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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1080x799, nb1il2dpz0v91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19887178 No.19887178 [Reply] [Original]

I have to live off 10 dollars per week for the next 8 weeks, what the fuck do I eat?

>> No.19887181

rice and water

>> No.19887187

all your meals are gonna be a glass of lukewarm tap water and a deep breath
but if you're really that fucked go watch life of boris or something, raid a food bank

>> No.19887193

Food bank. Clearance bread. A “will work for food” sign outside walmart. 10 bucks is not enough to eat for a week.

>> No.19887201

Real answers only plz

>> No.19887210

those are real answer, fuckwit. starve for all I care

>> No.19887221

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.19887222
File: 56 KB, 446x412, 20210807_122658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice and beans, probably 1lb of each for total of $4 if your grocers are extremely jewish. This will last you a week at the very least. If you have basic condiments already you can turn that into bbq baked beans and mexican rice or some shit.
>find a bag or two of frozen veggies for 99 cents. If you get peas you can put them in the rice but the more economical choice would be a mirepoix or seasoning blend with onion, bell pepper, celery. You can add that to your baked beans too. This will bring your grand total up to like $5 or $6
>for the remainder, buy the biggest, fattiest, cheapest tube of trash ground beef you can find.

>> No.19887223

lol imagine being a starving brokie. I’m gonna eat 300 dollar steaks EVERYDAY for the next 8 weeks cause of you

>> No.19887228

Go to religious places. I used to get free dinner off the jewish hillel house every first friday of the month during shabbat.

Like others said, food bank, clearance aisle, grocery outlet, dollar stores.

>> No.19887229

Fuck no.

>> No.19887232

sounds like a great chunk of time to fix your obesity problem!!
I recommend intermittent fasting and consuming no more than 1000 calories + absolutely no added sugar in the 8 hour feasting window. trust me, you need this.

>> No.19887233

Then starve you fucking retard. Why are you in this situation in the first place?

>> No.19887238

Fuck off + none of your business.

>> No.19887241

This and buy a cheap cooking oil to fill the calorie intake so you get enough energy

>> No.19887243


>> No.19887258

I will, and I won't worry about food security. but putting things in a positive light, you're gonna lose a lot of weight, future skellybro

>> No.19887259

I'm already ripped. Enjoy masturbation, loser.

>> No.19887311

rice dried beans salt dried fruits and veggies, some nuts

>> No.19887350

You are fucking dumb enough to get yourself into this situation, then go a step further. They are decent answers .
Go rent your ass and mouth out faggot

>> No.19887353

Seething homo

>> No.19887357

i've eaten straight lentils with five spice seasoning before. try to get some eggs on sale.

>> No.19887370

Who said you have to eat?

>> No.19887378

>10 dollars per week
Oats with salt and eggs. 12 eggs for a week? That's like 2 eggs every day!
Buckwheat with ketchup
That would be 8€ have 2€ left for bread or something to top buckwheat or oats.

>> No.19887380

Manage your funds better next time.

>> No.19887384

Disgusting grule.

>> No.19887389

How bout a knuckle sandwich instead?

>> No.19887409
File: 679 KB, 800x2000, Infographic-Top-8-free-food-mobile-apps[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are apps where you can get free food from like bakeries and stuff at the end of the day like stuff they would have to throw away anyways. They give you locations on map of your city. You could get some really nice free food. I knew some junkie chick she would get all her food for the day this way. Helps if you live close to a lot of like food places I guess. Think about all this dumb (sand)niggers and junkies stealing and making crime to "put food on the table" with these apps you don't need any of that.

making fried rice is pretty cheap. bread is cheap, pasta have a lot of carbs I guess.
I made this recently but with just linguine butter sauce and some pepper was actually pretty pretty good: https://littlesunnykitchen.com/garlic-butter-pasta/

Spinach is cheap as fuck and provides you with all the nutrients you need. Then you need some cheap source of animal protein. look for cheap pork cuts, maybe buy a huge bag of frozen tilapia this is a well known staple in the bodybuilding community, because of it's low price and high protein content with low mercury. Then you can look at stuff like organ meats I once bought a packet of like 30 chicken hearts or so for a euro or less.

Remember anon cheap healthy and delicious does not have to be expensive you will just have to spend a bit more brainpower than the average retard picking your produce and spend a bit more time cooking.

>> No.19887415

sir this is a troll thread

>> No.19887416 [DELETED] 

Hell no, not begging for handouts like a nigger.

>> No.19887418

yeah OP shouldn't really thinking about how to make $10 a week work, more about how to get free food
go to a food bank

>> No.19887421


>> No.19887423

then be hungry you fucking idiot

>> No.19887425

How many times are you gonna post this you colossal retard?

>> No.19887426

i'm not the same anon as before, you just need to be reminded

>> No.19887428

Ehhh, it still is good advice. I considered this, but you never know. Someone could make use of this information.

>> No.19887431

Yeah sure.

>> No.19887440

>people giving valid advices
>retard op keeps telling them to fuck off
You might be able to survive on cheap basic ingredients for a few weeks, but 8 weeks? You really gotta go out and do extra to get more food.

>> No.19887442

20 pound bag of rice should last you like a good 4 months and costs 20 bucks. Buy a 5 pound bag of taters for like 6 bucks every other week. Get some beans and a bunch of herbs and spices and live off that.

