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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 860x1290, Carolina-Reaper-Pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19905748 No.19905748 [Reply] [Original]

When will /ck/ take the capsaicin pill?
>inb4 hur dur reddit s○yjak meme lol

>> No.19905767 [DELETED] 

Associating capsaicin’s cancer fighting properties with trans people committing suicide is distasteful, OP. Be better.

>> No.19905779 [DELETED] 

Both are problem solvers.
Try to think your answer.

>> No.19905801 [DELETED] 

There are no trans people

>> No.19905806 [DELETED] 

Seems a fair analogy to me

>> No.19905808 [DELETED] 

There are just boys transitioning into men. Unless you get gay frogged.

>> No.19905810 [DELETED] 

The Thai people don’t agree.

>> No.19905819 [DELETED] 

That's what happens to society that doesn't believe in God.

>> No.19905820 [DELETED] 

Bro just because they speak with a high pitch voice doesn't mean what you think it means. Grow up.

How much capsaicin do i need for a passing transition into apoptosis?

>> No.19905830

Soy isn't filtered on /ck/

>> No.19905841

Oh, cool, I assumed it was site wide since it is on /x/

>> No.19905843

Soy test

>> No.19905844

I'm sure the rise in colon cancer has nothing at all to do with hot sauce or bussyplundering. You all deserve each other

>> No.19905850

you can say soy on the food and cooking board, you retarded newfag tourist

>> No.19905860

It is site wide. This is the only board that doesn’t filter soy, newfag. Lurk moar before you post again.

>> No.19905872 [DELETED] 

41% yourself.

>> No.19905875

>I literally cannot stop thinking about dicks in asses and relating it to everything I talk about
Cope, sissyboi

>> No.19905884

I'm happy that /ck is also red pilling people on soy, even if in a different way. How are we going to win a war against CCP and Russia if we are all manlet faggots?

>> No.19905887


>> No.19905890 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so completely obsessed with transgender people that you can't even make a thread about peppers without mentioning them

Fucking sad

>> No.19905893 [DELETED] 

I don't blame them look around at all the weak manlets.

>> No.19905909

Did you find out about 4channel from r/greentext and decided to try your hand at making an ebic bread to own the incel chuds? Go the fuck back. You’re a pathetic zoomer.

>> No.19905911

It has to do with soybean oil and oxidation

>> No.19905975

I eat a lot of hot peppers and your body gets use to it. Like it stops burning when you shit.

>> No.19905984

Butt it doesn't work for others when they put their cock in your ass and get capsaicin shit on their dick

>> No.19906013

If I did there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, cope and seethe faggot

>> No.19906015

>your body gets use to it. Like it stops burning when you shit.
Yep. After 5 or so days of eating hot food and shitting acid, the body suddenly gets used to it and you're fine.
Then you don't eat hot food for 3 or 4 days and you're back to square one.
I've also noticed my stomach reacting way more as I've gotten older. Fuck time

>> No.19906016

At least try to stop thinking about dicks and assholes for a few minutes. I'm only looking out for you, anon.

>> No.19906023 [DELETED] 

I didn't mention "transgender" people at all, though.

>> No.19906034

Technically speaking, capsaicin is an alkaline. There's no acid or any real burn damage involved. You can actually lessen the gut pain by ingesting acidic foods and drinks with the peppers.

>> No.19906056

>Technically speaking, capsaicin is an alkaline.
Shitting lava then. Happy? Or are you gonna say poop is technically speaking not lava?

>> No.19906061 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself tourist

>> No.19906063

You forgot to tell me to dial 8. Now call me a nigger, and dance reddit monkey. That will prove you fit in here. Let me keep pulling your strings, zoomer zaddy.

>> No.19906078
File: 355 KB, 1500x1170, 1671859775376671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19906084

So if I smoke cigars but eat lots of chilli peppers I won't get mouth cancer?

>> No.19906086

Doesn't work like that anon
You'd have to smoke the chilies

>> No.19906095 [DELETED] 

>terminal trannybrain
>doesn't know about the filter
yep, zoomer tourist thread

>> No.19906114 [DELETED] 

>spouting irrelevant garbage
yep, pro-cancer kike

>> No.19906121 [DELETED] 

>kikes out of NOWHERE
rent's overdue, pay up

>> No.19906123

You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.19906133 [DELETED] 

I hope the predictable shill swarm is at least making some anons think about the potential of capsaicin treatment.

