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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19909486 No.19909486 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever encountered something you were embarrassed to order at a restaurant because it had a weird name?

>> No.19909493

Wendy's used to have an ad campaign for Dave's Hot and Juicy Double and I still order it that way to this day

>> No.19909527

Someone post the rooty tooth fresh and fruity screencap

>> No.19909571

I just point to the menu. If the dumb mexican makes me say anything I call ICE on his or her ass and get them deported

>> No.19909573

Most fast food has childish names and is visited by childish grown ups. It's a major reason why I never go there.

>> No.19909586

No, especially if it's named retardedly I expatiallie make sure I say it wrong

>> No.19909588

Large coffee please

>> No.19909590
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>> No.19909595

I used to hang out with this Christian girl in college and we went to some restaurant. She wanted to order a sex on the beach cocktail but was too embarrassed to say it so she just pointed to it on the menu lol. She later dragged me to some school Christian club pizza party one Friday night and it was packed with a bunch of awkward dudes that also only seemed to know her. Realized she pulling the ole Flirt to Convert on me, dipped out and never talked to her again kek.

>> No.19909643

>foreign/ethnic restaurant with non-english words for dishes
>pronounce it incorrectly and you sound like a retarded uneducated redneck
>pronounce it correctly and you sound like a pretentious smug pseud

>> No.19909665

There's a Japanese restaurant in my area that serves something called "eel don".

>> No.19909671

>uh lemme just get that ***point at it***

>> No.19909741

My buddy used to order this beer called Purple Juicy at this bar we'd go to and the bartender always looked weirded out when he'd say it. It was great.

>> No.19909918

either I don't eat at restaurants that do this, or if they do, I don't have interest in those items, and if I did I would just point at it,

never had anyone make me say a stupid name.

>> No.19909921

No I just say what the fuck I want.
Some burger named wet daddy whatever isn’t going to be something I want. I’d say who the fuck thought it’d be a good idea to give a burger such a dumbass name.

>> No.19909966

>point at item on menu and say "that"
>disregard the opinion of someone who chose to be a fucking waiter/waitress because their ideas and their vocation are equally worthless
>tip nothing

>> No.19909968

you sound like the kind of guy who would say "BURGER RARE" to the waitress and refuse to elaborate further

>> No.19910056

I order sausage muffins at mcdonalds.

>> No.19910119

Idiot she wad just introducing you to her social circle and events she goes to. The awkward guys only knew her because she's the only one they tried with.

>> No.19910187

>cold stone creamery's sizes
I just said 'the large one'. I am not gonna say "GOTTA HAVE IT"

>> No.19910195

they already knew you wanted the largest size when you walked in

>> No.19910200

based retard

>> No.19910232

>Hello Anon. The usual? A trash bag full of chocolate ice cream? And no, just like last time, we *do not* have sweaty anime girl feet drizzle...

>> No.19910479

A bar I used to go to had 'Long Dong Foot Long' hotdogs. I'm not into hotdogs but one of my gay friends ordered it every time he went out with us so I guess the marketing worked.

>> No.19910508

This is why Vietnamese restaurants are based. Every variation of every dish is assigned to a number because they know nobody can pronounce shit. You can just ask for a 73 or something.

>> No.19910536

I used to hate asking those people at McDonald's to "supersize" my combo meal. I mean, what could possibly be more embarrassing than that?
I mean, aside from eating fries cooked in something other than tallow.

>> No.19910541

>one of my gay friends

>> No.19910562

Does it hurt when a gay man's anal cervix gets bumped repeatedly?

>> No.19911174
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I call ICE anyways

>> No.19911224
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>Have you ever encountered something you were embarrassed to order at a restaurant because it had a weird name?
Yes, and I shouldn't have to wish for an IRL incognito mode when placing an order.

>> No.19911234

>Hiroshima roll
>deep fried
what the fuck

>> No.19911235

Is that where the rectum branches off into the terminal colon?

>> No.19911246

at a foreign restaurant do you make a noticeable effort to pronounce the names of foods? Or just accept you'll probably get it wrong or sound pretentious and say it 'wrong' immediately?

>> No.19911248
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I can't order a Baconator™. I just fucking can't.

>> No.19911255

I just say it like how anyone else would because that's how they're the most used to hearing it from the other customers. I've tried saying the names correctly and they'll look baffled because I fucked it up so badly and I'll have to say a shitty English version instead.

>> No.19911258

yeah negronis i tried once and saw a nigger turn its head and stare at me after i ordered it once and the waiter was like HUH? YOU SAY A NIGGERONI?!

>> No.19911270

You can do it, Anon. I believe in you.

