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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, 170035101999546585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19917694 No.19917694 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be one of the worst logo redesigns in history

>> No.19917717 [DELETED] 

Not food related theres literally a graphic design board. Sage all fields

>> No.19917763

This further cements my blistering hatred for Pepsico. Bump all fields.

>> No.19917776

I think it looks way better

>> No.19917778

If anything it's a return to form. Left looks like sbahj mouth :y asymmetric minimalist flatcore cancer

>> No.19917886

it's literally a vintage design?

>> No.19917954

I think it looks better.

>> No.19918046
File: 94 KB, 750x570, who cares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19918061

It's better, but not as good as the sovl we had before 2008.

>> No.19918104

How young are you OP

>> No.19918210

They need to bring back the white and red cans.

>> No.19918901

Member when a brand consultancy firm scammed Pepsi with a mathematical study for their new logo?


>> No.19918925

forced soul

>> No.19918946

they need something to differentiate them from Coke/Dr Pepper

>> No.19918950
File: 40 KB, 500x374, 123523578253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah its peak soul, fuck you OP.

>> No.19919107
File: 97 KB, 600x600, IMG_9904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s way better than the old one which is faggot globohomo style. New logo is bold and higher T. It’s very close to the 80s logo which is my favorite but they still fucked it up with that font.

The true wild card is Pepsi Real Sugar, which has the classic font and logo but with the absolutely hideous flat UI logo.

>> No.19919119

>It’s way better than the old one which is faggot globohomo style. New logo is bold and higher T.
your brain is fucking rotten

>> No.19919131

Your brain is rotten from faggot asshole parasites eating your shitty annoying brain. Flat UI and gentle font is the worst of the worst, it appeals to redditors and literal parasite brain homosexuals (you).
I’m very happy they went back to bold and tough, I hope it pissed you off faggot.

>> No.19919152

So Pepsi is supposed to taste like coca cola? I don't think I have ever had it. I don't drink coke either because the bubbles burn the fuck out of my nose when I drank it back decades ago.

>> No.19919157
File: 275 KB, 1170x806, IMG_9908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James is that you?

>> No.19919164
File: 320 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_9905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s honoring the 70’s-90’s logo, but the font is different. The colors are also darker, which is interesting, as brighter colors are usually chosen for soft drinks.

We should have permanent Pepsi Perfect on store shelves. They had an extremely limited run in 2015 and that was it.

80’s optimist vision of the future is so much better than what we got. Nothing feels “futuristic” 35 years later.

>> No.19919179

i dont even drink soda, but as far as aesthetics go, it's a remarkable upgrade to that shit logo they've had.

>> No.19919184

wtf pepsi dildo

>> No.19919201
File: 176 KB, 900x600, IMG_9912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have newfags never seen BttF 2?

>> No.19919213


>> No.19919271

im convinced that they intentionally made a cringe design when the economy was good just so they could drop the actually good design when they needed it so it has more impact.

>> No.19919306

>Being made with real sugar is a selling point for Americans

>> No.19919309


>> No.19919426

I don't watch shit that enforces negative female stereotypes and has no representation of minorities.

>> No.19919797
File: 2 KB, 1920x1280, Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically the dutch flag. approved

>> No.19919823

>incapable of forming a coherent thought without devolving into pure memespeak

>> No.19919831

the whole thing was just a marketing stunt

>> No.19919833
File: 37 KB, 640x431, 169944403592356350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19919835


>> No.19919836

>Caring what the logo of a major corporate brand is

>> No.19919839

if you drink soda ever, even once a week. youre a loser and ngmi in life, simple as

>> No.19919845

>/ck/ - Corporate design choices

Show me the logo you cooked for breakfast today, faggot.

>> No.19919860
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 169955490806916001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and your mom worked on this

>> No.19919894

80s optimism was ruined by New Coke.

>> No.19919916

Coke blatantly stated it hates white people so Pepsi wins over them in my book

>> No.19919926
File: 38 KB, 540x481, 1695972468959338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed it to better match the Obama campaign logo in 2008. I'm not even kidding. It's also a psy-op that, when you flip the package, reads as "hope is dead" since "hope" was an Obama slogan.

>> No.19919933
File: 144 KB, 500x939, logo ass crack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19919951

I'd say the new logo is a return to form from 80s to 2000s, at least compared to the previous from 2009 to 23. That logo was just shitty globohomo simplicity shit

>> No.19919961

>ESL tries to shill for Pepsi on a Coke site
Everyone knows the negro prefers Pepsi because it's sweeter. You're going to have to do better than that.

>> No.19919982

Anything that pushes us away from the 2000s/2010s flat minimalism design triggered by apple is fine by me

>> No.19919987


>> No.19919994

Nah, the current logo is shit.
The new one is better.

>> No.19919996

Coke can switch to blue and white, and also bring back the cocaine while they're at it

>> No.19920012

i like new colors more

>> No.19920039

i like it
its a retvrn to tradition away from the bs nu-logo they had.
i thought y'all le epic basket weaving forum dwellers were meant to like that shit?

>> No.19920089

>Flat UI
this is a fucking can label

>> No.19920092

Yeah, but you're missing the elephant in the room: it's still Pepsi and therefore a drink only melalinated individuals can enjoy.