>> No.19906157 [DELETED] 

point out the shill posts in this thread without looking like a schizo

>> No.19906166 [DELETED] 

Why are you so offended by shills being called out?

>> No.19906172 [DELETED] 

why don't you name all the shill posts for us? give them all a reply, go on.

>> No.19906174

I like schizos more than shills. There's an honesty to them you're averse to.

>> No.19906180

An honest schizo that just blew in from /x/ would give (You)s to all the posts that are shills to enlighten the rest of us

>> No.19906186

I'm giving you yous. Does your paycheck require your (You) count plugin to reach a certain threshhold? Food and cooking?

>> No.19906200

what am I shilling?

>> No.19906204


>> No.19906209

I don't think so

>> No.19906217

>Eating processed industrial hot sauces with additives, colorants, preservatives and other chemicals is the same as eating a home made salsa
Jewmericans are truly fucking stupid

>> No.19906218

i'm chefjohnpilled, i consume cayenne every single day multiple times a day

>> No.19906244

Shills absolutely seething and dilating in this thread. Can't imagine why, we're just discussing the scientifically-backed properties of a particular fruit and yet they seem angrier than most /pol/ threads make them.

>> No.19906246 [DELETED] 

You did with the "41%"
>you're a tourist if you don't obsess about transgender people

>> No.19906255

>being so obsessed with transgender people you can't even discuss food without thinking of them

>> No.19906270

I don't see any discussion I just see people calling OP a retarded newfag

>> No.19906296

So everything this thread is aside, are those actually good for you?

>> No.19906306


>> No.19906318

Yes, chili peppers are extremely high in vitamin C

>> No.19906356

STFU already you dumb tranny faggot

>> No.19906373

You forgot the lust provoking image.

>> No.19906426


>> No.19906470 [DELETED] 

I hate chatgpt posts!

>> No.19906483
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, reaper faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19906645 [DELETED] 

I hate dumb faggots like you who can’t type anything other than canned meme phrases. Don’t project your illiteracy on me, please.

>> No.19906688 [DELETED] 

Can anyone give a reasonable explanation what transgender people have to with chilli? Are you that fucking obsessed that everything has to do with transgender people?

Do you mow the lawn and think "I'm going to 41% the grass"? Do you use hand sanitiser and think "this will cause bacteria to 41% themselves"?

This is just incredibly sad

>> No.19906702 [DELETED] 

Trannys are hot like chili peppers. Simple as.

>> No.19906733 [DELETED] 

yeah can you imagin 41% of suicides? mental disorders are no fun and incredibly sad.

>> No.19906743 [DELETED] 

Be better

>> No.19906750 [DELETED] 

being transgender isn't a mental health condition you cretin and hasn't been for a decade https://www.msnbc.com/melissa-harris-perry/being-transgender-no-longer-mental-disorde-msna16542

>> No.19906751 [DELETED] 

lol what are you talking about

>> No.19906753 [DELETED] 

are we retconning loonies now?

>> No.19906763 [DELETED] 


>> No.19906766


>> No.19906770 [DELETED] 

Yes. They’re perfectly healthy individuals who no trace of mental illness.

>> No.19906775

He’s a newfag who is trying to evade the soy word filter that has never existed on /ck/

>> No.19906779 [DELETED] 

>being transgender isn't a mental health condition ANYMORE
>for only ten years.

>> No.19906805 [DELETED] 

There's no connection it's just /pol/ and /qa/ brainrot leaking out

>> No.19906847 [DELETED] 

I’d just like to chime in and say that trannies are fucking disgusting. No one thinks you look cute, you do not pass. Either knock off the bullshit or literally kill yourself.

>> No.19906866 [DELETED] 

Science moves on. All organisations that represent registered psychiatrists and psychologists state that being transgender in itself isn't a mental illness

>> No.19906870 [DELETED] 

What does that have to do with food and cooking?