>> No.19911278

I can and have
they're fucking good dude
dangerously good

>> No.19911291

literally worked at a place where the menu and the POS system said "chicken nugger". i offered to fix it and they told me i was racist. fucking chinese
customers asked about it all the time, some even called to order the "chicken nugger" and i wish they had spelled it "french fried" for the fries.

>> No.19911309

>I just say it like how anyone else would because that's how they're the most used to hearing it from the other customers. I've tried saying the names correctly and they'll look baffled because I fucked it up so badly and I'll have to say a shitty English version instead.
I know how you feel, Bro. I've been there before. I've tried to say English words the same way English speakers do, but it always comes out weird. It's like all they hear is "honk! honk!"
The baconator is the worst. I'm like "Me woods like dee baycunnaytur, and I gibs yous dee monies fo it. I finna gibs you duh muhnee. Me gots lotsuh blingaling."

>> No.19911316

not sure if sarcastic or based

>> No.19911323

Anybody old enough to remember this has killed themselves by now or is in jail for child molestation.

>> No.19911330

I wish they sold niglet nuggets at places like KFC. Like, why not recycle them?
Cannibalism is like a part of African culture.

>> No.19911338

I'll obviously never ask go to McDonald's to ask for a McGangbang and will just make one myself. Also I don't think most of the employees would even know what that is.

>> No.19911341

>I'll obviously never ask go to McDonald's to ask for a McGangbang and will just make one myself. Also I don't think most of the employees would even know what that is.
We all know what it is. The secret sauce is semen.

>> No.19911344

sorry but they're for stem cell research only

>> No.19911352

You know, if Black people of color would stop aborting their children and selling their flesh to places like Wendy's, Burger King, and Popeyes, They could seriously have a chance of genociding a certain race that is inherently racist because of their skin color.

>> No.19911526
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>> No.19911541

>pronouncing a foreign language correctly is pretentious

>> No.19911565

they'll notice the shit accent
some languages are easier than others of course

>> No.19911603

Fuck no. If there’s a stupid or gay dish or drink name on the menu that I want
I make sure to order it in the creepiest voice possible. If there’s a woman server I’ll do the Buffalo Bill voice, if it’s a gay server he gets the lispy gay bar voice, if it’s a straight chad guy server he gets the flirty vocal fry trans person voice. Works every time cause no one is willing to call my bluff and risk being fired or cancelled. Yes, I know it’s insane behavior but it’s so much fun.

>> No.19911620
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>> No.19911689

I feel that too though. I feel like a d-bag saying things with a different accent, rolling my r's and shit, but then 2 words later sounding like my normal southern self. I used to date this mexican girl that would torture me like this. it was like the rooty tooty fresh n fruity bit.
>what did you buy at the store anon?
chorizo and eggs
>what and eggs?

>> No.19911767

are you intellectually disabled?

>> No.19911773

It's stupid that pronouncing something properly is something to be mocked. Fuckin Americans, would you make fun of some Japanese saying "cheeseburger" perfectly inside a string of Japanese?

>> No.19911836
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That's different. Japs can't do any better because they are lesser than me. Naturally I hold myself to different (higher) standards because I am a citizen of the greatest nation on Earth, and everyone else is just visiting. Expecting other people to be as good as me would be cruel. I am not only better but also benevolent.
How brave of you to ask by the way, i'm sure whatever wonderful little nation you hail from is just.....wonderful. Can't wait to visit someday. I'll buy lots of nick-nacks. I know you're country is full of them.

>> No.19911866

sweer potato

>> No.19911873

The Yard and Coop in Manchester in England had a chicken sandwich about a foot high called The Massive Cock. You best believe I looked straight in the eye of the waiter when I ordered it.

>> No.19911874

I said no such thing. I said that it comes off that way to others. I do it anyway, because my policy is "it's better to be right and mocked than wrong and lauded".

>> No.19912412

>dishes on the menu are not numbered
Is this just our thing ?
I don't think I have ever seen a restaurant without it in my life.

>> No.19912431

thats american culture and education for you lmao

>> No.19912442


>> No.19912525

I usually stand up and do a little dance while ordering a rooty tutti fresh and fruity. I had 6 years of jazz tap, might as well use it when it matters most.

>> No.19912533

of course i would

>> No.19912554

I used to work at a bakery in the ghetto and multiple times black people would point at snickerdoodles and ask what they were and when I told them I got "HUH U SAY A NIGGA WHAT?"

>> No.19912712
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>> No.19912729

>be white
>go to soul food restaurant in Detroit
>there is a mandatory "you have to say the N word" policy when you order your food if you're white
>I holla at my server HEY THERE N--
>Immediately accosted by a murder of fine upstanding black folk

>> No.19912741


>> No.19912792

If that actually happened I’d like to believe they were just clowning on you. Was it mostly older blacks doing it?

>> No.19912796

>"okay, so you want a tall blonde, and can I get your name?"

