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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19910833 No.19910833 [Reply] [Original]

Times that food just didn't go your way.

>> No.19910873

Surprised his natural instinct didn't kick in and he didn't grab the machine running at thousands of rpms.

One time I ate foreign food and got the shits.

>> No.19910884

lol I think he’s Korean not Chinese.

>> No.19910997

I spilled baked beans all over myself watching Cars 2 in theaters & a black teenager shouted 'this nigga eating beans' & everyone laughed.

>> No.19911071

One time he and me were doin' dat thing and I reached over to get a bit of my enchiriti but it fell off the littlr plastic fork it came with and fell rjght into my poontang and he jeot going tell him he pushing jt further jn and he playing around and shit

>> No.19911077

Tried to make ramen from scratch but went too hard on authenticity and tried to keep the broth completely unseasoned and compensate with the dashi, but then the dashi sucked and the broth sucked and I wasted hours of my time.

>> No.19911122

one time i was making ramen for your mom and i forgot the dashi so instead mf making ramen i gave her the nakadashi instead

>> No.19911127

>grab the machine running at thousands of rpms.
those fuckin videos man

>> No.19911139
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Murdered this poor rib eye

>> No.19911145

I over-salted my eggs once and ate them anyway. I got salt blisters on my tongue.

>> No.19911146

christ man what did you do to it?

>> No.19911178

It looks like he overcooked it.

>> No.19911186

I tried the reverse sear meme

>> No.19911320

yea i remember that

>> No.19911362

He took Vyvanse and drank too much, and was humming birding around his kitchen, unable to focus on any one task at hand for more than a minute at a time. It looks like he’s early in his speed and alcohol abuse and hasn’t figured out the sweet spot amount of both substances that produces productivity and euphoria.

>> No.19911437

What is the optimal amount of each? Also why not just smoke pot and play skyrim? Seems a lot safer.

>> No.19911917
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>adding the cream/milk/dairy wrong and it immediately curdles and separates making your otherwise really nicely coming a long sauce a rancid mixture of water and curd

>> No.19911944

There isn’t one answer to the perfect dosage question. People handle drugs and alcohol differently. My good time
might be your overdose. Weed gets boring and habitual like cigarettes, and stops doing much when you’ve been using for a long time. And Skyrim is twelve years old, doing drugs and playing it got old years ago.

>> No.19911959
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I put hot pockets in the microwave and they were hot on the outside and cold in the middle

>> No.19911965
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My landlord wouldn't fix my oven so I had to roast my bird under the broiler :[

>> No.19912001
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>> No.19912095

I got drunk and made carbonara tonight
Problem is I had no pasta, so I just heated up the sauce part and ate a stupid amount like a soup
Now I'm sitting upright desperately trying to not vomit

>> No.19912101

at least you're going to have utmost cleansing bowel tsunamis over the next day or two.

also sort your life out anon you're treating your body like a garbage compactor and you're whasting food >:|

>> No.19912118

I know
But nothing else stops the panic attacks

>> No.19912127


>> No.19912131

ate a bad sandwich and puked and shit for a week

>> No.19912138

I ate an Italian Grindah once where the cheese tasted a bit off. Everything else was fine, all the meat and veg/etc. But holy shit I was so sick in the morning I filled the toilet with chunky vomb and I had the sweats and shakes so bad I was literally dousing my head with vomitty toilet water. Food poisoning creates literal nightmares that you have to live and carry with you the rest of your life.

>> No.19912139
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>> No.19912156


>> No.19912736

This made me kek

>> No.19912740

I have tried making Pho 3 times and every time it turned out inedible. Like not just bad, you could not choke it down a gun point.
Pho isn't even that hard, but somehow every time I have gotten distracted or something, and one of the components that take time and patience goes sideways. I am a good cook to, but for some reason I can't into pho.

>> No.19912856

>making a quiche for Sunday dinner
>don't want to many new crust or drive to store for dough
>remember I made some and froze it last time I made a quiche
>the it out and use it
>edges burning easily but I adjust
>wife says crust tastes funny
>try a bit
>it's sugar cookie dough

>> No.19912870

because I have work to do and dispensaries aren't legal where I live and I don't want to go to the ghetto to buy weed.

>> No.19912887
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no matte what i did my rolls kept coming out the same and it was bad

>> No.19912893

This is doable, but you have to turn it a fuckton to prevent this exact thing from happening. Also put it on the bottom rack.

>> No.19912929

So...what was it *supposed* to do?

>> No.19912945

You can tell?

>> No.19912948

Eating beans in public, the nigger may be a nog but you're acting like the faggot

>> No.19912953

This be the lowest iq post on here all year. Good spoken you cracker ass cooper....

>> No.19912973

This’ll teach you to keep an emergency stash of ramen tucked away somewhere, not perfect but it’ll hold the sauce and preserve your sphincter. (Skip the flavor packet natch)

>> No.19913161

>out of pasta
What a weird thing.

>> No.19913170

How drunk are you? Did you bring enough alcohol for the whole class?

>> No.19913523

Fuck that sounds great

>> No.19913632

Hey guys, it's Will Smith! His ass is dead, lmao!