>> No.19906891 [DELETED] 

no one mentioned trans but you

>> No.19906903 [DELETED] 

You’re right. I derailed this perfectly reasonable thread about capsaicin 41%ing cancer cells by mentioning trans people. This could have been a meaningful and fruitful discussion if I only I hadn’t mentioned trans people.

>> No.19906914 [DELETED] 

Yes, you brought up trannies out of nowhere

>> No.19906918 [DELETED] 

It's good that you're finally able to admit you're wrong. Let's move on shall we?

>> No.19906930

I have still never had the mythical fireshits. Maybe you guys just have bitch DNA.

>> No.19906932

there is nothing of value in this thread

>> No.19906949 [DELETED] 

It still is, no matter how much you tell yourself it isn’t

>> No.19906953 [DELETED] 

There’s an excellent Bailey Jay thread up on /gif/ right now.

>> No.19907102 [DELETED] 

it seems to be moving on a gunpoint as trannies go after anyone who doesn't want to let them molest children in public

>> No.19907151 [DELETED] 

I’ll check it out while working security tonight

>> No.19907162

Whoaaa! Dude you are hardcore with the insults! Watch out!!

>> No.19907170

Capsicum are not acidic

>> No.19907178

You must be fun at parties /s

>> No.19907247 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 1416x1445, 1558569951538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread full of AI? or is it just me?

>> No.19907250 [DELETED] 

As a tranny I hate that this got derailed into a tranny thread.
How does it do this exactly? I'm autistic I can't eat food without knowing exactly what it does to my body

>> No.19907282 [DELETED] 

Nah, not AI, just retarded reddit zoomer subhumans who think posting on 4channel is a subversive act, but their programming won’t let them call someone a nigger.

>> No.19907306 [DELETED] 

Stay seething tranny

>> No.19907321 [DELETED] 

I love the fact that you're on a pervert website mansplaining what a ladyboy is

>> No.19907340 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 800x800, trans free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Reminder: most FPWPs are bots..
either way, Imma use this OC I've been sittin' on for over a year.

>> No.19907352 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, 1587227118755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame public schools...

>> No.19907364 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x446, 1598770206810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those digits!

>> No.19907386 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 910x878, Brah...BRAH!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let 'em get a chatroom first..
I dunna wanna see that shit here..

>> No.19907442 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 544x650, That's not the ONLY blownout thing in this vid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice timestamp.
/ck/ is a blue board tho, you'll catch a B&;-; 90% of the time.
Especially if the jannies have a ban-hammer hard-on for you.
Still, even though it's a shit thread, it's kinda entertaining.
Now...Where's that spice rack..

>> No.19907481 [DELETED] 

How is this completely off topic tranny discussion thread still up? Did the night janny 41% herself? Ja/ck/ threads get nuked faster this one.

>> No.19907569 [DELETED] 

>psychologists and psychiatrists are wrong...well they just are

>> No.19908235 [DELETED] 

its 50% now

>> No.19908487 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately there isn't an AI for subjecting innocents the unspeakable boredom of spicy fruits, and it nature abhors boredom

>> No.19908499 [DELETED] 

Jack threads make the jannies seethe, they get deleted instantaneously

>> No.19908505 [DELETED] 

I think bad mouthing trannies makes the mods here seethe too

>> No.19908507
File: 187 KB, 398x328, showimage13817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carolina Reaper
cancer cells do not go quietly.

>> No.19908521
File: 441 KB, 2000x2700, IN-VIVO-vs-IN-VITRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of those "X reduces tumor cells by %" studies are done "in vitro" meaning they applied the substance directly to them in a tes tube/pitri dish. To truly assess the efficacy of some substance/drug you want to perform an "in vivo" study (ideally a randomized controlled double-blind trial) meaning you give a living organism lab rats/people the substance then check the tumor cell results after the fact. Basically even if a substance can get at cancer cells in a lab environment when dripped on them directly via a pipette, that doesn't mean it'll survive your stomach acid/liver/get transported via the bloodstream/etc to get to where it needs to go intact and be able to do the same thing in practice.