>> No.19912837

subgay has something called "no bready bowls" that's just the sandwich contents in a bowl without any bread. somehow this is different from their salads and i don't know how, so you can't just say salad instead. their online ordering experience is just horrible and takes like 30 minutes just to get an order placed, and i managed to get through it just to avoid saying any of this shit to another human.

>> No.19912846
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>> No.19912868

they were probably not allowed to disable it when they were sold out, so they made it really expensive to make sure nobody bought it because it's impossible to refund individual items in-shop for online orders.

the online system also lets you select up to 11 sauces, which is all of them.

>> No.19912874

Fuck no. If the restaurant wants to name their food something stupid, I make direct, intense eye contact with the waitress and order it exactly as it is written with the creepiest inflection i can stand while keeping a straight face. Bonus if I know her name.
>Yes Judy, I would love to have big bobs double dipped mozzarella marathon. Thank you.
When she delivers the food:
>big bobs double dipped mozzarella marathon looks wonderful, Judy.
When she asks how the food is:
>big bobs double dipped mozzarella marathon is delicious, Judy.
Considering women are already creeped out by me, I would imagine there are a lot of requests to change the names on the menu after I leave.

>> No.19912875

thank you for your service

>> No.19912881

Do you turn red and start stuttering when someone says penis or vagina lmao

I don't understand this thread. Whenever I order food for pickup (because fuck the extra fees of tipping or delivery) I always give my name as Rock Johnson. When I go in, I say, "Hello I am picking up an order." they ask for who, and I say Rock Johnson. They pause for a moment and then they give me the food, that's it

>> No.19912882

That's identity theft. Book 'em, boys.

>> No.19912883

I would bet money that you have never ordered for yourself in a restaurant. Or spoken to a woman.

>> No.19912886

Hope you didn't bet too much.

>> No.19912894

>my policy is "it's better to be right and mocked than wrong and lauded".

You can be wrong and mocked too.

>> No.19912895

I place the order as Rock Johnson. sometimes the desk person asks me to wait and they grab a manager or someone from the kitchen so they could see Rock Johnson.

I think they think it's a prank when they see the name, and don't expect anyone to show up and get the food. if I'm drunk then I'll wear a funny outfit or hat or something but usually it's just business as usual for Rock Johnson.

>> No.19912904
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My dad would happily say all these silly names whenever we went out to eat, embarrassing me to no end.

But now I'm 31 and I find it pretty hilarious. Weird how dad's go from cringe to the funniest fuckin dude on the planet with age.

>> No.19912993

aight but this one is based
>Do you turn red and start stuttering when someone says penis or vagina lmao
i do that

>> No.19913008

I don't order burger rares and I don't order wet daddy burgers either.
I'm not wasting my time and money at a restaurant that acts foolish. If they want to fool around they can do it without me.

>> No.19913021

I don’t really get why “Rock Johnson” is supposed to be funny.
Is it supposed to be an idiom for “hard dick” or is it supposed to be like the wrestler? Explain pls.

>> No.19913022

Once had a coffee shop's owner's kid try to smartmouth my ordering The Sugar Bear "what a great name for a latte". His name was Kwang Chung.

>> No.19913027

I’m not the guy you were replying to, but you sound like an insufferable cunt.
I hope you find something to be happy about one day, otherwise what’s the point of anything?

>> No.19913030

it doesn't matter because she broke it off with him anyway and he is just coping

>> No.19913057
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Not a menu item, but an entire BBQ restaurant in my area with the goofiest name imaginable.

It's a shame because thr food looks amazing but the name of the establishment is so embarrassing that I'd never set foot in there or order from there. I'd certainly never work there, either.

>> No.19913061



>> No.19913089

Is that ketchup on the chefs special roll?

>> No.19913100

worse. siracha

>> No.19913191

You sound like a self conscious sperg, I would go to OinkADoodleMoo and befriend the entire staff and buy a tshirt to wear later

>> No.19913204

It's called shame and some people are born with it.

>> No.19913251

whenever my father had to give a name to reserve a table he'd say Donner so the employees would say "Donner party, your table is ready."

>> No.19913405

No shit, retard.

>> No.19913413

yes, it refers to a hard penis. everyone in this region knows what it means, but it's still subtle enough that you don't get banned or questioned, just giggles and sly looks. winks sometimes.

lol based. wonder how many people know what that is anymore. reminds me of that Mitch Hedburg joke about missing parties at restaurants

>> No.19913430

No, because its just words. You say them and its done and over with, and the waiters have heard those words thousands of times.

>> No.19913449


>> No.19913459

Just order a number 2 you doofus

>> No.19913460
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>> No.19913463
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>> No.19913477

>I'll take the margherita pizza thanks

>> No.19913488

Yes lol, if they were speaking a sentence in Japanese and then said cheeseburger in perfect American English it would sound strange. It makes more sense to use whatever language you are speaking in's version of a foreign phrase since it will fit more pleasingly within the sentence.

