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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 495 KB, 720x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19902869 No.19902869 [Reply] [Original]

I moved to USA from Canada a while back. Never had the chance to try the McRib. Well guess what? I have one now.

r8 my 'rib, post yours

>> No.19902873
File: 471 KB, 720x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what's inside

>> No.19902874

have fun with your pork & ketchup sandwich

>> No.19902876

The McRib is by far the worst fast food item I have ever tried

>> No.19902880
File: 574 KB, 720x960, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the sandwich. It tasted ok/10. Wasn't anything to write home about. Probably won't eat it again.

>> No.19902887

the bbq sauce was very sweet and the meat was a bit mushy. it'd do better with less sauce, and thicker meat, but who are we kidding it's mcdonalds
I wouldn't say it's the worst thing I've tried, aggressively average/mediocre. I'd rather my usual Mcdolan order: QP w/cheese, fillet 'o' fish, 10 pc nuggies, 2 apple pies, and a mcflurry

>> No.19902960

Looks like a violent murder recently took place.

>> No.19902970

The Hot n Spicy is the only thing worth getting at McDonald's, everything else is overpriced, gross, or both.

>> No.19902988

You haven't tried very many fast food items

>> No.19903017

get that garbage off the sandwich.

>> No.19903032
File: 252 KB, 926x806, bbq-rip-patties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had one when they first came out, and my second one about a year or 2 ago.

I rate them meh. they are exactly the same as pic related.

>> No.19903034

Yep. Personally, I like them and think they're one of the better items on the menu, but they aren't an amazing burger because nothing at Mcdonalds is ever amazing. It's just pretty okay as you said. If they were available all year long as a regular menu item, I'd get them whenever I went to Mcdonalds but not go out of my way for them. Again, it's Mcdonalds. Their food isn't that great.

>> No.19903037
File: 1.22 MB, 3050x1735, mcribathomewpickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a home made one I made using >>19903032

>> No.19903040

lol that pickle
I mean it doesn't look too bad.

>> No.19903049

how do you feel after eating it?

>> No.19903067

the last time I posted the pic I had forgotten to put a pickle on it, and people had a shit fit. so now it has a pickle.

>> No.19903074

The seed has been planted
You'll want another one when they're gone

>> No.19903075

You are mistaken

>> No.19903083

kek that pickle looks shooped

>> No.19903089


>> No.19903118
File: 36 KB, 355x360, shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19903231

Clearly I'm not

>> No.19903387

it's a real pickle

>> No.19903404

that's gonna be my toilet in the morning
i do like a hot and spicy every so often. However, I find they aren't hot nor spicy enough. If you ever go to Asia, try a McSpicy, those are great
I wanted to try it as-is, to get the most authentic experience of the quintessential american meal
oh nice anon, I didn't know you could buy them in-store. I'll probably never get a pack, but good to know they exist
so far i haven't diarrhea'd yet. I just took a sleeping pill and am downing croissants and cookies and drink goyslop water so any effects may be have confounded factors
i don't think so anon. I don't go to mcdolan's often and if I do, I get other things

>> No.19904375

not that anon, but I have a hard time believing that
It definitely looks edited, I don't think it's a real pickle at all

>> No.19904386

I will never ever ever ever EVER eat a McRib. I'd eat the bugs first. Hell, it probably IS bugs.

>> No.19904389

no one's gonna mention OPs filthy keyboard and hideous brown thumb?

>> No.19904392

I am rock hard right now

>> No.19904406
File: 745 KB, 126x126, D3FAA45A-9C8F-4E26-8F09-8CD1721F1F0A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please clean your keyboard

>> No.19904424

>Wasn't anything to write home about
Then why did you crap up the internet with this thread?

>> No.19904427

It's ground-up pig anuses and hooves and eye lids and shit

>> No.19904471
File: 271 KB, 1151x843, B78D5328-E04F-4D3C-8462-9018A324B247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in the northeast seen the McRib around? The locator map is looking pretty sparse

>> No.19904477

post mcnub

>> No.19904491

Come to Germany, we have McRibs all year round and our McDonalds are way better then the shitty American ones.