This doesn't mean "in vitro" studies are worthless to pursue, just that they are relatively quick/cheap presumptive tests to perform very early in the research pipeline and tend to be abused to hype up headlines in non-scientific news and especially when shilling vitamins/supplements (which is why they always have to include that "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." legal disclaimer at the bottom in 0.4px font). Just remember to curb your enthusiasm in a lot of these cases.

>> No.19908527

Can love bloom on the internet?

>> No.19908533

It's only lava after you've shat it out. The poop that burns you would be magma.

>> No.19908538

Testing: onion
I like onion sauce.

>> No.19908540

>half the thread has been deleted
Fucking lmao.

>> No.19908555

You can say onions here, you don't need to pretend.

>> No.19908794

I eat a habanero or two every day with my meals. IMO, they are the perfect pepper. Hot and spicy, but not too much. Tasty. Widely available. Didn't know about the cancer stuff, though.

>> No.19908833

>he thinks onions is filtered

>> No.19909138

Agreed, though I prefer Scotch bonnets, they're basically identical to habaneros in every way, only with a slightly fruitier and IMO better flavor

>> No.19909152

Major raid from troons who didn't like the talk of suicide rates and kikes/glowniggers/demons who didn't like the talk of cancer prevention

>> No.19909181

hey, good job janny

>> No.19909186

I had to limit my heat consumption because my intestines couldn’t keep up with my mouth when I was younger.

>> No.19909270

im snacking on some whole thai chiles right now. this shit actually quells my heartburn.
also >>19909181
yeah great job janny

>> No.19909276

bro youre the first person ever ive seen who hasnt had the fire shits either. maybe we just have a gut like a vulture

>> No.19909300
File: 6 KB, 220x221, 1659991964207204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews hate the hot pepper growers

>> No.19909321

Something that makes cancer cells "kill themselves" is actually just hurting you and preventing cell growth. Its like how radiotherapy kills cancer cells but you wouldn't pretend radiotherapy is safe to do on your balls every day.
Its why everyone who loves spicy food looks like a bald shrimpy soy boy

>> No.19909329

post nose

>> No.19909337

Coward. If you aren't nuking your balls in the microwave everyday you're NGMI.

>> No.19909365
File: 1.60 MB, 1100x806, blu 4chan co thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here a decade and didn't know that lol

>> No.19909371

It's just an anecdote but if it helped this guy I think it can help others.

>> No.19909451

Factually inaccurate in every way, but keep coping

>> No.19909454

Thai peppers are great, just about the right heat level to snack on

>> No.19909470


/int/ also doesn't filter soy

>> No.19909484

why the fuck would I go on any other boards when this one exists?

>> No.19909506

t. balding hot sauce collector

>> No.19911187


>> No.19911198


>> No.19911214

Fuck you bloody bastars

>> No.19911217

I’ve never been on /int/ because I don’t actively seek out discussions with brown third worlders who argue with each other over who is more white. And I’m aware of the irony that is
>he says this while posting on /ck/

>> No.19911231
File: 143 KB, 1200x985, Carolina Reapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local shitty grocery chain had a couple packages of pic related sitting in the habenero bin. First time I've seen them, so I picked up a pack and tossed them in the freezer. Will be starting with a 1/4 pepper tossed in with my meal and see how that works. Going to save seeds and grow some as well.

>> No.19911294

your such a nerd lol

>> No.19911310

>starting with a 1/4 of a pepper
Oh no no no. If they’re actually what it says on the package, they are much stronger than you’re giving them credit for. Eat a slice and see what happens.

>> No.19911346

peppers are also a really good and bioavailable source of vitamin C which nobel prize winner linus pauling claimed was a super-medicine capable of curing cancer in megadoses

if you are within an hour of madison wisconsin, you can reply with some way to contact you and we can find out (:3)-|-< 8==D
(ps i love you)

>> No.19911366

>Eat a slice and see what happens.
Nah, I never eat superhots raw like that, as they're too damn hot, so I always have them with a meal as either a garnish, or as an ingredient I cook with the rest of the meal. I prefer to add them to the meal during the cooking process with some garlic and or ginger. I'm sure they'll be hot, but I've grown and eaten Trinidad scorpions and ghost peppers before, so I'm familiar with that kind of heat and how to enjoy them. I just hope they have some decent flavor and aroma the way my homegrown peppers did.