>> No.19887446

Kys marxist boomer

>> No.19887509

2good2go would be better if there wasn't so much fucking bread constantly. Whats the point of buying all that if you need extra stuff from the store just to make it palatable or balanced?

>> No.19887548

>chicken drumsticks/leg quarters, usually only a buck per pound
>liver to fill nutrient gaps, usually 2-3$ a pound
>whatever seasoning packets or spices are cheapest, or don’t buy any if you already have some
>whayever fat is cheapest, even if it’s sneed oils
Or you could just eat straight rice like a Chinese peasant

>> No.19887572


>> No.19887580

Oats, rice, and botatoes. Drink water.

>> No.19887597

Whatever you find in your local mcdonald's garbage bin

>> No.19887599

you aren't going to be ripped for long if you starve

>> No.19887609

Food bank is free you just show up and they give you a box of food no questions asked

>> No.19887770

Get a job and buy more food.

>> No.19887987

you think you can buy dried fruits and nuts for less than $10? lmao

>> No.19888124

beans (bulk dried, not canned)
free vitamin C from spruce or pine buds that you scavenge from a forest

>> No.19888490

Where are you?

>> No.19888536

Potatoes and eggs.
You don't need anything else.

>> No.19888551

Just don't eat for 3 weeks and use the 30 to stick up for the next few weeks after that

>> No.19888561

>potato, eggs, and butter

>> No.19888610

I downloaded that shit cause of the post and it's all bagels and donuts around me kek.

On another note, how does every grocery store get rid of their expiring produce? No way every single store conveniently sells every fruit or vegetable before they go bad right?

>> No.19888800

a job

>> No.19888898

$10 a week worth of food for $10 a week for food weekly

>> No.19888909

That's literally all you can afford at the moment you entitled retard. People have given you real answers and you're like "lol no" as if you expect someone to magically come up with a budget for you that involves real food like meat. It ain't happening. You eat rice and beans or you go to a food bank. Honestly hope you do neither and starve to death.

>> No.19888930

They throw it out retard, leakage and spoilage are accounted for in their costs. I lived next to a guy who would raid the dumpsters for fruit to make prison wine with, he had a 55 gallon barrel full of the shit.

>> No.19888931

Dumb crackerfaggot

>> No.19889188

Unironically beans and rice.
Just go buy like a 5lb bag of each.

>> No.19889194

Your pride. Make friends. Don't you have a mom or dad? They will literally feed you for free.

>> No.19889302

>Honestly hope you do neither and starve to death.
If he's not already a hungry skeleton, 8 weeks won't kill him.

>> No.19889332

beans. No other way with 10$

>> No.19889340

rice and beans

>> No.19889346

Hey OP. What have you got? Do you know how to spice rice and beans?
Have all the cookware you need?
What are you working with?
List it. Salt, sugar, flour, leftover ramen powder mixes, literally taco bell packets, that sort of thing? A bottle of cayenne is powdered gold if you're stuck cooking beans.
Food banks near me are only open on certain days of the week. Google that shit, any nearby that are open soon?

>> No.19889348

Not likely
Seven weeks is about the most a person can make it

>> No.19889365

If I had that budget I would go all in on spaghetti ingredients, minus the meat and peanut butter sandwiches of the cheapest variety—a 1 dollar liter of generic soda for morale.

>> No.19889413

Average survival for an adult fasting without dehydration is 2-3 months, depending largely on body fat. That is, 8.7 to 13 weeks. The record is 385 days as part of a successful weight loss program.

>> No.19889463

Rice and tuna

>> No.19889500

cat/dog food and dumpster diving

>> No.19889503

He's not going to stop eating, but he's going to be digging in the trash if he follows some of this advice. $1 soda for morale? That's a bag of life saving beans he could be eating. Someone suggested chicken quarters? Unless it's liver or some other organ meat this boy is a vegetarian for the next 8 weeks.


I didn't think of tuna. 1$ can of tuna a day seems steep. I'd trust the price of eggs over tuna. Maybe every other day or once a week tuna if he's also doing beans, and only rice and beans.

>> No.19889549

That's two months on 80 dollars. If he buys stuff in bulk he should be able to survive. Huge bags of rice and beans are cheap AF if you buy them XXL size. Frozen veggies and discounted 'close to expiry date' meat should be sufficient to keep him well fed especially that shitty fatty cuts with lots of sinew (great for stews) are the cheapest ones.

>> No.19889551

Rice and beans. Get a big bag of frozen veggies too if you can find it on sale; veggies help you feel full for longer. Spruce up with whatever spices you can find on sale, plus salt. Which spice doesn't really matter, but for rice and beans you're probably better off with a cajun or chili blend.
There's nothing wrong with accepting help from those who are willing to offer it. Every free meal stretches your supply longer, or helps you get a little bit further out of whatever situation you're in. It's up to you though.

>> No.19889557

based Boris fan

>> No.19889596

Ramen is dirt cheap. Maruchan is 30 cents a pack at Walmart and comes in different flavors. Buy 14 and that comes out to $4.20. 18 eggs at the same Walmart costs 1.94. Great Value peanut butter is $1.84. A pack of Great Value white bread is $1.32. There you go. That's $9.30 before state tax, give or take a few depending on where you live. It's not healthy food but you won't starve. But based on your responses, you sound like a massive faggot so I hope you starve to death.