>> No.19920115
File: 330 KB, 1024x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new one is much better. Closer to the 70s-80s logo. I'm glad we're starting to get out of the minimalist design slump

>> No.19920131

im white and i drink it. its not a race thing bucko. besides. we are moving towards a world where pepsi is king. coca cola is dying.
The era of pepsi approaches.
fuck late 90s-early 2000s was so peak.

>> No.19920268

i remember when they changed it to the left. i thought it looked like boring contemporary bullshit and i think it hurt their image for a long time

>> No.19920283
File: 977 KB, 3024x4032, ziv6i08djvh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats this

>> No.19920339

I never really liked the 2003 cans, even as a kid. I liked how uniform the can looked previously. The printed ice always looked weird to me.

>> No.19920343

>coca cola is dying.
>The era of pepsi approaches.
Blatently untrue. What Coca-cola has done is the thing they feared they would do in the 80's before creating Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke: they would naturally be better than Pepsi and therefore cannibalize their own sales with successful spin-off colas.

Wild Cherry Pepsi is garbage that nobody drinks. Vanilla Pepsi is garbage that nobody drinks. Coke's versions are better and they sell. What this does is create the impression that "Pepsi won the cola wars" because now Pepsi probably has higher Pepsi consumption owing to the fact that they are still almost completely selling Pepsi while Coke is selling Coca-Cola and sizable amounts of Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke.

>> No.19920421

man i really love everything about 90's and early 2000's aesthetic
the matrix
counter strike
everything looked way more appealing
windows xp and such

>> No.19920455


anyway. moving on from your copium.

>> No.19920520

>implying which corporate ConHugeCo conglomerate that owns a fuck load of irrelevant subsidiaries is bigger means anything for who actually won the Cola Wars
Oh, zoomer. Keep drinking your over-sweet, inferior Pepsi. Stay black.

>> No.19920611

Came here to post this. It's an IRL Scroll of Insanity.

>> No.19920771

I'm saying that your brain is rotten because you can't convey any thoughts without littering your statements with meme terminology and website shibboleths

>> No.19920949

They brought back the early 2000s logo a few years back when they changed diet's formula from whatever shite stevia sweetener they were using back to aspartame on a trial basis, that ended when they made the change permanent

>> No.19920952

It's better like this. All lowercase is cunt tier

>> No.19920956

Shut up faggot
Outing yourself as black is still a loss for you anon lol

>> No.19920961

The future is now, faggot

>> No.19920962

Counter Strike Source 04-05 mogs original CS

>> No.19921003


thats kinda why the movie was popular and one of the only reasons it was watchable

>> No.19921026
File: 77 KB, 508x672, 99b7c8ada59b4b1fd167790c41b0bb0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80’s optimist vision of the future is so much better than what we got. Nothing feels “futuristic” 35 years later.
Things ARE futuristic now, its just that the future is faker and gayer than child-(You) expected.

>> No.19921032


>> No.19921166


>> No.19921536

I love the detailed 3D era of the 2000s

>> No.19921664

Same, no visual cue makes me thirstier than condensation.

>> No.19922928

Unwatchable desu

>> No.19922932

Yeah it is I'm watching it right now.

>> No.19922938

It gets worse. In France they are cutting down sugar in half (replacing with stevia) and still calling it original/classic pepsi.

>> No.19922965

Global brands are doing that everywhere. Pizza Hut sweetens their dough with stevia now.

>> No.19922978

Fuck me, I won't be eating from pizza hut anymore. Tbh I don't care about food, but sneakily replacing real sugar with some garbage sweetener in DRINKS should carry automatic death sentence.

>> No.19923077

Then you have a higher tolerance for slowtalking søyboys than I do

>> No.19923084

You can say soy on the cooking board newfag.

>> No.19923094

I for one think this newest iteration is the best so far, that typeface is pure sex

>> No.19923104

A good rule of thumb is just avoid anything "sweet" out in the wild. It's almost certainly cancerous. If you didn't cook it yourself from scratch, it's cancer.

>> No.19923107

Stevia can't possibly be cheaper than corn sugar, especially not in the US. There is some other motivation for replacing sugar with stevia and it's not "health". Nobody is going to think pizza is healthy.

>> No.19923109

This and the silver is a good touch too

>> No.19923116

The only claim it has is lower calorie. Obesity is out of control in the western world, and if you tell fatasses that your pizza is now lower calorie because you replaced sugar with industrial waste products then they'll flock to it. More sales, more money, who gives a shit if they get sick since the people making these decisions probably own stock in pharma companies too.

>> No.19923127

>Mayor is a black guy
>Clara is a strong independent woman not afraid to stand up to Doc Brown
Heck, you could even go with Loraine bursting 1950s stereotypes of women of that era being virginal doormats. Plus Jennifer is a shapeshifter that can make people forget her previous form.

>> No.19923169

I don't give a fuck about obesity in western world. I am 6ft 175 lbs I will have my fizzy drinks with full calorie sugar/syrup and not some sweetener that tastes like trash and does not give me a sugar rush

>> No.19923170

Stevia is the one sweetener that actually isn't an artificial mystery chemical, it grows naturally.