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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 800x500, pepe_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqxd6mE-wTeGVGuwm-JJ_6XW4UQhgP5Pp_zZXINN-uhlA (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19889681 No.19889681 [Reply] [Original]

I've been ordering DoorDash everyday for the past week

>> No.19889688 [DELETED] 

>I support faggots, niggers, and laziness
Wow, you're pretty cool, anon

>> No.19889707

I realized I can be so cheap as to not even buy canned beans but just buy them by the bag and boil my own up.

>> No.19889714 [DELETED] 

Why are you so lazy?

>> No.19889716

ignore the poorfags
if they steal your food or open your food report their destitute asses

>> No.19889720

>Every aspect of life must be a time consuming struggle
Go choke on a boiled egg, boomer

>> No.19889727 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your nigger boogers, fucking homo.
If food is such a struggle for you, might want to fuck off to another board.

>> No.19889734

fuck off you dumb frogposting loser

>> No.19889744

I have this thing called money, among other things it means that instead of spending an hour of my life making an ugly hamburger I can pay someone else who is more skilled than I am to make me a world class burger and have someone bring it to me. When you get to a certain class of society time becomes very valuable, you see. I'm guessing you have spent hours with your hand down the shitter to save a few bucks.

>> No.19889750

No one thinks you're cool because you lie on the internet virgin.

>> No.19889753 [DELETED] 

I have more money than you. Ready to prove it. You first. Post portfolio

>> No.19889756 [DELETED] 

Wew, failed tate-larper detected

>> No.19889799

Lol. Lmao, even. I bet you think a million dollars is a lot of money. I bet you're proud of knowing how to do all the tedious shit you have to do because you can't afford a professional. Go ahead and lecture me about how great it feels to perform menial labor that you can understand fully from a three minute youtube video kek

>> No.19889805 [DELETED] 

A million dollars is a lot of money.
Show any one of your accts screenshots.
Any one. Go ahead. Or just divert again

>> No.19889811

So show us a tax return.

>> No.19889814

>I've been ordering DoorDash everyday for the past week
you are supporting your local migrant community
i thank you good sir

>> No.19889818
File: 57 KB, 680x672, 1681339984692857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us about some of the orders

>> No.19889831

>claims time is valuable
>posts on /ck/
i lol'd

>> No.19889834

The ones with or without pubic hair and spit in them?

>> No.19889839


>> No.19889846

>dubs of pure faggotry

>> No.19889854

> classic frog thread
> completely fucking useless
without fail

>> No.19889868

Literally mcdonalds iced coffee and chicken wraps

>> No.19889937
File: 30 KB, 320x320, pepefroggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how trite

>> No.19889967

Did you get the app asking if you are OK

>> No.19890230
File: 55 KB, 656x679, 1623204504899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never let a smelly pajeet touch my food

>> No.19890243

>all these replies to obvious bait
Remember, frens, these are the people whom you are posting with. Sub 90 I.Q. literal retards. Do of of you people actually think before you post your outrage? Embarrassing.

>> No.19890252
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1669862435081263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very interesting.

>> No.19890258
File: 425 KB, 1228x1150, KkCcgHg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19890267


did you know, you are associating your biological urges to eat, with supporting a publicly traded company in the business of extracting as much surplus value out of both the consumers and workers as humanly possible!

In stead, buy directly from restaurants, and pay in cash, for added LULZ !

>> No.19890271

mcdonald chicken wraps are absolute travesties of the culinary genus

>> No.19890528

and now i’m ‘ordering’ you to grow up and cook a damn meal for yourself!
otherwise i’ll be ‘dashing’ to your ‘door’ with a gun