>> No.19904535

is it on the kiosk or do you have to order verbally?

>> No.19904594

I got mine off the kiosk. Chicago

>> No.19904603

Same when I tried one when they bought them to Australia. It

>> No.19904757

that's fucking bizarre. the northeast is the most densely populated area of the country. why wouldn't they release the mcrib where there are people to buy it?

>> No.19904765

I remember McRib actually being pretty good in the 90's.
But every time I made the mistake of trying it when they've "brought it back" in the past decade it has been absolutely disgusting garbage meat soaked in so much shitty HFCS barbecue sauce that you literally can't taste anything else.

>> No.19904788
File: 84 KB, 1125x1118, 2c6l3ftcud751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19904902


>> No.19904906


>> No.19904979

Buy a fucking ad Ronald!

>> No.19904990
File: 82 KB, 480x640, 72082243881__676267A3-8A27-400B-98EA-447A42057E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you those nuggets are god tier and that new sauce is actually a good BBQ!

>> No.19905027

I don't think I've had a McRib since the Flintstones movie came out. I remember liking it, but never thought of it as some amazing thing you have to run out and get whenever they bring it back.

>> No.19905050
File: 547 KB, 615x461, McNipple™.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Ya 'non--(*Pre-aroused Weight)

>> No.19905080
File: 68 KB, 720x736, gARDBORDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, It's been garbage from the start.
As a kid, I had the displeasure of working at a McDs in the late 80s.
The process for prep and assembly was ridiculous.
>Lay out the hourly par sheet call for the upcoming hour on the clamshell
>cooked "Fritters" placed in a 1/3rd pan full of sauce for a MINIMUM of 30 minutes
>DO NOT SERVE until full sauce saturation has occurred.
I tried one pre-saucing once...ONCE.
It tasted exactly like slightly salted, wet cardboard. At the time I suspected it was just a delivery system for the sauce, that we joked was probably drugged,(I mean with addictive food additives,) in some way because they were so bad.
I never touched one again after that, they were that bad. Working there as a kid was pretty eye-opening, even though at that point only about 15% of the population was overweight.

>> No.19905089
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, Anti-3-4-free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I’m just so fucking pissed about how expensive shit is that it makes McNaldo’s unappealing.
It’s just not worth it.
When I could get 2 McDoubles and 2 McChickens for $4, fuck yeah. Absolutely.
That was awesome.
Tack on a sweet tea, and that’s a meal, baby.
Enough food to make me feel like total fucking garbage for $5.
Now even when my cravings get strong enough to lure me into a McNaldo’s I stare at the menu for 10 minutes and can’t justify spending the insane amount of money for the exact same shitty yet lovable food.
I stare at the menu, and I leave.
I’m not paying $15 for that exact same fuckin’ meal. No way.
It used to be cheap hot garbage, now it’s expensive hot garbage.
I’m not even poor, I have infinitely more money than I did back when I would regularly get that meal.
$15 is nothing to me, but the principal of it all is what’s important.
Shit is so jacked up because mouthbreathing retards who can’t be fucked to cook for themselves gleefully continue to pay TIME AFTER TIME of them JACKING THE FUCKING PRICES UP.
People’s fucking laziness is out of control and they’re just letting these fast food corporations rape their wallets.
And it fucks things up for me, too.
I’m livid and I refuse to participate.

>> No.19905130

This forum is for cooking not raving about goyslop.

>> No.19905141

The title is “Food and Cooking”, not just “Cooking”.

>> No.19905168

you can unironically get a real burger, from a bistro, where I live with fries for the price of a mcmenu. its insane. and yet our mcdonalds is always packed. I cannot understand it.