>> No.19889690

Food bank best bet, clearance food section.
Don't beg, ignore that retarded advice.
Don't steal either. it's tempting but don't listen to the retards who will tell you to, it's not worth the risk to end up as a statistic

>> No.19889933

>Maruchan is 30 cents a pack at Walmart and comes in different flavors. Buy 14 and that comes out to $4.20.
At 370 calories per pack, that's 12.3 calories per cent, less than the 14 calories per cent OP needs to average to make his budget stretch to 2000 calories per day. At 3000 calories per day, the required average is 21 calories per cent. Ramen could be a part of the diet solution, but it would be a flavorful luxury afforded by getting cheaper calories elsewhere.

>18 eggs at the same Walmart costs 1.94.
6.5 calories per cent.

>Great Value peanut butter is $1.84
13.7 calories per cent for the 16oz container. 20 calories per cent for the 64oz container.

>A pack of Great Value white bread is $1.32.
10.9 calories per cent.

>That's $9.30 before state tax
For only 10,400 calories, or 1486 per day.

To compare:
20lb Great Value white rice is 29 calories per cent.
20lb Great Value pinto beans is 17.3 calories per cent.
1gal Great Value vegetable oil is 34.2 calories per cent.
10lb Great Value all-purpose flour is 38.3 calories per cent.
10lb Great Value white sugar is 22.1 calories per cent.
4lb Great Value spaghetti is 18.4 calories per cent.
6lb Great Value pancake and waffle mix is 17 calories per cent.

>> No.19889982

rice, ground beef, onions, and green onions. you can't afford peppers.

>> No.19889988

>10lb Great Value all-purpose flour is 38.3 calories per cent.
Can't wait to eat fried flour and save mad loads of cash.

>> No.19890013

Cat food
Long rope

>> No.19890019

One kg flour = 1$.

>> No.19890057


Flour is also the main ingredient in pancakes/waffles, donuts, and a variety of other foods. The catch is that you have to actually process the flour into what you want.

>> No.19890127

Food bank or pantry or whatever is close. But if for some reason you cant..
Dozen eggs- $1.50
Cheap ass bread- $2
Bag of mixed frozen veggies- 1.50
1-2 lbs of whatever meat is cheapest- $4
Rice- $1

Its possible to live off $10 a week but its becoming very difficult and with this amount you would probably be eating like once a day.
Also those prices are just from my state so I dunno how much it differs.

>> No.19890144

Begging and getting free shit is totally different. If places give out free shit just fuckin take it. I save probably a couple hundred dollars a month from the food pantry at my college. Thats money you can save for rainy days..so you dont have to live off of $10 a week next time you are in a tight spot. Faggot

>> No.19890353

Fine, average for a healthy person who is active
It's 7 weeks
7 minutes without O2, 7 days without water, 7 weeks without food
If you're fat and can sit around the whole time yeah, autophagy is the way to go
I did 7 weeks without food and nearly died and I wasn't fat at all, when I got back everyone asked me if I had cancer

>> No.19890358

Pathetic fucking worm.

>> No.19890360

Don't listen to him free is free because we help each other

>> No.19890368 [DELETED] 

Stand on your own feet like a man. I would never take handouts like a dumb worthless nigger. How the fuck do you have a shred of dignity left?

>> No.19890374

Because I have helped others get back on their feet

>> No.19890376

You can't even help yourself. I'm glad I was raised differently.

>> No.19890395

I help for myself so that I can help for others
I will give of myself so that others can fare better
I have no problems carrying others
While I haven't needed it myself, I can see how quickly everything can be lost, and I want to live in a world where we pick each other up
I know men who only rely on themselves
They are strong but scarred and broken
It's no longer time for arrogance, we're in it for each other or we're in it for no one

>> No.19890397 [DELETED] 

Didn't read, consider suicide nigger.

>> No.19890399

Bread and beans

>> No.19890400

There's no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend

>> No.19890403

>average for a healthy person who is active
A starving person doesn't generally remain healthy or active for long. That factors into the survival time.
>the average survival time for a normal-weight person practicing total fasting is 2–3 months

>7 minutes without O2, 7 days without water, 7 weeks without food
You're using a variation of the Rule of Threes:
Which is a rule of thumb that prioritizes activities in a survival situation. It takes longer to actually die, but a typical person may have about 3 minutes of useful consciousness without fresh air, 3 hours of useful function in a harsh environment without shelter, 3 days of useful function without water, and three weeks of useful function without food. Actually dying of starvation is usually in the 2-3 month range, as the actual times of death from those other causes are usually longer too.

>I did 7 weeks without food and nearly died
But you didn't. Hence it can be inferred that people can go without eating for longer than that. How much longer depends on the person, but it's usually a few weeks longer.

>> No.19890418

I think I may have had one more week in me, but no more, and it led to severe digestion problems for years
I was regular fit about 6' 170, late 20s, active the whole time
Not eating for that long can have long-term side effects
What I'm saying is I don't recommend it
OP needs to go to a food bank

>> No.19890428

>Not eating for that long can have long-term side effects
That wasn't the question here. The question was whether it would KILL him. And while it's possible, it's unlikely if he's about average.

