay onahole count?

>> No.19938992

No. It is interesting. Just don’t get so flustered, and say what you wanna say before surveying the audience to see if they’ll approve. Fuck if some bitchass anon doesn’t like it. I browse this site JUST to see big autisistic knowledge dumps.

>> No.19939001
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I would really, really enjoy this meal

>> No.19939004

Why though. Tendies beat nuggies any day of the week.

>> No.19939082

Gonna post this on /v/ lmao

>> No.19939099

You’re right but i’m gonna keep browsing and eating chips cuz i’m sad and deeply unable to connect with anyone.

>> No.19939115

I remember some Jon Ronson audiobook where a guy was telling him he had it because when he was a kid his grandpa said something very mean about him eating dinner with the family so he'd just make himself chicken tenders and other frozen foods instead of eating anything else with his family and he did that his whole life.

>> No.19939125

>And it's always hyperprocessed slop like doritos, chicken nuggets, fast food fries etc.
It's not though, I knew a guy who would only eat carrots. He was probably 25-50 pounds overweight. Would probably have been better off only eating slop at that point

>> No.19939164

This makes me wanna cry. FUCK that bitchass grandpa.

>> No.19939862

I'm not going outside in the cold to wander around like a retard when I can play games and jerk off in the comfort of my home

>> No.19940222

How do you get overweight eating only carrots? Barring dunking them in ranch.

>> No.19940232


>> No.19940247

>Are there autistic Japanese people out there that only eat plain rice and tempura
Very much so. The other anon mentioned ramen, and I think cheesed bowls are also famous for being a meme there. In Ecuador, having bread and coke is the equivalent. There's picky people all over

>> No.19940254

You are retarded.

>> No.19940270

Get stabbed.

>> No.19940280

Japanese tourists have been known to take that autism to another level by packing rations of specific types of rice and other shit only from Japan and eating only that on trips.

Where as a 'murican tourist would seek out a McDonalds wherever they travel to and only to that extent.

>> No.19940310

>in a park
>mixed berries
Do not listen to this anon, the kind of berries they grow at parks is EXTREMELY bitter and probably poisonous as well

>> No.19940502

Wrong, it's a Japanese website as per the current owner. Now eat shit Tranny mutt.

>> No.19940565

>still eats like this
I don't think I know anyone who ever ate like that never mind still does. I'm guessing this phenomenon is exclusive to the anglosphere.

>> No.19940594

>My wife was like this when I met her
My ex, an American, was similar but not exactly this. When we first started dating, the dumb broad had never eaten a fish that wasn't in stick form.
And what sort of grown-ass person has never had a kiwifruit, plum, pear, apricot, cherry (outside of pie filling) or blackberry (outside of jam)?
I also told this story before but we went out for smoothies once and both got kiwi ones and my ex said "I love kiwi so much but that itchy, throat scratchy feeling from eating them is annoying, know what I mean?"
>no, bitch. I don't know what you mean. you're fucking allergic to kiwi

>> No.19940711

I am interested

>> No.19940723

because those are from autistic people who eat like litteral kids, it's never about the calories they don't care about how healthy this is, they just want some easy to eat convenient junk food, just it pop into the microwave and voila, quick and conforting just like mommy's food

>Nobody has said "oh I have a disorder, my safe foods are ragu and grilled mullet"
but they do exist, they are the one from for former anachan, if you manage to ''tame'' your anorexic tendencies ( you never get rid of this shit honestly ) you might go into orthorexia, which is only eating the healthier, the cleanest, the less calorific foods
and as the former, my safe food are yogourt, ham and a very specific brand of surimi

but both wil throw a hissy fit if you try to force them into food they consider as bad, could it be a brussel sprout or a slice of white bread

>> No.19940795

Eating overprocessed slop every once in a while isn't so bad. It's when you eat it more than you eat real food that it's concerning.

>> No.19941127

my niece has this, she's been this way since she was a baby and basically only eats extremely smooth foods like chocolate custard. I think it's because she is sight impaired, also the feel of fluffy toys freaks her out.

>> No.19941159

A friend in highschool refused to eat any vegetables, or anything with vegetables in it.
His boomer parents just went along with it.
On a related note, two of my cousins got type 1 beetus because their mom let them eat nothing but shit when they were kids. Now they are grown up and have a bitter resentment toward her.

>> No.19941170

the existence of 4chan isn't the big win for the usa as you think it is

>> No.19941282

Ask me how I know you're either a liar or an idiot.

>> No.19941288

because you can't get type 1 beetus from food, it's an auto immune disease

>> No.19941292

britbong here
i eat spagbol mon-fri, pizza on sat, and roast dinner on sun

>> No.19941535

>but that itchy, throat scratchy feeling from eating them is annoying, know what I mean?
was the bitch not peeling them and eating the skin?

>> No.19941547

I'm a pretty picky eater at times but this shit is hilarious that people try to pass it off as a medical condition lmao no they're just addicted to slop

>> No.19942152

My cousin in his late 20s would eat nuggies and frozen wings his entire diet if he didn't have someone to cook an actual meal for dinner for him. He has a job so he has money to buy shit and cook himself but he won't. Vegetables wouldn't even be a part of his diet if left alone.

>> No.19942431

Nigga, it's november. The park is covered in snow and ice.

>> No.19942439

I eat kiwi skin on. It’s good. You can knock some extra fuzz off by rubbing 2 of them together. Actually made me enjoy eating kiwi more because it’s so much less tedious. It is hard to find a proper sweet and ripe one though now that I don’t live where they’re grown anymore.

>> No.19942561

nah I meant to type underweight, dude was a fucking skeleton

>> No.19942590

I have genuinely never been able to eat vegetables
I gag, vomited several times in the past off cauliflower and carrots and now I just associate it with that
plus most of them taste like shit
something about the texture really bothers me
besides that I'm very healthy, labs always come back good
I take a multi vitamin just in case
and I'm pretty muscular/in shape

>> No.19942634

They were peeled.

>> No.19942639

serious question what did autistic people do before trains and mac and cheese existed

>> No.19942640

they starved until food became palatable

>> No.19942643

They became shamans, wizards and mystics.

>> No.19942647

I went to school with an enormous cliche: a blind opera singer.
He was more or less only into finger foods. I don't know how poor his sight was, exactly, but he did use a guide stick to get about school, though he'd occasionally fold it up and wander about with his hands in front of him like Velma from Scooby Doo without her glasses then grab a set of tits.
He used to also just whack the shit out of people in the ankle with the stick, which he never admitted to doing so intentionally but but I'm pretty sure was.
Oh, yeah: he hated the feel of velvet and other similarly-textured things. He especially hated peaches. He called them "fuzzy little tree mammals."
Anyway, due to all of his other behaviours, I'm fairly sure his general refusal to eat anything that required utensils was less about being blind and more about knowing that the pity sighted people had for him would allow him to get away with shit.

>> No.19942648
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>> No.19942653
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Hello fellow YT

>> No.19942655

chicken and the egg

>> No.19942660

hmm weird, maybe it was their diet made it worse or something. I know they are always bitching about how their mom let them eat shit and now they are going to die.

>> No.19942671

Yeah, I was 20 once, too.

>> No.19942678
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Is Innocent.

>> No.19942682
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>> No.19943116

a modern masterpiece

>> No.19943729

They're adults making up excuses on why they eat like shit and finding a way to get attention for it.