>> No.19913696

cover them with a foil pan to trap steam for the first 6-8 minutes of the bake

>> No.19913713
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went to cracker barrel with my grandmother once
she's one of those old nigga heads that will just unscrew the tops off the table salt & pepper instead of slowly adding it by shaking normally
I didn't realize she had done it but forgot to screw the cap back on, so I went to add some pepper and accidentally dumped most of it all over my food
ate that shit anyway lol

>> No.19913900
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i've gotten better but im still not where i want to be

>> No.19913939

>chicken and potato pakoras
>I've been drinking
>puree the potato and and mix with strained onion puree
>mix in chopped chicken so some is exposed to outside
>immediately burns when fried
>stick done ones in oven at 300 convection
>they come out hard as a rock on the outside
I also fried fish that day but it was far less of a failure

>> No.19913945

Br*tish "people" be like

>> No.19913964

>this happens
>uploads video anyway
i hate the modern internet
everyone pretends to be retarded so hard to be the next hot famous thing for 15min on social media

>> No.19914007
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When you're racist enough you can

>> No.19914076

>panic attacks
Pot and videogames help, but the game has to be fast paced and I got to smoke lower potency indica to avoid paranoia.

Also, reading about bad shit (non-fiction like Dancing In The Glory of Monsters) and staying real fucking busy, otherwise I pace. Read, draw, write, work on projects, change lightbulbs, clean your fridge. Learn a programming language, fuck with a raspberri pi and get a webserver running on it. Root your phone. Do meal prep. Just stay busy anon.

The struggle is real.

>> No.19914106


>> No.19914135

If it's Asian+cheese it's Korean. They're literally the only country in all of Asia that even knows what cheese is.

>> No.19914159


>> No.19914233
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>stumbled home from the bar around 11 PM drunk as shit
>absolutely starving
>chicken sounds good, it will take an hour to bake but sounds worth it
>put a couple thighs with bbq sauce in the oven and sit down to watch some TV while I wait
>pass out
>wake up at 5 AM to a horrible smell
>pull burned, shriveled up chicken out
>was so hungry and hung over I ate it anyway

>> No.19914259

>hosting a few friends
>shucking oysters
>entertaining, not focusing on the shuck
>oyster knife slips
>jam it between my pointer and middle finger about 3/8” deep
>try and play it cool, but my gf blows my cover
>yank it out, swing around to my sink but I dump a bunch of blood into the ice and shucked oysters
>ruin the Chicks appetite all the guys still eat

>> No.19914361

never fails to make me smile thanks anon

>> No.19914402

I was at gamestop and the girl behind the counter was really cute, went to pull out my wallet but it was the wrong pocket so instead I grabbed a lot of spaghetti and pulled it out, then all my spaghetti was all over the floor

>> No.19914418

One day you'll get to the point where your liver is so fucked that the alcohol will pull you out of sleep just to have a panic attack, and your racing heart and cold sweats will keep you up for hours while you wonder if this is it and if you're finally having a heart attack. You should try to find healthier coping methods before that happens.

>> No.19914539

Frozen pie dough and frozen sugar cookie dough look exactly the same.

>> No.19914583
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>> No.19914616

It's a fondue fountain, the cheese is supposed to be a thin sauce not a semi solid brick of whatever he tried to feed into it

>> No.19914675
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what the fuck kinda cheese is that even supposed to be

>> No.19914805

You cute

>> No.19914826

it's the brain / neurology that does that, not the liver
christ you people are fucking retarded. do you just parrot things you hear without even bothering to check if they're right or not

>> No.19914842

Yes. /ck/ has a huge broscience problem that we seem to have picked up by apes on /fit/.

>> No.19914851


>> No.19914866

Uh, Mongolia? If you literally mean all of Asia, that includes the Middle East and South Asia as well.

>> No.19914867

he clearly used shredded bag cheese

>> No.19914906

...what a life

>> No.19914924

Just let it go anon. You will feel better afterwards. I know from experience.

>> No.19914929

He's obviously a Korean mukbanger. Koreans literally invented the buckets of melted cheese mukbang trend. They also invented mukbangs. And his immediate reaction wasn't to grab the spinning Hand Mangler 9000 so he clearly isn't Chinese.

>> No.19914988

I fucked up cacio e pepe, the cheese all pooled at the bottom and I had to scrape it into the trash with my self esteem.

next time I made it it was better

>> No.19915161

ru ok?

>> No.19915465

>do 10 jumping jacks green hoodie guy

>> No.19915503

Also ramen. Did a long boil broth, chashu pork, homemade noodles, eggs. Got so excited for it at the end I completely forgot to season the soup. Porky, but bland. Lotta work for a sad product…

>> No.19915590

Koreans tend to be heavier, Chinese usually die before they get that fat

>> No.19915604

Tried making welsh rarebit once. My cheap ass plastic whisk melted into the pot.

>> No.19916003

It's pretty easy for me to tell the difference between koreans, japanese, chinese and south east asians. all south east asians look the same tho. also hoon is a pretty korean sounding name