>> No.19890430

No the question was what the fuck does he eat.
The answer is free food from people who give away free food.

>> No.19890435
File: 34 KB, 650x650, cheap bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP is American? Go to Dollar Tree, they have Gold Medal Bread for $1.25 a loaf. Is it good bread? No, but get a $5 pack of Buddig turkey meat and you can eat two sandwiches a day for $6.25

>> No.19890436

Lmao, you're the one with $10 a week to eat dumbass

>> No.19890441

Only cuz I'm spending the rest fucking your whore mother.

>> No.19890445
File: 327 KB, 474x711, 3424214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddha begged and I wouldn't call him pathetic, has been remembered for 3000 years and maybe will be for thousands more. yet no boomerfaggot like you will be remember, you are the actual pathetic faggots who relish in slavery.

>> No.19890454

Also the rule of seven is that you *can* survive at seven, but beyond that you're pushing it
I was not using a rule of three variant

>> No.19890456

If you have a car, there's no reason you shouldn't be doing doordash to at least get some money for food. It's the easiest way to earn money without sucking dudes off in the street. This isn't up for debate. Go out and make $40 bucks in the evening and buy some basic groceries. You're probably just a neet living at home who blew all his money on crypto.

>> No.19890457

I have a truck. V8 5.3 liter GMC 1500 so I can't really afford to doordash. Sucks, I used to have a comfy Lexus and did them all the time.

>> No.19890463

Nah that's bullshit. Go out and wait near hotspots and keep the engine off. Don't accept deliveries with long drives. I did this in my BMW when I was between jobs. You can make enough to offset gas in a few hours. Honestly this is so stupid that you're even willing to consider living off $10 a month when you could be doing the bare minimum to scrape a few dollars together. Faggot

>> No.19890464

The question in this line of discussion was the statement here >>19889348 and the correction here >>19889413.

>> No.19890467

You have no idea how impractical this would be. I COULD probably turn a profit but minus gas would he like 2-4$ per hour until something breaks and I spend the next week fixing.

>> No.19890470

Okay, well we haven't addressed that you have a VEHICLE and you're not getting out there and trying to get a job. Any job. Stop being pathetic.

>> No.19890471

I'm not OP though

>> No.19890475

Lol, well he should read what I'm saying then

>> No.19890478

Start by signing up for an EBT card. Forget about going out to eat. Learn to enjoy rice, eggs and beans. Get your veggies in the form of asparagus, mushrooms and serrano peppers. Tortillas, cheese and sliced ham are your new friends. Have a grilled cheese now and then. Go to your Asian market and get cheap noodles, but when you cook them use only half the packet to reduce your sodium intake. Drink milk. Eat off brand cereal that aren't too sugary.

Shop Safeway on Mondays for the cheep chicken special at the deli (8 pieces for $3).

>> No.19890481

A cope religion for the destitute.

>> No.19890482

You're replying to me not OP

>> No.19890489

Correct. Which is why I wasn't addressing the question of what OP should do for food in those replies. It's a tangential line of discussion, you see.

>> No.19890490

Rice, beans/lentils, eggs, ground beef/pork/chicken/turkey whichever is cheapest.

>> No.19890496

Depends where you live, Chicken Leg Quarters at $.69-.79/lbs over in TN being sold in 5 lbs bags. Strip the skin and bones for stock use the thigh meat for main protein, use the leg meat for soup/chicken rice.

>> No.19890514
File: 231 KB, 1080x1712, 1699690648696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to www.prolific.com and make some money.

>> No.19890517


>> No.19890525


>> No.19890527

Quick Run-Down?

>> No.19890547
File: 284 KB, 1080x1681, 1699691770171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do surveys, get paid. Some pay more than others, depending on how long they take to complete.

>> No.19890549

Get a job, you failure. I hope you die.

>> No.19890588

Incel seethe

>> No.19890654

Yeah, the destitute japs and Singaporeans

>> No.19890837

Ice soup

>> No.19890911

Poor people piss me off

>> No.19891040

Based Boris poster. Stay cheeki breeki

>> No.19891044

Chew on bleach then, ya prick

>> No.19891218

Go to a food bank if you are American. If not, ramen and rice.

>> No.19891220

well maybe you should share money you greedy fuck

>> No.19891262

I'd honestly go to a food back. The only thing you're going to be able to buy is a bunch of rice or pasta. At least with a food bank you might get something to add flavor. They may also have protein for you.

>> No.19891278

a bag of rice and bananas & apples

>> No.19891283

Bread and jam.

>> No.19892263

Are you able to get the whole 80 at once? That would make it easier. Then you could easily do rice, beans, eggs, some kind of cheap stewing beef or ham, cheapest loaves of bread possible. You can augment soup with broth bouillons. Honestly you could probably just get by with a soup using
>Chicken broth boullion
>Carrots, potatoes, maybe celery
>Hopefully the cheapest sale price possible on chicken and freeze/portion it across the time

>> No.19892308

Catch pigeons and eat them, they are free, also buy chickens and farm them

>> No.19892378

It's rare nowadays for big chain grocery stores in the states to throw out food that isn't contaminated. Stuff that's too old to sell but still technically safe is donated for the tax write off, and rotten stuff can still be sold as feed or biomass for pennies on the dollar.