>> No.19913501

Doesn't sound like she was trying to convert you, it just sounds like you were an orbiter

>> No.19913507
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>cauliflower in sauce

>> No.19913510

This is surreal, I did exactly the same thing. Unfortunately it was a piece of shit overstacked sloppa sandwhich

>> No.19913511

Are all Americans this mentally ill?

>> No.19913527

I decided not to pick up food from a Filipino place a couple months ago because they didn't have online ordering and I wasn't sure how to pronounce the name of something. But no, nothing in English. Why would you get embarrassed? Were you the one who wrote the menu?

>> No.19913537

>I am leaving

>> No.19913543

Not that anon, but it's true for more than just Americans. If you spoke more than just English you'd know that other languages have different intonations and accents to them, and breaking out of that for a single word in the middle of a sentence just sounds weird.

>> No.19913554

When I visited Quebec it was funny hearing fast French gibberish spaced out by slow fluent English accented "fuck" and "fucking". It threw off the timing and sounded like Morse Code.
>Le sjfhkdshfdhksj - FUCK --- skjfklsjflks -- FUCKING -- skdflkdjsflskd - hon hon hon tabarnak

>> No.19913573

i went from eating wendys at least once a week to never because of the biggie bag.

>> No.19914628

I pronounced it "gyro" instead of "Euro" at some Greek restaurant.

>> No.19914653

Oh so now I gotta buy fries and a coke because some corporation named a burger after a movie villain?

>> No.19914682
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I remember once my friend and I went to McDonalds and he asked what I wanted and told him a mcdouble and fries and he thought I was making it up and refused to say it and said "a double cheeseburger" and they responded "you mean a mcdouble?"
>pic related was mfw

>> No.19914698

>t. will be complaining about all women being used-up whores once he hits the male wall

>> No.19914701

Isn't there a difference though? Two slices of cheese on the double cheeseburger and one on the McDouble.

>> No.19914709

You live in Letterkenny, ON?

>> No.19914721

lemme get an oinkadoodledoo vasectomy with extra 'vark

>> No.19914722
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I dunno, I've never called it a double cheeseburger at mcdicks

>> No.19914727

I want to punch the artist in the face

>> No.19914754

now that im 50, i pronounce the j in fajitas. and not a little. its so off putting, my mom wont take me to chilis anymore.

yes, i know and i dont care.

>> No.19914758

they had the double cheeseburger for $1 in 2003 and it had two slices
the mcdouble came out probably 10 years later

>> No.19914763

peter griffin already did it when he ordered 6,000 chicken fajitas

>> No.19914774

I've gotten all the sauces on my sandwich once.
Not good.

>> No.19914823
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>> No.19914841
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>> No.19914858

it's not edgy to not want foreigners benefiting from your work without contributing

>> No.19914917

Lol nobody cares you hypersensitive kegel

>> No.19914934

>Has first date in 15 years
>She picks a fun restaurant
>Gets mad about the names on the menu and can't continue the conversation

>> No.19914966

ok, but we both know you don't call ICE. you just stutter through the menu while avoiding eye contact

>> No.19915023

I remember going to a boba place with my cousins and they had anime and cartoons on the walls. Anyways they had the normal flavors but the specials all had cringe names that were references, I just wish I could remember them

>> No.19915041

Good job protecting your virginity pal, you almost got suckered by a good Christian girl. Lucky you escaped!

>> No.19915049


>> No.19915103

at wendy's or...

>> No.19915531

No he pointed at the menu instead of saying anything.
Please pay attention anon.

>> No.19915789

>tfw i only not attract cute girls with serious daddy/drug issues whose only saving grace is "destroyed gag reflex"

>> No.19915790

I'm deeply embarrassed any time I try to order a cookie as an adult male.

>> No.19915801

Please leave the dog shelter and never return.

>> No.19915821

Sort of, in japan I refuse to speak the katakana pronunciation. I'm not mispronouncing an english word just because your language can't into ending words with consonants

>> No.19915825

Fuck you. I bet you're one of those lily white 4th gen immigrants with a bog standard American accent until suddenly its pronounced
>pwwerrtouu rrrrrrricccco

>> No.19915827

>doesn't want good blowjobs you can only get from a proper experienced whore.
Also, I recently made myself a sandwhich using duck paté and chili oil. Was delicious.

>> No.19915836

At the end of the day, I just want the waiter to know what I'm ordering. They're the audience I'm trying to cater to.
Start speaking your English with every word according to its etymological root.