>> No.19911374

eh i grew a variety of reaper in my garden, they aren't thaaaaat much stronger than a habanero. i know in scoville units they are like 10 times hotter or whatever but subjectively, once you get to a certain level it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.

i would recommend first WEAR GLOVES or your penis will be on fire next time you pee, second your 1/4 pepper is a good starting point so you can see how you like it, third chop the pepper very finely and put in a cream sauce or on a pizza or something like that, maybe a curry with coconut milk. freezing also makes them less spicy (or at least that's what i've found with ones i've grown)

personally i am not like a Super Ass Blaster level spice guy (for reference, i will put a half teaspoon of normal Yucateca on eggs) and the reapers i grew weren't terrible. i would put a whole one in a large pot of chili or lentils or red beans for example.

>> No.19911379

wait nvm i grew scorpion peppers not reaper peppers i'm a faggot retard sorry

>> No.19911450

I fully understand what you’re saying, but the competence of the grower on the heat level of chili peppers can’t be overstated. Novice growers are not going to grow super hots that are actually super hot. And comparing habaneros to scorpions or reapers is ridiculous. A full raw habanero can be be eaten by most people with a lot of pain and discomfort that subsides in a few hours. Eating a whole raw scorpion or reaper will make most peoples insides into churning lava for hours upon hours and make them consider a hospital visit as they writhe on the floor sweating and tossing around in agony.
And sorry, but
>half a teaspoon of normal Yucateco

>> No.19911478

>chop the pepper very finely and put in a cream sauce or on a pizza or something like that,

I chopped up a 1/4 of one and tossed it into a chicken broth I'm making for a chicken / veg hotpot stew. I'm going to serve the stew over rice tonight, and then tomorrow I'm going to make some fresh noodles and top them with the stew. Should be pretty fucking sweet, and very spicy.

The great thing about superhots is that you can make multiple meals with a single pepper, so I'll be able to use these for some Mezkin' food, some Cajun chow, and some more Asian inspired meals for the next couple of weeks.

>> No.19911504
File: 343 KB, 1200x1600, Serrano-Peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's serranos. One is good enough for salsa.

>> No.19911505


>> No.19911512

You ever let them get red? Deliciou

>> No.19911796

Update: 1/4 pepper wasn't near enough for the broth. I'm thinking the peppers I bought weren't grown very well, as my trin-scorps would have had a bigger impact on my broth.


>> No.19911808

OP confirmed hot head

>> No.19911871

I told you a few posts ago that super hots don’t really become super hots when grown by novice growers. Most of the the commercial scorpions and reapers available in stores aren’t going to be anywhere near one million scoville units. Find a good local grower or order from someone online.

>> No.19912165

The only way to actually enjoy these is to dry them, ground them up and mix with some other shit

>> No.19912321

>How are WE going to win a war against the CCP and Russia?

Not at all. Not in a million years. Y'all couldn't even beat Viet Nam, had to leave Afghanistan, and your support for Ukraine only dragged things. It's pathetic. "Superpower" my ass. You bitches can't even do coups in Latin America anymore. The fuck is up with Guaido and the Bolivian bitch? Hell, y'all can't even do a proxy war right. It's been half a century since Kissinger america. It's joever. Done. US Hegemony is a sick, senile, debilitated old man, not unlike your actual president.

You always sucked at being a hegemon anyway. At least the Chinese will bring us Mapo Tofu, all American hegemony got us was obesity and reality tv.

>> No.19912649

>all American hegemony got us was obesity and reality tv.
Don't forget faggotry, sodomy and transsexuals.

>> No.19912747

I have been here since 2009 and I have no fucking idea what is filtered and never have cared.
All I remember is faggot being candy-ass (was there a dash I don't remember) on /b/

>> No.19912913

Yea, the peppers I bought are ass. I chopped up a 1/4 pepper and added it to a single dish and it's about as spicy as a store bought habanero. Very bummed out, but it is what it is....

>> No.19912926

Testing soy sauce.

>> No.19913071
File: 343 KB, 1024x1024, HappyPepperMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems nice.