Any company with a board is not throwing away money they don't have to when plenty of people will take it off their hands and provide the logistics for doing so.

>> No.19892737

>they are free
They're also little flying germ bags. You'd have to deep fry the fuck out of a feral pigeon to make it edible.
>inb4 rural wood pigeons
They don't flock to cities and get complacent about humans, so you'd need to shoot them. If OP is running out of food money there's no way he can buy ammo.
In your place I'd email food producers and ask for samples. You'll probably have to take a survey, write a product review or sign up for a newsletter, but free food is free food.

>> No.19892814

According to my biology professor, you can exist pretty much indefinitely on peanut butter sandwiches and milk. It's not literally everything you need as far as I remember, so long term there may be some health impacts, but you will live.
(Assuming it doesn't drive you to suicide)

>> No.19892824

See if there's any local sikh temples. They give out food, generally every day I believe, also no questions asked, no need to be a believer. It will be vegetarian.

>> No.19892842

i tried this once and i got strangled with turban and stabbed with a sikh knife because i'm white

>> No.19892844


>> No.19892847

Beans and rice if you’re actually serious

>> No.19892848

Even ground beef is fucking expensive now, I haven't checked the price but I bet most groceries have ground turkey for cheaper, and literally any kind of chicken is gonna be cheaper than ground beef, most of it half the price if not less.

>> No.19892863

it varies pretty wildly, at least where i live. got a pound for like $3.19 the other day

>> No.19892868

where do you live that beef isn't a lot more expensive than chicken or pork?

>> No.19892873

texas, thighs are cheaper for sure, but breasts, as i said, can vary a lot, just like the beef.

>> No.19892876

At my grocery a single pound of ground beef is going to leave him with less than 2$ to spend for the rest of his meals, and i dunno about you, but there's not a lot with a sticker price under 2$

>> No.19892880

I feel like your bowels would be absolutely fucked on a diet of 100% bread.

>> No.19892921

He'd literally be better off eating potatoes and cream with butter
It worked for the Irish

>> No.19892942

Lol a sikh isn't gonna take off one of the parts of his religious uniform to strangle some white dude when one of the other parts is a fucking dagger.

>> No.19892952

Yeah it's consistently around 8$ a pound where I am, on a very good day it might be 7$. 3.19 is what I expect for the cheaper brands of chicken.

>> No.19892967

i posted this image once and got a 3 day ban. ck jannies hate frog posting

>> No.19892971

Good. Stupid frog posters get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.19893001

only female impersonators hate pepe

>> No.19893011
File: 265 KB, 429x623, 1962e4ab-8d58-4fad-b9ff-33af2ab5fd4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just give you food??

>> No.19893018

it's all shitty canned food and beans in a bag thoughever

>> No.19893022

neet-life is still within reach!

>> No.19893106

Depends on who's been donating
A lot of restaurants and grocery stores offload stuff to food banks that's on the edge of expiring
So you might get canned pears and graham crackers but you also might get a whole goose
t.my wife was embarrassed for me when our food bank was giving away whole geese but then was like, fuck, a goose is $125? but by then they were all out of geese

>> No.19893317

>a diet of 100% bread.
Who said anything about that?

>> No.19893343

Dunkin donuts takes the leftover donuts out to the trash at 6:00pm. You can get some carbs then if you need them.

>> No.19893351

You can double any ground beef recipe by cutting it with the same amount of green lentils.

>> No.19893375

Why the fuck are you replying to a donutposter?

>> No.19893383

wagyu steak door dashed from your favorite steak house 3x a day

>> No.19893393

Get a 10lb bag of rice from an Asian grocery store and slip some sardines into your pocket for protein.

>> No.19893561

geese are on the street you can just take one
alex jones told me

>> No.19894076
File: 62 KB, 877x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uranium is presently $.16 per gram

1gram Great Value uranium is 1250000 calories per cent.

>> No.19894085

>1gram Great Value uranium
Is depleted uranium (U238), not the kind you can get energy from in a normal reactor.

>> No.19894463

>Athiest is extremely prideful

what a shock

>> No.19894596

They simply don't have the logistics though, and that's why food still gets thrown out. Food banks etc literally can't even process the ammount of excess food. They take and redistribute what they can burn there is still so much excess waste.

>> No.19894606

Rice or pasta. You can make a ton of different meals with them and it goes a long way. You can use sauce, butter, real cheap shit.

Another good alternative is lentils. Cheap as fuck and you just boil it in water and make a nice stew. It's good and filling so it should get you through a few days in a row. I've been there before, man.

>> No.19894612

Bless you anon. 10/10 would befriend and buy you a beer

>> No.19894779

>anon refuses to beg (foolishly)
>obviously this is because he hates religion, I will ignore every other post in the thread of him refusing any form of charity, secular or religious
Thank you as always for proving that the religious are short sighted, self-absorbed and stupid.

>> No.19894786

The person I was responding to, who listed a number of primarily flour based foods which are, fundamentally, just different kinds of bread, especially regarding the digestive issue which was the topic of my post. Please read the full conversation before embarassing yourself with questions.

>> No.19894978

Fish, forage, hunt, trap, etc.