>> No.19915844

Don't even have to look it up, there's no chance in hell this isn't in southern CA

>> No.19915846

>tip nothing
Enjoy getting some beaner's creamy load on your food

>> No.19915847

I'm sure that argument sounded smarter in your head

>> No.19915910
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It probably did but at the point of katakana, it's basically entered their lexicon in the same way that many English words have French language roots. I don't go around saying 'beef' like a French pansy - but I do also hate eating at French restuarants cause they do get mad when you pronounce the items badly

>> No.19916016

>filter pretentious dweebs with this one weird trick!

>> No.19916019

>lemme gettuhhhh number 2, just the sandwich

>> No.19916044

You know tips happen after the food, right?

>> No.19916157

I once wanted to try chocolate choux, but I didn't know how to pronounce it.

>> No.19916271

it doesnt bother me when they include the normal name. vegetarian is much more offensive

>> No.19916281

it's live when I order a daves triple at wendys.

>> No.19916283

Lemme get uhh a Bacontator meal large.

>> No.19916327

A local burger chain with franchisees in Iran (why?) had a ”That Unbelievable Renovation” burger and I fucking hated it. Never bothered to order it because of the dogshit stupid name.

Context: ”That unbelievable renovation” was a D-tier comedy film with our nations’ worst comedian in the leading role

>> No.19916803

ive found that as you get older innocent silly shit like this gets funnier and funnier. just embracing the absurdity of this stuff with a shit eating grin is so fun and makes navigating society so much more manageable

>> No.19916811

It's because your fucks given about the opinions of others go down as you age

>> No.19916832

Y'know, if I ever make a sushi bar, I'm not gonna put the "roll" in the name. I'm just gonna have names and descriptions with numbers next to them.
>1. Simple (choose a fish, a vegetable, and a house sauce)
>2. California (the usual)
>3. Crunchy
>4. Dragon
>5. -ing in the deep (deep fried eel, cold seaweed)
>6. -ing my grave (cream cheese abomination of some kind)
>7. Barrel
>8. Duck And
>9. Rick (if you order by number, it's just the sushi; if you order by name, you get pranked)

>> No.19916860

like i care what some third worlder thinks lmao
I will pronounce it FOH not fuh. Don't like it? too fucking bad kek

>> No.19916891

my friend did this when we were in high school and the cashier just unblinkingly stared at him until he ordered actual food.
>this was back when a mcgangbang costed $3 total
>now it's like $9 for the components
fuck mcdonalds

>> No.19916907

you're gonna miss oinkadoodlemoo one day down the line when all that's left is corporate fake meat shit that makes you use dumb language to order your cold impossible burger anyway

>> No.19916912

this what happens when californians get schizophrenia

>> No.19916973

I would laugh my ass off but I wouldn't mock them for it
>kabanigachochikawahomi- cheese burger -kankorominiwaloganma

>> No.19917071

Thank you, I bitch about this all the time.
Shit mane, I remember when you could get a mcgangbang for $2.14 and I’m not even 30.
Fuck this gay earth and fuck McNaldo’s.

>> No.19917312

Here in bongland they are actually just called double cheeseburgers, quarter pounders etc instead of the McThing names.

>> No.19917352

fucking lol

>> No.19917369

Considered making a sarcastic, perhaps mean-spirited comment but decided not to be mean. I have goodwill towards you.

>> No.19917381

kek, reminds me of this:

>> No.19917404

>yeah, uh, lemme get the...spic loadblower

>> No.19917417

they'll know what I'm up to, they'll make me say it.

>> No.19917621

they probably nixed the Mc because you guys don’t associate the Irish with having food, you dicks.

>> No.19917687

So is it confirmed that restaurants that pull this shit are doing it on purpose to force customers through ritual humiliation?

>> No.19918174
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Anyone else still have trouble ordering anything with "chicken breast" in the title if the server is a girl?

>> No.19918306

I have trouble using the term chicken breast at home in front of my parents.

>> No.19918326

sure sign the establishment is owned by a degen and should be avoided.

>> No.19918352


>> No.19918402

six chicken nugger

>> No.19918502

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.19918704

>chicken breast
chick tit
hen booby
nugget milkers
cock jug
fowl bosom
poultry udder
biddy nipple

>> No.19918745

No but one time I went to a Vietnamese place and wanted to order a dish I didnt know how to pronounce. I said to the asian waiter I would like this pointing to it on the menu but im sorry i dont know how to pronounce it. Then the fag got snippy with me and said he didnt either.

>> No.19919661
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I'd do the same and it would be grand if they had faggots on the menu as well.

>> No.19919669
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>> No.19919671

>quarter pounders
Like the money?

>> No.19919672


>> No.19919674

>male wall
Doesn't exist

>> No.19919687
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>> No.19919691

>letting a sweet and naive angel escape because you're a cynical goylem
Holy based bro, don't forget to buy a new graphics card to play cool video games with instead of hanging out with these cringe christians and accidently having sex and a family!

