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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19888157 No.19888157 [Reply] [Original]

>kosher salt
>cooking spray
>sous vide
>tin foil
>half and half
>sunny side up

what's the matter with americans and and their cooking terms?

>> No.19888167 [DELETED] 

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.19888171 [DELETED] 

Sous vide is gay
I don't fuck with half and half
Some of that other shit is ok

>> No.19888173

What's wrong with them? Or are you just trying to shitfling because you're bored?

>> No.19888191

>kosher salt
The term is dumb. Why call it kosher?
>cooking spray
Wrong on all levels. The babby language name, the non sensical usage of a spray can, ...
Brainlet versions of a measuring something. Just weight it, I don't even care about metric vs imperial
>sous vide
Hardly any cooking involved. You are not Walter White
>tin foil
It's not made out of tin
>half and half
Half and of of what? Do americans put cream into their coffee?
>sunny side up
Wont even explain this one

>> No.19888192

>grilled cheese
>literally not grilled
>also not cheese

>> No.19888193

>americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans

>> No.19888197
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Never realized that lmao

>> No.19888216

>sous vide

>> No.19888231

I just learned that most countries outside America don't even have hot water available on tap

>> No.19888239
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>the eggs came out sunny side down

>> No.19888243
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>The term is dumb. Why call it kosher?
It's idiomatic, like "glove box". Nobody in the US hears "kosher salt" and thinks it's some weird Jewish thing, because it isn't.
>Wrong on all levels. The babby language name, the non sensical usage of a spray can, ...
It's usefully for greasing baking pans. Not sure how "cooking spray" is a baby name.
>Brainlet versions of a measuring something. Just weight it, I don't even care about metric vs imperial
Why would you fill a cup with water and then weigh it when there's already lines on the side of the cup telling you how much is in it?
>Hardly any cooking involved. You are not Walter White
People always say this like it's an argument. Like, are you also going to criticize Americans for driving cars to work because there's "hardly any walking involved"? That doesn't make any sense. And if sous vide was so effortless you'd see a lot more people using it, but 90% of people who buy one use it twice and stick it on a shelf to collect dust. It's also French...
>not made out of tin
Used to be. it's another idiom like glove box.
>Half and of of what? Do americans put cream into their coffee?
Yes, people put dairy products in coffee, and you can easily google what half and half is.
>Wont even explain this one
You mean you don't have anything even remotely clever? Wow, what a surprise.

>> No.19888249
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>it's literally called a flat top grill

>> No.19888255

I have literally never ever used kosher salt and I never will

>> No.19888259

>I don't even care about metric vs imperial
As long as you take the time to learn the entire system. For example, if you're going to measure mass in pounds, you should also know stone, quarters and hundredweights. Otherwise you would have no intermediate units between pounds and tons, which would just be silly.

>> No.19888269

How is this better than a frying pan?

>> No.19888274

When non-Americans think Americans are making things overly complicated by using Imperial, that's exactly the same way Americans feel when bongs say shit like, "not using stones would be silly". It just feels like an unnecessary step if you already think of everything in pounds.

>> No.19888279

It has lots of uses, but heating it up to make a single grilled cheese is stupid. All the cooking in that movie was stupid. Nonetheless, the name "grilled cheese" comes from diner type places, where a short order cook has 30 different things cooking on a flat top at any given time. That's also where "smashburgers" come from; he would smash the patty to make it cook as quickly as possible to because you want to move food as fast as you can because there's only so much space on the grill.

>> No.19888303

>cooking spray
I do, in fact, use cooking spray but, funnily enough, not quite for cooking. I use butter flavoured spray on airpopped popcorn to give it dat flavocol taste (and it helps the salt stick to it, too) and neutral flavoured/unflavoured spray when I'm adding other seasonings (tomato stock powder makes for delicious fucking popcorn as does tamarind stock powder).

What's wrong with cups? Do you drink from glasses exclusively? I can't since I've got a six year old so we've gotta use cups. At least for now.
If you mean the measurement, my homecountry uses them, too, but they're slightly different. Our cup is 250ml, compared to the US cup which is 236ml or so iinm. We also use "coffee cup" as a measurement, which is 1dl/100ml.

>half and half
I'm not from this country so it's a bit foreign to me but I do buy half and half since I've found another purpose for it besides coffee and it's cheaper than mixing milk with cream myself. I mix it 1:1 by weight with fruit (and sugar to taste) then blitz it smooth. Thereafter, the mixture gets churned into ice cream. As said, we otherwise don't use the stuff and since it goes towards making ice cream, I only buy it in the warmer months, although I do keep small pots of half and half for guests if they're the sort that like it in their coffee or tea.

>sunny side up
Bullseye eggs where I'm from but I like this Englishism.

>> No.19888346

no one cares about you

>> No.19888363

>I don't fuck with half and half
Half milk half cream

>> No.19888365

We have more people than you so it's you who says it a weird way not us. Rent free, good luck in whatever shithole you live in.