>> No.19894985

>The person I was responding to, who listed a number of primarily flour based foods
That was me, replying to this post here >>19889988 which criticized the inclusion of flour in my post here >>19889933, apparently not understanding that flour is generally made into some kind of food item rather than being dumped directly in a pan and fried. And so I gave some food items made primarily of flour to give an idea of what flour is used for.

>Please read the full conversation before embarassing yourself with questions.
You were the first person in this conversation to talk about a diet of 100% bread.

>> No.19895093

The body metabolises muscle first when starving.

>> No.19896208

get off 4chan and get a job

>> No.19896282

Dried bean - white rice and salt. Try to hussel meat or even bones and make a broth for you rice

>> No.19896669

Stupid little shit. Why the fuck do you think he was talking about fried goddamn flour? Because he was thinking of eating exclusively flour based items, rather than combining it with shit to make it a proper meal. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19896805

>Because he was thinking of eating exclusively flour based items
He never said that. What he actually said was:
>Can't wait to eat fried flour and save mad loads of cash.
in response to a post listing a variety of foods and explicitly mentioning that cheaper foods allow more expensive foods to fit in a tight budget, with flour notably being the cheapest per calorie.

>Why the fuck do you think he was talking about fried goddamn flour?
Because flour is further removed than most other things mentioned there from a prepared meal, and rather than thinking that flour would be made into dough and then a cooked food, he thought that the flour would be cooked and eaten directly. You know, like he said. His stated criticism was directed at the notion that one would eat plain flour rather than that one would exclusively eat flour-based foods.

You may, of course, hold that what he said was not what he meant, but that's another issue.

>> No.19896860

But I wanna eat the whole salty packet

>> No.19896880

None of those things were begging.

>> No.19896890
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Unironically go dumpster diving behind grocery stores you'll find perfectly good food still in its packaging. Also you can forage for food depending on where you are

>> No.19898227

you may help yourself to the scrapings off my penis

>> No.19898289

Depends on where you live but whatever the cheapest is out of beans, lentils, or whatever legumes that can give you protein and fiber and vitamins cheaply. Dried is usually much cheaper than canned. Then whatever veg is cheapest too, preferably something stalky that can fill you up and you can boil to make a broth that will fill and warm you up. If you’ve still got something left either go for the staple carb of where you live or some cheap cuts of meat that you can boil up with the veggies (including things like pigs trotters, chicken feet, ox tails and other things that may get thrown away in some Western countries). Fatty cuts also welcome.

>> No.19898861

first week buy big bag of dry rice and beans and as much pasta as you can get for 10 dollars, you should have enough for 2 weeks of just that, second week buy some chicken thighs if you go to a butcher you can get them for 1 dollar or under a pound, spend you whole 10 on that for week two, week three re stock rice and beans and use remainder for a some vegatables, week 4 all vegetables
repeat that cycle until not poor

youll be suprised how quickly youll stock up on chicken in the freezer and rice in the pantry

>> No.19898864

unironically walk to any church and ask for help, they all have food banks

>> No.19898868

buddha is in hell

>> No.19898877

Rice and beans for dinner every day.
Eggs and pancakes for breakfast every day. Flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
Enjoy hell.

>> No.19898942

Instead of wasting money on expensive shit at supermarkets, I just make cookies out of the dirt in my backyard and eat them. It costs nothing and they are very filling.
I laugh at all of those dumbasses that eat meats, fruits, and vegetables.

>> No.19899038

trolling outside of /b/ is prohibited here.

>> No.19899183

Instant noodles, Cheap bread toasted, eggs aren't too cheap so you can put them on the toast. You can get cheap butter too

>> No.19899476

If you have $10 for seven days you are going to die. If you have time to prepare then you can buy bulk goods and process them yourself. Bulk rice, bulk beans, bulk potatoes, bulk carrots, bulk onions, and whatever bulk protein you can add to this.

Book mark all the advertisements and check out all the immigrant markets for their circulars. In my area you can get bulk chicken 10 lbs. for $.49 a pound at the immigrant markets. I just checked and they have 20 eggs for $2.99. That adds 3 eggs a day to your rice and beans.

>> No.19899485

>“will work for food” sign outside walmart
This doesn't actually work. Don't bother.

>> No.19899661

Food banks are actually fucking amazing you'd get like $100-200 worth of goodies where I'm at. Whole hams and turkeys for holidays. Milk, eggs, rice, canned vegs, some frozen slop, juice, bread, detergent and toilet paper and paper towels things like that. Those people are fucking saints and have saved my bacon many times you are broke as shit there is no shame getting help like that. It is literally what it's there for

>> No.19899713

I only donate to the food bank for charity now days. Single best place to be charitable and know your money is going to someone that, for whatever reason, needs that help right now. I've done a lot of charitable stuff and over the years I've learned this. Whoever you are, if you're visiting a food bank, it's a God send to get you over a hump.

And if you're in a fucked up position like that there's people like me out there donating to help you out in a central place. Take advantage and don't feel any shame. You're why I donated and I don't care about your problem. Just that you get enough food to stay stable and comfortable while you sort yourself out.

>> No.19899782

Visit your mom. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you once in a while too

>> No.19899830
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>> No.19900032

a 100 pound bag of flour is like 30€ here
1 pound of salt for another 2€
Thats 175000 calories, 70 days worth of energy
enough for a trip to the east indies

>> No.19900041

Peanut butter, I'm not kidding. If you actually only have $10/week, your best bang per buck is peanut butter.