>> No.19919706

Americans are extremely insecure about not knowing other languages. They are largely monolingual and have some kind of obsession to defend themselves at every opportunity. It's also why all their food is just some americanized slop or why they can't fathom why anyone would consume media in another language.

>> No.19919722

I just point to the number mate
That's what the numbers for

>> No.19919726
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>those prices

>> No.19919826

>tfw have small group of friends where we take turns cooking/hosting because we're food autists irl
>every single time chicken breast is involved we call them cock titties
git gud

>> No.19920102

based retard

>> No.19920193

The McCrispy begs to differ.

>> No.19920226

I used to live in Japan for like 5 years and now whenever I order at a Japanese restaurant in my home country I have to force myself to not pronounce the names correctly just so I don't come across as a complete asshole

>> No.19920245

I've eaten here, it's pretty good.

>> No.19920248

Im France we call it the Royale with Cheese.

>> No.19920250

>tfw have small group of friends where we take turns cooking/hosting because we're food autists irl
I envy you.

>> No.19920309
File: 158 KB, 1200x1200, E6Y3LB7X0AMUr33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were even better before wendys nerfed the customization in their app.
I used to get
>-nix everything but bacon and light mayonnaise
>add blue cheese
>add spring mix
>add red onion
Genuinely one of the best fast food hamburgers ever.

>> No.19920319

could you order sweer potatoe there too?

>> No.19920326

this thread goes very hard
love from(age) England
I hate frogs so much it's unreal

>> No.19920329

Oh everywhere, even at Japanese restaurants, you get funner food that way

>> No.19920336

You got all the autistic Christian's malding, good job Anon

>> No.19920342

>I AM...Bread Substitutions

>> No.19920361

but they're working, are you retarded? you're ordering from them in your made-up hypothetical, you red-faced stuttering autist

>> No.19920505

>I'll have the Bussy Bacon Burger with extra sussy sauce
I like when restaurants make me feel slutty

>> No.19920575

Is that a boy or a girl?
You know what, I don't care.

>> No.19920594

You gotta love it. "Accidentally having a family" can't make this shit up.

>> No.19920600

You don't work. You don't contribute. They are working. They are contributing.

>> No.19920697

pho cough

>> No.19920719

>fOWe cOaf

>> No.19920727


>> No.19920743

You got all autistic malding over Christians existing, good job anon

>> No.19920753

why are you mad lol

>> No.19920754

Not exactly what OP is asking but I once went to a French restaurant called Mussels & Sausages
They were apparently having trouble finding new hires lol

>> No.19920763

>Start speaking your English with every word according to its etymological root.
I do this when I'm feeling extra autistic that day

>> No.19920769

I always make sure to pronounce it incorrectly on purpose

>> No.19920774


>> No.19920778

>Las Vegas roll
This explains it

>> No.19920818

According to him, it feels like heaven

>> No.19920843


>> No.19920851
File: 47 KB, 423x750, 9a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I remember when it was first posted there's way older memes than this

>> No.19920860

A&W is like that. Just give me a fucking burger man, I don't wanna order a grandpa burger.

>> No.19920875

>>lispy gay bar voice
lmao he'll just assume you want him

>> No.19920879

>>allowing yourself to be tortured by women

>> No.19920904

That's not even creepy, you gotta make the name more sexual for maximum creep

>> No.19920916
File: 291 KB, 1402x415, cumsaunce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasta de cum saunce

>> No.19920928

That's because boomer humor is rife with "rooty tooty frooty" jokes like that

>> No.19920930


Next time order a McGangbang

>> No.19920943

Get a sense of humor you wokescold

>> No.19920945

Thank you. It would be ok though, I could take it.
Anything beats the loneliness.
Have a good day anon

>> No.19920948

thats a new one

>> No.19920965

Sounds ESL

>> No.19920971

Ah ah ah, you gotta say "I'm giving margarita pizza"

>> No.19920973

Woke scold. Good one

>> No.19921002

What episode was this?

>> No.19921017

>>lily white
>>puerto rico

>> No.19921168

We are proud to know the only language that matters

>> No.19921275

>The Yard and Coop
They still have the massive spicy cock

>> No.19921571


>> No.19921578

>first picture is a bmwf
lmao can't make this shit up

>> No.19921625

A restaurant in Montreal has a "doggy style" poutine. It's pretty good but the name is cringe.