>> No.19905194

The McDouble is $2.79

>> No.19905198

elaborate on your point

>> No.19905199 [DELETED] 
File: 636 KB, 640x493, EVIL GRIMACE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show how many "people" are just going through the motions and holding to old patterns/habits.
But you see sir, what you are witnessing is the birth of an anti-corpo shill pasta.
NMOP, but another anon's.
I'm sure a lot of us are sick of these thinly veiled advert-shills.
Feel free to copy and repoast any time there is one of these shitty McDicks ads.
**Please copy the kotpic too, as it goes with it.
>This post will self destruct in 5 minutes

>> No.19905200

You can’t get a “real burger from a bistro” for $2.79

>> No.19905204

you know the mcdouble isnt a full sized burger AND I was saying mcmenu. they start, for a normal sized burger, at $8.99. learn to read.

>> No.19905215

It is a full sized burger. The only way it isn’t is if you’re a fatty. All the bigger burgers are for even fatter people.

>> No.19905221

I guess the typical burger size at any bistro or restaurant is also for fat people? I assume there is a point youre trying to make about mcdonalds having a place if you want to grab a small, sub 5$ snack but that wasnt part of the discussion at all. we were talking about full on meals.

>> No.19905224

>I guess the typical burger size at any bistro or restaurant is also for fat people?
Now you’re getting it.

>> No.19905226

with a 30 second reply time you clearly havent engaged with my post so I guess we're done here.

>> No.19905235

I accept your concession. You can still get a full meal at McDonald’s for cheaper than at your upscale bistro gastropub thing.

>> No.19905242
File: 2.23 MB, 1156x1444, Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 12.27.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.19905300

Is there 2 cucumber pickle slices in it, like the package claims?

>> No.19905319
File: 6 KB, 230x219, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yum yum

>> No.19906010

I can’t believe that even New York City wouldn’t have it. That map has to be inaccurate

>> No.19906168

It's pork arbitrage, can't be all over at once

>> No.19906562

Nice nasty keyboard

>> No.19906570
File: 493 KB, 2578x2826, 1699631605300496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, more like DickShit

>> No.19906574

>Nice nasty keyboard
Someone should invent an AI filter whose sole purpose is to make everything look flawlessly clean and perfect.

>> No.19906626

>there's no McRib at my local McDonald's
What the FUCK bros? Why are they doing this?

>> No.19906640

Is it the reason why we can't have that in Europe?

>> No.19906689

I'm 6'4. Just because that's a real meal for you doesn't mean it is for a full sized human, but thanks for your input dwarf man.

>> No.19906752

>It tasted exactly like slightly salted, wet cardboard

>> No.19906762

>It tasted ok/10. Wasn't anything to write home about. Probably won't eat it again.
yup, that's the mcrib. It's why they can't keep it on the menu permanently. You need to forget what it tastes like before you're prepared to have it again.

>> No.19906806
File: 49 KB, 720x711, 1560070948596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very accurate.

They can really hit the spot during late night after getting off from work. I have a ton of nostalgia from last year because of it and desperately want to recreate that feeling. I'm almost certain that I'll be disappointed, though, but like the other anon said, the seed has been planted.

>> No.19908374

the double cheese burger was a dollar like 10 years ago, then they bumped up the price. no one bought it so the fing mcdouble was born, literally just one less piece of cheese for like 69 cents less. we all started buying those then the precipitiously started raising that price till well near three dollars. we ate the slop cause it was tolerable when you were stoned, it was, fast but above all it was cheap. like the dollar whoppers. now it costs more than a quarter lber, bougie burger, used to cost. everyone just learn how to make smash burgers and quit your bitching.

>> No.19908379

i hate how delicious this looks, 50 dollars later, i can taste the nasty without ever getting near it.

>> No.19908381
File: 33 KB, 345x369, 1289787513873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon pls

>> No.19908385

Why is one a single and the rest are doubles?
Why seemingly four sets but only two fries?
Why are the chicken nuggets seemingly burnt to shit?

>> No.19908478
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a McRib in Germany (From the UK where they've never sold it). I honestly thought it was shit. Now THIS, this burger is fucking amazing.