>> No.19913382


>> No.19913397
File: 121 KB, 800x787, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average spicy food hater

>> No.19913409

Why are you using y’all

>> No.19914591

Xer is signaling they don't believe in the gender binary by using a gender neutral word for a group of people that they culturally appropriated from southern black Americans. Btw, good thread jannies, thanks for deleting those fifty off topic posts. And I don't believe capsaicin 41%s cancer like OP says. If that were the case then places with massive per captia chili pepper consumption would have very few cases of cancer. That isn't true though.

>> No.19914717
File: 324 KB, 688x1022, 1659740006755980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you doubled down so hard on making spicy food your personality you have to make up cancer facts

>> No.19914723

God fucking children

>> No.19914731
File: 41 KB, 500x500, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, can't handle dr. niggerraper's anal madness hot sauce like me? must suck having a child's palate!

>> No.19914738

No, I just wanted to talk about god fucking children. I didn't even read the thread.

>> No.19914741

This god guy sounds pretty based. I oughta read his literature sometime

>> No.19914755

it's weird. /ck/ mods are usually pretty on point with deleting off-topic/troll posts and handing out site-wide first offense bans. but then sometimes (like tonight), they're just...absent

>> No.19914913

Everytime I eat potato chips my intestines hurt and I get constipated. Should I be worried?

>> No.19914947

Cancer anecdotes are worthless. Some people spontaneously recover from cancer. You can't just assume what they did prevented it.
Also, I fuck myself in the ass with eggplants and have never gotten cancer, so you should too

>> No.19914948

They've been strangely absent this week. I posted in another thread that I think the Candian Chinese trans person janny for this board finally 41%ed zimzelf or quit and a replacement hasn't been found yet. Look at how many n-word posts are staying up for days. Something is wrong.

>> No.19914950

*cured, not prevented

>> No.19914964

I noticed this though I think it's been longer than a week. There was a black (or maybe merely BLACKED) janny who handed out all boards week+ bans for Racism at the slightest provocation, even for insulting "ethnic" food in a very on-topic way. You may be right that there's a tranny janny who has only been gone for a little while but the black one seems to have given up entirely. On /tg/ there's a slope janny who will ban you for Racism if you say the game of Go sucks. Just how it is

>> No.19914994

Yeah, I only come here every few months. Just came back this week and it's weird. The bans here used to be frequent quickly handed out, and petty and frivolous. Calling someone Chang or saying men in dresses and wigs can't get pregnant used to get you a ban. Now threads like this stay up for days. wtf

>> No.19915011

Just depends on the board mostly. Also depends I think on janny recruitment waves, new ones will naturally be more aggressive and dedicated while old timers either dgaf or Quit entirely.

>> No.19915018
File: 343 KB, 418x521, 1685563364344210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandpa who ate spicy food daily/drank like a skunk got colon cancer at 78, went straight to his liver. Still kicking like a king after 6 years of them telling him he has 1 year left.
Anyway, one case isn't enought to say it was the cause but never bad to be a bit careful imo. Any sweaty virgins who come at me with the "must've been alcohol" excuse, I hope you get raped by a pack of sandniggers.

>> No.19915034

I don't disagree but this board has always been pretty intolerant of blatant racism and totally off topic baiting. Remember when making a ja/ck/ thread would get you a nearly instant ban?

>> No.19915108

which guy is ur grandpa? anal sex is one the biggest risk factors for colon cancer btw. Lol your grandpa is a hungry bottom.

>> No.19915330


>> No.19915335

Habanero are my least favorite pepper. They have, like, a rubber-type flavor or something.

>> No.19915343

Uh yeah, out of those two possible causes you choose the spicy food, not the drink.

>> No.19915656

God fucking children.

>> No.19915696

Also make you feel better emotionally and opens up your blood vessels. After eating Carolina reapers, I'm high.

>> No.19915773

Like you just a tween girl or you are out if it?

>> No.19915793

It's normal to get cancer at 80y/o though. I wouldn't try to base any theory on your grandpa's case.

>> No.19916021

>They have, like, a rubber-type flavor or something.
You're getting some bad hab's then, for sure. Habenero should have a nice hint of citrus flavor and aroma to them, and shouldn't have any "rubber-type" qualities to them.

