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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19902340 No.19902340 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that in the American south they have “plates” restaurants which aim to recreate the poverty tier food you would make at home

>> No.19902360


>> No.19902362

they aren't "recreating" anything, poverty is all they know

>> No.19902371

They know better then canned spaghetti

>> No.19902951
File: 93 KB, 651x764, blackexcellence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19902954

thanks for sharing this image

>> No.19903012

It's missing a plate.

>> No.19903030

What’s wrong with that? More food the better variety is the spice of life

>> No.19903046

Ah yes. Black excellence in action.

>> No.19903061

I would eat tf out of that

>> No.19903071

I prefer to think of this type of food as "African-American Soul Food" so poor White people can eat it without other people thinking they are poor.
"We are just showing our appreciation for what Black People of Color invented, and diversifying our delicate palates with their cultural enrichment."

>> No.19903078
File: 197 KB, 1174x760, drive-thru-pasta-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't "recreating poverty tier food." They're just making poverty tier food.
A lot of them aren't even restaurants. They're just people cooking out of their houses. For a while, they were taking advantage of food delivery services to sell their meals, but apps like uber started shutting them down. Others will set up a food truck or even just a table and sell that way. Some college bros even copied this and started making pasta since it's cheap as fuck to make.
I think the only problem is all the health issues. The hygiene of the people making these foods isn't going to be great. But for the prices, the food isn't that bad. Again, it's something you could make at home, but that's every take-out place, that's every restaurant. You pay money so you don't have to make it.

>> No.19903084

>fried fish with ketchup, mustard, and a craft single

>> No.19903088

I hate how nigs call them "plates". So black...

>> No.19903103

What really grinds my gears is when Mexicans act like tortillas are basically edible plates.

>> No.19903108

well British pasties used to be carried in pockets and eaten while the miners were surrounded by coal dust so it makes sense, that's what their original purpose is.

Fucking beaners.

>> No.19903328

i would remove the white bread. i feel like that wouldnt pair well

>> No.19903339

i hated the idea that half of it would have jam or custard, that doesnt sit well with me considering its touching basically a cold stew

>> No.19904287

Clangers (a typically half savory half sweet pasty) had a bit of dough separating the two halves. Obviously the custard wasn't going to be touching the meat and potatoes.

>> No.19904580

>talking with cute company store stock-girl
>horn blows
>drop my vouchers
>stumble trying to pick them up and end up falling
>custard and meat leaking from trousers
>Try to have be more careful!
>y-you too
>run crying and hungry back to work
Why does it have to be like this?

>> No.19904719 [DELETED] 

Funny because blacks have no idea how to cook. They just steal other cultures food and add seasoning salt and hot sauce. Blacks have not created a single dish. Same thing with music.

Blacks steal in all aspects of life. They have contributed nothing of value to society.

>> No.19904721

How do you mess up something as simple as fried fish? People are so retarded.

>> No.19904728

More like Black Incompetence.
That's most most embarrassing attempt at cooking I have ever seen. Looks like it was made by a special needs child attempting to cook for the first time.

>> No.19904739

What’s messed up about it? They have been making the same dish exclusively for 50 years so it’s obviously very good

>> No.19904883

Hey now, they invented the mud cookie.

>> No.19904925


>> No.19904950

Yeah seeing these social media pictures of black people posting plates they bought for twenty bucks is hilarious, it's always just styrofoam filled with slop.

>> No.19905350

Well you learn something new everyday.

>> No.19905392

>B...but WHITE people have NO FLAVOR !!! NIGGERS are fucking VIBRANT and know how to COOK and DANCEE!!!!!! FUCK YOU RACIST

>> No.19905403

:/ :X
What are they charging for that?

>> No.19905469

>Some college bros even copied this and started making pasta since it's cheap as fuck to make.
None of this is new though.
Most GenX'ers will remember all the hippie "Food Vendors" on shakedown streets from different concert and music festival tours.
I'd honestly sooner eat some "Ice Cold, Piping Hot, kind veggie Spaghetti and grilled cheeses--One dollar!" out of the back of a volkswagon micro-bus from a dirty hippie that stinks of patchouli and kindbud, than one of these ridiculous piles of dollar store slop sold for $15.
I honestly don't know why anyone would buy them.

>> No.19905481

Publix coleslaw, actual canned spaghetti (why), mccormick bagged fish fry mix tilapia or gortons, american cheddar cheese (not kraft).

>> No.19905620
File: 6 KB, 254x198, SpilledPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19905630

I understand the fish with ketchup but everything else is just a sin against food. why add shrink wrap to fish? and with fucking mustard? why the obviously canned cheap as fuck "spaghetti".

>> No.19905632

It’s homemade spaghetti watch the video in the OP

>> No.19905644

dropping a clanger is a known expression for a reason

>> No.19905649

cut da bulljunk and gimme one uh dem wangz

>> No.19905651

*whips out dick*

>> No.19905726

It's possible to make healthy, delicious food at home for cheap. Poor people are just stupid and lazy so they destroy their bodies for lack of care.

I'm becoming classist.

>> No.19905898

> healthy, delicious food
Not possible

>> No.19905978
File: 912 KB, 1080x1088, hongry_poss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The catfish sandwich is the best sandwich in the world. Just like in opie's pic: fried in cornmeal, on plain white bread, with onions, pickles, mustard, and hot sauce. No other sandwich even approaches it, and it champions the best qualities of "poverty" food as it towers over so many other "privileged" type foods with its inimitable deliciousness. To have never partaken is infact to never have sat upon luxury's lap.

>> No.19906065

You don't go to Atlanta to eat at Q-Time?

>> No.19906408

this shit is unregulated, and fucking vile. pure poor person shit. they take fucking wal mart food, buy a stack of "plates" and their gross asses resell it at a markup. fuck i hate joggers.