>> No.19921641

For me it's the coconut bacon

>> No.19921674
File: 684 KB, 2300x2300, bob marley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to this restaurant in Sorrento called Jolly Blu that served burgers called "Bob Marley" and "Daffy Duck".
The Bob Marley (pictured) is two patties, smoked cheese and french fries, and the Daffy Duck is the same but with raw ham instead of the patties
Looking at everything else in this thread, 'supersizing' is like the tamest one here

>> No.19921676

can i get a rooty tooty fresh and frooty

>> No.19922173

I'm pretty sure Bob Marley wouldn't have eaten a single thing on that plate.

>> No.19922174

Truly, it is a blessing.

>> No.19922572

>I am bread substitutions

>> No.19922603

When you put fries on any sandwich or burger you can automatically go fuck yourself.

>> No.19922622

chip butty tho m8 innit

>> No.19922638

NTA but I reported my friend's boyfriend for being an illegal immigrant and they got his ass and deported him almost immediately.

>> No.19922643

restaurant in my town opened up and was 50s themed and all of their items were named after elvis songs and shit, and the names didn't even make sense. Chicken Tenders with fries was called the "Hound Dog", meanwhile the fucking HOT DOG ITEM was called "The Jailhouse Rocker" and the quarter pounder BLT was called "Burning Love".
I hate gimmicky shit like this. Maybe this would go over well if you were opening in vegas or something, but not some small town in Washington.

>> No.19922644

Seethe, monkey

>> No.19922649


>> No.19922650
File: 896 KB, 1582x2048, 1670926005833874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the BALLS to order here?

>> No.19922687

No homo but I want Guy's big balls in my mouth. Nothing weird about it - I just think the balls would taste good. I want his sauce. I wanna enjoy that pickle.

>> No.19922712
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>> No.19922723

Aren't they also called McDank's?

>> No.19922737

this is so cringe, holy shit

>> No.19922753

Honestly, I've reached the age where I'd prefer to be Sure Shootin' Rex Dandycorn than to get a free ChokkaWokka junior-mini childrens' sundae.

>> No.19923010

Yes I absolutely would. I would know they're trying to be annoying because native japs would not understand an english word in an american accent if it was sprinkled into one of their sentences like that. The only way to make it comprehensible is to speak with an accent.

>> No.19923042

i remember there being a 50s diner we ate at in universal studios. i no longer remember the name or if it's even still there but i remember the goal was to be period-accurate, so all the servers were women, wearing those light-blue maid-like uniforms with white aprons with nice hair, hairbands and tons of makeup.

the part about being period-accurate was they only served soda in glasses with ice, no straws or lids, and everything came out on black serving trays, and you can probably already see the problem with that. i think we were there for 30 minutes and at least 3 people spilled their drinks in that time.

>> No.19923188


>> No.19923193


>> No.19923300

I do not care

>> No.19923327
File: 736 KB, 702x628, thehammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh anon, ran some moons over my hammy. Unironically nice, inb4 shit presentation..

>> No.19923598

>Leather is Dead Skin
Pretty metal, I wouldn't mind a patch of it on my leather jacket.

>> No.19923633
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He would have if it had jam in

>> No.19923639

No. I'm a big guy so despite being a complete pussy IRL, people don't say shit to me if I order faggot froofroo shit.

>> No.19923660

just say tsoritso like any normal being

>> No.19923664
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wow,christian AND pizza??you dogged the mother of all bullets there,be careful out there,big guy

>> No.19923739
File: 53 KB, 394x410, 1373566447002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are extremely insecure about not knowing other languages
Americans used to be bluntly proud about not needing to know a second language. It's an indescribable feeling of power knowing that the entire world learns your language just for the privilege to talk to you.

But now we're so self conscious and insecure. It's regrettable.

>> No.19923813

wew he got you xenoidolatrist racists quite pissy

>> No.19923822


>> No.19923843

your post just made it overrated

>> No.19923877

Nice bait, almost got me to be angry.

>> No.19923886

>Indescribable feeling of power
Yes, that's why all the great kings and conquerors knew multiple languages. Because speaking more than one is cringe.

Americans, as usual, are very proud to be cattle.

>> No.19923952
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>spic loadblower

>> No.19924026
File: 62 KB, 604x604, k (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern heads of states don't need to be multi lingual anymore because they always have a professional corps of translators available. They can spend more time on useful things instead of learning other languages.

Cope all you want- you wish DEEP DOWN everyone on the internet spoke your native language, but that's not the case due to geopolitical realities. English is the current Lingua Franca.

Never forget that it's illegal to speak another language on 4chan (outside of /int/)

>> No.19924042

I like cocktails but refuse to order Sex On The Beach for precisely this reason.
>Teehee I'll have some sex on the beach, and the cocktail would be nice too!!!
Fuck off you witless child

>> No.19924083

patrick swayze, then he bogged himself. val kilmer hit it hard too.

>> No.19925010

>I AM .... Homemade dressings

>> No.19925011

That food looks good though ngl

>> No.19925013
File: 685 KB, 2838x1396, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, she's married and he's not. rofl. Bring the bull for massive spicy cock while hubby is working!