>> No.19916032

which end do you light

>> No.19916036

Follow up to the follow up: The first pepper I had from this pack was a big let down. It lacked heat, and was barely at the level of my local supermarkets bulk habanero's that I buy on the reg. Not only was the heat a let down, but the pepper I had lacked both flavor and aroma.

Hopefully the other peppers will be better, but I doubt it, and think they're probably all similar and just grown poorly. I guess if you want a good super hot, you have to grow it yourself.

>> No.19916039

if you think about it, god fucks all the children that get fucked

>> No.19916104

So does bleach, I suggest you start chugging it.

>> No.19916177

he seems like a hothead

>> No.19916260

>Hot spices that have literally been consumed since the dawn of time are causing butt cancer
>it's not processed food

>> No.19916880
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Old pal always used to say, there's nothing hotter than two muscular, hairy, sweaty men grinding skin on skin against each other. God bless him.

I see Big Sobriety has ate your brain as well, dehydrated and dead cells thanks to low alcohol intake.

>> No.19916940 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, faggot .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The great thing about superhots is that you can make multiple meals with a single pepper, so I'll be able to use these for some Mezkin' food, some Cajun chow, and some more Asian inspired meals for the next couple of weeks.

>> No.19917028
File: 51 KB, 834x445, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19917051

You are the only one trying to fit in and it's really sad. Go fuck a ghost pepper pussy nigga

>> No.19917057 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1024x1024, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Follow up to the follow up: The first pepper I had from this pack was a big let down. It lacked heat, and was barely at the level of my local supermarkets bulk habanero's that I buy on the reg. Not only was the heat a let down, but the pepper I had lacked both flavor and aroma.

>> No.19917122
File: 575 KB, 834x445, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19917174 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, pepper faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fully understand what you’re saying, but the competence of the grower on the heat level of chili peppers can’t be overstated.

>> No.19917239
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>> No.19917250

>avoid contact with skin
does anyone actually do this? the finger burn is part of the fun of cooking with chilis. never had anything this hot though.

>> No.19917330 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, bummed faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Update: 1/4 pepper wasn't near enough for the broth. I'm thinking the peppers I bought weren't grown very well, as my trin-scorps would have had a bigger impact on my broth.


>> No.19917350

This. My grandmother survived a jap camp by eating hot peppers she clandestinely grew

>> No.19917361

>jap camp
is that some kind of sex thing

>> No.19917371
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>> No.19917426
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>> No.19917486

Well this thread was awful. Rest in Piss.

>> No.19917609 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, Le Fagót.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also make you feel better emotionally and opens up your blood vessels. After eating Carolina reapers, I'm high.

>> No.19919010 [DELETED] 

soy soy soy soy soy


>> No.19919503

soy soy soy

>> No.19919508

poltards use other boards so infrequently they think their retard filters apply everywhere.

>> No.19919680

i'm in stoughton uwu

>> No.19919775

>makes cancer cells 41% themselves
huh? is this a real thing or something that OP made up?
also this

>> No.19920312


>> No.19921065

Dying for your next follow up, brother.

>> No.19921138

Final follow up: Do NOT buy the "reaper" peppers sold by this company in the pic from this post >>19911231

The peppers lack flavor, aroma, and heat. The local bulk habaneros I buy from the supermarket are better, hotter, and more flavorful.

Was worth a try, I guess, but this anon was spot on >>19911871 So if you want good superhots, you're going to have to grow them yourself or find a trusted source that knows what they're doing. Regardless, those terrible peppers have motivated me to start growing superhots again, so there's that...

>> No.19921307

I used to be really into spicy food. Grew my own superhots and made my own sauces, used to eat red ghost peppers straight off of the vine and dumped ultra spicy hot sauce on every meal I ate.

I also got bad diarrhea almost every day or every other day, usually about 45 minutes after lunch. For years I thought it was related to something else, because everything I read says that hot peppers 'aid' digestion. Quit spicy food for a while and diarrhea went away.

It sucks too because sometimes even really small amounts of capsaicin will trigger it. I put some weak habanero sauce on some food the other day, too weak for my mouth to even be able to tell it was 'spicy,' my gut could tell though.

>> No.19921715
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, dancing faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