>> No.19900776

12 years ago when I was in college it was eggs, brown rice and canned beans. I don't think I could swing that with $10 today.

>> No.19901241

>Bulk rice, bulk beans
These are cheap enough to form the bulk of OP's diet.

>bulk potatoes, bulk carrots, bulk onions
These are not.

>whatever bulk protein you can add to this.
Peanut butter. But only the big containers. Otherwise even peanut butter is too expensive.

>chicken 10 lbs. for $.49 a pound
Cheap enough if OP were to eat the skin and fat. Not cheap enough if he doesn't.

>20 eggs for $2.99
4.7 calories per cent, not even close to the average economy OP needs, but doable as an animal protein supplement to a beans/rice diet as you describe.

>your best bang per buck is peanut butter
It isn't. >>19889933 It's decent, but other things have it beat by a lot on calorie economy. Since most of its calories are from fat, it's not even all that economical as a protein source. Beans are a lot better for that.

Substitute white rice for brown and dry beans for canned, and you could. Brown rice may be doable if you can find a bulk supplier.

>> No.19901245

Canned tuna, sack of potatoes and sack of rice can all be bought cheap

>> No.19901913

Assuming OP buys over time and in bulk they can stretch out their food and get nutrition that is critical. Bag of bulk carrots is a few dollars and a bag of potatoes is five. If we are talking a subsistence diet at literally $10 starting right now, then rice and beans alone. The eggs are to add in albumin. The chicken can last twenty dishes at 1/2 lb per day cooked.

>sub white rice for brown
I can tell you've never had to struggle or help someone that is.
>if you can find a bulk supplier
If? How about if you shut the fuck up. Finding a bulk supplier of rice is the easiest part of this situation. Finding a bulk supplier of beans is slightly harder and depending where you reside usually very easy. Rice and beans are used to stretch out other ingredients and supply needed calories. Finding bulk deals on nutrient dense calories is the most difficult. Your advice to take the lowest cost calorie up in price is literally retarded.

When subsistence shopping you get the most and cheapest form of calories that you can sustain on by themselves first. Then you work out other sources of nutrition to supplement your diet.

>> No.19901949

Get a job.

>> No.19901957
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One of the problems Americans have when doing this exercise is seeing protein as the staple calorie instead of as a flavoring item that adds complete protein.

Here's the weekly ads for one of my local immigrant markets. $0.49 drumsticks, $.49 cabbage, even the shrimp is a good deal and once you've hit your calorie targets a lb of shrimp goes a long way as you only need to eat a few. Pinto beans here are $1 a pound and there are certainly markets for less around here.

>> No.19901963
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Potatoes 2lb for $1, cucumbers 2lb for $1, and so on. You first build up your calories by bulk buying the cheapest. Then once your daily needs are secure you can stretch in other items. Over time you should be adding flour and baking, cooking bones, offal, and so on.

>> No.19902003

beanlet, how the fuck do i cook dry beans. every time i try following instructions they come out tough. does my supermarket just have shit beans
i've had good luck with lentils though maybe i should just stick to those.

>> No.19902011

is op even around after getting shit on so much?

>> No.19902016

Read up on the snake diet. Fast for 1 or 2 weeks then do like 3 days of feeding. You might even end up with some leftover cash.

>> No.19902144

mommy blogs say they may be too old or you're not doing one of the steps right (like soaking).

>> No.19902183

Bruh call around to local churches. There are 2 within walking distance of me that have food pantries, the one across the street has it 3 times a week, however you usually get put in a system and can only go once a month or something. Many may also have a soup kitchen/ hot meal giveaway. It's not great but it can help you stretch that 10 dollars.

>> No.19903238

dollar tree near me sells everything at a $1.25, that'd be 8 things if you can scrounge a few cents for the tax.
i'd get:
1x cooking oil
1x bouillon cubes
3x pinto beans
3x rice

eating one meal a day, that's maybe 9 days, 12 if you stretch it.

>> No.19903252

fuckin lol

>> No.19904052

Eggs and toast.

>> No.19906145

>Bag of bulk carrots is a few dollars and a bag of potatoes is five.
But they don't contain very many calories for that cost, making them too expensive for OP to use as a dietary staple. They'd need to be offset by a much cheaper calorie source.

>Finding a bulk supplier of rice is the easiest part of this situation.
Walmart has been mentioned a lot in this thread, and Walmart does indeed have rice cheap enough for OP to use in this situation. But that's white rice in 20lb bags. Walmart's brown rice comes in smaller bags and is expensive enough to cause trouble for OP's budget. The anon I was replying to specifically mentioned brown rice, and for a lot of people, getting white rice will be cheaper.

>Finding bulk deals on nutrient dense calories is the most difficult.
Flour and cooking oil are cheap and available most everywhere. They're cheap enough that there's a lot less pressure to get "bulk" sizes than with things like rice or beans.

>Your advice to take the lowest cost calorie up in price is literally retarded.
What are you talking about?

>> No.19906158

1. Soak in water for about a day (in the fridge), changing out the water once in the middle of that period.

2. Cook the now-hydrated beans using your method of choice.

>i've had good luck with lentils
Lentils don't need soaking. Beans do.