>> No.19925066

These comments. Why don't you guys just make a subreddit and get it over with? You deserve to have this community of 50 people talking about fast food every day.

>> No.19925364


>> No.19925396

I always pronounce it "chow-rice-ow".

>> No.19925399

>suicide bomber chicken
it's like 2m scovilles, i've tried it, very hot indeed

in nz btw

>> No.19925400

You are a walking fucking insecurity incarnate.

>> No.19925404

If they have a cute waitress start smiling like a high idiot and ask for it while looking her in the eye.

>> No.19925412

I can guarantee, it wont make her let you tap, you pathetic autist.

>> No.19925421

That's just a bunch of girl buzzwords

>> No.19925425

>mexican girl
is it nice dating a mexican girl? they seem pretty hot. i come from a very white nation. what is a mexican girl's hair like?

>> No.19925442

I like saying gyro as Jie-Row loudly and proudly at the counters.

>> No.19925450


>> No.19925481

I'll have a number 11 please.

>> No.19925497
File: 3.38 MB, 540x540, 1697261699742426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my local pizza restaurant's best pizza is full menu title is "Thats The Way (Uh Huh, Uh Huh I Like It)"

>> No.19925507

Is it run by jovial darkies dressed in fashion from the 70s who are friendly and haven't been taught to blame whitey for everything by the CIA and their DNC buddies?

>> No.19925698

lol reminded me of this

>> No.19925706

When i was in Croatia i ordered with a Croatian pronunciation and the cute waitress laughed in appreciation

>> No.19925719

Not everyone does something good for a physical reward, bro. He was doing her (and the country) a favor. That's it's own reward.

>> No.19926012

I don't care what I sound like to you, anon. You're some random stranger.
I have things that make me happy in life and they aren't hamburgers with stupid names and restaurants that think I'm going to pay them to act ridiculous.
My wife and I still go on dates and she wouldn't put up with this shit either.
Meet someone who actually gets you instead of changing yourself to try to impress other people.

>> No.19926061

They both got super cancer and only one of them survived it. That's not hitting the wall

>> No.19926176

Why didn't you convert?

>> No.19926188

>do you make a noticeable effort to pronounce the names of foods

>> No.19926191

>t. missed the point

>> No.19926269

>could have had a christian trad-wife
>missed out because of obvious 'tism
sad. many such cases

>> No.19926371

The girl I lost my virginity to was 1/2 Mexican and also had a black great grandma and her hair was so awesome and voluminous.
I have straight as can be white people hair and I can’t grow it out or else it looks flat and gross.
She also had ass for days.
I broke up with her because she stabbed me though the hand when she was drunk.
She was trying to stab her younger sister.
Her mom left liquor out and her little sister was trying to drink it, and instead of locking it in her mom’s room or something she decided she had to drink it all so her sister couldn’t.
It wasn’t the first time that specific scenario had happened, and after getting stabbed even as a 15 year old I knew I couldn’t fix that kind of crazy.
Great hair though.

>> No.19926679

Christian girls suck. Being Christian isn't usually something they just do as a fashion type of thing. You're actually going to have to live with her saying stupid shit all the time and wanting to go to church. It's actually pretty cringe.

>> No.19926896

Last time I went to Wendy's I was about to ask for the biggie bag but reversed out of the drive through instead.

>> No.19926927

This. So much better to get a Baconzilla. Why bother with the 'ator.

>> No.19926934

pls be serious

>> No.19926947

>not wanting a girl adore her telling you gospels and things

>> No.19926961
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I REALLY fucking hate that one. Always have.

>> No.19926967
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>based transliteration ignorer

>> No.19927019
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I ate there many years ago. kino atmosphere.

>> No.19927026
File: 296 KB, 498x498, 1694177587870688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being pale white and fluent in mandarin is objectively sick af. nobody knows... the eavesdropping is primo.

>> No.19927470

I am skeleton jelly.

>> No.19927490

You cannot use the word cringe after all these fedora-tipping posts bro

>> No.19927498

I'm a white person with voluminous and awesome hair you selfhating racist.

>> No.19927808

I work at spoons and somebody ordered mcnuggets. I didn't know what the fuck that was, he asked "what's like mcnuggets" and I told him to use the app, idk no word can come out of his mouth that will match the buttons on the till.
Took me ages to realise it's a mcdonald's thing

>> No.19927884

Good for you, buddy.
My hair is flat as a board, and I don’t hate it- it just looks gross when it’s grown out.
It looks fantastic when short and styled.
I like my hair but I’m realistic about it.

Having hair this straight was the shit during scenie weenie days though, I won’t deny that.
But if you have bangs and are older than 18 you need to get your shit together.