>> No.19888372

>a spray bottle that is used in the cooking process is called 'cooking spray'
>baby language

lol, maybe you should spend more time learning about the purpose and history of language.

>> No.19888380

>Now, four sticks of butter and a cup of man-ays

>> No.19888388

>In his ass
Why is OP such a fag?

>> No.19888393

Do europeans really think all rocks weigh the same?

>> No.19888400

I love how you started typing that out and realized nobody would get what you were trying to say so you had to intentionally misspell mayonnaise, even though it's literally the exact same word in French and most of Europe. Pathetic.

>> No.19888401

>has meat in it

>> No.19888403

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19888404

Do you make it with beans then?

>> No.19888406

>is warm
Wtf Americans?

>> No.19888409

Chili often contains beans, yes. Virtually nobody in the US actually cares about beans in chili. It's even more of a fake controversy than pineapple on pizza, and Hawaiian pizza is like the 3rd most popular pizza.

>> No.19888410

Sous vide are two french words. Which we do not use for that type of cooking, strangely. We just say Bain Marie.

>> No.19888412

>blue raspberry

>> No.19888417

The general lack of knowledge about what sous vide actually is is funny. Most people call an immersion circulator a "sous vide", and then say you don't really need a vacuum sealer and it's kind of just an additional accessory if you have extra money.

>> No.19888425

Upboated and screencapped for /r/4chan

>> No.19888428
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>> No.19888455

>what's the matter with americans and and their cooking terms?
How do you say "sunny side up" in your country ? I don't even know how to say that in my own language. Burgers are based for coming up with those simple words. (Also best eggs)

>> No.19888463

No, we say sous vide for sous vide
Bain marie is a different thing entirely

>> No.19888469

Jesus favreu, it's just a grilled cheese

>> No.19888512
File: 437 KB, 1442x1048, the walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, are you also going to criticize Americans for driving cars to work because there's "hardly any walking involved"?

>> No.19888529

He's too low IQ

>> No.19888534

Why? (Not reading a random screenshot; use your words.)

>> No.19888546

America isn't done tiny 10km shithole like most European countries it's gigantic and vast and full of every climate and terrain you can think of. You can't just walk from Miami to Atlanta

>> No.19888552

not reading this because of your pic

>> No.19888555

>things that actually happened

>> No.19888560

>le tranime!
As though anyone gives a shit about election tourists' opinions. Only started using reaction images a few years ago precisely because it filters out people like you.

>> No.19888570

>*anime reaction images

>> No.19888578
File: 426 KB, 600x791, Grinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaction images were a thing before most of these guys were even born.

>> No.19888580
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Tell that to James Topp.

>> No.19888608

By that logic every city is "walkable". The Florida trail goes from Ft.pickens to Miami but that's like for hiking not casual walking

>> No.19888641

Frying pans don't come in 2'x8' or hold enough heat to cook 20lbs of hash browns for geriatric brunch goers at 7:30AM on a Sunday.

>> No.19888646

>Why call it kosher
It's blessed by a rabbi

>> No.19888663

Why'd you get a job in Atlanta if you live in Miami? That was silly.

>> No.19888760

Why don't you measure everything in ounces then? Pounds are an unnecessary step if you already know ounces.

>> No.19888761

american cooking terms could fill the length of three football fields

>> No.19888820

I do

>> No.19888926

Why didn't you give him a (You) instead of cucking him with the big bad bully anon you replied to?

>> No.19888940


>> No.19889057
File: 66 KB, 1023x1024, 14407259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the comparison to glove box. A glove box is literally a box with gloves attached to it.

>> No.19889061

>I'm not from this country
so youre not an American. so your opinion doesnt count.

>> No.19889073

>My friends had continued to travel across the USA-, but i headed south to Mexico, Guatamala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica an Panama.
lol wtf would you wanna travel to a place with majority brown people? lmfao.

>> No.19889082

>youre not an American
Is Melania?

>> No.19889504

>if you already know ounces
Yes, that’s the point. It always seems like an extra step to use measurements you don’t employ in your daily life. But at the end of the day they’re all arbitrary, but also standardized, so we can all easily convert shit if we need to and it’s really nothing more than a minor inconvenience. That’s why bitching about imperial vs. metric is always retarded. You might as well argue that everyone should learn English.

>> No.19890051

>Pass me a 7/16's cup of flour bro

>> No.19890056

You sound like an autistic loser. I suggest taking a break from the internet. Maybe go walk in the forest or something...

>> No.19890064


>> No.19890570

Measurements are the opposite of arbitrary. They are calibrated to the appropriate level of precision you need for a given task. There's a reason you don't buy meat by fractions of a ton or cheese by the nanogram.
I said nothing about metric vs imperial, only that you should learn the whole system, because each has a range of measurements that were invented for good reasons.

>> No.19890595
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Instead of making autistically pedantic arguments on a cooking board I recommend you go outside and touch grass anon. It sounds like you need a break from the internet.