>> No.19906193

This week and next week are probably your best bet for cheap deals on food, fuck rice and beans. Do you have a Safeway in your area? They have fresh turkeys for 89cents/lb, no spending x amount for the deal too, minimum weight would be 9-10lbs. If you have to go the rice and beans route then go that route.

Food banks would probably be handing out a lot too and also next month. No one city slicker should be "starving" this time of year if you have something to cook on, in, and a fridge even if it is empty.

>> No.19906231

oh shit i read that as 10 dollars total for 8 weeks so like a dollar n a quarter a week, goddamn that would be brutal

>> No.19906238

drink a gallon of water a day, buy rice, beans, and peanut butter. go to a food bank. try not to die.

>> No.19906247

no premade bread is a horrible calories to dollar ration, better stick to legumes, lentils and potatoes

>> No.19907195

>the body leaves the nutrient stores for last
thing long and hard, and try to figure out whether this makes sense or not

>> No.19907415

Potatoes rice and dried beans off cuts of meat and cumin turmeric black pepper and dried rosemary + basil for every meal (get dried dill seed and fennel too, expand your spice cabinet) buy flour and dry yeast plus water and olive oil and you're good to make cakes and dessert breads plus pizzas and bread rolls

>> No.19907438

A homeless person.
You know how many calories are in a single homeless man they got like at least enough to feed you for a week or two and when your done just find a new one.

>> No.19907457

Muscle has a significant base metabolism. Recycling muscle for nutrients in a starvation situation not only saves (lower-overhead and insulating) fat for later, but results in less energy burned per day that needs to come from stores. Maintaining a conspicuously muscular physique as anon implied he had requires regular exercise and a lot of food to just maintain. Cut either, and muscle mass goes down. Cut both, and it goes down fast.

>> No.19907690

It's an opportunity to lose some weight brother

>> No.19907752

soak in water with a bit of baking soda, 8-24 hours. rinse, add to pot with spices, aromatics, added fat, stock, and water. simmer till done.

>> No.19908617

>$0.49 drumsticks
~16 calories per cent if you eat the skin and fat. About half that if you don't.

>$.49 cabbage
2.4 calories per cent.

>even the shrimp is a good deal
0.8 calories per cent. The chicken drumsticks are 20x as economical.

>Pinto beans here are $1 a pound
Assuming dry beans, that's 13 calories per cent.

>Potatoes 2lb for $1
7.2 calories per cent.

>cucumbers 2lb for $1
1.2 calories per cent.

>and so on
The only things you mentioned that are cheap enough for OP to afford a 2000 calorie/day diet are flour and the drumsticks, and that's if OP makes efficient use of the drippings.

>> No.19908625

get a job at a restaurant so you get staff meal and make $10/hour instead of $10/week

>> No.19909159


>> No.19909195

>2 months
I feel like I would spend $20 on a giant sack of rice and tub of salt, and start setting traps and snares for small game in my urban region. Nobody would notice all the missing doves and squirrels.

Otherwise, I would spend the next 2 months eating rice and beans and looking for a way to make some money...

>> No.19909316

Move to third world country
You will save from that 10 usd a week

>> No.19909331

>urban game
That'd kill you. Just buy kneepads and earn more than 10 dollars

>> No.19909745
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I originally felt bad for op but now I wish for his death via slow and agonizing starvation after reading the way he responds to well intentioned anons.

>> No.19909783

Take geese from the park, particularly where people feed them as they are easier to catch. Or if you're near the sea or something dig for clams, take crabs, fish, etc.

>> No.19910060
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>he doesn't know

>> No.19910193

what a spiteful and useless retard you are

>> No.19910206


>ground meat
whatever is cheapest
>carrot and onion
get one each
no celery. too expensive, can be omitted
>tomato paste
no canned tomatoes, paste is enough
>water and pasta
that's all you need

>> No.19910850

Using online Walmart prices. Most economical option, prorated by amount used.

>>ground meat
1lb ground beef $3.28, 1360 calories (Ground turkey is cheaper by weight but more expensive per calorie than bulk 73% beef. If ground breakfast sausage counts as "ground meat" for this recipe, it's $2.88 and 1500 calories.

>>carrot and onion
1 carrot (~1/6lb) $0.13, 30 calories
1 onion (~1/2lb) $0.30, 91 calories

>>tomato paste
6oz $0.61, 150 calories

1lb spaghetti $0.87, 1600 calories

>that's all you need
Beef bolognese: $5.21, 3231 calories (6.2/cent)
Sausage bolognese: $4.79, 3371 calories (7/cent)
Not bad for a tasty meal, but OP would only be able to afford a thousand calories per day (using sausage). Using chicken instead of ground meat could drop the price significantly, since the ground meat is the major cost here.

>> No.19910878

rice, lentils and water

>> No.19911351

>Enjoy hell.

It's not that bad. I'm in the same boat as a lot of people here. I cope by mixing it up with lentils, split peas, chick peas, quinoa, onions, eggs, grated cheese, cheap meats, and homemade sauces. One big upside is that my physique and energy levels are better on these poverty rations than they were when I was eating lots of restaurant meals.

>> No.19911357

>Peanut butter. But only the big containers. Otherwise even peanut butter is too expensive.

The big containers are poisonous hydrogenated goyslop.

>> No.19911391

how the fuck does this even happen